Are all gays born that way?

Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Not according to Bodey, She "turned gay" after she told he OCS recruitment Officer she was'nt. Sea Wytch "turned gay in boot camp" after she told her recruitment officer she wasnt. So I guess you become gay by choice.

Wrong. I hadn't had sex with another woman. I knew I was gay.
Ok....Fine. I don't accept that because not a single person can say they "are" unless first having some experience in the area. But if you choose to believe that you "knew you were gay, it's just ducky.
Homosexuality however is defined by behavior.
In other words, gay or for that matter heterosexuality is not determined until an individual acts on their beliefs or feelings.
Therefore, gays are not a minority per se, but simply a behavior group.
In light of the fact that human beings are the most advanced form of life on the planet and in light of the fact human beings are the only species capable of self control, it is fully acceptable that we are all in possession of the ability to control our urges.
You may find these statements offensive, however, they are factual.
On a personal note, I think people should be able to do as they please so as long as they do not bother me or force me to agree with their behavior.
I have two friends who are in a committed lesbian relationship. One is one of my closest and dearest friend. I would do anything to help her. Do I agree with her lifestyle? Not really. However, I accept her for what she is.
And yes, we have had this discussion.
Not according to Bodey, She "turned gay" after she told he OCS recruitment Officer she was'nt. Sea Wytch "turned gay in boot camp" after she told her recruitment officer she wasnt. So I guess you become gay by choice.

Wrong. I hadn't had sex with another woman. I knew I was gay.
Ok....Fine. I don't accept that because not a single person can say they "are" unless first having some experience in the area. But if you choose to believe that you "knew you were gay, it's just ducky.
Homosexuality however is defined by behavior.
In other words, gay or for that matter heterosexuality is not determined until an individual acts on their beliefs or feelings.
Therefore, gays are not a minority per se, but simply a behavior group.
In light of the fact that human beings are the most advanced form of life on the planet and in light of the fact human beings are the only species capable of self control, it is fully acceptable that we are all in possession of the ability to control our urges.
You may find these statements offensive, however, they are factual.
On a personal note, I think people should be able to do as they please so as long as they do not bother me or force me to agree with their behavior.
I have two friends who are in a committed lesbian relationship. One is one of my closest and dearest friend. I would do anything to help her. Do I agree with her lifestyle? Not really. However, I accept her for what she is.
And yes, we have had this discussion.

So priests and nuns aren't straight?
How about they Koshergirl.... spiraling to the depths of hell, because she can't fathom that she is sinning mightily in the eyes of the Lord.
Ok....Fine. I don't accept that because not a single person can say they "are" unless first having some experience in the area. But if you choose to believe that you "knew you were gay, it's just ducky.

Sorry dude but that's about the most ignorant statement I have ever heard. I am not even going to bother reading the rest. When I was a small child I used to look at Anni-Frida and Agnetha from ABBA and spring a wee little boner and game myself to sleep listening to "Super Trouper". Seems I was pretty predisposed to being turned on by women and the bulk of my sexual experience was walking in on my mother getting out of the shower. You don't have to have actually fucked to know what excites you. Unfuckingreal.

Hmmmm.....Agnetha and Anni-Frida.....boy they were hot:

[ame=]ABBA-Super Trouper (1980) - YouTube[/ame]
My point on this thread was simple.
More people are "gay" today NOT because they were born "gay" but because they LEARNED to be gay!
Accepting "gays" is what "smart" people do. Accepting "gays" rights to be what they want is one thing!
Forcing the REST of us non-gays to accept flaunting,flaming gay behavior most notably at "gay pride" marches, forced integration of flagrant gay behavior on to us NON-gays is another!

I have always accepted gays in my 70 years of life, in school, college, etc. but as my parents and I believe it is something best kept private. Why flaunt it? Why not be cool and gay and quiet?

I KNEW gay couples i.e. "OLD bachelors" in my younger days who lived together.. maybe had sex but nevertheless would be considered "GAY" today! BUT they didn't rub our noses in it as we have with the more flagrant, flamboyant majority of gays!

Most of these flaming gays have NO class. No dignity. To the shame of the gay community!

Apparently no one has forced you accept any-damned-thing.

There was a comment, early on, in this thread that 'no one would choose to be ridiculed'
I don't disagree.

But it's not something that is ridiculed (as much) these days.

I submit that, for some teens and young adults, it's "cool".
I think some young people act out in a rebellious way, much like we used to do with drugs.
That's not to say that some are legitimately gay or bi, but I do believe there is a percentage that do it just for the shock value.
I agree that seems to be a trend I have observed also
I sin all the time. So do you.

So what? At least I don't sacrifice children in the name of "live and let live". Nor do I propagate lies that we embraced as "mainstream" but were really concocted by sexal deviants, Nazis, and child molesters.
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My point on this thread was simple.
More people are "gay" today NOT because they were born "gay" but because they LEARNED to be gay!
Accepting "gays" is what "smart" people do. Accepting "gays" rights to be what they want is one thing!
Forcing the REST of us non-gays to accept flaunting,flaming gay behavior most notably at "gay pride" marches, forced integration of flagrant gay behavior on to us NON-gays is another!

I have always accepted gays in my 70 years of life, in school, college, etc. but as my parents and I believe it is something best kept private. Why flaunt it? Why not be cool and gay and quiet?

I KNEW gay couples i.e. "OLD bachelors" in my younger days who lived together.. maybe had sex but nevertheless would be considered "GAY" today! BUT they didn't rub our noses in it as we have with the more flagrant, flamboyant majority of gays!

Most of these flaming gays have NO class. No dignity. To the shame of the gay community!

Apparently no one has forced you accept any-damned-thing.

There was a comment, early on, in this thread that 'no one would choose to be ridiculed'
I don't disagree.

But it's not something that is ridiculed (as much) these days.

I submit that, for some teens and young adults, it's "cool".
I think some young people act out in a rebellious way, much like we used to do with drugs.
That's not to say that some are legitimately gay or bi, but I do believe there is a percentage that do it just for the shock value.
I agree that seems to be a trend I have observed also

I used to have green hair for the shock value too. Does that mean my constitutional rights should be less than a natural blonde? Does that mean I am no longer entitled to equal access under the law?
Apparently no one has forced you accept any-damned-thing.

There was a comment, early on, in this thread that 'no one would choose to be ridiculed'
I don't disagree.

But it's not something that is ridiculed (as much) these days.

I submit that, for some teens and young adults, it's "cool".
I think some young people act out in a rebellious way, much like we used to do with drugs.
That's not to say that some are legitimately gay or bi, but I do believe there is a percentage that do it just for the shock value.
I agree that seems to be a trend I have observed also

I used to have green hair for the shock value too. Does that mean my constitutional rights should be less than a natural blonde? Does that mean I am no longer entitled to equal access under the law?

I'm just commenting as an unaffected observer.

I am quite secure in my skin, marriage, and faith.


But, since you brought it up;
What constitutional rights am I enjoying that others aren't?
But, since you brought it up;
What constitutional rights am I enjoying that others aren't?

Assuming you are a straight you have the right to marry the person of your choice? Yes. Do homosexuals? No. That is a right you enjoy that homosexuals do not. Right there you have one set of rights for one group of society and a different set of rights for another group. Is that constitutional? Thus far the courts have said "no". Therefore you enjoy a higher level of judicial access than homosexuals which is a violation of the 14th Amendment. In some states, such as Michigan, even civil unions and same-sex unions have been banned and domestic partnership benefits voided. Adoption is illegal for homosexual couples in Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Nebraska.

Does that sound like equal access under the law to you?
What difference does it make if gays are born that way?

Even if you were born heterosexual and made a choice that you preferred homosexuality, why shouldnt Americans have the right to love the person they want regardless of sex?
But, since you brought it up;
What constitutional rights am I enjoying that others aren't?

Assuming you are a straight you have the right to marry the person of your choice? Yes. Do homosexuals? No. That is a right you enjoy that homosexuals do not. Right there you have one set of rights for one group of society and a different set of rights for another group. Is that constitutional? Thus far the courts have said "no". Therefore you enjoy a higher level of judicial access than homosexuals which is a violation of the 14th Amendment. In some states, such as Michigan, even civil unions and same-sex unions have been banned and domestic partnership benefits voided. Adoption is illegal for homosexual couples in Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Nebraska.

Does that sound like equal access under the law to you?

I wasn't aware that I had a "right" to marry.
But, since you brought it up;
What constitutional rights am I enjoying that others aren't?

Assuming you are a straight you have the right to marry the person of your choice? Yes. Do homosexuals? No. That is a right you enjoy that homosexuals do not. Right there you have one set of rights for one group of society and a different set of rights for another group. Is that constitutional? Thus far the courts have said "no". Therefore you enjoy a higher level of judicial access than homosexuals which is a violation of the 14th Amendment. In some states, such as Michigan, even civil unions and same-sex unions have been banned and domestic partnership benefits voided. Adoption is illegal for homosexual couples in Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Nebraska.

Does that sound like equal access under the law to you?

I wasn't aware that I had a "right" to marry.

Are you making the argument that marriage is legally a privilege? Can you name any other segment of society aside from those under 18 or 16, depending on the state, where marriage is denied...even then with parental consent marriage is allowed. And you ignored part about bans on simple same-sex unions, civil unions, and domestic partnerships, and adoption in the states I mentioned. Are you prepared to argue that it should be illegal for a homosexual to adopt a child? Are you prepared to argue that a homosexual in Michigan should have no right to visit his or her partner in the hospital? Are you going to say that two people may not enter into a joint legal agreement as a "couple" because they are homosexual? Are you really ready to make that argument? If have a far colder heart and a far greater sense of self-righteousness than I can bring myself to display.
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But, since you brought it up;
What constitutional rights am I enjoying that others aren't?

Assuming you are a straight you have the right to marry the person of your choice? Yes. Do homosexuals? No. That is a right you enjoy that homosexuals do not. Right there you have one set of rights for one group of society and a different set of rights for another group. Is that constitutional? Thus far the courts have said "no". Therefore you enjoy a higher level of judicial access than homosexuals which is a violation of the 14th Amendment. In some states, such as Michigan, even civil unions and same-sex unions have been banned and domestic partnership benefits voided. Adoption is illegal for homosexual couples in Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, and Nebraska.

Does that sound like equal access under the law to you?

I wasn't aware that I had a "right" to marry.

You weren't? What does your wife have to say about that.

What happened to you?

I don't like lies touted as "fact" and I don't like the fact that pedophiles and Nazis convinced us to restructure our society according to their specifications and perversions.

And I don't like being called a "homophobe" when I point out the facts.

Some racists will also rationalize their racism by pointing to all sorts of facts why blacks are inferior - lower income, less education, higher crime rates, etc. It doesn't make them any less racist.
I'm not pretending homosexuals are inferior. I'm pointing out that our entire social network was reworked based on a fraudulent and disgusting study by Nazis and child molesters.

Whose purpose was to convince the world that depravity is normal, and therefore should be embraced.....
Glad to see you're embracing it.

You know how you came to believe that children are sexual, and experimentation among children is normal?

Kinsey strapped babies to boards and stimulated them to erection.
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You want to know how the world came to believe that most people have so called deviant sexual fantasies, and homosexuality is "normal" in a large segment of the population?

He polled incarcerated sex offenders!It's certainly the norm for them. And now it's the norm for us!
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

I'm frankly tired of that "they/we were born that way" crap. I don't care if they were born that way, chose to be that way, or both. If one truly believes in FREEDOM and SELF DETERMINATION, I don't think it should matter if a person is straight, gay, or bi-sexual. Two homosexuals marrying each other isn't going to ruin my heterosexual marriage.
The whole theory of sexuality being hardwired...guess where that came from originally?

KINSEY! Based on his "studies"...aka "child rape". The kids liked it, by golly, even when they were infants...which means, guess what? It's hardwired!

That and a study of wasps..which are relevant to humans..somehow....

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