Are all gays born that way?

That is why so many are on welfare. Safety net

Yes, America needs a safety net to protect the kids whose parents are so blinded by their bigotry and stupidity that they are unable to parent effectively.

Many assumptions made there

Well then help us out here.

You're ready to turn your kid out the door if they came out to you and said they were gay.

We can all see here that your love for your kids would be conditional.

That's a crappy way to teach kids to be themselves and to have self-respect.

You'd turn your kid uncaringly out the door and let them fend for themselves without a hint of remorse? Wouldn't you care at all what happens to them? Just because they turned out to be gay?
Yep and they have already been forewarned. Same goes for engaging in sex.

And we wonder why there are so many on welfare.

so many what?

Mainly kids who have been thrown out of the house because of who they are, what they've done... Parents who don't know how to parent and get fed up or give up and just kick the kids out. Plenty of homeless kids here in SF, living on the streets, turn to drugs or worse and ultimately become a financial drain to taxpayers.
Yes, America needs a safety net to protect the kids whose parents are so blinded by their bigotry and stupidity that they are unable to parent effectively.

Many assumptions made there

Well then help us out here.

You're ready to turn your kid out the door if they came out to you and said they were gay.

We can all see here that your love for your kids would be conditional.

That's a crappy way to teach kids to be themselves and to have self-respect.

You'd turn your kid uncaringly out the door and let them fend for themselves without a hint of remorse? Wouldn't you care at all what happens to them? Just because they turned out to be gay?

No, because they violated the rule of the house, which is no sex, and no identifying yourself as a homosexual.

I never threatened my kids with expulsion from the home...but I made it very sex until they're independent, and by independent I mean of age. 21...out of the house and on their own and no longer financially dependent.

No sex means no sex. I told them all that if they have time to be pondering their sexuality, they need to spend more time on their homework.
Many assumptions made there

Well then help us out here.

You're ready to turn your kid out the door if they came out to you and said they were gay.

We can all see here that your love for your kids would be conditional.

That's a crappy way to teach kids to be themselves and to have self-respect.

You'd turn your kid uncaringly out the door and let them fend for themselves without a hint of remorse? Wouldn't you care at all what happens to them? Just because they turned out to be gay?

No, because they violated the rule of the house, which is no sex, and no identifying yourself as a homosexual.

I never threatened my kids with expulsion from the home...but I made it very sex until they're independent, and by independent I mean of age. 21...out of the house and on their own and no longer financially dependent.

No sex means no sex. I told them all that if they have time to be pondering their sexuality, they need to spend more time on their homework.

The no-sex under the parent's roof.... I have no problem with that. I think ground rules like that are fine and all part of parenting.

But to throw them out underage because they are gay is something completely different.

And let me ask, were you 18 before you even thought about sex? I don't think any of us were.........
And we wonder why there are so many on welfare.

so many what?

If there were no welfare system I wonder if it would cause more people to think about consequences of sexual actions before doing the deed. But maybe that is a topic for a new thread

We're talking about kids here and we all know kids, thinking, and consequences don't always go hand in hand. That's why it's up to the parents to be smart.
so many what?

If there were no welfare system I wonder if it would cause more people to think about consequences of sexual actions before doing the deed. But maybe that is a topic for a new thread

i thought you were talking about gays.

and i was going to remind you that gays have the highest per capita income of any demographic group.

Well of course because gays can't fuck up and get someone pregnant at a young age, thus becoming tied down and their cash going to child support, gays get the luxury of deciding when they are ready for children, when alot of straight people make mistakes and have kids at a young age and cannot afford them.
Funny you should mention income Jillian, because in my internet wanderings, I recently came across two pieces that claimed that homosexual parents were functioning below the poverty level, and this was evidence of discrimination against them.
Well then help us out here.

You're ready to turn your kid out the door if they came out to you and said they were gay.

We can all see here that your love for your kids would be conditional.

That's a crappy way to teach kids to be themselves and to have self-respect.

You'd turn your kid uncaringly out the door and let them fend for themselves without a hint of remorse? Wouldn't you care at all what happens to them? Just because they turned out to be gay?

No, because they violated the rule of the house, which is no sex, and no identifying yourself as a homosexual.

I never threatened my kids with expulsion from the home...but I made it very sex until they're independent, and by independent I mean of age. 21...out of the house and on their own and no longer financially dependent.

No sex means no sex. I told them all that if they have time to be pondering their sexuality, they need to spend more time on their homework.

The no-sex under the parent's roof.... I have no problem with that. I think ground rules like that are fine and all part of parenting.

But to throw them out underage because they are gay is something completely different.

And let me ask, were you 18 before you even thought about sex? I don't think any of us were.........

Thinking and doing are not the same
No, because they violated the rule of the house, which is no sex, and no identifying yourself as a homosexual.

I never threatened my kids with expulsion from the home...but I made it very sex until they're independent, and by independent I mean of age. 21...out of the house and on their own and no longer financially dependent.

No sex means no sex. I told them all that if they have time to be pondering their sexuality, they need to spend more time on their homework.

The no-sex under the parent's roof.... I have no problem with that. I think ground rules like that are fine and all part of parenting.

But to throw them out underage because they are gay is something completely different.

And let me ask, were you 18 before you even thought about sex? I don't think any of us were.........

Thinking and doing are not the same

Hormones. If they don't have any, they'll be fine.

Oh, wait.
KG - Just my 2 cents... I know a few gay people who are divorced. They tried the traditional family thing and they have kids, but of course it didn't work. That may account for those in the lower earnings group.
so many what?

If there were no welfare system I wonder if it would cause more people to think about consequences of sexual actions before doing the deed. But maybe that is a topic for a new thread

We're talking about kids here and we all know kids, thinking, and consequences don't always go hand in hand. That's why it's up to the parents to be smart.
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age
It does...

Homosexuality also lends itself to single parent families where one parent can't get visitation, and the other parent isn't obligated to pay support.

Which sort of puts the lie to "it's just as good as traditional two parent families"
If there were no welfare system I wonder if it would cause more people to think about consequences of sexual actions before doing the deed. But maybe that is a topic for a new thread

We're talking about kids here and we all know kids, thinking, and consequences don't always go hand in hand. That's why it's up to the parents to be smart.
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age

I was 'disciplined' to within an inch of my life, and still have flashbacks. That didn't preclude me getting pregnant without benefit of marriage.
We're talking about kids here and we all know kids, thinking, and consequences don't always go hand in hand. That's why it's up to the parents to be smart.
That is a job of the parent to instruct children on consequences for their action. It is called...discipline and starts at a young age

I was 'disciplined' to within an inch of my life, and still have flashbacks. That didn't preclude me getting pregnant without benefit of marriage.

I had cousins who lived across the street from me growing up who had children earlier than they should. I saw the issues that it caused them. The only one who overcame it was the one who was thrown out. I learned many lessons by watching others experiences. I have come to understand that many do not do that
Homosexuality is a perversion nothing else,a matter of choice.

so you wake up every day deciding you have to force yourself to keep your hands off of the hot guy on line next to you at starbucks?

if that's the case, you should really come out. your life will be happier.

and maybe your posts won't be so psychotic.
From the darwinian perspective its against the balance of nature.
From the religious perspective its an abomination.

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