Are all gays born that way?

Why the Fuck are some of you conservatives playing this diversion bullshit?

The dumbest fucking threads get bumped over and over for what?

Why don't you ask the dudes who believe they're woman - now that is a fucking "diversion bullshit."
It's like watching poorly educated bar flies discuss quantum physics...
Given the FACT that human reproduction requires intercourse between a man (donor) and a woman(host) isn't "gayness" a learned, or behavior modification i.e. "nature vs nurture"?

I mean researchers still haven't found a "dominate" GAY gene.
So existing gays are totally a "learned" or behavior modification response.

The fear is strong in this one.
Gramps, after spending the day watching idiots shit all over what could have resulted in thoughtful discourse, I'm pretty sure it's not SniperFire, T, Nick or really much of anybody over there that's setting a high standard.
Are heterosexuals born that way? Is there a heterosexual gene, or are there heterosexual genes?
If there's no gay gene, I think we can safely say there's no heterosexual gene.

So all sexual orientations are a choice?

Okay, then anyone who attempts to denigrate the status of homosexuals, i.e. as their sexuality relates to civil/individual rights,

on the grounds they chose to be homosexual, is not establishing any distinction between them and heterosexuals.
most of the gay men i know are wealthy and give their boyfriends really expensive gifts, vacations, etc.

i still can't bring myself to fuck one.

go figure :lol:

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