Look at the coward masked racist-Arabs

Back to 1941: 88% of Arabs in Mandatory-Palestine supported the Nazis.

London cyclist assaults non zionists and anti-zionist Orthodox Jews.
Man on bicycle assaults multiple Jewish men in Stamford Hill neighborhood as London sees hundreds of percent rise in antisemitism.
Israel National News
Dec 27, 2023, 7:21 PM
...Police are still attempting to identify a man who earlier this month threatened Jewish children before accosting a Jewish mother pushing her baby in a stroller and shouting at her "I will kill you."

The "Campaign Against Anti-Semitism" organization published additional videos in which an unidentified woman was seen shouting at Jewish children who were standing outside a synagogue "I will kill all of you Jews", and another person who was shouting "Heil Hitler."

According to data from the London police, there has been an increase of hundreds of percent in the number of antisemitic incidents in London since the Hamas massacre of October 7.
[Watch: London cyclist assaults Orthodox Jews
Quote by Brigitte Gabriel:

Growing up in the Middle East, I came to find out that Arab children are taught hatred of the Jews from their mother’s milk. From a young age, Arab children are constantly bombarded with stories and information presenting Jews as barbaric, conniving, manipulative, warmongering people. Meanwhile, Jews teach their children patience, humility, service, tolerance, understanding of others, and charity to all. They call it tikkun olam, "to repair the world." ...
Heil Hitler with Allah Akbar

Hateful teen shouts ‘I will kill you, Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground.
By Joe Marino and David Propper
Published Oct. 26, 2023
Updated Oct. 27, 2023, 2:51 p.m. ET
A hateful teen threatened a young boy with a knife and yelled “I will kill you, Jew” in the latest antisemitic attack in the Big Apple, police and law enforcement sources said.

The sickening scene unfolded at a playground at KIPP AMP Middle School and MS 354 Monday evening in Crown Heights, according to the NYPD and the victim’s mother, who said her daughter was also targeted in the attack.

“My kids were shaking, they were crying,” Chaya Sundroy, who came to the US from Israel 10 years ago, said. “They asked why – we didn’t do nothing to him, why they say that, why they want to killed us. They were really, really scared about it.”

Police and sources said the man also screamed “Heil Hitler” at the boy, but Sundroy, who was at the park with her six children, said that was actually directed at her daughter.

During the attack, several people also shouted “Allah Akbar” in front of the children, according to Sundroy and police sources.

The initial attack occurred shortly after the family arrived at the park around 6 p.m., according to Sundroy.

The mother tried looking for the unknown man who spewed the hatred, but couldn’t find him. Soon after, a group of people showed up and directed another antisemitic comment at her daughter, she said.

One of the suspects flashed a knife during the attack, according to police and the mother.

The incident happened at the playground near KIPP AMP Middle School.

“When the guy took out the knife I saw it,” she said. “It was very close to me. I saw it and heard it.”

The group fled after police were called to the scene. No one was injured, police said.

Cops said they are seeking one suspect and looking into the case as a “possible biased incident.”

No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.

No students from KIPP AMP Middle School were involved in the incident, “which occurred after the close of the school day,” the school told The Post in a statement Friday.

Sundroy said she isn’t sure if the same person who threatened her son and also approached her daughter.

She said the group, including the suspect, looked like teenagers.

“In New York, we thought we were safe,” she added.

New York City has seen a spike in hate crimes since the terror attack on Israel with nearly 60% of the heinous acts targeting the Jewish community, the NYPD said this week.
Hateful teen shouts ‘I will kill you, Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground
Heil Hitler with Allah Akbar

Hateful teen shouts ‘I will kill you, Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground.
By Joe Marino and David Propper
Published Oct. 26, 2023
Updated Oct. 27, 2023, 2:51 p.m. ET
A hateful teen threatened a young boy with a knife and yelled “I will kill you, Jew” in the latest antisemitic attack in the Big Apple, police and law enforcement sources said.

The sickening scene unfolded at a playground at KIPP AMP Middle School and MS 354 Monday evening in Crown Heights, according to the NYPD and the victim’s mother, who said her daughter was also targeted in the attack.

“My kids were shaking, they were crying,” Chaya Sundroy, who came to the US from Israel 10 years ago, said. “They asked why – we didn’t do nothing to him, why they say that, why they want to killed us. They were really, really scared about it.”

Police and sources said the man also screamed “Heil Hitler” at the boy, but Sundroy, who was at the park with her six children, said that was actually directed at her daughter.

During the attack, several people also shouted “Allah Akbar” in front of the children, according to Sundroy and police sources.

The initial attack occurred shortly after the family arrived at the park around 6 p.m., according to Sundroy.

The mother tried looking for the unknown man who spewed the hatred, but couldn’t find him. Soon after, a group of people showed up and directed another antisemitic comment at her daughter, she said.

One of the suspects flashed a knife during the attack, according to police and the mother.

The incident happened at the playground near KIPP AMP Middle School.

“When the guy took out the knife I saw it,” she said. “It was very close to me. I saw it and heard it.”

The group fled after police were called to the scene. No one was injured, police said.

Cops said they are seeking one suspect and looking into the case as a “possible biased incident.”

No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.

No students from KIPP AMP Middle School were involved in the incident, “which occurred after the close of the school day,” the school told The Post in a statement Friday.

Sundroy said she isn’t sure if the same person who threatened her son and also approached her daughter.

She said the group, including the suspect, looked like teenagers.

“In New York, we thought we were safe,” she added.

New York City has seen a spike in hate crimes since the terror attack on Israel with nearly 60% of the heinous acts targeting the Jewish community, the NYPD said this week.
Hateful teen shouts ‘I will kill you, Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground

Obviously fake.
There was no evidence anything actually happened.
They use the word "attack" but there was no actions or contact.
Heil Hitler with Allah Akbar

Hateful teen shouts ‘I will kill you, Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground.
By Joe Marino and David Propper
Published Oct. 26, 2023
Updated Oct. 27, 2023, 2:51 p.m. ET
A hateful teen threatened a young boy with a knife and yelled “I will kill you, Jew” in the latest antisemitic attack in the Big Apple, police and law enforcement sources said.

The sickening scene unfolded at a playground at KIPP AMP Middle School and MS 354 Monday evening in Crown Heights, according to the NYPD and the victim’s mother, who said her daughter was also targeted in the attack.

“My kids were shaking, they were crying,” Chaya Sundroy, who came to the US from Israel 10 years ago, said. “They asked why – we didn’t do nothing to him, why they say that, why they want to killed us. They were really, really scared about it.”

Police and sources said the man also screamed “Heil Hitler” at the boy, but Sundroy, who was at the park with her six children, said that was actually directed at her daughter.

During the attack, several people also shouted “Allah Akbar” in front of the children, according to Sundroy and police sources.

The initial attack occurred shortly after the family arrived at the park around 6 p.m., according to Sundroy.

The mother tried looking for the unknown man who spewed the hatred, but couldn’t find him. Soon after, a group of people showed up and directed another antisemitic comment at her daughter, she said.

One of the suspects flashed a knife during the attack, according to police and the mother.

The incident happened at the playground near KIPP AMP Middle School.

“When the guy took out the knife I saw it,” she said. “It was very close to me. I saw it and heard it.”

The group fled after police were called to the scene. No one was injured, police said.

Cops said they are seeking one suspect and looking into the case as a “possible biased incident.”

No arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.

No students from KIPP AMP Middle School were involved in the incident, “which occurred after the close of the school day,” the school told The Post in a statement Friday.

Sundroy said she isn’t sure if the same person who threatened her son and also approached her daughter.

She said the group, including the suspect, looked like teenagers.

“In New York, we thought we were safe,” she added.

New York City has seen a spike in hate crimes since the terror attack on Israel with nearly 60% of the heinous acts targeting the Jewish community, the NYPD said this week.
Hateful teen shouts ‘I will kill you, Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground
Obviously not the first.
Israel’s ‘Black Sabbath’: Murder, Sexual Violence and Torture on Oct. 7.
Investigators build legal case documenting ‘systematic and unprecedented cruelty’ with echoes of Adolf Eichmann trial.
By Anat Peled and Rory JonesFollow
Dec. 31, 2023 12:01 am ET


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