Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

You see reluctant to use the christian "scholar" shoehorn. PS There's
a parable about people killing the landlord's son in order not to pay rent?
WHERE? it ain't in the Mishnah as far as I know-----as to the NT---I read
that book-----perverse but not THAT perverse

The parable in Matthew and Luke is very old. Dates back to the Nag Hammadi.

You see reluctant to use the christian "scholar" shoehorn. PS There's
a parable about people killing the landlord's son in order not to pay rent?
WHERE? it ain't in the Mishnah as far as I know-----as to the NT---I read
that book-----perverse but not THAT perverse
Parable Jesus told in Matthew 21:33-46.
I don't see the point in the thread. Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah. That's all Christians need to know. We don't need to know the "why."
Messiah means 'anointed one'. The Messiah Jews were expecting was a human ruler anointed by God to unite Israel and the Jews. Jesus said he was not this messiah. He said, however, he was anointed by God (a messiah) to proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins.
A question I do have is over unfulfilled prophecies. Isn't there a time limit assigned to prophecy? If a prophecy does not come about in a specified amount of time (isn't it counted in generations?) then the prophecy was wrong or misunderstood? Hasn't the prophecy of a King like David passed that requisite? Or does another point of prophecy keep it valid?
Parable Jesus told in Matthew 21:33-46.
Oh gee, Ms Weather----it is really IMPORTANT in reading the NT to know something
about what was what in Roman controlled Judea back then. The christian "scholar"
with the shoehorn----failed to make note of the fact that the HIGH PRIESTS of the
TEMPLE at that time were ROMAN APPOINTEES------not pious jew scholars. Jesus
said (in sum and substance) ---"da pharisees know"-----at no point that I recall did he
say "DA SADDUCEAN HIGH PRIESTS" know. -----try to cope----at that time----the
bad guys were HEROD and his minions and the ROMAN APPOINTEE "high priests" and
tax collectors -----and even the money changers were CLIENTS OF ROME. The corruption
was rampant------but Jesus---the pharisee preacher was NOT A CLIENT OF ROME prior to
Constantine's decision to unite his EMPIRE with a religion he did not really ---like but
Mama did------and he could manipulate a lot better than he could deal with the
PHARISEES who hated his criminal guts
A question I do have is over unfulfilled prophecies. Isn't there a time limit assigned to prophecy? If a prophecy does not come about in a specified amount of time (isn't it counted in generations?) then the prophecy was wrong or misunderstood? Hasn't the prophecy of a King like David passed that requisite? Or does another point of prophecy keep it valid?
crystal ball prophecy is a SIN-----like necromancy
He said, however, he was anointed by God (a messiah) to proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins.

sure, and the next sentence was - he would be crucified for that to happen ... the better news.

no one thought at that time they were born sinners, seemingly regardless the implication made by the liar moses - and written in the 4th century c-bible ... no one felt they could not repent their bad deeds were they so to chose.

- so why was being forgiven for sins even worthy for jesus to mention. as being unique.
sure, and the next sentence was - he would be crucified for that to happen ... the better news.

no one thought at that time they were born sinners, seemingly regardless the implication made by the liar moses - and written in the 4th century c-bible ... no one felt they could not repent their bad deeds were they so to chose.

- so why was being forgiven for sins even worthy for jesus to mention. as being unique.
IMHO----the automatic "SALVATION" based entirely on "BELIEF" or "FAITH"----was
the BRILLIANT brain child of Constantine and his minions-----it does not exist in
Judaism and is not consistent with ideas that could REASONABLY be attributed to
Jesus. Constantine's message was----"it's easy----just believe {in sum and substance---
IN ME} "
t is really IMPORTANT in reading the NT to know something
about what was what in Roman controlled Judea back then.
Yes, I am--and have been for quite awhile--aware of all you posted about the Romans. Jesus lived in 'interesting times' as the saying goes.
A question I do have is over unfulfilled prophecies. Isn't there a time limit assigned to prophecy? If a prophecy does not come about in a specified amount of time (isn't it counted in generations?) then the prophecy was wrong or misunderstood? Hasn't the prophecy of a King like David passed that requisite? Or does another point of prophecy keep it valid?
not all prophecy is about the future. But for prophecy that is about the future, there is no expiration date unless one is given in the body of the prophecy.
crystal ball prophecy is a SIN-----like necromancy
This was not "crystal ball prophecy". Usually Biblical foretelling of a future event is more or less reading the "handwriting on the wall". It could also be used as encouragement during tough times--on the order of, "Buck up, don't be depressed. One day we will have another King like David..." It is one that has faith that people can rise out of bad times into something much better.
not all prophecy is about the future. But for prophecy that is about the future, there is no expiration date unless one is given in the body of the prophecy.
Yes, most prophecy is by someone speaking the word of God. Other than the Messiah, is there any other prophecy(s) Jews await?
Yes, most prophecy is by someone speaking the word of God. Other than the Messiah, is there any other prophecy(s) Jews await?
The Jews await return to the land, the rebuilding of the third temple and the messianic age (and all that entails).
There are two excellent career fields to pursue if you are interested in becoming RICH and have a little charisma and are a little dishonest —become a politician or a televangelist.

Most who become the teachers of real Christianity find that teaching what the Bible truly says can be unpopular.
Agree. The silent majority.
Most who become the teachers of real Christianity find that teaching what the Bible truly says can be unpopular.
no one thought at that time they were born sinners, seemingly regardless the implication made by ... moses
---it does not exist in

howabout - not historically correct ...

bat, if the jews did not believe the rendition of a&e written by moses - about original sin - or its entirety as best for the religious - - at what time was original sin made a subject of concern ... for someone to sacrifice their life for christians to be saved - as that must have been after jesus's time ...

- so who really died for your sins.
howabout - not historically correct ...

bat, if the jews did not believe the rendition of a&e written by moses - about original sin - or its entirety as best for the religious - - at what time was original sin made a subject of concern ... for someone to sacrifice their life for christians to be saved - as that must have been after jesus's time ...

- so who really died for your sins.
My mother-----AGGRAVATION
Messiah means 'anointed one'. The Messiah Jews were expecting was a human ruler anointed by God to unite Israel and the Jews. Jesus said he was not this messiah. He said, however, he was anointed by God (a messiah) to proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins.

It doesn't really matter what people were expecting. What matters is what the scriptures say.

I'm curious, what is the chapter / verse for that statement by Jesus? I'm not disputing it, I just want to see what you were talking about. Thanks.

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