Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

^^^ Ironic. Here’s a liberal talking about the wrong in bigotry while he spews it against Jews. It’s a common thing with liberals: fight against racism while advancing antisemitism.

Your religion doesn't count as a "race".

I stopped being a Catholic on February 23rd, 1983, and haven't missed it a little bit.
Those who are both Jewish and Asian probably have no chance at all to get into the Ivy League nowadays. If they find out you were circumcised at Benihana's, you will never get in.
Those who are both Jewish and Asian probably have no chance at all to get into the Ivy League nowadays. If they find out you were circumcised at Benihana's, you will never get in.
Yup….back to the old days when Jews (there weren’t many Asians here at that time) were blocked from the Ivy League by the liberal elitists.
Meanwhile, a black person with a good job who does everything right still will get pulled over for a DWB (Driving While Black) a few times a year.
That is because Negroes are accurately associated with crime. If irrational color prejudice was responsible, Orientals would be pulled over several times a year too. They are not, because everyone knows that Orientals have low crime rates.
Yup….back to the old days when Jews (there weren’t many Asians here at that time) were blocked from the Ivy League by the liberal elitists.
I do not think conservative Gentiles were working to eliminate quotas against Jewish admission to college.
I do not think conservative Gentiles were working to eliminate quotas against Jewish admission to college.
It was the elitist liberals who instituted them. FDR was on the board of Harvard in the 20s, and he was the one who pushed for no Jews.
That is because Negroes are accurately associated with crime. If irrational color prejudice was responsible, Orientals would be pulled over several times a year too. They are not, because everyone knows that Orientals have low crime rates.
Exactly. If redheads were 14% of the population but committed half of all crime, the cops would be extra suspicious of them too - and understandably so.
Your religion doesn't count as a "race".

I stopped being a Catholic on February 23rd, 1983, and haven't missed it a little bit.
Richard Lynn, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement, Washington Summit Publishers, 2011, 408 pp.

Professor Lynn explains that there are four major subpopulations of Jews, differentiated genetically by their different experiences following their expulsion from Israel in the first century AD. The most populous group, by far, are the Ashkenazi, who migrated to Western Europe. However, “In the period between 1290 and 1500, Jews were extensively persecuted and expelled from Western and Central Europe . . . . Most of them migrated eastward into present-day Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Russia.” There they remained until the mass migrations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Those who stayed were, in the main, killed by the Nazis toward the end of World War II. Most of those who survived the war migrated to Israel and other, mainly English-speaking countries.

A second group, the Sephardim, migrated to the Iberian Peninsula after the Roman expulsion, where they lived, largely under Muslim rule, until 1492. Jews flourished during the early period of Muslim rule, but from about 1000, a change in Muslim leadership led to increased persecution. When Spain drove out the Muslims in 1492, it also expelled all Jews who refused to convert to Christianity. Portugal expelled its Jews in 1496. Most Iberian Jews then went to the Balkans, though others migrated to the Middle East, the Netherlands, and Italy. Prof. Lynn notes that “their descendants in the mid-20th century numbered about two million and were widely dispersed throughout the world.”

A third Jewish group, the Mizrahim, settled in various lands in the Middle East and North Africa during various diasporas beginning about 600 BC. These lands were conquered by the Arabs in the 8th century, under whose rule Jews were tolerated but subject to various restrictions. This area was conquered in the 16th century by the Ottoman Turks, who “provided a generally benign environment for Jews and other non-Muslims.” That is the main reason why Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal made their way into the Ottoman Empire.

A fourth group, the Falashas, “are Ethiopians who converted to Judaism at some uncertain time many centuries ago.” The state of Israel recognized these genetically distinct Africans as Jews who were, therefore, entitled to take advantage of the Jewish Right of Return.


The Ashkenazim, the Sephardim, and the the Mizrahim have genetic markers that point to the Israelites of the Old Testament.

Nevertheless, it is true that anyone of any race can convert to Judaism, like Sammy Davis Jr did. On the other hand, one can be an atheist, and still be considered to be Jewish, like Woody Allen is.
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That is because Negroes are accurately associated with crime. If irrational color prejudice was responsible, Orientals would be pulled over several times a year too. They are not, because everyone knows that Orientals have low crime rates.

The true cry of the racist, if you can't deny your racism, rationalize it.

I do not think conservative Gentiles were working to eliminate quotas against Jewish admission to college.
No, they just came to accept that they could play white ethnics against blacks to maintain the power of Plutocratic WASPs. Divide and conquer. That's why all this "Fairness" shit is exactly that. If people were truly interested in fairness, they'd eliminate Legacies and Dean's Interest, how the WASP's maintain their advantage. You'd make a lot more slots for qualified Asians if you got rid of those.
So what? Bigotry is bigotry.

Nope, Race is who you are.
Religion is what you believe.

And some religions are objectively more fucked up than others.

the problem with your religion is that you think that you are God's Chosen People. (Why God let half his chosen people get turned into bars of soap and lampshades is a good question you'd probably never ask yourself). Which of course means, it's okay to cheat the Goyim.

I applied at a company once run by Jews (had I known, I wouldn't have bothered with the interview) and the guy in charge exclaimed that they shut down before sunset on Friday for the Sabbath. Then he said that most of his dock workers were probably illegals, but as long as their papers looked okay, they didn't care.

Now, me, ex-Catholic/current humanist that I am, I would have followed the law to the letter. Period. If I had a good reason to believe a worker wasn't here legally, I wouldn't hire him, because that would be wrong and cheating someone who was legally out of a job. (I do think we need to fix immigration and give a path to citizenship, but the law is the law.)
The true cry of the racist, if you can't deny your racism, rationalize it.
A racist used to be someone who hated all Negroes, just because they were black. Now a racist is one who is willing to discuss black social pathology, keeping in mind that there are Negroes who are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous, just as there are whites who are stupid, promiscuous criminals. .
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A racist used to be someone who hated all Negroes, just because they were black. Now a racist is one who is willing to discuss black social pathology, keeping in mind that there are Negroes who are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous, just as there are whites who are stupid, promiscuous criminals. .

Most blacks are law-abiding.
Nothing wrong with being promiscuous... Some day you might even get laid.
Most blacks are law-abiding.
Nothing wrong with being promiscuous... Some day you might even get laid.
One out of three Negro males acquires at least one felony conviction.

There is something very wrong with having illegitimate children, and raising them on welfare.
One out of three Negro males acquires at least one felony conviction.

Bullshit, but even if that were true, 2 out of three don't. So my statement stands.

There is something very wrong with having illegitimate children, and raising them on welfare.

Except most people on welfare are only on it for a few years. Most people on welfare also hold down menial jobs. Seems to me that you are blaming black people for the economic injustices in this country that they get the worst of.

Do you go down to the Rape Crisis Center and tell those women they shouldn't have dressed like sluts?
Those who are both Jewish and Asian probably have no chance at all to get into the Ivy League nowadays. If they find out you were circumcised at Benihana's, you will never get in.
Yup. It used to be that poor but bright Jews could go to the “Poor Man’s Harvard” - the City College of New York - but it’s been dumped down and “liberalized” as well.
Yup. It used to be that poor but bright Jews could go to the “Poor Man’s Harvard” - the City College of New York - but it’s been dumped down and “liberalized” as well.

"dumped down"? Did you mean "Dumbed-down"?

The Asian kids can go to the City College of New York... or maybe the white legacy kid.

The problem with Community Colleges is that they are there to give the illusion of access to college.

I'd say 2/3rd of my resume clients who went to a community college never got anywhere near an associate's degree. Fewer still went on to a four year college and got their bachelors.
Bullshit, but even if that were true, 2 out of three don't. So my statement stands.
National Library of Medicine
We estimate that 3 % of the total U.S. adult population and 15 % of the African American adult male population has ever been to prison; people with felony convictions account for 8 % of all adults and 33 % of the African American adult male population.
Except most people on welfare are only on it for a few years. Most people on welfare also hold down menial jobs. Seems to me that you are blaming black people for the economic injustices in this country that they get the worst of.
A Conversation With Arthur Jensen

Arthur Jensen is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. He is perhaps the world’s best-known scholar in the field of racial differences in intelligence. Ever since 1969, when his article, “How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?”, appeared in the Harvard Educational Review, he has been at the center of what is probably the most controversial of all academic fields. Prof. Jensen has been widely reviled, but his patient research and keen analysis have now won a position of near-unanimity for his views — at least among specialists.

What follow are excerpts from a several-hour conversation with Prof. Jensen, in which he talks about race, intelligence, sex differences, eugenics, and the future of the United States.

AR: There’s an aspect of this that’s particularly curious, and that’s the fact that at the turn of the century there was a very strong acceptance, it seems, or a very strong movement towards acceptance of genetic differences by men like Sir Francis Galton and Karl Pearson. Even in the United States, very reputable people became advocates of eugenics.

Jensen: I think that World War II was really the main turning point in this. We’d been headed in that direction [egalitarianism], but the turning point, I think, was the revulsion against the Nazi Holocaust. People pointed to that as an example of what would happen if we recognized differences.

Of course it’s very inapplicable really, because the group that was persecuted there was the group that was doing very well in Germany and around the world. It had a larger percentage of Nobel Prize winners and members of the National Academy of Sciences and Fellows of Royal Societies than any other group...

AR: Well, it seems to me that if there are two racial groups that can live side by side in harmony, it appears to be whites and [East] Asians...

Jensen: Where the differences in basic characteristics are not conspicuous, as in the case of [East] Asians [i.e. Orientals] and whites, and when persons can fit in and do the same kinds of jobs and do them as well as anyone else, it may work. See, there are blacks who fit in this way too — who do all right.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.


Professor Arthur Jensen


JoeB131, I wonder where you get this statistic that most people on welfare are only on for a few years. How can someone with an IQ below 75 find regular employment?
"dumped down"? Did you mean "Dumbed-down"?

The Asian kids can go to the City College of New York... or maybe the white legacy kid.

The problem with Community Colleges is that they are there to give the illusion of access to college.

I'd say 2/3rd of my resume clients who went to a community college never got anywhere near an associate's degree. Fewer still went on to a four year college and got their bachelors.
When did I bring up community college? Are you under the impression that CCNY is and was a community college? Not too informed, are you? As I said, it was the Poor Man’s Harvard - populated by bright Jewish (and also black) boys who were blocked from the Ivies due to racism. It was an EXCELLENT four-year school.

But as long as you demonstrate your elitist attitude toward kids who started at community college…..I was one of them. I then went on to a very good university with an academic scholarship and graduated PhI Beta Kappa.

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