Are all gays born that way?

Who is anyone to judge what another deems their most prized personality trait?

Most people are judgemental even if they only do so in their own thoughts. Often judgemental tag is given to simple observations. Opinions given are judgements to others....ask the supreme court. Their opions are judgements

Yes, definitely. most people are judgemental. At the end of the day - their judgements are for the most part meaningless.
It all comes down to respect of someone else. One may make their own opinion or judgement against another but treating them disrespectfully for difference of opinion than yourself is on you.
I think the sweeping being done is the gay parade's sweeping of the fact that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in the pedophile population.
Calling homosexuality an immutable sexual orientation is vital to pedophiles who are winning their own fight to have their perversion recognized as a sexual orientation. | Pedophilia as a ’sexual orientation’? | Marcia Segelstein

Member of Parliament Marc Lemay had this reaction to the testimony: “In my opinion, society and no one around this table will accept pedophilia, even if it is a sexual orientation. . . . I recall a period, not too long ago, when homosexuality was treated as an illness. It is now accepted, society has accepted it. . . . I cannot imagine pedophilia being accepted in 2011.”

The report raises many issues. First the good news. Legislators to our north are learning that there is no quick fix for pedophiles. Hopefully that will inform their decision-making on how to deal with them.

Now the not-so-good news. While I believe the doctors testifying were trying to make the point that pedophilia is a serious, perhaps untreatable, condition, calling it another “sexual orientation” undermines that point.

Lemay’s reaction is telling. Right now it may be impossible to imagine society accepting pedophilia. A generation ago it would have been impossible to imagine abortion on demand, or elementary school children being taught about homosexuality

This is a true logical fallacy.

Being gay is still not forcefully infringing on ANOTHER human being, like being a PEDOPHILE does.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Kinsey's research partner fought long and hard to make pedophilia an accepted sexual orientation.
....But, you forgot where to find proof o' that, right?

I really love this paradigm, that I have just been witnessing live the last few days in a Neighbor and have also seen quite a few times. I think that this is Beautiful when this happens, really touching:

Older-older folks who grew up in an era where black folks were looked down upon, and actually still in this day and age have expressed the same sentiments aloud here and there in casual conversation --> receiving Hospice or end of life care from Black persons, who are seemingly abundant in that field around here.

I thoroughly enjoy watching this paradigm unfold. I'm pretty sure there's even movies about such a thing.

It's one of life's many great teaching moments when somebody whom you baselessly believe is depraved and somehow lacks character - has your care in their own hands. It's beautiful.
Most people are judgemental even if they only do so in their own thoughts. Often judgemental tag is given to simple observations. Opinions given are judgements to others....ask the supreme court. Their opions are judgements

Yes, definitely. most people are judgemental. At the end of the day - their judgements are for the most part meaningless.
It all comes down to respect of someone else. One may make their own opinion or judgement against another but treating them disrespectfully for difference of opinion than yourself is on you.

In my humble opinion, anytime I do catch myself looking in judgement on another I at least attempt to think deeply and critically about how and why I might be wrong in feeling the way that I do about said person, because I honestly think that it's the right thing to do.
I think the sweeping being done is the gay parade's sweeping of the fact that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in the pedophile population.

If all gay people aren't pedophiles, the conclusion you're trying to draw is yet another logical fallacy. nice try, though.
This is a true logical fallacy.

Being gay is still not forcefully infringing on ANOTHER human being, like being a PEDOPHILE does.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Kinsey's research partner fought long and hard to make pedophilia an accepted sexual orientation.
....But, you forgot where to find proof o' that, right?


Lock down your gag factor:

The Origins of the Pro-Pedophilia Movement

The modern pro-pedophilia movement has its roots in the controversial work of Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey’s 1953 book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male has been a major resource for this movement. Kinsey collected data from pedophiles, including ex-Nazi commandant Dr. Fritz von Balluseck, who offered his victims a choice: rape or the gas chamber. With Dr. Balluseck’s “research,” and the information from other pedophiles, Kinsey charted the length and frequency of infants’ and children’s orgasms. He stated the children and infants reacted with “violent convulsions of the whole body; heavy breathing, groaning, sobbing, or more violent cries, sometimes with an abundance of tears (especially among the younger children).” That was how he measured their orgasms.
According to Janice Shaw Crouse,
Five of these infants and children were subjects for months or years, and it is reported that much of the “testing” occurred when they were either strapped or held down. There is no evidence that the institute followed up to see whether they were adversely affected as a result of this sexual abuse/experimentation. We do know that today many of the adult “subjects” refuse to discuss Kinsey’s research; some 50 years later, they don’t even want to talk about the horrific experience
Kinsey concluded that children as young as two months old “derive definite sexual pleasure” from sexual stimulation and that children needed sex with each other, and with adults."

The Shadow Sexual Revolution – The Push to Legalize Pedophilia | All American Blogger

That's the guy who the APA glorifies as the go-to guy for information about homosexuals...and he is the one who provided the current homosexual lobby with most of it's false information about homosexuality.
Our genetic science is advanced enough that if there were a faggot gene, it would have been found by now. Studies on identical twins generally rules out the genetic factor as a cause of homosexuality.

The most any Politically Correct expert will claim is a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality. A predisposition is not a cause and can be very indirect. Like, maybe men with small dicks are more likely to become faggots, not because of a biological instinct for the same sex, but because of penis envy, coupled with the inability to get satisfactory snugness in a woman's hole.
One of the most worrisome of his concepts is that which justifies pedophiliac activity. Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to sexual activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was included under the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made it taboo, although it is actually a "normal" sexual behavior that should be practiced as well as pursued, Kinsey believed. He maintained that when done under circumstances where the adult genuinely cares for the child, as would a loving parent or relative, sex between an adult and a child could prove to be a healthy experience for the child. The results are unfavorable, Kinsey said, only when the child is conditioned by police authorities and parents to believe that such conduct is immoral and incorrect.[5] "

Kinsey, the darling of the progressive homosexual lobby.
Our genetic science is advanced enough that if there were a faggot gene, it would have been found by now. Studies on identical twins generally rules out the genetic factor as a cause of homosexuality.

The most any Politically Correct expert will claim is a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality. A predisposition is not a cause and can be very indirect. Like, maybe men with small dicks are more likely to become faggots, not because of a biological instinct for the same sex, but because of penis envy, coupled with the inability to get satisfactory snugness in a woman's hole.

So you are saying you are a homosexual male?
Our genetic science is advanced enough that if there were a faggot gene, it would have been found by now. Studies on identical twins generally rules out the genetic factor as a cause of homosexuality.

The most any Politically Correct expert will claim is a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality. A predisposition is not a cause and can be very indirect. Like, maybe men with small dicks are more likely to become faggots, not because of a biological instinct for the same sex, but because of penis envy, coupled with the inability to get satisfactory snugness in a woman's hole.
That's what you heard, right??


Your inadequacies....

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Our genetic science is advanced enough that if there were a faggot gene, it would have been found by now. Studies on identical twins generally rules out the genetic factor as a cause of homosexuality.

The most any Politically Correct expert will claim is a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality. A predisposition is not a cause and can be very indirect. Like, maybe men with small dicks are more likely to become faggots, not because of a biological instinct for the same sex, but because of penis envy, coupled with the inability to get satisfactory snugness in a woman's hole.

This is incorrect.

Shit, there's ocean creatures that live a looo000ooong seemingly unaging life - and we're trying to unravel THEIR DNA code to see what's in it to prolong their lives, and it's going to take YEARS of trial and error, and THEIR DNA code is only a FRACTION as big as a Human's.

It's not a coincedence that your opinion is ignorant, because the things you've used to come to said opinion are ignorant in and of themselves. You're welcome.
In fact, Liam Neeson starred in a movie about him...I don't know that it was ever released, or if it ever will be. It's too foul even for Hollywood, apparently. Not too foul for Neeson, though...

He truly is a hero of the left.

"However, the truth is out, the facts are undeniable. Kinsey's sensational "research" turns out to be not scientific at all, but outright fraud. In order to undo traditional moral norms, Kinsey had to perpetrate the lie that all kinds of perverse sexual practices were "normal." According to Kinsey, anything goes: promiscuity, pornography, prostitution, adultery, sodomy, pedophilia, group sex, sadomasochism, even incest. To support his outlandish claims, Kinsey intentionally skewed his population sample by secretly stacking his "research" with selected cohorts from the most sexually disordered populations: rapists, child molesters, prison inmates, homosexual activists, the "feeble minded," and prostitutes."

Promoting Kinsey, censoring grandma | New American, The | Find Articles
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One of the most worrisome of his concepts is that which justifies pedophiliac activity. Kinsey believed that children were predisposed to sexual activity from the moment of birth and that adult-child sex was included under the notion of a sexual outlet. Our social conditioning made it taboo, although it is actually a "normal" sexual behavior that should be practiced as well as pursued, Kinsey believed. He maintained that when done under circumstances where the adult genuinely cares for the child, as would a loving parent or relative, sex between an adult and a child could prove to be a healthy experience for the child. The results are unfavorable, Kinsey said, only when the child is conditioned by police authorities and parents to believe that such conduct is immoral and incorrect.[5] "

Kinsey, the darling of the progressive homosexual lobby.

^ which, of course, is trite broad-brushing using anecdotal bullshit to come to an ignorant and small-minded conclusion.

Such a big person, you are.
"his colossal fraud and the damage it has done should be, alone, sufficient to consign Kinsey to eternal infamy. However, the rest of the Kinsey story is far, far worse. Kinsey himself was a pornographically addicted, pedophile-promoting, bisexual sadomasochist. In the name of science, Kinsey and his "research" acolytes engaged in heinous criminal activity that would, even today in our more "liberated" society, get them sent to prison for a long time. Most horrid of all was Kinsey's recruitment and protection of pedophiles who sexually tortured hundreds of children and even small infants."

Promoting Kinsey, censoring grandma | New American, The | Find Articles
There's your hero, GT. All the pro-homosexual bs you swallowed happily and whole was generated by him and his acolytes.

But you're willing to do that, because it promotes a lifestyle you want perpetuated.
There's your hero, GT. All the pro-homosexual bs you swallowed happily and whole was generated by him and his acolytes.

But you're willing to do that, because it promotes a lifestyle you want perpetuated.

^ see, this is what makes you a degenerate who lacks character right here. Great example, thanks for providing it you re-treading no honor having schmuck, Allie Baba.

More logical fallacy from the bitch who supposedly critically thinks. :lol:
It is a very fine line to walk when someone lives in the home who says they are gay or bi sexual and everything in anothers inner most self is opposed to such things. Especially when one is being made subject to something they oppose and does not want in their home yet need to remember to be respectful of others beliefs and different lifestyle and upbringing. I don't feel for the most part and had been my personal experience that there is not respect given on both sides equally. If someone knows that an act or behavior hurts someone they should respect the other person in not bringing that around them if it is offensive. But I have found that in what I have dealt with personally that the other party pushes their lifestyle or behavior in the second party's face to show they can and will do something and bring it into the home whether it is welcome or not. I feel if said first party gets their own place they are welcome to conduct themselves as they wish as they support their self financially and have the freedom to do as they wish but if you have behaviors that are counter to someone who supports you financially you need to respect their beliefs and not be deliberately offensive and call them names because they are not of your same belief.
There's your hero, GT. All the pro-homosexual bs you swallowed happily and whole was generated by him and his acolytes.

But you're willing to do that, because it promotes a lifestyle you want perpetuated.

^ see, this is what makes you a degenerate who lacks character right here. Great example, thanks for providing it you re-treading no honor having schmuck, Allie Baba.

More logical fallacy from the bitch who supposedly critically thinks. :lol:

No, I provided the information.

Kinsey, who is the source of the pro-homosexual, pro-pedophile agenda, was a monster.

And the APA loves him.

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