Arctic Methane

Still waiting for an aster to my straight forward question....what's the matter warmers, cat got your tongues? Why didn't the "methane bomb" go off during the MWP, or the RWP, or the Holocene maximum...and if they did, why didn't they result in the same sort of climate catastrophe that you are waving your hands about today?
Dumb ass, it has been many millions of years since we had the level of CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere that we have today. That means that the warming, which is already greater than either of those periods, will continue to increase rapidly.

Dodge....I am asking why the disaster you are predicting didn't happen during the Holocene Maximum, the RWP, or the MWP when temperatures in the Arctic were warmer than today. And the warming you claim is only in models...not out here in the real world. m it hasn't warmed for two decades now and may be getting slightly cooler if you can get past the data tampering.

I predict that you'll get an answer immediately after they post the lab work that show a 2 degree increase in temperature as a result of a 120PPM increase in CO2
Still waiting for an aster to my straight forward question....what's the matter warmers, cat got your tongues? Why didn't the "methane bomb" go off during the MWP, or the RWP, or the Holocene maximum...and if they did, why didn't they result in the same sort of climate catastrophe that you are waving your hands about today?
Dumb ass, it has been many millions of years since we had the level of CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere that we have today. That means that the warming, which is already greater than either of those periods, will continue to increase rapidly.

Dodge....I am asking why the disaster you are predicting didn't happen during the Holocene Maximum, the RWP, or the MWP when temperatures in the Arctic were warmer than today. And the warming you claim is only in models...not out here in the real world. m it hasn't warmed for two decades now and may be getting slightly cooler if you can get past the data tampering.

I predict that you'll get an answer immediately after they post the lab work that show a 2 degree increase in temperature as a result of a 120PPM increase in CO2

I am still waiting for the datasets with source code that proves CO2 controls climate, been waiting on that for 30+ years..
jc, instead of your endless idiot questions, try to locate your balls and state an actual point. Like this simple point, which is that you're doing your cult buttboy routine of trying to disrupt every thread with dishonest babble.

It's been pointed out to Frank before that avalanches occurred on the lower slopes of Everest where temps go above freezing. He ignores that fact, and chooses to claim temps never go above freezing. Frank, being you're such a flagrantly dishonest POS, why should anyone ever speak to you? After all, you'll just lie in return, because lying is what cult buttboys do best.
So you can't answer that one simple question? Are you really that stupid?
The skeptics have no interest in beating the Johnson until it falls off........we come in and blow up the BS opinion based crap from the AGW climate crusaders and we're out. Why do you think all threads posted up by the AGW people in here ( less than a handful by the way ) die in a few days at best? As I pointed out........90% of ocean methane is eaten completely by microbes. Posted a link a couple of pages back.

More hilariously delusional insanity from the kooky denier cult troll.
Funny; You call names and make insane remarks and all without a sherd of evidence or proof.. You must really like being inside a bubble without oxygen...
More fallacious bullshit from ol' BoobyBobNutJob. As anyone who has been following these threads gas seen, I post abundant scientific evidence to back up my statements. Whereas ol' BBNJ just spews meaningless hot air without any actual evidence, other than perhaps some un-scientific drivel off some denier cult blog that wouldn't fool a sharp 15 year old.
jc, instead of your endless idiot questions, try to locate your balls and state an actual point. Like this simple point, which is that you're doing your cult buttboy routine of trying to disrupt every thread with dishonest babble.

It's been pointed out to Frank before that avalanches occurred on the lower slopes of Everest where temps go above freezing. He ignores that fact, and chooses to claim temps never go above freezing. Frank, being you're such a flagrantly dishonest POS, why should anyone ever speak to you? After all, you'll just lie in return, because lying is what cult buttboys do best.

Keep moving the goal posts. Yes temperature at base camp in summer are above freezing, what's your point?

Oh, right, we need to cut our CO2 while China doubles theirs.

What a total fucking rube
Frozen Nut Sack syndrome is already setting in for most of the USA.......only ended 5 short months ago.

Tomorrow morning in New York, I'll be waking up- to 20 degrees in mid-November. Think just for effect, I'll go out to the ciggy area, fire up a stogey and bring up the topic of "global warming" to those out there with me......." know people......people better start to take this global warming stuff more seriously starting today!!! Damn oil companies with their assault on renewble energy while we stand here and get fucking cooked!!!"

Poor skook is now crazy with rage. His masters swore to him the fight was over, yet Obama simply went right on kicking their asses, and the world went right on laughing at them.
Frozen Nut Sack syndrome is already setting in for most of the USA.......only ended 5 short months ago.

Tomorrow morning in New York, I'll be waking up- to 20 degrees in mid-November. Think just for effect, I'll go out to the ciggy area, fire up a stogey and bring up the topic of "global warming" to those out there with me......." know people......people better start to take this global warming stuff more seriously starting today!!! Damn oil companies with their assault on renewble energy while we stand here and get fucking cooked!!!"

Smoking with gloves on, now that's a hoot!!!! That's what they're doing today here in Chi-town
Poor skook is now crazy with rage. His masters swore to him the fight was over, yet Obama simply went right on kicking their asses, and the world went right on laughing at them.
? off topic

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