Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

The blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin. Nothing else.
It is following the life, The Way, of Jesus that cleanses. Jesus did not bleed so we don't have to--he bled to show us it may also be required of us. The Protestant sects that teach we won't be punished because Jesus was punished on our behalf are wrong. To sin is to follow the way of the flesh that Paul warns of. He reminds us we must follow the Spirit of God and that it must be fused into everything we are and everything we do. It is not impossible because the Spirit is that powerful. And if we miss the target (sin)? Jesus reminds us repentance (turning back to obedience) result in forgiveness of sins.

You should pay attention to those who practice the Jewish faith. While they may not entirely "get" Jesus, they surely get--and practice--the teachings of Jesus. They live them. They are a great example of Jesus in our midst because so many of them are what Jesus taught.
I know the definition of "coopted". You can explain your reasoning.
God created man. Man likes baseball. God then says, "ok, here are the rules for baseball." That doesn't mean that Go didn't create man. You might know "coopted" but you don't seem to know "non sequitur."
Jesus entire ministry was to proclaim, "Sins are forgiven." Romans (Is your reference Chapter 8?) reminds us of the two natures within us. One is what Paul terms the flesh or the part of us that is attached to worldly pleasures. I will point out, keeping God's Law is not a "worldly pleasure" but one of which Paul calls the Spirit of God. It is a rushing, powerful force that turns us to the ways (laws) of God. Paul's whole point is that Adam represents the part of man (flesh) that pursues worldly pleasures and that Jesus represents the part of man that is influenced by the powerful force of God's spirit.

Paul is not saying the Law cleanses. He is saying the Spirit of God, the spirit within Jesus who was fully obedient to God is what cleanses.

It is not difficult to see that the Spirit is fully at work within the Jewish faith, in that its power has the Jews discerning the will of God and following it.

Some Protestant denominations seem to think that since Jesus was filled with the spirit Paul spoke of, Christians are somehow exempt from discerning God's will/law--and following it. Jesus' entire life was about discerning the will of God and following it--even to death. He did not do this so that we don't have to. He did this to show us The Way.
The law died on the cross. Christians are not under law, but grace.
It is following the life, The Way, of Jesus that cleanses. Jesus did not bleed so we don't have to--he bled to show us it may also be required of us. The Protestant sects that teach we won't be punished because Jesus was punished on our behalf are wrong. To sin is to follow the way of the flesh that Paul warns of. He reminds us we must follow the Spirit of God and that it must be fused into everything we are and everything we do. It is not impossible because the Spirit is that powerful. And if we miss the target (sin)? Jesus reminds us repentance (turning back to obedience) result in forgiveness of sins.

You should pay attention to those who practice the Jewish faith. While they may not entirely "get" Jesus, they surely get--and practice--the teachings of Jesus. They live them. They are a great example of Jesus in our midst because so many of them are what Jesus taught.
Scripture says the blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin. Yes, we need to repent. No more sacrifices to cover sin temporarily.
Some of us understand why Jesus is not the Messiah the Jews are expecting. Still, tell us in your own words; there is no need to be silent.

Jews prefer psycho nutjobs as 'Messiahs', preferably hardcore racist ones that tell them all about why they are a Super Race and stuff, Messiahs like Ovadia Yosef and 'The Great Rebbe' Menachem Mendel Schneerson are some recent favorites. Chabad Luvavitch is the fastest growing cult in Judaism currently.
unmentioned here are secular views recognizing the profound importance of the sacred ...

sacred said in any other meaner is still religion - not so the metaphysical forces that did start life of planet earth being secular than sacred ... secular w/ morality is yet defined by the forbidding dominant societies and their goals for self preservation. organized religion.
Scripture says the blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin. Yes, we need to repent. No more sacrifices to cover sin temporarily.
It was never about covering sin "temporarily". It is about repentance (turning back to obedience to God) for the forgiveness of sins. Jewish sacrifice got that. Jesus pointed out that turning back to God was sufficient for the forgiveness of sins. He was telling those in poverty there was no need to choose between hunger in their family and having their sins forgiven.
Jews prefer psycho nutjobs as 'Messiahs', preferably hardcore racist ones that tell them all about why they are a Super Race and stuff, Messiahs like Ovadia Yosef and 'The Great Rebbe' Menachem Mendel Schneerson are some recent favorites. Chabad Luvavitch is the fastest growing cult in Judaism currently.
I don't care about Christian "Rapture" and "End Times" and I don't care about a future Jewish Messiah. What I care about is how everyone relates and responds to God today--in his/her current life.
As far as the body being stolen, Jesus appeared to numerous people several times after his crucifixion.

is there a single etching or clay relief in pottery a mosaic or painting of such a historic event - or just the likeness of the individual that - came back to life ... proof is in the pudding, that does not exist.
Scripture says the blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

jesus's words before their death - they knew their fate from the beginning not for what they would accomplish but what would be taken from them ... their involuntary death did nothing for "cleansing" anyone's sins. especially sinners. solve your own problems.
It is following the life, The Way, of Jesus that cleanses. Jesus did not bleed so we don't have to--he bled to show us it may also be required of us. The Protestant sects that teach we won't be punished because Jesus was punished on our behalf are wrong. To sin is to follow the way of the flesh that Paul warns of. He reminds us we must follow the Spirit of God and that it must be fused into everything we are and everything we do. It is not impossible because the Spirit is that powerful. And if we miss the target (sin)? Jesus reminds us repentance (turning back to obedience) result in forgiveness of sins.

You should pay attention to those who practice the Jewish faith. While they may not entirely "get" Jesus, they surely get--and practice--the teachings of Jesus. They live them. They are a great example of Jesus in our midst because so many of them are what Jesus taught.

That is sounding like a works-based religion, and salvation by works goes directly against what the bible says.

Obviously there are differences between Catholic and non-Catholic teaching, (as I've mentioned, I went through all the Catholic stuff, many years before I came to Christ) and some of what you're saying is true, but you're leaving out the most important thing.

Yes, we have to follow God, but the problem is, no one can follow God's way perfectly, we simply can't do it in our natural state. Jesus made it crystal clear that we must be born again.

If someone is in their natural state and they try to follow God and miss the target and then "repent" each time, then they are not going to grow and experience sanctification because they skipped over the most important step, justification (a one-time event), so they are not actually saved. Spiritual birth (regeneration) is absolutely essential. We don't get saved from following the law, but by God's grace and mercy, through faith and trust in Jesus, who paid our debt for us.

...not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.
Titus 3:5

This is an old video, but he sums it up very eloquently. It's a 'spoken word' summary of the Gospel.

I like how he completely obliterates religion (by that I mean works-based religion that goes against the simple Gospel), starting at around 2:25... and he says doing all that stuff is like "spraying cologne on a corpse."

I highly recommend taking the time to watch this:

It was never about covering sin "temporarily". It is about repentance (turning back to obedience to God) for the forgiveness of sins. Jewish sacrifice got that. Jesus pointed out that turning back to God was sufficient for the forgiveness of sins. He was telling those in poverty there was no need to choose between hunger in their family and having their sins forgiven.
The blood of Jesus. Nothing washes sin away but the blood of Jesus.
That is sounding like a works-based religion, and salvation by works goes directly against what the bible says.
Religion had better be "works based". We are called to serve God, not to be served ourselves. The Bible tells us to give and it will be given to us; cast bread upon the waters and it will return. The Bible says over fifty times to serve God, so why that intense focus by some that they interpret as saying not to work?

Redemption and salvation are God's gift to us. Gifts are not earned, but shouldn't we at least be thankful? Don't we want to be givers, too? No one can surpass God in giving. Just try to do something for God or anyone and a deluge pours forth. Redemption is already upon us, a gift already ours. There is never any need to earn what is our own already.

Most of us delight in giving to God and to others. It is God's answer to our own plea: Here I am, Lord! Send me! This is an an exciting way of life, another gift from God that surpasses anything we as a human can give in return.

I truly do not understand those who practice their religion by doing nothing--even to the point of saying Jesus took on punishment for all their sins. They believe this, so they get into heaven. That's fine. Drones get into hives, but being a drone is not my position of choice.

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