Are Americans too foreign, too gay, too poverty stricken, too programmed by Facebook and media to vote Republican?

The clot shots will have a say in this.
The dempanic jabbers were majority scared lefties terrified of a flu. Those deep thinkers were willing to grab any lifeline thrown their way, even if the line was attached to an anchor.
Nothing like killing off your own voter base.
Their puppet masters may be rich & powerful but they never see the obvious consequences coming.
But then again, they might not care as long as enough people die off for the reset
Yet it was a Republican president who announced the pandemic and initiated protocols for its control and also he closed the federal govt. and signed a bill from a GOP Senate and DNC led House that paid for it all, but you have no fortitude to admit it. Capitalism can't exist if the consumers are offed on purpose.
Says who? You're use of the word "core" gives it away. It's those same people you identify as such that are doing the complaining. The ones who think their country is disappearing. This country is a melting pot. Just like our forefathers envisioned.
WRONG…our forefathers handed us a very racist white nation and thats how they intended it to stay. We have deviated from their playbook and fucked ourselves hard in the process.

The Republican party will get my support once more when it rejects MAGA (and shows the whack-a-doodles the door), stop rigging legislation in the states and courts to remove individuals rights and protections (yes abortion fits in here), and starts coming up with policies that benefit the average working voter (all voters) and rejects those policies (trickle down, supply side economics) that have been proven to be a failure.
Nobody believes you…you are Left as fuck.
Until then, Democrats have their own issues. But they at least care about the WHOLE country. Not just the "core" Americans. Do this and they wouldn't have to resort to tactics like voter suppression and gerrymandering (yes both sides do it but Republicans have made it an art form).
WRONG….Democrats care about their plantation dwelling pet humans, foreigners, special projects / chicks with dicks, criminals and the like…they have admitted to hating anybody that fits the ‘core American’ description as they know they can never drag them onto the plantation of poverty and despair.
WRONG…our forefathers handed us a very racist white nation and thats how they intended it to stay. We have deviated from their playbook and fucked ourselves hard in the process.
View attachment 718170

Nobody believes you…you are Left as fuck.

WRONG….Democrats care about their plantation dwelling pet humans, foreigners, special projects / chicks with dicks, criminals and the like…they have admitted to hating anybody that fits the ‘core American’ description as they know they can never drag them onto the plantation of poverty and despair.
Indeed they did, and they had slaves when they said it was a nation of free men, just more lies from politicians. Now you carry on the lies and hate, even of yer own white brethren.
Hispanics are more conservative than you and more Christian than you
Yeah sure…they’re more conservative yet they vote against conservatism… aren’t that stupid…are you?
so meet your replacement and his name is Julio!
You better hope that’s not true….Have you seen what ‘Julio’ does to EVERY community, city , state and nation he inhabits?
Yeah sure…they’re more conservative yet they vote against conservatism… aren’t that stupid…are you?

You better hope that’s not true….Have you seen what ‘Julio’ does to EVERY community, city , state and nation he inhabits?
Yep, he lives right beside me and more trustworthy than some hick from Kalifornia!
If anything it's exactly the opposite. Most of the South has been a stinking shithole since Reconstruction. The roads suck. The schools suck. The hospitals suck. The standard of living has been stagnant for generations. The only thing on the rise is hatred and violence from right wing extremists--how many mass shootings have there been in Texas alone? A half dozen or so come to mind.

And what do the yokels do down there...almost without exception, they keep re-electing republicans who have done nothing to try to elevate their states out of this generational poverty.

Why is it this way? Losers grow up in these places thinking that the way it is is how it has to be. Just like the Taliban keeps kids from looking at maps and reading books, the South tries everything it can to retard progress.
That’s racist as fuck.
We all know it is the poor black and brown communities that drag the south in the shitter….high crime, high unemployment and welfare dependency destroy quality of life for others.

That’s racist as fuck.
We all know it is the poor black and brown communities that drag the south in the shitter….high crime, high unemployment and welfare dependency destroy quality of life for others.

Then why do whites represent the largest demographic in prisons? Let's face it cracker boi all humans of all colors and races commit crimes, so deal with it or hide in yer box.
Yep, he lives right beside me and more trustworthy than some hick from Kalifornia!
Cool one-off story Humberto. Remember, filthy human beings are never bothered by other filthy human beings….they gravitate toward one another.
Check out all these Kalifornia hicks….
Then why do whites represent the largest demographic in prisons? Let's face it cracker boi all humans of all colors and races commit crimes, so deal with it or hide in yer box.
Hahahaha….awwww, today you hate per capita factoring….tomorrow you will love it when you tell us how so many more blacks are killed by police.
Another reason NOBODY sane takes you leftarded fucks seriously.
WRONG…our forefathers handed us a very racist white nation and thats how they intended it to stay. We have deviated from their playbook and fucked ourselves hard in the process.
View attachment 718170

Nobody believes you…you are Left as fuck.

WRONG….Democrats care about their plantation dwelling pet humans, foreigners, special projects / chicks with dicks, criminals and the like…they have admitted to hating anybody that fits the ‘core American’ description as they know they can never drag them onto the plantation of poverty and despair.
And? our founding fathers owned slaves. No surprises there.
Do you really think you and the rest of Alt-Right Nation can prevent this country from evolving into the melting pot that it will be?
Seems you might have more productive uses of your time....and ours.
And? our founding fathers owned slaves. No surprises there.
You said they intended for America to become a divided shithole with no cultural identity….Whoops, I mean a “melting pot”…..I showed you you were wrong.
Do you really think you and the rest of Alt-Right Nation can prevent this country from evolving into the melting pot that it will be?
“Evolution” as we think of it is an advancement for the better…..this thing you call ”evolution” or “progress” is nothing but regression and degradation.
Seems you might have more productive uses of your time....and ours.
I’ll decide how I spend my time….you did the same when you engaged in this thread.
We hear it here all the time from many posters…..’white, heterosexual, christian core Americans are quickly becoming the minority in America and when they finally do the Republican Party dies’
Are we there yet….how close are we?
It doesn’t matter. There is little difference between the two crime families.
It doesn’t matter. There is little difference between the two crime families.
That’s such a bullshit lie constantly told by stand for nothing fence-sitters like Golfing Gator . The Parties have never been further apart…particularly on social issues which most seem to vote on these days.
Is there “little difference” on the following…..
1st amendment rights
2nd amendment rights
The hate whitey movement
Law and order
Foreign policy

The only thing they share in common is spending…both parties spend like an 18 year old drunk sailor trapped in a whorehouse full of virgin playboy models….stop telling the lie.
You said they intended for America to become a divided shithole with no cultural identity….Whoops, I mean a “melting pot”…..I showed you you were wrong.

“Evolution” as we think of it is an advancement for the better…..this thing you call ”evolution” or “progress” is nothing but regression and degradation.

I’ll decide how I spend my time….you did the same when you engaged in this thread.
Not very good at reading comprehension, eh? :)
I said forefathers, not founding fathers.

Your rant is just nationalism (in it's worst iteration) with a healthy dose of overt racism.
Not a productive use of your time. Evolution is inevitable.
Not very good at reading comprehension, eh? :)
I said forefathers, not founding fathers.
Semantics…nice try though
Your rant is just nationalism (in it's worst iteration) with a healthy dose of overt racism.
Not a productive use of your time. Evolution is inevitable.
Nationalism built America
Overt realism is what you call overt racism because you’re scared of reality
Evolution is ALWAYS suppose to be advancement….this nation is in worse condition than it’s ever been.
It’s official….The Great Experiment has failed.
That’s such a bullshit lie constantly told by stand for nothing fence-sitters like Golfing Gator . The Parties have never been further apart…particularly on social issues which most seem to vote on these days.
Is there “little difference” on the following…..
1st amendment rights
2nd amendment rights
The hate whitey movement
Law and order
Foreign policy

The only thing they share in common is spending…both parties spend like an 18 year old drunk sailor trapped in a whorehouse full of virgin playboy models….stop telling the lie.
Propaganda. Stop accepting it.

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