Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

So now you're backtracking. You admit that there are sacrifices for sin. Thank you. That's all I needed, some honesty.
when did I say there weren't? I actually quoted and cited websites that said that there are. Can you show me where I said that there aren't sacrifices for sins? It is dishonest to mischaracterize what someone else has said.
That's a fair question. The answer has a couple of elements to it:
the first is that not all sacrifice was animal based, so there is no absolute statement that the relationship needs a dead animal. What strenghtens the relationship is A) following what God asks for B) giving up something of value to another as a show of submission and/or C) acknowledging that all is God's

but the second is equally important -- that insincere sacrifice, or sacrifice when one is not following the laws is useless. God wants obedience. If that obedience includes sacrifice then that's great. But sacrifice without obedience is useless.
God makes Covenants to establish a relationship with man. It started after the fall in the Garden of Eden. There was a sacrifice.
when did I say there weren't? I actually quoted and cited websites that said that there are. Can you show me where I said that there aren't sacrifices for sins? It is dishonest to mischaracterize what someone else has said.
Go play your game with someone else.
That's a fair question. The answer has a couple of elements to it:
the first is that not all sacrifice was animal based, so there is no absolute statement that the relationship needs a dead animal. What strenghtens the relationship is A) following what God asks for B) giving up something of value to another as a show of submission and/or C) acknowledging that all is God's

but the second is equally important -- that insincere sacrifice, or sacrifice when one is not following the laws is useless. God wants obedience. If that obedience includes sacrifice then that's great. But sacrifice without obedience is useless.

Thanks for your thoughts.

I agree with some of the things you said, but overall I see it differently. First, I don't believe that God ever wanted animal sacrifices in the first place. But I think that often God meets us where we're at, and works to change us from there. I'll try to explain what I mean by that.

In the ancient world, animal sacrifice was a common practice that was already taking place in many cultures (some say it originated in Egypt.) It would make sense that God's people would begin sacrificing animals, since they were in Egypt for hundreds of years.

So assuming the passages regarding animal sacrifices are legit (btw, the Bible itself mentions "lying scribes," but that's a topic for another thread) God enacted laws on animal sacrifices, not because it's what He wanted, but to gradually move His people to what He does want, and to correct two things:

1) People were sacrificing to false gods, that was the first correction.
2) God doesn't want innocent animals to die at all, but they were just a shadow of what is to come, the ultimate sacrifice, the true spotless 'lamb of God', of course I'm talking about Yeshua. So this was the second correction.

I know this video is long, but if anyone is interested in this topic, I think it's a very good teaching on it:

Well, I disagree with that. Because Catholics rock!

- is that liberation theology, self determination, what jesus taught ... the heavenly religion of antiquity granted a&e for their journey and remission to paradise.

or 4th century christianity.
There are many sacrifices (of animals and plants) that have nothing to do with sin.

oh ... the heavenly version

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

moses corrupted ... for himself and his kind.

Take your son to the land of Moriah and kill your son there as a sacrifice for me. This must be Isaac, your only son, the one you love. Use him ...

the jews will destroy life, just not their own, to defy the heavens - their paterfamilias - hereditary idolatry ... they still defiantly claim. good luck wherever they are going.
But G-d never intended for the sacrifice to go on, hence the ram/

why in that case any life - jew.

jews failed their test - paterfamilias is heavenly forbidden - good luck again for wherever you are going.

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