Archer May Have Broken The Dam Wide Open


1. He admits he lies to his viewers.

2. Nothing in the letter in your post mentions business so their is nothing to look up.

3. Why would I provide ad revenue to a known liar?
cause I want to hear how youre going to spin it,,,

youre very entertaining,,,
That's what I figured. Your media masters didn't tell you because one wasn't broken.

Maybe the next whistleblower won't be a Chinese spy, dead and then resurrected, paid by Trump's supporters, fired and disgruntled?

Keep your hopes up.
Maybe this last one wasn’t either.

Keep your gullibility up.
cause I want to hear how youre going to spin it,,,

youre very entertaining,,,
What is there to spin?

Your post was a lie.

You said "hey did you watch tuckers interview with archer where he showed the letter joe sent archer thanking him for helping hunter and him in their business ventures??" (Post 112)

As I already stated, nothing in that letter mentions business.

You lied. You know you lied so you deflect.

The only reason I'm still responding to you is because I'm downloading a large game patch (red dead redemption 2) and drinking beer so it is mildly entertaining to see you duck and dive.

I look forward to your next post. Entertain me.
Anything but actually. He testified for hours and ReNaziKlans did not get a damn thing. He had no knowledge any business deals regard Burisma or bribes to China.

You people dumb....I mean really dumb...d.u.m.b. dumb.
Hypocrite POS, much? If these charges were against Trump, those 20+ occasions he was on the phone with Jr while a deal was being done and you'd be screaming your lungs out. Filth... the lot of you.
Joe and Hunter could plead guilty and these sycophants would still deny.
I can't believe how these gaslighting bastards sat there and justified the attacks on Kavanagh by Blasey Ford and the 30 year old "he said she said" farce to steal from Trump, but they refuse to acknowledge Tara Reid, Navy Biden and EVEN Bill Clinton's crimes against Monica Lewinsky. Democrats are the most corrupt compulsive liars in the history of the country.
Maybe this last one wasn’t either.

Keep your gullibility up.
Even if the last one wasn't, he stated Biden didn't talk business with Hunter's associates. He strengthens Joe's case by his statements.

Do you not see that?

Has the media convinced you that Devon's statement that he didn't discuss business with hunters business partners somehow means Joe did speak about business with hunters business partners?

It makes no sense.

Not only does it make no sense but even if such discussions had taken place (hypothetical), that is also not illegal.

Again, at most, and according to Devon, Hunter Biden sold the illusion of influence.

That is not illegal and has nothing to do with Joe.

What specific law are you claiming Joe broke. Be specific please.
He is already under two indictments with a total 74-Seperate counts including 34 counts that include Obstruction of Justice and Violations of the Espionage Act of 1917. I would happily take even more. Fani Willis is about her indictments any day now....
Bullshit indictments handed down from a feckless loser lawyer castigated by SCOTUS.
Even if the last one wasn't, he stated Biden didn't talk business with Hunter's associates. He strengthens Joe's case by his statements.

Do you not see that?

Has the media convinced you that Devon's statement that he didn't discuss business with hunters business partners somehow means Joe did speak about business with hunters business partners?

It makes no sense.

Not only does it make no sense but even if such discussions had taken place (hypothetical), that is also not illegal.

Again, at most, and according to Devon, Hunter Biden sold the illusion of influence.

That is not illegal and has nothing to do with Joe.

What specific law are you claiming Joe broke. Be specific please.
Why in the fuck would Hunter call his dad during a meeting were millions of dollars is being discussed? He also did it more than once. We all know that Biden-on-the-phone meant that the Big Guy gives his approval. Stop being so gullible and stupid. You know damn well that if this were to be Trump and Don Jr. you guys would be shouting TREASON, TREASON, TREASON from the rafters and the MSM would go crazy with 'Trump did it' shit and Merrick Garland would have him in handcuffs.
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The Democrats and Garland know damn well that the chances of finding Trump legally guilty are very slim. They are disseminating propaganda while making Trump drain his campaign funds. This is a dog-and-pony show just like the impeachments and the Russia conspiracy they tried to foist on Trump and US. This is nothing more than election interference using corrupt U.S. legal departments.
Not sure how it works in Russia but the GJ handed out the indictments, not the prosecutor.

Are you new?
Based on biased evidence presented by biased prosecutor(s) and no exculpatory evidence while Trump and his attorneys were prohibited by law from the GJ. This is using the law and the DOJ and the FBI by Biden to go after his political foe. Banana Republic shit. Indictments following huge news about Joe Biden and his Son having phone meetings with business people. You're blind not to see what is really going on here.
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The Democrats and Garland know damn well that the chances of finding Trump legally guilty are very slim.

This speculation is based on?

They are disseminating propaganda while making Trump drain his campaign funds.

Indictments from a grand jury are not propaganda.

You should send Trump more money.

This is a dog-and-pony show just like the impeachments and the Russia conspiracy they tried to foist on Trump and US.

The impeachments actually happened to fruition and the "conspiracy" was a republican investigation.

Indictments from a grand jury are not a dog and pony show.

This is nothing more than election interference using corrupt U.S. legal departments.
No. It is a grand jury indictment.

Comer should be investigated for obstruction of justice for trying to time his show-trials as close as possible to traitor Trump's indictments.

Let me guess, another nothing burger testimony around the time Georgia unseals indictments?

That's obstruction.
This speculation is based on?
Flimsy sliced and diced indictments for one.
Indictments from a grand jury are not propaganda.

You should send Trump more money.
The propaganda was fed to the GJ, then the indictment was sliced and diced to make it seem like they have more.
The impeachments actually happened to fruition and the "conspiracy" was a republican investigation.

Indictments from a grand jury are not a dog and pony show.

No. It is a grand jury indictment.

Comer should be investigated for obstruction of justice for trying to time his show-trials as close as possible to traitor Trump's indictments.

Let me guess, another nothing burger testimony around the time Georgia unseals indictments?

That's obstruction.
No, the impeachments were one sided and investigation into wrong doing is not 'conspiracy.' The real conspiracy is Democrat insisting that Trump was a Russian asset, that Trump somehow mounted a coup and every thing else they have dredged up in a desperate attempt to denigrate Trump. Funny though, all they are doing is exposing their lies and treason while Trump enjoys more and more support. They have 0 hard evidence and all they are doing is making shit up.

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