Are all gays born that way?

Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Not according to Bodey, She "turned gay" after she told he OCS recruitment Officer she was'nt. Sea Wytch "turned gay in boot camp" after she told her recruitment officer she wasnt. So I guess you become gay by choice.
We're talking about kids here and we all know kids, thinking, and consequences don't always go hand in hand. That's why it's up to the parents to be smart.
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age

I was 'disciplined' to within an inch of my life, and still have flashbacks. That didn't preclude me getting pregnant without benefit of marriage.

Discipline and abuse are not synonymous.
From the darwinian perspective its against the balance of nature.
From the religious perspective its an abomination.


From the darwinian perspective, it IS the balance of nature.

From the religious perspective, only those who follow your religion cares.
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age

I was 'disciplined' to within an inch of my life, and still have flashbacks. That didn't preclude me getting pregnant without benefit of marriage.

Discipline and abuse are not synonymous.

No, it was discipline. Being beaten for running away was discipline.
If there were no welfare system I wonder if it would cause more people to think about consequences of sexual actions before doing the deed. But maybe that is a topic for a new thread

We're talking about kids here and we all know kids, thinking, and consequences don't always go hand in hand. That's why it's up to the parents to be smart.
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age

Throwing your underage kids out of the house with no remorse or concern for their wellbeing simply because of who they are is not good parenting.

If they were having sex under your roof against your rules, then there should be consequences, although I think throwing them out is draconian.
We're talking about kids here and we all know kids, thinking, and consequences don't always go hand in hand. That's why it's up to the parents to be smart.
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age

Throwing your underage kids out of the house with no remorse or concern for their wellbeing simply because of who they are is not good parenting.

If they were having sex under your roof against your rules, then there should be consequences, although I think throwing them out is draconian.

Personally, saying what you would do from the perspective of a vacuum is meaningless. She doesn't know what she'd do until she has to cross that bridge. In other words - people who love their kids don't treat them as disposable.
Does not not matter if they were born that way or not. we are given free will and we have a choice to be gay or not and act upon it. In cor 6;9 it say "that is what some of you were" meaning it is choice.

Cor 6;920
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were
I find it to be depravity and lack of character to snarl at others the way you do, koshergrl, and I think you show an enormous lack of character in the way that you conversate with other human beings right on this message board.

I can accept that you're "a person," but I dont have to accept your depravity and lack of character. You make me sick.

It's funny the way some people react to truths they don't like. There's nothing depraved about refusing to accept the lie that humans have no control over their sexual behavior.

And conversate isn't a word.

There's nothing depraved about being gay. your judgement means absolute zero. It's an opinion that shines a very negative light on not Gays, but your own insecure, crude and small self.

The sad thing is folks like Koshergirl will have to one day stand before God and explain their judgmentalism to him. Us Christians who believe in "live and let live" won't have that burden.....not that we don't have other shit to answer for, but bring a self righteous pious prick won't be one of see, some Christians have actually learner to love....which is the hallmark of Christs's message.....not finding solace in our own behavior by judging others. In fact, if I were a truly judgmental person, I'd accuse them of not being Christians at all....but I know that faith is a journey, and they are still stuck in the "don't do _________, or you're going to hell" phase.

They rightfully fear God's wrath, but don't have a clue as to God's love and the scope of his forgiveness. Let me just simply say that they aren't being very Christ-like.

But that's Ok...there isn't any of us that are...but some do the best they can...which is all God asks. I truly hope that someday they'll see the light and that we are all brothers and sisters no matter what our "sins" may be.
Does not not matter if they were born that way or not. we are given free will and we have a choice to be gay or not and act upon it. In cor 6;9 it say "that is what some of you were" meaning it is choice.

Cor 6;920
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were

Is there any where in the Bible where Jesus himself condemned homosexuality in his own words?
Paul wrote Corinthians....
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age

Throwing your underage kids out of the house with no remorse or concern for their wellbeing simply because of who they are is not good parenting.

If they were having sex under your roof against your rules, then there should be consequences, although I think throwing them out is draconian.

Personally, saying what you would do from the perspective of a vacuum is meaningless. She doesn't know what she'd do until she has to cross that bridge. In other words - people who love their kids don't treat them as disposable.

When my daughter was 9 she threw a huge fit that lasted until 3 am on Christmas eve. She got Christmas taken from her. Opened gifts in front of her and had her be a part of the day that way. Was it hard? Hardest day of my life right up there with my mom passing on. Did she learn from it? She did! She learned that when I lay something down I mean it and I am not backing down. I did give her a chance to change and she did so therefore getting her gifts at a later date but she learned that I meant what I said and this past year remembered and said she was being very good because getting Christmas taken is something she never wants to happen again.
Oh spare me, Steelplate.

Since 1964, the Sex Education and Information Council of the United States (SIECUS) has provided sex education materials to public schools. SIECUS, a private entity, received initial seed money from the Playboy Foundation. It was founded via the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University as its outreach. SIECUS is dependent upon Indiana University’s Kinsey Reports, including the “scientific” tables documenting the Kinsey protocol of ongoing molestation of infants and children by pedophiles, including at least one former Gestapo officer. These criminal acts provided the “proof,” Kinsey said, of sexual desire and erotic capacity in infants and children.
Therefore, according to Kinsey, “science” requires teaching kindergarten children about their sexuality. In the April 14, 1980 issue of Time Magazine, SIECUS was described as part of the “pro-incest lobby,” and in 1996, SIECUS issued a position statement advocating the use of “sexually explicit materials” to teach school children:
When sensitively used in a manner appropriate to the viewer’s age and developmental level, sexually explicit visual, printed, or on-line materials can be valuable educational personal aids helping to reduce ignorance and confusion and contributing to a wholesome concept of sexuality."

That's what you're defending.

And that makes you scum.

The ALEC Report on Kinsey
Think of all the lies the progressives tell us about how important it is to "educate" kids in important it is to mainstream homosexuals, and "rethink" the family....

All based on this monster's garbage.

"Since Kinseyan findings within sex education materials entered schools, rates of sexual disease and dysfunction have increased. Condoms are now ubiquitous and are widely promoted in schools by public school and health authorities to prevent pregnancy and sexual disease. Yet, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) study on condom effectiveness (June 2000), condoms do not prevent a stunning 98% of STD transmissions. Condoms never protect against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which is spread by skin contact, not by fluids and is the cause of cervical cancer, which kills 5,000 women per year in the United States. The prestigious British medical journal, Lancet, suggests that “increased condom use will increase the number of AIDS transmissions that result from condom failures. There is a 24% pregnancy rate for teens who use condoms."

The ALEC Report on Kinsey

The sexual revolution, from Margaret Sanger, to Kinsey, to whoever is running the propaganda today, has been a lie perpetuated against you by Nazis, child molesters, and eugenecists.

The plan was to reform society into a depraved mess. And it has been successful.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Once the politically correct libs see this, you will be dragged to the town square and flogged at dawn.

What happened to you?

I don't like lies touted as "fact" and I don't like the fact that pedophiles and Nazis convinced us to restructure our society according to their specifications and perversions.

And I don't like being called a "homophobe" when I point out the facts.
Are all gays born that way?

Being science and fact grounded, I find there is really only one answer.

Of course.
Stupid to think otherwise.


A more important point is, what's it to ya?


Somebody wants to make with their own sex, its not YOUR business. Not mine either. Not my business who you want to screw. Not your business who turns me on either.

Damn rw busybody meddlers need to take care of what's in their bedroom and quit trying to control everybody else.

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