Are all gays born that way?

Yes, definitely. most people are judgemental. At the end of the day - their judgements are for the most part meaningless.
It all comes down to respect of someone else. One may make their own opinion or judgement against another but treating them disrespectfully for difference of opinion than yourself is on you.

In my humble opinion, anytime I do catch myself looking in judgement on another I at least attempt to think deeply and critically about how and why I might be wrong in feeling the way that I do about said person, because I honestly think that it's the right thing to do.
I do the same and I try very hard to be respectful of differences it becomes difficult when the other party involved does not do the same. I also feel that if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything
There's your hero, GT. All the pro-homosexual bs you swallowed happily and whole was generated by him and his acolytes.

But you're willing to do that, because it promotes a lifestyle you want perpetuated.

^ see, this is what makes you a degenerate who lacks character right here. Great example, thanks for providing it you re-treading no honor having schmuck, Allie Baba.

More logical fallacy from the bitch who supposedly critically thinks. :lol:

No, I provided the information.

Kinsey, who is the source of the pro-homosexual, pro-pedophile agenda, was a monster.

And the APA loves him.

No, you told me who my heroes are and how I concluded my views in a pig-headed, rude and disengenuous fashion - all while lacking the logical merit to back it up.

You commit like 4-7 faux pas every time your prudish snot nosed self posts. It's because you can't think past yourself. Your brain actually literally fires on a lower and more primitive level, and you prove it over and over with your posting style and inane sub-human comments. Congratulations.
It all comes down to respect of someone else. One may make their own opinion or judgement against another but treating them disrespectfully for difference of opinion than yourself is on you.

In my humble opinion, anytime I do catch myself looking in judgement on another I at least attempt to think deeply and critically about how and why I might be wrong in feeling the way that I do about said person, because I honestly think that it's the right thing to do.
I do the same and I try very hard to be respectful of differences it becomes difficult when the other party involved does not do the same. I also feel that if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything

I dont find it hard when another won't do the same - it in fact inspires me to become even better at it.
^ see, this is what makes you a degenerate who lacks character right here. Great example, thanks for providing it you re-treading no honor having schmuck, Allie Baba.

More logical fallacy from the bitch who supposedly critically thinks. :lol:

No, I provided the information.

Kinsey, who is the source of the pro-homosexual, pro-pedophile agenda, was a monster.

And the APA loves him.

No, you told me who my heroes are and how I concluded my views in a pig-headed, rude and disengenuous fashion - all while lacking the logical merit to back it up.

You commit like 4-7 faux pas every time your prudish snot nosed self posts. It's because you can't think past yourself. Your brain actually literally fires on a lower and more primitive level, and you prove it over and over with your posting style and inane sub-human comments. Congratulations.

And that is a logical fallacy as well.

So I don't know who your heroes are, I still supported my claims. So I threw in a little snottiness, I still delivered and supported my argument.

You on the other hand, have contributed nothing at all except your opinion of me, personally. If you don't agree, provide evidence that supports whatever it is you're asserting.

Oh, aren't asserting anything except that I'm obnoxious.

I guess you're entitled to your opinion. It does nothing to discredit me or the information I've provided, however.
I think the sweeping being done is the gay parade's sweeping of the fact that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in the pedophile population.

You're so full of shit, you have it coming out of your ears.

The fact is, you don't know one fucking thing about gay people because you don't know any gay people.

Every venomous "factoid" you belch up is from some propaganda piece you've read or heard from somewhere.

I'll bet if any gay person could stand to be around you for any length of time, let alone actually call you a friend, you'd see things a little differently.
No, I provided the information.

Kinsey, who is the source of the pro-homosexual, pro-pedophile agenda, was a monster.

And the APA loves him.

No, you told me who my heroes are and how I concluded my views in a pig-headed, rude and disengenuous fashion - all while lacking the logical merit to back it up.

You commit like 4-7 faux pas every time your prudish snot nosed self posts. It's because you can't think past yourself. Your brain actually literally fires on a lower and more primitive level, and you prove it over and over with your posting style and inane sub-human comments. Congratulations.

And that is a logical fallacy as well.

So I don't know who your heroes are, I still supported my claims. So I threw in a little snottiness, I still delivered and supported my argument.

You on the other hand, have contributed nothing at all except your opinion of me, personally. If you don't agree, provide evidence that supports whatever it is you're asserting.

Oh, aren't asserting anything except that I'm obnoxious.

I guess you're entitled to your opinion. It does nothing to discredit me or the information I've provided, however.

your posts are my evidence.

For instance, you said Kinsey was my hero.

A few posts later, you say the above - that you don't know.

I think it's blatantly obvious who's making all of these "logical fallacies," Genius.
I think the sweeping being done is the gay parade's sweeping of the fact that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in the pedophile population.

You're so full of shit, you have it coming out of your ears.

The fact is, you don't know one fucking thing about gay people because you don't know any gay people.

Every venomous "factoid" you belch up is from some propaganda piece you've read or heard from somewhere.

I'll bet if any gay person could stand to be around you for any length of time, let alone actually call you a friend, you'd see things a little differently.

Look, random insanity from the left. Never saw that coming.
I think the sweeping being done is the gay parade's sweeping of the fact that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in the pedophile population.

You're so full of shit, you have it coming out of your ears.

The fact is, you don't know one fucking thing about gay people because you don't know any gay people.

Every venomous "factoid" you belch up is from some propaganda piece you've read or heard from somewhere.

I'll bet if any gay person could stand to be around you for any length of time, let alone actually call you a friend, you'd see things a little differently.

Look, random insanity from the left. Never saw that coming.

No worries. We all know you're not the sharpest crayon in the box.
No, you told me who my heroes are and how I concluded my views in a pig-headed, rude and disengenuous fashion - all while lacking the logical merit to back it up.

You commit like 4-7 faux pas every time your prudish snot nosed self posts. It's because you can't think past yourself. Your brain actually literally fires on a lower and more primitive level, and you prove it over and over with your posting style and inane sub-human comments. Congratulations.

And that is a logical fallacy as well.

So I don't know who your heroes are, I still supported my claims. So I threw in a little snottiness, I still delivered and supported my argument.

You on the other hand, have contributed nothing at all except your opinion of me, personally. If you don't agree, provide evidence that supports whatever it is you're asserting.

Oh, aren't asserting anything except that I'm obnoxious.

I guess you're entitled to your opinion. It does nothing to discredit me or the information I've provided, however.

your posts are my evidence.

For instance, you said Kinsey was my hero.

A few posts later, you say the above - that you don't know.

I think it's blatantly obvious who's making all of these "logical fallacies," Genius.

I assume Kinsey is your hero based on what you've said.

But that isn't my argument. My argument is that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among pedophiles, despite the lies to the contrary, and the APA and the pro-homosexual, and pro-pedophilia, lobby hitched their star to Kinsey....

and Kinsey was a liar, a fraud, and a monster.

And all the homosexual talking points...from "hardwired" language down...come straight from him.

Calling him your hero was just a dig, in response to repeated ad hominems from you. I should know better than to respond in kind, that's a common trap that lying hacks use and I should know better.
You're so full of shit, you have it coming out of your ears.

The fact is, you don't know one fucking thing about gay people because you don't know any gay people.

Every venomous "factoid" you belch up is from some propaganda piece you've read or heard from somewhere.

I'll bet if any gay person could stand to be around you for any length of time, let alone actually call you a friend, you'd see things a little differently.

Look, random insanity from the left. Never saw that coming.

No worries. We all know you're not the sharpest crayon in the box.

Her posts are starting to read like Willow's:

"derp derp derp, derp derp, derp derp derp."
And that is a logical fallacy as well.

So I don't know who your heroes are, I still supported my claims. So I threw in a little snottiness, I still delivered and supported my argument.

You on the other hand, have contributed nothing at all except your opinion of me, personally. If you don't agree, provide evidence that supports whatever it is you're asserting.

Oh, aren't asserting anything except that I'm obnoxious.

I guess you're entitled to your opinion. It does nothing to discredit me or the information I've provided, however.

your posts are my evidence.

For instance, you said Kinsey was my hero.

A few posts later, you say the above - that you don't know.

I think it's blatantly obvious who's making all of these "logical fallacies," Genius.

I assume Kinsey is your hero based on what you've said.

But that isn't my argument. My argument is that homosexuals are disproportionately represented among pedophiles, despite the lies to the contrary, and the APA and the pro-homosexual, and pro-pedophilia, lobby hitched their star to Kinsey....

and Kinsey was a liar, a fraud, and a monster.

And all the homosexual talking points...from "hardwired" language down...come straight from him.

Calling him your hero was just a dig, in response to repeated ad hominems from you. I should know better than to respond in kind, that's a common trap that lying hacks use and I should know better.

your entire thesis regarding the subject is based on propogandist hit pieces that you've taken and used as solid conclusions, in which they could ONLY be logically used (if at all) as circumstancial.
I think the sweeping being done is the gay parade's sweeping of the fact that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in the pedophile population.

You're so full of shit, you have it coming out of your ears.

The fact is, you don't know one fucking thing about gay people because you don't know any gay people.

Every venomous "factoid" you belch up is from some propaganda piece you've read or heard from somewhere.

I'll bet if any gay person could stand to be around you for any length of time, let alone actually call you a friend, you'd see things a little differently.

Look, random insanity from the left. Never saw that coming.

Look, incapability from the right to address a topic intelligently. We DID see that coming.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

The pertinent point is, at least to me, that we don't know. For many years of my increasingly long life, the theory was that homosexuality was a chosen or learned behavior. I have not believed that for a very long time now. When the closest thing I have to a god son came out as gay, he felt comfortable enough with me to share what that was like for him. He grew up with my kids, went to the same school, attended the same church, and, one of five siblings, was raised by parents who parented not a great deal differently than we did. And he went through all the motions of a normal straight kid--took female dates to the proms, asked girls out on other dates, etc. And to this day has close female friends.

He said he had no clue he was gay all the way well into highschool But he was painfully aware that the dynamics of relationships were different for him than they were for his classmates. He just didn't feel the same way toward the girls as his male friends talked about. And he began having uncomfortable thoughts about some of the male students. Eventually he had an experience that confirmed his sexual orientation and he is now at peace with it, happily legally married to a great guy, and lives a prosperous and satisfying life on the East Coast. Sadly, he is also HIV positive which continues to be a concern to all of us who love him.

And here is the dilemma. I cannot and do not believe that most gay people choose to be homosexual. I think most, given a choice back whenever, would have chosen to be straight and thereby more mainstream. But I think many do come to terms that they are not straight and that becomes okay. And I know so many gay people who are absolutely at peace with who and what they are and who are people I am proud to call friend. But if there was a gene for it, why would there not be more homosexuality within any given family?

We can go on and on with all the negatives such as HIV being far more of a problem among the gay community than it is among the heterosexual community, but all that is irrelevent to the issue of who and what a person is.

It is part of the human condition.
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But that is no excuse to embrace the ideology of a proven monster, Kinsey, or to blindly accept the APA's legitimization of deviant sexual behavior BASED on Kinsey's studies.
You can control your sexual urges. That doesn't mean you have the ability to control what arouses you, you might not have that control. What you can control is whether or not you act on those urges.

This sounds to me like an acknowledgement that a person cannot help it if they are attracted to members of the same sex. You admit that what arouses you is out of your control.

The homosexual lobby believes you shouldn't have to restrain yourself, and maintains that people can't control themselves when it comes to their sexuality. They have no CHOICE but to be homosexual.

This sounds like you don't want gays to be gay. That even though they are attracted to members of the same sex through no control of their own, as you have admitted, you want them to force themselves to not be gay.

And you want this just because you hate homosexuality. You want them to force themselves to be the way YOU want them to be.

By not forcing themselves to not be gay to make you happy, you are saying gays are making a choice to be gay.


So underneath all your rhetoric is a belief system which simply hates homosexuality. Pure and simple.

Uh, no. More logical fallacy..and then more..and more. Have you ever made a post that isn't logical fallacy? (aside from the outright lies, that is...)
But that's a nice stretch. Feel the burn...

Please explain what the logical fallacies are, A Student.

But that is no excuse to embrace the ideology of a proven monster, Kinsey, or to blindly accept the APA's legitimization of deviant sexual behavior BASED on Kinsey's studies.

Your logical fallacy is:

"if someone believes one part of Kinsey's ideaology"

= / = (does not equal, in the world of, you know, ACTUAL logic)

"they got it FROM Kinsey, at all, and/or thus believe in ALL he believes......."

That is not sound, or logical, but it's what you're consistent in doing. There's no excuse for a critical thinking brain to miss that glaring hole in their own theory, except that they can't see past their own nose.

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