Are all gays born that way?

But these laws DO violate the COTUS...14th Amendment. It's pretty clear.

Marriage is conditional.
Not every couple can legally marry.
You can't marry your mother or sister or daughter.
Now, in some states, you can't marry someone of the same sex.

Which group, mothers, sisters, daughters, or gays are asking for special treatment?

How is it special if all the straight couples have that treatment?

"Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker!!"
Still ignoring your trolling.

We interrupt this thread for a very important message from Allie Baba. She is ignoring us. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.

I could swear a couple of hours ago she said I was on a higher plane than you. Apparently she routinely forgets what she says. But now that we are both on ignore, I must say I'm relieved. Now I can say whatever I want, without having to see her classic responses, such as:

Loon. :cuckoo:

Okay .... :cuckoo:

And the ever popular;

I'm ignoring you. :cuckoo:

Truly hilarious, when the reality is more like

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From yet another source than the ones I've already cited and linked...

I just told someone who had pos repped me that the harpies were absent, feverishly shoring up support for Kinsey. And here you are, demanding evidence...again...

"Kinsey's work and research was manipulated so that its results would be
indicative of what he himself believed, without any real and tangible
scientific support. According to Paul Robinson, one of Kinsey's
biographers, Kinsey's work was designed to "undermine the traditional
sexual order."[6] Kinsey had his own amoral agenda and hoped to use his
research as the scientific base to "change society's traditional moral

Kinsey's research included two main parts: he used data from the "sex
histories" of about 18,000 persons, and he directed experimental sex
research on several hundred children aged two months to almost 15 years of
age. "

"The experimental research on several hundred children consisted of the
molestation of these children by a group of nine persons. Some were
"technically trained" and in reality acted like pedophiles. It is reported
that some were indeed already pedophiles because not all had to be trained.
In Kinsey's <Male Report> (1948) it is reported that the children reacted
to the oral and manual stimulation by these nine adults in various ways.
The reactions ranged from bodily "twitching", "violent cries", "violent
convulsions", and "extreme trembling", to "excruciating pain".[9]"

"This was all done in order to supposedly demonstrate that children are
sexual beings and can enjoy sexual pleasure as well as any adult. Kinsey
sought to use these results to indicate that children are indeed able to
engage in and benefit from sexual activity."
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From yet another source than the ones I've already cited and linked...

I just told someone who had pos repped me that the harpies were absent, feverishly shoring up support for Kinsey. And here you are, demanding evidence...again...

"The experimental research on several hundred children consisted of the
molestation of these children by a group of nine persons. Some were
"technically trained" and in reality acted like pedophiles. It is reported
that some were indeed already pedophiles because not all had to be trained.
In Kinsey's <Male Report> (1948) it is reported that the children reacted
to the oral and manual stimulation by these nine adults in various ways.
The reactions ranged from bodily "twitching", "violent cries", "violent
convulsions", and "extreme trembling", to "excruciating pain".[9]"

Is that what we were doing? And here I thought I was napping.
You find it amusing?

Of course you do.

"A 76-year-old woman with a pseudonym of "Esther White" has come forward to expose herself as a rape victim of Dr. Alfred Kinsey.
Kinsey started as a biologist, but began delving into the world of pedophilia. He soon started studying the reactions of children to sex. From what he and his associates claim were interviews with pedophiles (see a PBS interview with an associate, Paul Gebhard), he produced records showing "evidence" that children are orgasmic from infancy.
Through his now-famous "Table 34," Kinsey concluded that no type of sexual intimacy should be denied to children. He used this research in the books "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (1948) and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" (1953). From this, he earned the name "father of the sexual revolution" - and the books were embraced without questions about how he got his research."

Rape Victim Accuses Dr. Alfred Kinsey of Using Children for His Research - Yahoo! Voices -

The result of Kinsey being discredited was that the APa quietly revised it's statement about homosexuality being hardwired. They accepted his studies and his mantra at face did the rest of academia.

"SIEUCUS, the Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States, is the primary organization that establishes sex ed curriculum for the National Education Association. It's based on Kinsey Institute research."

Rape Victim Accuses Dr. Alfred Kinsey of Using Children for His Research - Yahoo! Voices -
You find it amusing?

Of course you do.

"A 76-year-old woman with a pseudonym of "Esther White" has come forward to expose herself as a rape victim of Dr. Alfred Kinsey.
Kinsey started as a biologist, but began delving into the world of pedophilia. He soon started studying the reactions of children to sex. From what he and his associates claim were interviews with pedophiles (see a PBS interview with an associate, Paul Gebhard), he produced records showing "evidence" that children are orgasmic from infancy.
Through his now-famous "Table 34," Kinsey concluded that no type of sexual intimacy should be denied to children. He used this research in the books "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (1948) and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" (1953). From this, he earned the name "father of the sexual revolution" - and the books were embraced without questions about how he got his research."

Rape Victim Accuses Dr. Alfred Kinsey of Using Children for His Research - Yahoo! Voices -

The result of Kinsey being discredited was that the APa quietly revised it's statement about homosexuality being hardwired. They accepted his studies and his mantra at face did the rest of academia.

"SIEUCUS, the Sexual Information and Education Council of the United States, is the primary organization that establishes sex ed curriculum for the National Education Association. It's based on Kinsey Institute research."

Rape Victim Accuses Dr. Alfred Kinsey of Using Children for His Research - Yahoo! Voices -

You assume I read your sick shares? Of course you do.
"As you said, it&#8217;s been 50 years since Alfred Kinsey published his infamous 1948 report, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, which has so profoundly and grievously affected not only American society, but the moral, social, and political order worldwide. It is difficult to exaggerate the horrendous effects of the widespread promotion and acceptance of his work. Kinsey&#8217;s "research" shook America&#8217;s moral foundations and launched the Sexual Revolution in the 1960s. Its terrible results are obvious in the skyrocketing incidence of all the social pathologies afflicting us today: divorce, abortion, sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, illegitimate births, cohabitation, pornography, homosexuality, sadomasochism, rape, child molestation, sexual crimes of all types, family breakup, endemic violence, etc."

Fighting the Kinsey Fraud: Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman

What's sick is your acceptance of what a known pedophile feeds to you as "normal". What's sick is the fact that you're okay with information that was produced via rape of infants.

You repeat every single talking point this piece of shit raped children in order to "prove".

Certainly the cultural validating and "mainstreaming" of homosexuality is one of the major shifts that can be marked down as a Kinsey triumph. And the people who are trying to preserve traditional values and Judeo-Christian morality &#8212; and I believe we are still the majority &#8212; feel desperately besieged on all sides by this "new morality" being promoted by the small but powerful minority of artistic, intellectual, academic, and scientific elite.
One of the important areas where I think my research has made a very significant contribution is in uncovering the legal subversion that Kinsey is greatly responsible for. Very few Americans have any knowledge or appreciation for the enormity of his influence in this important realm. One indicator of this is the fact that Kinsey is the most cited sex scientist by far in Westlaw and the other legal indices. In my latest book I give several pages listing hundreds of law journal citations. His bogus science has been cited in case after case to overturn laws, for instance, that protect society against sex offenders."

Kinsey claimed to have proven, based upon the deviant samples used in his research, that 95 percent of American men engaged in deviant sex and thus were sex offenders. This obviously proved that our sex laws were based on repressive, antiquated notions and had to be radically changed. Morris Ernst, Kinsey&#8217;s ACLU lawyer, wrote that "virtually every page of the Kinsey Report touches on some section of the legal code." That was no exaggeration. Kinsey believed that all sex was legitimate &#8212; pedophilia, bestiality, incest, adultery, prostitution, group sex, transvestitism, sadomasochism &#8212; and he worked to overthrow all laws prohibiting any of these perversions.
He and his associates also testified and wrote in favor of parole for sex offenders and violent felons, and are greatly responsible for the reduction of penalties for rapists and child molesters and the release of these repeat offenders back into society. In the Kinseyan view, brutal sex predators were deserving of "therapeutic," not "retributive," action. Millions of American children and women have been brutally victimized as a result of these Kinsey-inspired "reforms."

Fighting the Kinsey Fraud: Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman
Prior to Kinsey, rape was treated as a heinous crime in keeping with the Common Law standard. If convicted, rapists faced mandatory execution in three states, the possibility of a death penalty in 20 states, and a minimum of a 20-year sentence in all but one of the states. Kinsey changed all that.
Now the most vulnerable of society &#8212; women and children &#8212; are victimized twice: once by sexual crimes and vice, and again by the changed laws that refuse to penalize the perpetrator. This is Kinsey&#8217;s legacy, which is anti-marriage, anti-father, anti-mother, and, most definitely, anti-child."

"Kinsey claimed that his data proved that children are "sexual" from birth. What was this based upon? According to the admission of his associates, such as Wardell Pomeroy and Paul Gebhard, much of this data came from an habitual pedophile Kinsey code-named "Mr. Green" (also referred to sometimes as "Mr. X"), who had molested as many as 800 boys and girls over many years, and who kept meticulous records of his exploits.
We now know that this predatory pervert was Rex King, a U.S. government land examiner, who traveled about Arizona, New Mexico, and the Southwest. Much of Kinsey&#8217;s data comes from the diaries of this monster who sexually tortured children, some infants as young as three months, and recorded their screams of pain as "orgasms."
Instead of being repulsed and horrified by this, as any normal person would be, Kinsey was tantalized. He told King, "I congratulate you on the research spirit which has led you to collect data over these many years." He assured King that his insidious criminal activity had great scientific importance. Research spirit! We do not know how many other violent pedophiles &#8212; even child murderers &#8212; Kinsey may have used as "researchers," nor do we know for certain how many children Kinsey and/or members of his staff directly abused themselves, but there is evidence in their own notes that they were present and at least witnessed some of this activity."

Fighting the Kinsey Fraud: Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman
One wonders why a person would frequent the threads about deviant sexuality if they aren't interested in reading the material?
But not the posts that expose the fraud upon which the "hardwire" myth was based?

You realize it was after Kinsey was exposed that the APA reworded their stance that homosexuality was hardwired, right?

Or are you saying that Kinsey is the sane one, and the culture based upon his abuse of children and his research lies is sane?
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You're obsessing over something that has no bearing on anything. The fact of the matter is, Kinsey was a sick, twisted individual, who tricked the world into accepting his sick, twisted view of life...for the express purpose of making that lifestyle the accepted lifestyle of the world. He knew he was lying. He and the other sickos who perpetrated this fraud on us wanted us to believe sexuality is hardwired. THAT'S WHY THEY TORTURED CHILDREN and lied about their *studies*. It's not true...but they want people to believe it, because that makes a society of willing victims and depraved monsters.

I have no need to prove him wrong. He's been exposed and disgraced before the world... why would any of us have to prove a pedophile who tortured infants was wrong about the sexuality of infants? It's like proving a negative. There's no evidence that sexuality is hardwired. There's no genetic evidence, there's no scientific evidence, and the only evidence that existed has been exposed as a violent and fraudulent fraud.

Yes, Kinsey is bullshit. But you continue to dodge the issue. If sexuality is a choice, choose to get aroused by a woman. Walk the talk.
I wasn't aware that I had a "right" to marry.

Well, then let me educate you. The Supreme Court of the United States has declared marriage a fundamental right on no less than three occasions. The cases were:

Loving v Virginia (1967)
Zablocki v Wisconsin (1978)
Turner v Safley (1987)

Now, that being said, all fundamental rights have qualifiers. The right to free speech, to bear arms, etc have "qualifiers", right? Okay, now that we have that "straight" must be able to provide a societal harm if you want to keep a person or even a group of people from any of those fundamental rights, correct? Where is the societal harm in allowing a consenting adult couple the fundamental right to legally marry each other?
What the hell does Kinsey have to do with any of this? He has little to do with the APA's decision to remove homosexuality from its list of "mental disorders" and there have been plenty of studies since Kinsey that point to a genetic predisposition for sexual orientation.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

I don't think any heterosexual male could ever look at some guy's hairy ass and honestly "learn" to say to himself "oh, I gotta get me some of that!"

It took no "teaching" to have me view a pretty female form and decide that it was "desirable," however.

And having had a conversation along these lines with many guys and some free-spirited women, I conclude that there is essentially NOthing "learned" about a person's sexuality. If you are in the minority (maybe 10% of the population) who is attracted sexually to your own gender, you're gay. If you are in the majority (i.e., probably around 90%) who is attracted to the so-called "opposite" gender, then you are heterosexual.

Oh, and if you are attracted to children you're a sick fuck And if you act on it, you should be a dead sick fuck.
Look at High_Gravity's avie.
Now look at koshergrl's present avie.

That's all.

Do your homework
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

I don't think any heterosexual male could ever look at some guy's hairy ass and honestly "learn" to say to himself "oh, I gotta get me some of that!"

It took no "teaching" to have me view a pretty female form and decide that it was "desirable," however.

And having had a conversation along these lines with many guys and some free-spirited women, I conclude that there is essentially NOthing "learned" about a person's sexuality. If you are in the minority (maybe 10% of the population) who is attracted sexually to your own gender, you're gay. If you are in the majority (i.e., probably around 90%) who is attracted to the so-called "opposite" gender, then you are heterosexual.

Oh, and if you are attracted to children you're a sick fuck And if you act on it, you should be a dead sick fuck.

^ This.

Homosexuality has been around since mankind began and will remain so. And?? Why do some of you have such a problem with this?

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