Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Christians here in the states two choice were Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton because most Americans will not vote third party.

So the choice was Trump the King of trash tabloids or Hillary the bitch that excused her husband infidelity while blaming the women he chased.

So it was a damn if you do, damn if you don't.

The question should be is if the Democrats learn their lesson and run someone that does not make the whore of Babylon look like a virgin and saint or run Clinton again and wonder why Christians did not vote for her!?!
Where have you been for the last decade,arch bishop and what have you been doing. Your comments are a disgrace to your position and your religion. You apparently don’t know jack about America.
Knowing about Christianity is his job. Seems he knows that.
Not seeing too many Muslim countries allowing all those non Muslim apostates become the mayor of a major Muslim city. In fact, Muslims ban that, and they tax non believers and it is a matter of humiliation. Muslims are this damned conceited. They believe non Muslims deserve punishment and humiliation, Islam is like THAT.
All the better for YHWH to love them, according to Christians. Purportedly.
That must be Christian love. No wonder the Arch Bishop of Canterbury has trouble.
Well now that the GOP has become the Grand Old Perverts party, does it need any explanation?

Dear basquebromance
To put things in perspective, it's mutual on both sides:
* Christians on the right cannot understand why Christians on the left
can be prochoice and pro-LGBT. They don't get it either.
* Nor can they understand why liberal Christians can support EITHER Clinton and forgive
their corruption and abuses to vote for them to lead their party and nation.
* They CANNOT understand why JEWISH voters keep supporting Democrats
who are constantly lobbying for Palestinians and blaming Jewish and Israel for defending themselves
* they CANNOT understand why Black Christians keep supporting Democrats
when the Black ministers are AGAINST abortion and AGAINST LGBT and gay marriage.

As for the Christians on the right
* apparently they can FORGIVE Trump's horrible lying about Cruz, and other things he exaggerated and
misrepresented in the media, and terrible history of bad business contracts, sexist remarks and attitudes toward women,
* BECAUSE they were MORE afraid of Hillary Clinton and Democrat politics of
-- abortion instead of defending prolife Christians as Trump represents
-- enabling and covering up Islamic terrorism and immigration related crimes,
instead of Trump's stance to defend America from attacks the liberals allowed by being weak on military policy
-- destructive attacks and demonization of traditional American and Christian values by liberal media and politics,
pushing anti-cop BLM propaganda endangering police by inciting attacks
and pushing LGBT to such an extreme that it penalizes people of opposing beliefs

These constant attacks through media and party propaganda
has obviously driven the Christians and Conservatives on the right
to the point that even though many were DIVIDED over Trump and REFUSED to support him,
he still won the electoral votes necessary to defeat Clinton who was equally if not more divisive, hated and alienating to party members.

In the end, I believe Trump was not only the lesser compromise,
but he was necessary to battle the media politics and propaganda going on.
The abuse in the media is like the front line of the battle.
We haven't even begun to address division and bullying
by parties, nor the issue of legal and corporate abuse of judicial authority and govt.

Trump appears to have risen to this position
in order to fight the bullying in the media by beating liberal Democrats
at their own game. By being the bigger pitpull.

The right was so alienated and against liberal ELITIST politics
of the Clinton camp, that even divided and undercut the workers
and progressives struggling to take back the party to represent working people,
that they can FORGIVE Trump's worst flaws and
use his pitbull tactics to fight against the common enemy of liberal politics
otherwise dominating the media and govt.
Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump
Source: ITV

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why Christians have given such support for Donald Trump but he would be willing to sit down with the US leader.

The Most Reverend Justin Welby said he "really genuinely" does not comprehend why fundamentalist church-goers have been such a support base for Mr Trump as he appeared on the ITV Peston on Sunday show.


Asked about Mr Trump's support from fundamentalist Christians in the US, he replied: "There's two things going through my mind: do I say what I think, or do I say what I should say?


"I really genuinely do not understand where that is coming from."


Read more: Archbishop of Canterbury: I don't understand Christian support for Trump

Dude, they're willing to sell Jesus done the road to get back at liberals. They're a bunch of sick fuckers.
Catholics represent Catholics, and only Catholics… you sure are a stupid motherfucker, huh?
Catholics worship statues and believe in purgatory you stupid fucker. LOL
I am a Christian and I didn't vote for Trump. I don't want to speak for others, but it seems to me that many people felt (as they do every four years) that they had no choice but to vote for the party candidate, in order to vote against the greater evil. As I said on another thread, every four years people are manipulated into voting for someone that they wouldn't otherwise support because they're so fearful of the opposing candidate winning… In this case Hillary, who is the worst possible person to become president and should be nowhere near any position of power, let alone the White House again.

I can't tell you how many people I heard say "I dislike Trump but I don't want Hillary to win." Or people who didn't vote at all but were happy that Hillary lost, not that Trump won.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, True no one wanted any Clintons in there

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