Arctic sea ice BACK to Normal!

UH OH Spaghetti O!

Looks like the Arctic ice is now one standard deviation above normal (well darned close to it anyhow). And the Antarctic ice has been above average for the whole year! Looks like it might be time to reassess those claims of arctic ice death spirals eh!

Are all three of you that fucking stupid? You cannot even read simple graphs? Yee Gods and little fishes, what a trio of stupes.

Present Arctic Ice level anamoly is -0.074 below the average since 1979. That is the highest it has been since 2005. The analomy has not been positive since 2005.

The Anarctic Sea Ice has, indeed, been above the average for 2012, thus far.

While there has been a slight gain in sea ice around Antarctica, the continent of Antarctica is still losing billions of tons of ice on a yearly basis.

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Estimates of recent changes in Antarctic land ice (Figure 2) range from losing 100 Gt/year to over 300 Gt/year. Because 360 Gt/year represents an annual sea level rise of 1 mm/year, recent estimates indicate a contribution of between 0.27 mm/year and 0.83 mm/year coming from Antarctica. There is of course uncertainty in the estimations methods but multiple different types of measurement techniques (explained here) all show the same thing, Antarctica is losing land ice as a whole, and these losses are accelerating quickly.
Um, ok, so there's no "feedback loop" of CO2 leaching out of the oceans then, right?

Do you have any numbers on the increases in oceanic carbolic acid?

Let me google that for you

So, let's do a quick calculation, you should be able to do that I'm sure...right? Calculate what the absolute lowest level of pH will be if we burned EVERY carbon bearing rock on this planet. What would the pH be then?

Oh, looky's allready been done for you. The current pH of the oceans is 8.1. If we put every bit of C into the oceans we could it would drop to....wait for it.....8.

So tell me Mr. astrophysicist.....exactly how acidic is that?

Really? Pulled that number out of your ass, didn't you. The change in acidity is allready affecting sea life.

Local News | Acidity in ocean killed NW oysters, new study says | Seattle Times Newspaper

It's been eight years since baby oysters started dying by the billions at an Oregon hatchery and in Washington's Willapa Bay.

In 2009, top scientists drew global attention when they said evidence suggested the culprit might be changing ocean chemistry from the same greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. They just couldn't prove it — until now.

Researchers said Wednesday they can definitively show that ocean acidification is at least partly responsible for massive oyster die-offs at the hatchery in Netarts Bay, Ore.

It's the first concrete finding in North America that carbon dioxide being taken up by the oceans already is helping kill marine species.

"This is the smoking gun for oyster larvae," said Richard Feely, an oceanographer and leading marine-chemistry researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Seattle and one of the paper's authors.

Said Alan Barton, another of the paper's authors: "It's now an incontrovertible fact that ocean chemistry is affecting our larvae."
Um, ok, so there's no "feedback loop" of CO2 leaching out of the oceans then, right?

Do you have any numbers on the increases in oceanic carbolic acid?

Let me google that for you

So, let's do a quick calculation, you should be able to do that I'm sure...right? Calculate what the absolute lowest level of pH will be if we burned EVERY carbon bearing rock on this planet. What would the pH be then?

Oh, looky's allready been done for you. The current pH of the oceans is 8.1. If we put every bit of C into the oceans we could it would drop to....wait for it.....8.

So tell me Mr. astrophysicist.....exactly how acidic is that?

It seems you omitted some of your calculations. Actually all of them. You may as well have pulled that number out your ass, i see no justification for it.

So, let's do a quick calculation, you should be able to do that I'm sure...right? Calculate what the absolute lowest level of pH will be if we burned EVERY carbon bearing rock on this planet. What would the pH be then?

Oh, looky's allready been done for you. The current pH of the oceans is 8.1. If we put every bit of C into the oceans we could it would drop to....wait for it.....8.

So tell me Mr. astrophysicist.....exactly how acidic is that?

Really? Pulled that number out of your ass, didn't you. The change in acidity is allready affecting sea life.

Local News | Acidity in ocean killed NW oysters, new study says | Seattle Times Newspaper

It's been eight years since baby oysters started dying by the billions at an Oregon hatchery and in Washington's Willapa Bay.

In 2009, top scientists drew global attention when they said evidence suggested the culprit might be changing ocean chemistry from the same greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. They just couldn't prove it — until now.

Researchers said Wednesday they can definitively show that ocean acidification is at least partly responsible for massive oyster die-offs at the hatchery in Netarts Bay, Ore.

It's the first concrete finding in North America that carbon dioxide being taken up by the oceans already is helping kill marine species.

"This is the smoking gun for oyster larvae," said Richard Feely, an oceanographer and leading marine-chemistry researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Seattle and one of the paper's authors.

Said Alan Barton, another of the paper's authors: "It's now an incontrovertible fact that ocean chemistry is affecting our larvae."

I would appreciate a link to the paper if you don't mind.

So, let's do a quick calculation, you should be able to do that I'm sure...right? Calculate what the absolute lowest level of pH will be if we burned EVERY carbon bearing rock on this planet. What would the pH be then?

Oh, looky's allready been done for you. The current pH of the oceans is 8.1. If we put every bit of C into the oceans we could it would drop to....wait for it.....8.

So tell me Mr. astrophysicist.....exactly how acidic is that?

It seems you omitted some of your calculations. Actually all of them. You may as well have pulled that number out your ass, i see no justification for it.

Then run the numbers for yourself and post them here so we can check your math.
UH OH Spaghetti O!

Looks like the Arctic ice is now one standard deviation above normal (well darned close to it anyhow). And the Antarctic ice has been above average for the whole year! Looks like it might be time to reassess those claims of arctic ice death spirals eh!

Are all three of you that fucking stupid? You cannot even read simple graphs? Yee Gods and little fishes, what a trio of stupes.

Present Arctic Ice level anamoly is -0.074 below the average since 1979. That is the highest it has been since 2005. The analomy has not been positive since 2005.

The Anarctic Sea Ice has, indeed, been above the average for 2012, thus far.

While there has been a slight gain in sea ice around Antarctica, the continent of Antarctica is still losing billions of tons of ice on a yearly basis.

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?

Estimates of recent changes in Antarctic land ice (Figure 2) range from losing 100 Gt/year to over 300 Gt/year. Because 360 Gt/year represents an annual sea level rise of 1 mm/year, recent estimates indicate a contribution of between 0.27 mm/year and 0.83 mm/year coming from Antarctica. There is of course uncertainty in the estimations methods but multiple different types of measurement techniques (explained here) all show the same thing, Antarctica is losing land ice as a whole, and these losses are accelerating quickly.

I hate to inform you but skeptical science is not a credible source. They are the equivalent of wiki with a serious case of bias and intellectual dishonesty thrown in for good measure.

And yes i can read graphs quite well. Clearly they are beyond you.


  • $global_daily_ice_area_withtrend.jpg
    182.9 KB · Views: 197
Walleyes, you are getting increasingly senile. That is the global sea ice graph, not the Arctic or Antarctic.

And you stated that the Arctic Sea Ice is at now above one standard deviation above normal. By this graph, it is still in minus territory.

Also, if you look at this graph;

You see that the ice high point was under 13 million square kilometers this year, most of the years since 1979 have been above 14 million square kilometers. Prior to 2004, there were only two years with less than 14 million square kilometers of ice at the maximum. Since 2004, there has not been a year that reached 13 million square kilometers. This year the ice has a slow start to the melt. However, the ice is still in the negative territory compared to the average from 1979 to present.
Walleyes, you are getting increasingly senile. That is the global sea ice graph, not the Arctic or Antarctic.

And you stated that the Arctic Sea Ice is at now above one standard deviation above normal. By this graph, it is still in minus territory.

Also, if you look at this graph;

You see that the ice high point was under 13 million square kilometers this year, most of the years since 1979 have been above 14 million square kilometers. Prior to 2004, there were only two years with less than 14 million square kilometers of ice at the maximum. Since 2004, there has not been a year that reached 13 million square kilometers. This year the ice has a slow start to the melt. However, the ice is still in the negative territory compared to the average from 1979 to present.

:lol::lol::lol: Really, you need to read what you just wrote. It's priceless! I'm saving it for posterity. BTW, where exactly is the sea ice located?:eusa_whistle:

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