Are all gays born that way?

Ah, are a good Kinsite:

Based upon what has been previously shown in this study to be Kinsey’s biased and seriously flawed data, the “Sexual Offenses” Article 207 of the 1955 Model Penal Code was constructed. For example, Section 207.5, titled “Sodomy and Related Offenses,” proposed that consensual sodomy with an “actor” 10 years or older be classified a misdemeanor. Appendix A to section 207.5 is titled “Frequency of Sexual Deviation,” and of 21 quotations, 19 are taken from Kinsey’s book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948).
ALI Reporter Morris Ploscowe parroted Kinsey’s “scientific” findings:
These pre-marital, extra-marital, homosexual and animal contacts, we are told, are eventually indulged in by 95 per cent of the population in violation of statutory prohibitions. If these conclusions are correct, then it is obvious that our sex crime legislation is completely out of touch with the realities of individual living and is just as inherently unenforceable as legislation that prohibits . . . an activity that responds to a wide human need.
In addition to this book by Albert Deutsch (Ed.), to which Ploscowe contributed, three of the four other 1948 releases called for “science-based” law reform based on the new “science” of the Kinsey Reports. These three books presented collections of essays by luminaries in education, law, psychiatry, psychology, and medicine."

The ALEC Report on Kinsey
To reveal that certain behavior patterns are widespread, that they are a product of environment, opportunity, age and other factors over which the individual has little control, that they are not objectively harmful except as a result of society’s efforts at repression (Kinsey, pp. 385-86) to point out that similar behavior is encountered among other animals than man, to suggest that the law ought not to punish and that psychiatrists might better devote themselves to reassuring the sexual deviate rather than attention to “redirect behavior” (Kinsey p. 660) - all these add up to a denial that sexual “perversion” is an evil.
Schwartz then pictures “the distant day when Americans cease to regard minority morals as a legitimate object of social coercion,” and suggests a covert and undemocratic method for elites to change state criminal codes:
Eventually, such distinctions ease themselves into the written law, especially if it can be done in the course of a general revision of the penal code. This avoids the appearance of outright repudiation of conservative moral standards, by presenting the changes in a context of merely technical improvements."

The ALEC Report on Kinsey
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Not according to Bodey, She "turned gay" after she told he OCS recruitment Officer she was'nt. Sea Wytch "turned gay in boot camp" after she told her recruitment officer she wasnt. So I guess you become gay by choice.

Wrong. I hadn't had sex with another woman. I knew I was gay.
Think of all the lies the progressives tell us about how important it is to "educate" kids in important it is to mainstream homosexuals, and "rethink" the family....

All based on this monster's garbage.

"Since Kinseyan findings within sex education materials entered schools, rates of sexual disease and dysfunction have increased. Condoms are now ubiquitous and are widely promoted in schools by public school and health authorities to prevent pregnancy and sexual disease. Yet, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) study on condom effectiveness (June 2000), condoms do not prevent a stunning 98% of STD transmissions. Condoms never protect against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is spread by skin contact, not by fluids and is the cause of cervical cancer, which kills 5,000 women per year in the United States. The prestigious British medical journal, Lancet, suggests that “increased condom use will increase the number of AIDS transmissions that result from condom failures. There is a 24% pregnancy rate for teens who use condoms."

The ALEC Report on Kinsey

The sexual revolution, from Margaret Sanger, to Kinsey, to whoever is running the propaganda today, has been a lie perpetuated against you by Nazis, child molesters, and eugenicists.

The plan was to reform society into a depraved mess. And it has been successful.

You're confusing fact with history.

Charles Lindbergh was a nazi sympathizer. Who cares? So was Sanger.

Do you really believe that she was any more or less welcome when she made her rounds through the cold water walk up tenements of NYC?

In those days, women were douching with Lysol (edited to add - for birth control)
and had the shit beat out of them when they refused their husbands.

WTF did Sanger's beliefs about a master race have to do with that?

Sanger was literally a life saver and was deported for giving the women "French letters". If you don't know what that was, look it up because a factual and historical grounding would do you some good.
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You're a good Nazi acolyte. Viva la sex revolution!

The manufactured statistics of The Kinsey Reports transformed America’s institutions of medicine, education and law. “Normal” human sexuality was metamorphosed into another image, which became indelible, when the American Law Institute delivered The Kinsey Reports junk science (in 1955 Draft #4, “Sexual Offenses,” Section 207 of the Model Penal Code) to the bench and bar in every state. Soon, based on the ALI MPC and the Kinsey Reports, the states’ long-settled and fixed common law sexual and reproductive standards were abolished via misinformed legislation and judicial decisions. After the laws were changed, the SIECUS brand of sex education entered schoolrooms to permanently alter Marriage, and the American family.
Prior to 1950 American Law largely prohibited any sexual acts outside of marriage. Marriage was a public contract, both civil and religious. Society had an interest in the security and solvency of every marriage. Marriage was to provide for the progeny of the union, secure the orderly passage of property to the next generation and prevent any burden to the State wrought by divorce, promiscuity, perversion and “unnatural” acts.
Marriage served the “public interest.” However, the “experts” of the ALI MPC dismantled the institution, based on the Kinsey Reports. By recommending the legalization of fornication, cohabitation, adultery, sodomy, etc., the MPC transformed what were known as “Public Morals” or “vice” laws into private sexual behaviors between “consenting” individuals. The new freedom, “Privacy,” would allow one to be left alone to pursue one’s one sexual “tastes,” according to Judge Learned Hand.
The “junk science” based on the debunked and discredited Kinsey Reports today serves as the foundation of publicly funded sex education. In addition, the ALI Model Penal Code has been adopted, all or in part, in every state. The harmful results can be seen over the past 50 years, especially as these changes negatively affect the lives of American women and children. The case is strong for real fact-based reform to remove the fraudulent findings of the Kinsey Reports from publicly funded programs, policies, and laws beginning with sex education and criminal law."

The ALEC Report on Kinsey

I've always said the people who support abominable eugenics programs know exactly what they're doing, and you're proof they do.
Not according to Bodey, She "turned gay" after she told he OCS recruitment Officer she was'nt. Sea Wytch "turned gay in boot camp" after she told her recruitment officer she wasnt. So I guess you become gay by choice.

I honestly don;t care about Bo's or SW's sexuality.

But you reminded me of a story from boot camp.

The CC asked us if anyone had homosexual tendencies. Of course no one spoke up.
He repeated, "Nobody here has homosexual tendencies?!"
Again, silence.

Then he asked, "How many of you have ever sucked a dick?"
Shocked silence....

"So you ALL have the "tendency" to be gay!!"
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

I believe that a small percentage, about 2 or 3 percent of the overall population may have been born predisposed to being Gay. However something like 6 to 8 percent claim they are gay, so in my opinion some of them are Bisexual or learned the sexual orientation.

Science usually pegs gay as about 2 or 3 percent of a population in the creatures that have gay members. I doubt it is higher in the Human race.

However I am still opposed to gay marriage. Marriage is between a Man and a woman. I am fine with domestic partnerships or what ever term you want to use just not marriage.

By the way, even in the States that have approved Gay Marriage, the Federal Government does not recognize it so they get no tax benefits from the Federal Government.
My point on this thread was simple.
More people are "gay" today NOT because they were born "gay" but because they LEARNED to be gay!
Accepting "gays" is what "smart" people do. Accepting "gays" rights to be what they want is one thing!
Forcing the REST of us non-gays to accept flaunting,flaming gay behavior most notably at "gay pride" marches, forced integration of flagrant gay behavior on to us NON-gays is another!

I have always accepted gays in my 70 years of life, in school, college, etc. but as my parents and I believe it is something best kept private. Why flaunt it? Why not be cool and gay and quiet?

I KNEW gay couples i.e. "OLD bachelors" in my younger days who lived together.. maybe had sex but nevertheless would be considered "GAY" today! BUT they didn't rub our noses in it as we have with the more flagrant, flamboyant majority of gays!

Most of these flaming gays have NO class. No dignity. To the shame of the gay community!
The gay community was championed by and fostered by Kinsey.

Of course they should be abjectly ashamed. As should anyone who propagates the ridiculous lies that have been mainstreamed into our laws and our schools by the monsters who started all this bs.
My point on this thread was simple.
More people are "gay" today NOT because they were born "gay" but because they LEARNED to be gay!
Accepting "gays" is what "smart" people do. Accepting "gays" rights to be what they want is one thing!
Forcing the REST of us non-gays to accept flaunting,flaming gay behavior most notably at "gay pride" marches, forced integration of flagrant gay behavior on to us NON-gays is another!

I have always accepted gays in my 70 years of life, in school, college, etc. but as my parents and I believe it is something best kept private. Why flaunt it? Why not be cool and gay and quiet?

I KNEW gay couples i.e. "OLD bachelors" in my younger days who lived together.. maybe had sex but nevertheless would be considered "GAY" today! BUT they didn't rub our noses in it as we have with the more flagrant, flamboyant majority of gays!

Most of these flaming gays have NO class. No dignity. To the shame of the gay community!

You've been forced to attend a gay pride parade?

As a heterosexual married man for the past 53 years, I can say that gay marriage is of no consequence to me. As a practicing Christian it is of no consequence to me. If you find it an issue, please explain how it is a threat to YOUR lifestyle. Is it your right and is it ok for me to even form a PERSONAL judgement about the gay lifestyle? Is it? Come on, take me on. I', 75. Come and get me.
Are all gays born that way?
Being science and fact grounded, I find there is really only one answer.

Of course.
Stupid to think otherwise.


A more important point is, what's it to ya?


Somebody wants to make with their own sex, its not YOUR business. Not mine either. Not my business who you want to screw. Not your business who turns me on either.

Damn rw busybody meddlers need to take care of what's in their bedroom and quit trying to control everybody else.

You mean...Kinsey science, and Kinsey fact? The science and fact adopted by our government and schools?

Here's that science and fact:

With regard to sex offense crimes in the ALI MPC: A rash of state sex offense commissions convened just prior to the ALI MPC publication, providing findings to MPC authors. These commissions also relied heavily upon Alfred Kinsey and the fraudulent Kinsey Reports’ view of “normal” human sexuality. Sexual activities are presented by the ALI MPC authors as “wide human need” and necessary from womb to tomb for health and happiness. Language and terms are changed to neutralize crimes against women and children. Rape and child abuse are redefined and de-stigmatized; the definition of “adult” tends to include children for purposes of sex. Creation of multiple degrees of a sex crime negates the felony penalty. And sex education in public schools is recommended as the primary crime prevention measure.
As in law, terms were changed in sex education to dissociate it from the eugenics movement. The Birth Control Federation of America became Planned Parenthood, which was necessary “to neutralize the highly negative image offered to the public by the term “birth control” (Alan Guttmacher writing in the preface of Margaret Sanger’s autobiography, 1970). The new term “family planning” did not convey prejudice against large families, and linked contraceptives with marriage and babies instead of with prostitutes and illicit sexual alliances. Sex education became “family life education” which SIECUS founder Lester Kirkendall said would be “less threatening to parents and teachers and, in the end, “would lead to more not less sex education.”
The plans legal revolutionaries made and acted upon overturned or trivialized 52 designated laws protective of women and children, aided and enabled by the indispensable sex “science” of the Kinsey Reports. Over the past fifty years, our sex and reproduction laws have been deconstructed on the basis of a fraudulent set of data."

When pooper says a poster is "ignorant" she means they don't follow Kinsey's lead.

The ALEC Report on Kinsey
Okay, it's not because you're old. You're just willfully ignorant.

Believe me ignorance is my forte... but not when it comes to "gayness"!
I had gay roommate in college in the 60s!

Being gay was not the flamboyant, flaunting hissies we see today! Gays were cool about it then and they were accepted by us because they were cool... Not today though!
I mean look at Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, Troy Donohue.. to name a few "closet" gays with bearded wives! Why even John Wayne had more swagger then most gays today!
But he wasn't flaunting it!
Gays... be cool. Sophisticated. QUIET!
bottom line if you are for less gov't then you have no right to even form a personal opinion about what goes on in a gay home. I dont care what this somewhat tolerable country votes on gay marriage. It isnt my business. Nor does it affect my own marriage. So who the heck cares.
My point on this thread was simple.
More people are "gay" today NOT because they were born "gay" but because they LEARNED to be gay!
Accepting "gays" is what "smart" people do. Accepting "gays" rights to be what they want is one thing!
Forcing the REST of us non-gays to accept flaunting,flaming gay behavior most notably at "gay pride" marches, forced integration of flagrant gay behavior on to us NON-gays is another!

I have always accepted gays in my 70 years of life, in school, college, etc. but as my parents and I believe it is something best kept private. Why flaunt it? Why not be cool and gay and quiet?

I KNEW gay couples i.e. "OLD bachelors" in my younger days who lived together.. maybe had sex but nevertheless would be considered "GAY" today! BUT they didn't rub our noses in it as we have with the more flagrant, flamboyant majority of gays!

Most of these flaming gays have NO class. No dignity. To the shame of the gay community!

Apparently no one has forced you accept any-damned-thing.

There was a comment, early on, in this thread that 'no one would choose to be ridiculed'
I don't disagree.

But it's not something that is ridiculed (as much) these days.

I submit that, for some teens and young adults, it's "cool".
I think some young people act out in a rebellious way, much like we used to do with drugs.
That's not to say that some are legitimately gay or bi, but I do believe there is a percentage that do it just for the shock value.
My point on this thread was simple.
More people are "gay" today NOT because they were born "gay" but because they LEARNED to be gay!

Hmmmm.....I am not sure I could train my Johnson to rise for another guy's hairy ass if I tried for a year. I'm pretty skeptical (and that's putting it mildly) that most gays, as you suggest, have been "trained to be gay".

Accepting "gays" is what "smart" people do. Accepting "gays" rights to be what they want is one thing!
Forcing the REST of us non-gays to accept flaunting,flaming gay behavior most notably at "gay pride" marches, forced integration of flagrant gay behavior on to us NON-gays is another!

I have always accepted gays in my 70 years of life, in school, college, etc. but as my parents and I believe it is something best kept private. Why flaunt it? Why not be cool and gay and quiet?

I imagine white people in the 60s wanted blacks to be cool, black, and quiet too.

I KNEW gay couples i.e. "OLD bachelors" in my younger days who lived together.. maybe had sex but nevertheless would be considered "GAY" today! BUT they didn't rub our noses in it as we have with the more flagrant, flamboyant majority of gays!

Most of these flaming gays have NO class. No dignity. To the shame of the gay community!

So in other words masculine gay men are ok and feminine gay women are ok, but if they cross the stereotype then they are classless and a shame to the community because you feel threatened by it...perhaps because it challenges the security of your own notions about traditional roles (perhaps even your role) in regards to sexuality
As a heterosexual married man for the past 53 years, I can say that gay marriage is of no consequence to me. As a practicing Christian it is of no consequence to me. If you find it an issue, please explain how it is a threat to YOUR lifestyle. Is it your right and is it ok for me to even form a PERSONAL judgement about the gay lifestyle? Is it? Come on, take me on. I', 75. Come and get me.

Congratulations on your marital longevity, and greetings to the Mrs. :)
Okay, it's not because you're old. You're just willfully ignorant.

Believe me ignorance is my forte... but not when it comes to "gayness"!
I had gay roommate in college in the 60s!

Being gay was not the flamboyant, flaunting hissies we see today! Gays were cool about it then and they were accepted by us because they were cool... Not today though!
I mean look at Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, Troy Donohue.. to name a few "closet" gays with bearded wives! Why even John Wayne had more swagger then most gays today!
But he wasn't flaunting it!
Gays... be cool. Sophisticated. QUIET!

Dude. Who cares. Life is too short to waste judging others on how they live their lives.

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