Archer May Have Broken The Dam Wide Open

Flimsy sliced and diced indictments for one.

You have not seen the evidence or testimony that grand jury did.

You are creating a narrative based on evidence you haven't seen.

The propaganda was fed to the GJ, then the indictment was sliced and diced to make it seem like they have more.

How do you know what they received is propaganda? You haven't seen the evidence and testimony the grand jury has.

No, the impeachments were one sided and investigation into wrong doing is not 'conspiracy.' E m The real conspiracy is Democrat insisting that Trump was a Russian asset, that Trump somehow mounted a coup and every thing else they have dredged up in a desperate attempt to denigrate Trump.

Thanks for your thoughts and feelings. The impeachments are done and over. Get over it and move on.

What indictments did Democrats levy against Trump for being a Russian asset?

Funny though, all they are doing is exposing their lies and treason while Trump enjoys more and more support. They have 0 hard evidence and all they are doing is making shit up.
Support doesn't mean anything for Trump's legal woes.
You have not seen the evidence or testimony that grand jury did.

You are creating a narrative based on evidence you haven't seen.
Neither have you. All we're getting is prejudiced information from the lying prosecutor(s).
How do you know what they received is propaganda? You haven't seen the evidence and testimony the grand jury has.
How do you know they didn't? I can see that the evidence is flimsy. There is no 'hidden' evidence. These stupid assholes are blabbing to the media in order to denigrate Trump because they know their 'evidence' is all hearsay and insufficient. Americans also know this is all bullshit as evidenced by Trump's rising poll numbers.
Thanks for your thoughts and feelings. The impeachments are done and over. Get over it and move on.

What indictments did Democrats levy against Trump for being a Russian asset?

Support doesn't mean anything for Trump's legal woes.
Yeah, 'we cheated and impeached Trump so get over it' fuck that. We know the impeachments were Democrat dog and pony shows because the proceedings were not bipartisan. Democrats hate Trump and have consistently called him guilty without have a fair trial or assessment. They control the MSM who are belching out the same swill. Thankfully the Democrats were outed before they could indict Trump for being a Russian asset. Trump's 'legal woes' are cut from the same 'cloth' as the Russia conspiracy. No real evidence just garbage indictments, garbage impeachments, a fake dossier, lying to a FISA court, sliced and diced indictments that strangely come every time the Bidens are threatened to be outed for their illegal money laundering.
Neither have you. All we're getting is prejudiced information from the lying prosecutor(s).

I never claimed to have the evidence or made statements that would require me to have seen the evidence...unlike you.

How do you know they didn't? I can see that the evidence is flimsy. There is no 'hidden' evidence.

You have not seen the evidence and testimony the jury has.

These stupid assholes are blabbing to the media in order to denigrate Trump because they know their 'evidence' is all hearsay and insufficient. Americans also know this is all bullshit as evidenced by Trump's rising poll numbers.

What assholes are you talking about?

Yeah, 'we cheated and impeached Trump so get over it' fuck that. We know the impeachments were Democrat dog and pony shows because the proceedings were not bipartisan. Democrats hate Trump and have consistently called him guilty without have a fair trial or assessment. They control the MSM who are belching out the same swill. Thankfully the Democrats were outed before they could indict Trump for being a Russian asset. Trump's 'legal woes' are cut from the same 'cloth' as the Russia conspiracy. No real evidence just garbage indictments, garbage impeachments, a fake dossier, lying to a FISA court, sliced and diced indictments that strangely come every time the Bidens are threatened to be outed for their illegal money laundering.
Now you are just off topic ranting.

I am not interested in your grievance lists.
It shouldn't surprise you. It had no merit. No one testified. There was no evidence submitted. Trump wasn't charged. Don't care.

I mean if you want to believe an HRC campaign hit piece thats on you. But she lost so who gives a fuck?
and yet millions of dollars of tax money was spent and countless claims of it being true were presented to the public from media and elected officials,,
and yet millions of dollars of tax money was spent and countless claims of it being true were presented to the public from media and elected officials,,
The current situation of media, will from now till election day run hit pieces based on the fake allegations against Trump, it's disgusting how bad it has gotten in this country with the commie left!

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