Are any of you Liberals listening to Maxine Waters orders to attack Trump workers

This 'intelligent, professional's public representative stuck her tongue out - like a 5 year old child - when asked about her call for violence / harassment...

WHY would / does anyone take her seriously?
Or are you ignoring the old hag and heeding Chuck Schumers advise to be polite to your political rivals.

So who is right, Adolf Waters or Chuckles Schumer

Did she promise to pay their legal bills like Trump did?
You liars should learn what self defense is. You continually make yourself look like an idiot.
Remember, Maxine is the new face of The Democrat Party. Hillary was just too white....and though a decent competitor, just not angry enough. Still, I firmly believe Hillary will be the Democrat nominee for 2020 - but this time with Mad Max(ine) as the VP candidate. How could they lose? Racially balanced, two female ticket!
Giggle. She never ordered any attacks on the pigs that are willing to work for the orange whore. She did not mention any violence. She just said make them feel unwelcome and uncomfortable. You don't even have to say anything to them. Just turn your back or point your index finger at them when you see them in public or walk away. Ask that you can be given a different table if one is seated near you at a restaurant. They choose their lifestyle, don't they? Heckling? It's impolite, but we learned from the anti-abortion movement and the anti-LGBTs that heckling actually is acceptable public behavior.
She didn't ask for violence, she encouraged violence...dumbass.
She encouraged yelling, a****** doop.
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies

Yup, you may be the only one that sees it that way...dumbass.
POLL: Should Maxine Waters be asked to resign for encouraging violence against Trump officials?
Why don't they have a clip of what she said, super dupe? Idiot.

I dunno, maybe they felt most were aware of what see said or could find the clip on their own. Evidently not...dumbass.
Why Did Maxine Waters's Comments Upset Some Democrats?
No they wanted to misinform you, and they did it as usual..

No kidding, so all the stories, recordings, history are all fake....I am shocked, totally shocked. Dumbass.
I suppose a Watters/Pelosi ticket in 2020 would be to much to ask for?
Do any of you ever consider policies? You enjoy the ruin of the middle class and working class and the giveaway to the rich? Why are we the only country without a one-month vacation at least after a year? Healthcare daycare infrastructure paid parental leave cheap college and training? No, just phony scandals and Bs propaganda for you dupes...

Get back to us when Pelosi and Waters have a policy...even when any Democrat comes up with a policy.
They have tons of policies much like what I mentioned... Super duper, you'll never hear it on Fox etcetera just phony scandals.

Great, how about posting a link on their policies....dumbass.
no problem, it's easiest just to remember, everything you want our government to do, that's what Democrats want. And the GOP will fight while brainwashing you with phony scandals and Hate...

LOL...just on the first one, they want to raise our income? By raising our taxes? Hey wait a minute, is this one of those times where it depends on our definition of "our"?
Notice how the far left will not call out their own.

They keep proving that they are will always be worse than what they call Trump!

Who is worse than Trump? By worse I mean more of a bully, more of a liar, more of a flipper and flopper?\

All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies

None of the deplorable above have commented on these ^^^ facts.

It seems their silence is consent, which makes them morally culpable for the evil Trump has done, and evil he will do when he is praised for his deviant, sordid and abusive policies.
Or are you ignoring the old hag and heeding Chuck Schumers advise to be polite to your political rivals.

So who is right, Adolf Waters or Chuckles Schumer
No. I believe the left should try to take the moral high ground, whenever possible; less competition.
If anyone from the left has taken high ground, it means there is meth involved
Notice how the far left will not call out their own.

They keep proving that they are will always be worse than what they call Trump!

Who is worse than Trump? By worse I mean more of a bully, more of a liar, more of a flipper and flopper?\

All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies

None of the deplorable above have commented on these ^^^ facts.

It seems their silence is consent, which makes them morally culpable for the evil Trump has done, and evil he will do when he is praised for his deviant, sordid and abusive policies.


Or are you ignoring the old hag and heeding Chuck Schumers advise to be polite to your political rivals.

So who is right, Adolf Waters or Chuckles Schumer
No. I believe the left should try to take the moral high ground, whenever possible; less competition.

If anyone from the left has taken high ground, it means there is meth involved

You must be an authority on meth, and on the left. Tell us about the left and your experience partying with them.

Seems to me, having gone to CAL and latter at SFSU that pot was the drug of choice. Never saw any meth on either campus, it was popular with the street people, tweakers with bad teeth.
Notice how the far left will not call out their own.

They keep proving that they are will always be worse than what they call Trump!

Who is worse than Trump? By worse I mean more of a bully, more of a liar, more of a flipper and flopper?\

All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies

None of the deplorable above have commented on these ^^^ facts.

It seems their silence is consent, which makes them morally culpable for the evil Trump has done, and evil he will do when he is praised for his deviant, sordid and abusive policies.


How on earth could anyone be proud of this amount of destruction to our nation? It takes pure scum to support all of this. It represents a war on the American people and our principles from within.

Now you are scared that a black woman in Congress is angry? I've got news: more than one person is angry. People of all sexes, races, and religions are angry. Nobody has to help the whores who helped facilitate the above attacks on our nation and the collapse of our foreign policy. They are the sort of filth that we don't need running the government and don't need in our communities.
She is playing with her own impeachment.
Its already started.

Maxine said that she could never be impeached because she is a black woman.

Here is an article showing her cuddling up to Louis Farrakahn.

Maxine Waters Attended Nation Of Islam Convention Where Farrakhan Defended Suicide Bombers

Could you imagine Trump cuddling up with David Duke? All Dims can say is that Trump has the support of racist, but he never meets with them or wraps their arms around them.

Even Obama did it before becoming President.

This of it, cuddling up to a racist that calls white people white devils and calls all Jews Satanic and they keep winning elections as their own party does nothing to chastise them.

Why then are they just now speaking up?

Farrakahn endorsed Trump oddly enough, just as Alveda King and Kanye West did

That's cuz he is orange, not white.

Honestly, he is so crazy its like listening to who Charles Manson endorses for President and then taking it to heart.
Nothing better than shallow and pedantic.

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