Are all gays born that way?

Good for them. All gays who want to get married should move to those states.
Obviously you are going to ignore the overwhelming majority of scientists that will tell you sexual orientation is not a choice. So, that being the case, let's talk this out, Seawytch to Koshergrl, okay?

You want to insist that orientation is a choice (for what reason I don't know) so let's go with that for a sec...

Could you choose to have sex with a woman? And I'm not just talking about closing your eyes and being on the receiving end of the most mind blowing cunnilingus you've ever experienced, but giving it in return and caring about how well you were doing it?

And sex is just the fringe benefit...

Could you choose to be emotionally attracted to a woman? Could you choose to have your stomach flip flop when she smiled at you? Could you choose to want to melt when she gave you that certain look? Could you choose to want to spend the rest of your life with her as a partner in mind, body and soul? Could you choose to look at her every day and thank your lucky stars that she came into your life and hung a string of lights around your heart? Could you choose all that?

This is what has been missing! The idea that being gay is not just about sex, anymore than being straight is just about the sex. It is about who attracts you. And we do not control that.
We should really do away with that marriage tax break.

I'm sure you would prefer heteros be penalized for getting married, and be forced to sterilize themselves after 1 child.

Too bad for you.

So two people having to pay the same tax they paid before they married is a penalty??

But not allowing two men to marry, or two women to marry, is not a penalty?
No penalty. When you aren't married, you don't get the perks.

A penalty would be them paying a fine.
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally "learned" or behavior modification response.
Homosexuality is not genetic nor is it a learned behavior. The sex urge is facilitated by the influence of hormones on the brain. If a male is born with or develops a hormonal imbalance (too much estrogen + not enough testosterone) he will be sexually attracted to other males. Same (though inverted) situation with females. But owing to their more complicated hormonal makeup and innate psychological sensitivity human females are more inclined to superficial homosexual conduct than are males.


There is evidence of a genetic VARIANT:

Is there a homosexuality gene?

And being gay is not "abnormal".
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally "learned" or behavior modification response.
Homosexuality is not genetic nor is it a learned behavior. The sex urge is facilitated by the influence of hormones on the brain. If a male is born with or develops a hormonal imbalance (too much estrogen + not enough testosterone) he will be sexually attracted to other males. Same (though inverted) situation with females. But owing to their more complicated hormonal makeup and innate psychological sensitivity human females are more inclined to superficial homosexual conduct than are males.


There is evidence of a genetic VARIANT:

Is there a homosexuality gene?

And being gay is not "abnormal".

Yes it is.

Heterosexuality is the norm; 90% of people are heteros.

Homosexuality is not the norm; 10% of people are homos.

My son is in the autistic spectrum; most people aren't.

My son isn't what is considered 'normal'.

Not being 'normal' isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It's just different. It just . . . . . is.
Homosexuality is not genetic nor is it a learned behavior. The sex urge is facilitated by the influence of hormones on the brain. If a male is born with or develops a hormonal imbalance (too much estrogen + not enough testosterone) he will be sexually attracted to other males. Same (though inverted) situation with females. But owing to their more complicated hormonal makeup and innate psychological sensitivity human females are more inclined to superficial homosexual conduct than are males.


There is evidence of a genetic VARIANT:

Is there a homosexuality gene?

And being gay is not "abnormal".

Yes it is.

Heterosexuality is the norm; 90% of people are heteros.

Homosexuality is not the norm; 10% of people are homos.

My son is in the autistic spectrum; most people aren't.

My son isn't what is considered 'normal'.

Not being 'normal' isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It's just different. It just . . . . . is.

Not being part of the "majority" isn't abnormal in my view. Males are a minority in America, are they ABNORMAL? :lol:
Friend of mine is career military retired. Army Ranger. He now works in law enforcement and is early 50s.
"40 years from now Americans will look back and see how ridiculous this gay argument was"
We call him Vike because the school he played for were the Vikings. Vike is like me. In the 60s and 70s and part of the 80s we were anti gay everything. Just part of the culture we grew up in. Vike has been retired military for about 8 years and was for the open service in the military for the last 15 years. Like me he has no problem with gay marriage.
Because it is a NON ISSUE.
There is evidence of a genetic VARIANT:

Is there a homosexuality gene?

And being gay is not "abnormal".

Yes it is.

Heterosexuality is the norm; 90% of people are heteros.

Homosexuality is not the norm; 10% of people are homos.

My son is in the autistic spectrum; most people aren't.

My son isn't what is considered 'normal'.

Not being 'normal' isn't necessarily a bad thing.

It's just different. It just . . . . . is.

Not being part of the "majority" isn't abnormal in my view. Males are a minority in America, are they ABNORMAL? :lol:

It's not majority that makes it normal, there is a standard which is considered normal. Heterosexuality is that standard. Average intelligence is the standard which is considered normal. Most people happen to fall into these two standards. My son doesn't. Is he 'normal'? No, he falls outside of the standard. Genius is also abnormal, as is homosexual.

Male may not be the majority sex but that doesn't make them abnormal, they don't fall outside of the standard of what is considered normal. A hermaphrodite would be abnormal.

Actually, males are generally just kinda weird and hairy.
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It's not 10 percent that is gay..that's a number that came from Kinsey and was derived from his fraudulent study of pimps, prostitutes, prison inmates and pedophiles that he passed off as a cross section of the at large population.

It's more like 3 percent.
It's not 10 percent that is gay..that's a number that came from Kinsey and was derived from his fraudulent study of pimps, prostitutes, prison inmates and pedophiles that he passed off as a cross section of the at large population.

It's more like 3 percent.

I figured my numbers were likely off, I was just using it as an example. Thx.
If sexuality is a choice why would one come out, proclaim they are gay and catch the "you are immoral" claims?
Why not just stay in the closet your entire life?
No one chooses to be condemned publicly.
Human sexuality is not a choice.
If sexuality is a choice why would one come out, proclaim they are gay and catch the "you are immoral" claims?
Why not just stay in the closet your entire life?
No one chooses to be condemned publicly.
Human sexuality is not a choice.

No, but the human desire to be free from public condemnation runs deep; as does the need to condemn as we are seeing.
If sexuality is a choice why would one come out, proclaim they are gay and catch the "you are immoral" claims?
Why not just stay in the closet your entire life?
No one chooses to be condemned publicly.
Human sexuality is not a choice.

Uh, people do stay in the closet their entire lives. You seriously think people become openly gay because they just can't control their desire to wear purple satin smoking jackets and air kiss their girlfriends?

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