Are all gays born that way?

I dislike it when you meet someone they immediately tell you hey I am gay!

Does this happen to you often?

It has never happened to me.

I've never known a gay person who made their gayness their number one trait about themselves.

Are you sure you are not projecting?
Yes, well, I never said that.

So again, the logical fallacy is yours.

Um, yes you did.

Here, let me help you find that:

"blindly accept the APA's legitimization of deviant sexual behavior BASED on Kinsey's studies"

Did I base anything on Kinsey's studies? No.

"I assume Kinsey is your hero based on what you've said." -

here's an actual view inside of an illogical brain:

"you and kinsey both believe gay is not a choice, thus kinsey is your assumed hero"

Thats a logical fallacy, hun.

Should I keep going? Ohhhhhh...I should.

Here's another logical fallacy:

"And all the homosexual talking points...from "hardwired" language down...come straight from him."

Oh, so if someone says something that is the same as what he's said in the past - it means they NECESSARILY got it, from HIM? NO - wrong, logical fallacy Fail number (how many?).

Need I keep going?
Here you go, koshergirl. Allow me to demonstrate how one identifies and explains a logical fallacy when one sees one.

To wit:
Calling homosexuality an immutable sexual orientation is vital to pedophiles who are winning their own fight to have their perversion recognized as a sexual orientation. | Pedophilia as a ’sexual orientation’? | Marcia Segelstein

Member of Parliament Marc Lemay had this reaction to the testimony: “In my opinion, society and no one around this table will accept pedophilia, even if it is a sexual orientation. . . . I recall a period, not too long ago, when homosexuality was treated as an illness. It is now accepted, society has accepted it. . . . I cannot imagine pedophilia being accepted in 2011.”

The report raises many issues. First the good news. Legislators to our north are learning that there is no quick fix for pedophiles. Hopefully that will inform their decision-making on how to deal with them.

Now the not-so-good news. While I believe the doctors testifying were trying to make the point that pedophilia is a serious, perhaps untreatable, condition, calling it another “sexual orientation” undermines that point.

Lemay’s reaction is telling. Right now it may be impossible to imagine society accepting pedophilia. A generation ago it would have been impossible to imagine abortion on demand, or elementary school children being taught about homosexuality

This is identified as a "slippery slope fallacy."

This particular fallacy of equating homosexuality with pedophilia or bestiality or incest or some other heinous activity never fails to appear in a topic about gays or gay marriage. I have often predicted at the beginning of a topic about gays that someone will post in that topic something about pedophilia or bestiality. And even though I have given fair warning, they STILL do it. I have bagged two or three people at times.

Here is why this is a logical fallacy: One cannot use the legalization of a harmless activity as justification for the legalization of a harmful activity. And yet that is precisely what these people are doing when they say giving gays equal protection under the law will lead to pedophilia being legalized.

That is the slipperly slope fallacy.

Once again, at the bottom of the recreant illogic is a primal fear and hatred of homosexuals, and nothing more.

Homo = Pedophile in the minds of the fearful.

Somehow, Peter smoking Paul's pole in a bedroom somewhere just scares the ever loving shit out of some people.

So, koshergirl, please identify and explain the logical fallacy you claimed was in my post.

Thank you.
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You can go on all day. It doesn't negate the valid points I made.

Homosexuals are over represented among pedophiles, in comparison to their percentage in the general population.

The APA legitimizes the mainstreaming of pedophilia.

The APA is the "go to" organization for the homosexual lobby.

The APA accepted Kinsey's studies as the premier studies in homosexuality, and the myths that were promoted by those studies still abound today, as evidenced by the idiotic parottings of posters in this forum...posters like pooper, bod, catz, and a variety of others.

Kinsey was a monster, a fraud, a pedophile, and wanted to see pedophilia de-stigmatized.

The APA continues to legitimize efforts to de-stigmatize pedophilia. They do it by lying about sexual deviancy and encouraging and lending credence to monsters like Kinsey and his co-horts, who actively campaign(ed) to de-criminalize and de-stigmatize pedophilia.

Those are the facts.

I don't care if you don't like the way I argue. I don't care if you think I'm ugly, or if you piss and moan that I mis-characterized you. You're just a troll. My argument stands on its own, and you are You've added zero to the conversation. You haven't contradicted any of the facts submitted, you haven't put forth any of your own. You've just pissed and moaned.

And that doesn't bother me at all.
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You can go on all day. It doesn't negate the valid points I made.

Homosexuals are over represented among pedophiles, in comparison to their percentage in the general population.

The APA legitimizes the mainstreaming of pedophilia.

The APA is the "go to" organization for the homosexual lobby.

The APA accepted Kinsey's studies as the premier studies in homosexuality, and the myths that were promoted by those studies about today.

Kinsey was a monster, a fraud, a pedophile, and wanted to see pedophilia de-stigmatized.

The APA continues to legitimize efforts to de-stigmatize pedophilia. They do it by lying about sexual deviancy and encouraging and lending credence to monsters like Kinsey and his co-horts, who actively campaign(ed) to de-criminalize and de-stigmatize pedophilia.

Those are the facts.

I don't care if you don't like the way I argue. I don't care if you think I'm ugly, or if you piss and moan that I mis-characterized you. You're just a troll. My argument stands on its own, and you are You've added zero to the conversation. You haven't contradicted any of the facts submitted, you haven't put forth any of your own. You've just pissed and moaned.

And that doesn't bother me at all.

No, your arguments are not based on logical a + b = c merit, they are flawed and have many many holes in them, and that's been proven. That's the only point I was attempting to make (because you were the one being a snot nose calling everyone else's (tighter than yours logically) points logical fallacies, and promoting the (not) fact that you got an "A" in critical thinking), but obviously you can't grasp it because again - you can't see past your own nose.
No, it hasn't been proven. You can't use logical fallacy to prove anything.
Yes, well, I never said that.

So again, the logical fallacy is yours.

Um, yes you did.

Here, let me help you find that:

"blindly accept the APA's legitimization of deviant sexual behavior BASED on Kinsey's studies"

This is identified as the "strawman fallacy".

The strawman fallacy is where one invents a position taken by the opposition and then rhetorically destroying that position.

So here we see koshergirl invent that people who don't hate gays base their anti-hate beliefs on Kinsey's studies. koshergirl them sets out to ad hominem the living shit out of Kinsey, thereby believing she has somehow destroyed the people who don't hate gays. She also makes a slippery slope fallacy in attempting to also associate homosexuality with pedophilia.
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I dislike it when you meet someone they immediately tell you hey I am gay!

Does this happen to you often?

It has never happened to me.

I've never known a gay person who made their gayness their number one trait about themselves.

Are you sure you are not projecting?
I have met some who have yes...others make sure to work it into a conversation soon after being introduced to them. That or someone they are with makes sure to advertise the fact. Had it done in my own home in fact. It was not appreciated since my views on bringing that lifestyle into my home is not ok with me. I was not rude however and said nice to meet you and did not treat the differently because of it but I didn't appreciate them being brought into my home knowing how I feel about it. I dont approve of the lifestyle but that is someone's choice I just do not want it brought into my home and acted on. That is disrespect to a host. I did not invite them here and the person who brought them knows this but continues to bring friends here and only those friends here and it is difficult to not feel my beliefs and rules are so meaningless. Yet I am expected to continue to be kind when the same kindness is not shown to me.
I dislike it when you meet someone they immediately tell you hey I am gay!

Does this happen to you often?

It has never happened to me.

I've never known a gay person who made their gayness their number one trait about themselves.

Are you sure you are not projecting?
I have met some who have yes...others make sure to work it into a conversation soon after being introduced to them. That or someone they are with makes sure to advertise the fact. Had it done in my own home in fact. It was not appreciated since my views on bringing that lifestyle into my home is not ok with me. I was not rude however and said nice to meet you and did not treat the differently because of it but I didn't appreciate them being brought into my home knowing how I feel about it. I dont approve of the lifestyle but that is someone's choice I just do not want it brought into my home and acted on. That is disrespect to a host. I did not invite them here and the person who brought them knows this but continues to bring friends here and only those friends here and it is difficult to not feel my beliefs and rules are so meaningless. Yet I am expected to continue to be kind when the same kindness is not shown to me.

You ever have a straight man make a reference to his wife shortly after meeting you? Or a straight woman mention her husband in conversation shortly after meeting you? Are they deliberately "working it into the conversation" or just making conversation?

Do you think to yourself, "Gee, this guy/girl has just met me and already he's/she's telling me he's/she's straight. Geez!"

Does this strike you as their making their heterosexuality their number one trait? Do you get upset they came into your home and "acted on" their sexuality?

I think you may have a confirmation bias.

Perhaps you need a sign on your front door. "If you are a fag, don't bring up your faggy fagginess in my house. Thanks."
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Yes, well, I never said that.

So again, the logical fallacy is yours.

Um, yes you did.

Here, let me help you find that:

"blindly accept the APA's legitimization of deviant sexual behavior BASED on Kinsey's studies"

This is identified as the "strawman fallacy".

The strawman fallacy is where one invents a position taken by the opposition and then rhetorically destroying that position.

So here we see koshergirl invent that people who don't hate gays base their anti-hate beliefs on Kinsey's studies. koshergirl them sets out to ad hominem the living shit out of Kinsey, thereby believing she has somehow destroyed the people who don't hate gays. She also makes a slippery slope fallacy in attempting to also associate homosexuality with pedophilia.


That is the most convoluted line of bs I've ever seen.

Logical fallacy on top of logical fallacy on top of logical fallacy claiming to point out logical fallacy.

That's just crazy shit...
Um, yes you did.

Here, let me help you find that:

"blindly accept the APA's legitimization of deviant sexual behavior BASED on Kinsey's studies"

This is identified as the "strawman fallacy".

The strawman fallacy is where one invents a position taken by the opposition and then rhetorically destroying that position.

So here we see koshergirl invent that people who don't hate gays base their anti-hate beliefs on Kinsey's studies. koshergirl them sets out to ad hominem the living shit out of Kinsey, thereby believing she has somehow destroyed the people who don't hate gays. She also makes a slippery slope fallacy in attempting to also associate homosexuality with pedophilia.


That is the most convoluted line of bs I've ever seen.

Logical fallacy on top of logical fallacy on top of logical fallacy claiming to point out logical fallacy.

That's just crazy shit...

If you don't understand what he says - it's more proof that you have no fucking clue how to use logicalto come to a conclusion. Actually, there's no better proof than this post of yours I'm quoting right here.

If you understand the terms he's used - his post makes perfect sense.

If you're ignorant to the terms, his post is quite foreign.

Looks like we know which you fall under.
HOST: Hi, nice to meet you. Would you like a drink?

GUEST: No, thanks. I have to pick up my husband from work in an hour and I need to stay sober.

HOST: Hey, stop dripping your goddam sexuality all over my carpet!
Um, yes you did.

Here, let me help you find that:

"blindly accept the APA's legitimization of deviant sexual behavior BASED on Kinsey's studies"

This is identified as the "strawman fallacy".

The strawman fallacy is where one invents a position taken by the opposition and then rhetorically destroying that position.

So here we see koshergirl invent that people who don't hate gays base their anti-hate beliefs on Kinsey's studies. koshergirl them sets out to ad hominem the living shit out of Kinsey, thereby believing she has somehow destroyed the people who don't hate gays. She also makes a slippery slope fallacy in attempting to also associate homosexuality with pedophilia.


That is the most convoluted line of bs I've ever seen.

Logical fallacy on top of logical fallacy on top of logical fallacy claiming to point out logical fallacy.

That's just crazy shit...

I hear you making a lot of claims but not supporting a single one with evidence.

Any idiot can claim "logical fallacy!"

If you cannot actually point out any and explain why they are fallacious, then you probably want to stop now and preserve what shreds of integrity you have left.
I dislike it when you meet someone they immediately tell you hey I am gay!

Does this happen to you often?

It has never happened to me.

I've never known a gay person who made their gayness their number one trait about themselves.

Are you sure you are not projecting?
I have met some who have yes...others make sure to work it into a conversation soon after being introduced to them. That or someone they are with makes sure to advertise the fact. Had it done in my own home in fact. It was not appreciated since my views on bringing that lifestyle into my home is not ok with me. I was not rude however and said nice to meet you and did not treat the differently because of it but I didn't appreciate them being brought into my home knowing how I feel about it. I dont approve of the lifestyle but that is someone's choice I just do not want it brought into my home and acted on. That is disrespect to a host. I did not invite them here and the person who brought them knows this but continues to bring friends here and only those friends here and it is difficult to not feel my beliefs and rules are so meaningless. Yet I am expected to continue to be kind when the same kindness is not shown to me.

Why dont you approve of the lifestyle? Have you thought this through allllllllll the way to the end, or does that ick emotion just overwhelm the scales to the one side of being intolerant?
Does this happen to you often?

It has never happened to me.

I've never known a gay person who made their gayness their number one trait about themselves.

Are you sure you are not projecting?
I have met some who have yes...others make sure to work it into a conversation soon after being introduced to them. That or someone they are with makes sure to advertise the fact. Had it done in my own home in fact. It was not appreciated since my views on bringing that lifestyle into my home is not ok with me. I was not rude however and said nice to meet you and did not treat the differently because of it but I didn't appreciate them being brought into my home knowing how I feel about it. I dont approve of the lifestyle but that is someone's choice I just do not want it brought into my home and acted on. That is disrespect to a host. I did not invite them here and the person who brought them knows this but continues to bring friends here and only those friends here and it is difficult to not feel my beliefs and rules are so meaningless. Yet I am expected to continue to be kind when the same kindness is not shown to me.

You ever have a straight man make a reference to his wife shortly after meeting you? Or a straight woman mention her husband in conversation shortly after meeting you? Are they deliberately "working it into the conversation" or just making conversation?

Do you think to yourself, "Gee, this guy/girl has just met me and already he's/she's telling me he's/she's straight. Geez!"

Does this strike you as their making their heterosexuality their number one trait?

I think you may have a confirmation bias.

I had a feeling you would bring that argument. Saying something about ones partner is not the issue with me. And in a social setting i see it objectively. They are not in my home. When it is brought into my home without consideration of my feelings is where I have issue. And yes it has happened when the person bringing them here is well aware of my feelings about it. One person was brought here and proceeded to change clothes put on make up and a wig and pictures were taken of them dressed as a girl. Yet I was asked not to say anything and it is MY home. That is complete disrespect and their lifestyle was shoved down my throat. When I spoke about it later and how upset it made me was told it was no big deal. I said fine if it isn't then they can do it somewhere else
I have met some who have yes...others make sure to work it into a conversation soon after being introduced to them. That or someone they are with makes sure to advertise the fact. Had it done in my own home in fact. It was not appreciated since my views on bringing that lifestyle into my home is not ok with me. I was not rude however and said nice to meet you and did not treat the differently because of it but I didn't appreciate them being brought into my home knowing how I feel about it. I dont approve of the lifestyle but that is someone's choice I just do not want it brought into my home and acted on. That is disrespect to a host. I did not invite them here and the person who brought them knows this but continues to bring friends here and only those friends here and it is difficult to not feel my beliefs and rules are so meaningless. Yet I am expected to continue to be kind when the same kindness is not shown to me.

You ever have a straight man make a reference to his wife shortly after meeting you? Or a straight woman mention her husband in conversation shortly after meeting you? Are they deliberately "working it into the conversation" or just making conversation?

Do you think to yourself, "Gee, this guy/girl has just met me and already he's/she's telling me he's/she's straight. Geez!"

Does this strike you as their making their heterosexuality their number one trait?

I think you may have a confirmation bias.

I had a feeling you would bring that argument. Saying something about ones partner is not the issue with me. And in a social setting i see it objectively. They are not in my home. When it is brought into my home without consideration of my feelings is where I have issue. And yes it has happened when the person bringing them here is well aware of my feelings about it. One person was brought here and proceeded to change clothes put on make up and a wig and pictures were taken of them dressed as a girl. Yet I was asked not to say anything and it is MY home. That is complete disrespect and their lifestyle was shoved down my throat. When I spoke about it later and how upset it made me was told it was no big deal. I said fine if it isn't then they can do it somewhere else

Yeah. You should definitely get that sign.
You can probably get one of those NO ******* ALLOWED signs from one of those historical web sites and scratch out ******* and etch in FAGS.

Honesty is always the best policy. Better than hiding behind a pretense.
You ever have a straight man make a reference to his wife shortly after meeting you? Or a straight woman mention her husband in conversation shortly after meeting you? Are they deliberately "working it into the conversation" or just making conversation?

Do you think to yourself, "Gee, this guy/girl has just met me and already he's/she's telling me he's/she's straight. Geez!"

Does this strike you as their making their heterosexuality their number one trait?

I think you may have a confirmation bias.

I had a feeling you would bring that argument. Saying something about ones partner is not the issue with me. And in a social setting i see it objectively. They are not in my home. When it is brought into my home without consideration of my feelings is where I have issue. And yes it has happened when the person bringing them here is well aware of my feelings about it. One person was brought here and proceeded to change clothes put on make up and a wig and pictures were taken of them dressed as a girl. Yet I was asked not to say anything and it is MY home. That is complete disrespect and their lifestyle was shoved down my throat. When I spoke about it later and how upset it made me was told it was no big deal. I said fine if it isn't then they can do it somewhere else

Yeah. You should definitely get that sign.
I don't appreciate affection being shown by same sex people in a romantic way in my home either so out of fairness and respect I do not do so in front of them either as I feel that is the respectful way to go about it but that rule has been broken in my home as well. It isn't anywhere else I feel I have the right to say anything...just in my own home and I feel that is fair
I had a feeling you would bring that argument. Saying something about ones partner is not the issue with me. And in a social setting i see it objectively. They are not in my home. When it is brought into my home without consideration of my feelings is where I have issue. And yes it has happened when the person bringing them here is well aware of my feelings about it. One person was brought here and proceeded to change clothes put on make up and a wig and pictures were taken of them dressed as a girl. Yet I was asked not to say anything and it is MY home. That is complete disrespect and their lifestyle was shoved down my throat. When I spoke about it later and how upset it made me was told it was no big deal. I said fine if it isn't then they can do it somewhere else

Yeah. You should definitely get that sign.
I don't appreciate affection being shown by same sex people in a romantic way in my home either so out of fairness and respect I do not do so in front of them either as I feel that is the respectful way to go about it but that rule has been broken in my home as well. It isn't anywhere else I feel I have the right to say anything...just in my own home and I feel that is fair

but he's right - be open about your prejudices. Get a sign, so they know how you roll. You dont "approve" of their lifestyle, but maybe that disapproval in the form of an open and honest sign would deter them from entering your home, just like you like.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

Considering that we witness homosexuality in other species makes your argument bullshit.

Because you carry a gene is not a determinant of outcome. Nor is the case of you having a butch mom and an interior decorator dad. Although, they do influence your orientation. But if you're gay you're gay. At that point who gives a damn, as long as you're not scaring horses.

If you don't want to suck cock, no one is making you.

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