Are any of you ready to dump the Trump yet?

I have always had a big dog for many years now. My last big dog was a black Labrador.

Whenever I would take my dog for a walk through the Muslim neighborhood, the Muslims who were also out for a walk would literally leap over a drainage ditch and into traffic to avoid walking by my dog.

He was a very friendly dog. As friendly as can be.

It was ironic they would put themselves in far more danger in traffic than if they had just walked by my dog.

But they don't have dogs as pets in the Middle East and so they are terrified of them. The only time they ever even hear about a dog is when one makes the news for attacking someone. So when they see one, even it if is one of the vast majority of dogs who are friendly, they freak out.

Here in America, we have retards who are trying to make our whole country leap into traffic because of their own fears of Muslims.
Wonder what you'd say if that religious freedom moved into the house next to you. You know peaceful Muslims practicing their peaceful religion.
I actually did have a whole Muslim neighborhood on the next street over from me, pants shitter. They were nice people.

Jesus, you are such a hostage to your fears it's ridiculous.

Jesus, Bet those fourteen murdered folks in San Bernardino never thought their Muslim co worker would murder them either.

I'd also bet the murdered at Ft. Hood never thought that a US Army Officer would murder then either.

Ridiculous huh??
A perfect example of the sheer stupidity that Trump speaks is his answer when pressed on his plan to block Muslims from entering our country. He said that the boarder agents will be required to inquire if they are Muslims.
Do you really believe a terrorist trying to gain entry into this nation hell bent on killing Americans is going to be honest when questioned by customs?

And what about the fact that our country is FOUNDED ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM???

Wonder what you'd say if that religious freedom moved into the house next to you. You know peaceful Muslims practicing their peaceful religion.
My daughter dated a Muslim when she got out of the Army. A perfectly likeable guy. About a week ago I went to IHOP for breakfast and was served by a Muslim who wasn't packin a suicide vest.
I also have a couple black neighbors.

Crazy huh?

Yup. Bet those fourteen murdered folks in San Bernardino didn't think their Muslim Co worker would kill them either.

I'd also bet the victims at Ft. Hood never thought a US Army officer would kill them either.

Crazy huh.

Anymore than that guy who lived by himself in Colorado would hurt anyone and Dylan and Eric were just misunderstood Presbyterians....
A perfect example of the sheer stupidity that Trump speaks is his answer when pressed on his plan to block Muslims from entering our country. He said that the boarder agents will be required to inquire if they are Muslims.
Do you really believe a terrorist trying to gain entry into this nation hell bent on killing Americans is going to be honest when questioned by customs?

And what about the fact that our country is FOUNDED ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM???

Wonder what you'd say if that religious freedom moved into the house next to you. You know peaceful Muslims practicing their peaceful religion.
My daughter dated a Muslim when she got out of the Army. A perfectly likeable guy. About a week ago I went to IHOP for breakfast and was served by a Muslim who wasn't packin a suicide vest.
I also have a couple black neighbors.

Crazy huh?

Yup. Bet those fourteen murdered folks in San Bernardino didn't think their Muslim Co worker would kill them either.

I'd also bet the victims at Ft. Hood never thought a US Army officer would kill them either.

Crazy huh.
So after the Oklahoma City bombing should we have passed a law preventing white guys from renting U hauls?
A perfect example of the sheer stupidity that Trump speaks is his answer when pressed on his plan to block Muslims from entering our country. He said that the boarder agents will be required to inquire if they are Muslims.
Do you really believe a terrorist trying to gain entry into this nation hell bent on killing Americans is going to be honest when questioned by customs?

And what about the fact that our country is FOUNDED ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM???

Wonder what you'd say if that religious freedom moved into the house next to you. You know peaceful Muslims practicing their peaceful religion.
My daughter dated a Muslim when she got out of the Army. A perfectly likeable guy. About a week ago I went to IHOP for breakfast and was served by a Muslim who wasn't packin a suicide vest.
I also have a couple black neighbors.

Crazy huh?

Yup. Bet those fourteen murdered folks in San Bernardino didn't think their Muslim Co worker would kill them either.

I'd also bet the victims at Ft. Hood never thought a US Army officer would kill them either.

Crazy huh.
Yes, crazy. You are one big idiot.

15,000 to 20,000 Americans are killed by Americans every year. ISIS can't even compete with that. And more than half of those Americans are murdered by someone they know. A quarter are killed by a relative.

You want to see other examples of people killing their co-workers beside the Muslim guy? I got plenty of them. You have more to worry about from your non-Muslim co-workers than you do from the Muslims, dumbass.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on the planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

You are surrounded by maniacs. Your Uncle Bob is a bigger threat to you than a Muslim. You should move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.
A perfect example of the sheer stupidity that Trump speaks is his answer when pressed on his plan to block Muslims from entering our country. He said that the boarder agents will be required to inquire if they are Muslims.
Do you really believe a terrorist trying to gain entry into this nation hell bent on killing Americans is going to be honest when questioned by customs?

And what about the fact that our country is FOUNDED ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM???

Wonder what you'd say if that religious freedom moved into the house next to you. You know peaceful Muslims practicing their peaceful religion.
My daughter dated a Muslim when she got out of the Army. A perfectly likeable guy. About a week ago I went to IHOP for breakfast and was served by a Muslim who wasn't packin a suicide vest.
I also have a couple black neighbors.

Crazy huh?

Yup. Bet those fourteen murdered folks in San Bernardino didn't think their Muslim Co worker would kill them either.

I'd also bet the victims at Ft. Hood never thought a US Army officer would kill them either.

Crazy huh.
Yes, crazy. You are one big idiot.

15,000 to 20,000 Americans are killed by Americans every year. ISIS can't even compete with that. And more than half of those Americans are murdered by someone they know. A quarter are killed by a relative.

You want to see other examples of people killing their co-workers beside the Muslim guy? I got plenty of them. You have more to worry about from your non-Muslim co-workers than you do from the Muslims, dumbass.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on the planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

You are surrounded by maniacs. You should move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.
Her head is so far up her ass she coughs up dandruff.
Wonder what you'd say if that religious freedom moved into the house next to you. You know peaceful Muslims practicing their peaceful religion.


You are doing EXACTLY what ISIS wants you to do. They want you to walk and live and breathe in FEAR, dribbling pee into your panties.
So after the Oklahoma City bombing should we have passed a law preventing white guys from renting U hauls?

You're talking about a one time isolated incident, and the perp was tried, convicted and executed by his peers.

When muzbots start going after jihadists let me know. As far as I'm concerned they're complicit in their silence.

Of course when Trump suggested they be barred from entry they sure did sound the fuck off though.

Nope, they value his dream selling no matter how outlandish it is...If he says it, they believe it.

And since being an outsider matters more to them than making sense or having ideas all he has to is say he's not like "those guys" and that gives him a pass on things like blatent racism, anti constitutional ideas like closing mosques or having Muslims carry special ID's.

Now of course those ideas when applied to "others" seem reasonable if you let fear move you from the constitution...the problem is when he finds a new "reason" to expand those ideas to other people. Which you know will happen because why wouldnt it?
Yes, but I disagree a little. 54% of gopers think Obama is a Muslim. Trump's merely telling them what they believe and want to hear.

Trump is a master at selling the dream no matter how silly. Oh, you want a wall across the entire southern border. I WILL BUILD NOT JUST A WALL, A BEAUTIFUL WALL!

Oh you want jobs? I'll have so many jobs you'll be tired of money!

Terrorist? You Scared? Dont worry, I'll personally smash them for you!

How will he do those things? Shhhh, dreams are being sold, dont interrupt.
Kinda like the hope and change bullshit?

Thats a slogan

Trump is selling dreams that cant be done. You can always hope and change which is easier than building a beautiful wall across the entire southern border.
A perfect example of the sheer stupidity that Trump speaks is his answer when pressed on his plan to block Muslims from entering our country. He said that the boarder agents will be required to inquire if they are Muslims.
Do you really believe a terrorist trying to gain entry into this nation hell bent on killing Americans is going to be honest when questioned by customs?

And what about the fact that our country is FOUNDED ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM???

Wonder what you'd say if that religious freedom moved into the house next to you. You know peaceful Muslims practicing their peaceful religion.
My daughter dated a Muslim when she got out of the Army. A perfectly likeable guy. About a week ago I went to IHOP for breakfast and was served by a Muslim who wasn't packin a suicide vest.
I also have a couple black neighbors.

Crazy huh?

Yup. Bet those fourteen murdered folks in San Bernardino didn't think their Muslim Co worker would kill them either.

I'd also bet the victims at Ft. Hood never thought a US Army officer would kill them either.

Crazy huh.
Yes, crazy. You are one big idiot.

15,000 to 20,000 Americans are killed by Americans every year. ISIS can't even compete with that. And more than half of those Americans are murdered by someone they know. A quarter are killed by a relative.

You want to see other examples of people killing their co-workers beside the Muslim guy? I got plenty of them. You have more to worry about from your non-Muslim co-workers than you do from the Muslims, dumbass.

You have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on the planet. You are twice as likely to get hit by lightning.

You are surrounded by maniacs. You should move to a mosque, where you will be MUCH safer.
Her head is so far up her ass she coughs up dandruff.

Well if it isn't cornholio. Fancy hearing from you.

If brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your hair off.

Ta Ta
Donald Trump is demonizing people not for their actions, but for the religion, nationality and skin color into which they were born.

There are over a billion Muslims in the world, the vast majority of whom are not radical (just as there are millions of Christians who celebrate Christmas but do not subscribe to literal reading of the Bible).

Trump has Muslim business partners in Dubai who he has said are great guys.

There are Muslims in the U.S. Military and Congress.

Trump is exploiting the fear created by a crazed minority of radicals in order to get elected. He is speaking to the "Sarah Palin wing" of the Republican Party, the majority of whom are uneducated.

Attention Republicans.

Humans are not reflexes of their skin color, nation or religion. They have freedom, and they must be judged on their actions.

Hitler killed Jewish babies because he didn't believe they were humans.

Trump represents our slide into barbarism. He is exploiting your fear and stupidity.

He knows that you don't know the difference between a Sunni and Shiite. He knows you know nothing about Muslim people. He is going to unwittingly destroy religious freedom in the United States of America. He is going to radicalize all Muslims against the U.S. He is going to make it impossible for us to partner with moderate Muslims in the middle east so that we can help them expunge radicals. He is going to push moderate Muslims into the hands of ISIS (which wants moderates to be hated by the west, so they don't feel safe living peacefully with the west).

Donald Trump is the American version of Hitler. He is appealing to stupid people.
So after the Oklahoma City bombing should we have passed a law preventing white guys from renting U hauls?

You're talking about a one time isolated incident, and the perp was tried, convicted and executed by his peers.

When muzbots start going after jihadists let me know. As far as I'm concerned they're complicit in their silence.

Of course when Trump suggested they be barred from entry they sure did sound the fuck off though.

try google
Nope, they value his dream selling no matter how outlandish it is...If he says it, they believe it.

And since being an outsider matters more to them than making sense or having ideas all he has to is say he's not like "those guys" and that gives him a pass on things like blatent racism, anti constitutional ideas like closing mosques or having Muslims carry special ID's.

Now of course those ideas when applied to "others" seem reasonable if you let fear move you from the constitution...the problem is when he finds a new "reason" to expand those ideas to other people. Which you know will happen because why wouldnt it?
Yes, but I disagree a little. 54% of gopers think Obama is a Muslim. Trump's merely telling them what they believe and want to hear.

Trump is a master at selling the dream no matter how silly. Oh, you want a wall across the entire southern border. I WILL BUILD NOT JUST A WALL, A BEAUTIFUL WALL!

Oh you want jobs? I'll have so many jobs you'll be tired of money!

Terrorist? You Scared? Dont worry, I'll personally smash them for you!

How will he do those things? Shhhh, dreams are being sold, dont interrupt.
Kinda like the hope and change bullshit?

Thats a slogan

Trump is selling dreams that cant be done. You can always hope and change which is easier than building a beautiful wall across the entire southern border.
I think that's an apt analogy.

Obama didn't seem to consider that the Republican answer to "yes we can" would be "even if we could, we won't"

Trump is effective as head of a corporate environment, and the only political equivalent to that is a dictatorship.

He can't fire Congress
Nope, they value his dream selling no matter how outlandish it is...If he says it, they believe it.

And since being an outsider matters more to them than making sense or having ideas all he has to is say he's not like "those guys" and that gives him a pass on things like blatent racism, anti constitutional ideas like closing mosques or having Muslims carry special ID's.

Now of course those ideas when applied to "others" seem reasonable if you let fear move you from the constitution...the problem is when he finds a new "reason" to expand those ideas to other people. Which you know will happen because why wouldnt it?
Yes, but I disagree a little. 54% of gopers think Obama is a Muslim. Trump's merely telling them what they believe and want to hear.

Trump is a master at selling the dream no matter how silly. Oh, you want a wall across the entire southern border. I WILL BUILD NOT JUST A WALL, A BEAUTIFUL WALL!

Oh you want jobs? I'll have so many jobs you'll be tired of money!

Terrorist? You Scared? Dont worry, I'll personally smash them for you!

How will he do those things? Shhhh, dreams are being sold, dont interrupt.
Kinda like the hope and change bullshit?

Thats a slogan

Trump is selling dreams that cant be done. You can always hope and change which is easier than building a beautiful wall across the entire southern border.

Hope and Change ring any bells??
The relationship between Trump and The American People is like that between a farmer and his/her/its mule.

You need a 2x4, about 5 feet long, soaked in drain oil so it will not splinter. Then you smack the mule on the nose with a hearty swing of the 2x4. Then...and ONLY then....can you discuss things with the mule knowing that you have its undivided attention.

Swing mightily, Donald!
That's ridiculous. My sensibilities? Really? I'm one of the rudest posters on this board. My sensibilities have nothing to do with it. And the part line is not what I want to hear. What I want to hear is a plan. Trump doesn't offer plans when he speaks he offers red meat, and nothing more.

Seems to me I've read that he does have plans.

You don't like Trump. Don't vote for him if he gets the nod. Easy Peasy.

You've read that he has plans? That implies you don't know what those plans are. Yet he has your support?

Look it up. He does have plans.

Who says I support him?? YOU. I like loads of what he has to say and so do lots of other people.

Does that mean I support. him?? Hell no. I also like some of what Cruz and Rubio have to say as well as Bush.

Long way till election time.
I like some of what he says. Doesn't make him presidential material.

I like the fact that he's not a professional politician and he doesn't act like one.

Well GM,Trump is leading in the polls because he's talking about things those polled want to hear about.

He can't be bought and he doesn't have a PC bone in his body. He also will tell you what he really thinks whether you like it or not.

I suppose if he lied and just spewed the party line you'd like him and think he'd make a great POTUS.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities that ain't Trump. LOL
That's ridiculous. My sensibilities? Really? I'm one of the rudest posters on this board. My sensibilities have nothing to do with it. And the part line is not what I want to hear. What I want to hear is a plan. Trump doesn't offer plans when he speaks he offers red meat, and nothing more.

Seems to me I've read that he does have plans.

You don't like Trump. Don't vote for him if he gets the nod. Easy Peasy.

You've read that he has plans? That implies you don't know what those plans are. Yet he has your support?

Look it up. He does have plans.

Who says I support him?? YOU. I like loads of what he has to say and so do lots of other people.

Does that mean I support. him?? Hell no. I also like some of what Cruz and Rubio have to say as well as Bush.

Long way till election time.
I like some of what he says. Doesn't make him presidential material.
like goldie hawn says about kurt russel, he just doesn't have an ounce of bullshit about him.
that's what people are flocking to, we've never seen it before. we're sending him to ronald reagan charm school, he'll be fine.

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