Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

Awesome, dude, I think you need to come down to the west side of Chicago and tell all the homeboys about how they are all illegitimate sons of welfare mothers who won't amount to anything because of their inferior alleles...

I'm sure your opinions will do about as well as your teeth.
What I have to say would be over their heads.

Nevertheless, it is characteristic of you that you rely on force to defend your opinions. You know they cannot stand critical scrutiny. I know my opinions can stand critical scrutiny. I suspect that you are privately aware that what I say is true.
The Japanese, the Europeans, and the Chinese have good human material to invest on.

With too few exceptions to matter the illegitimate children of unmarried welfare and violent street criminals cannot be educated, and will always be unemployable.

I have been told that by those who tried to educate them. Their stories confirm what I have read by Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton.
in courts they call what you just cited as evidence as "CIRCUMSTANTIAL" Nope---
the human brain is the human brain------across the BOARD (to wit--the planet) Uhm--
you are touching on my field
Those things failed because they were never tried.

NCLB was never more than a slogan.

Head Start spends less per child than Day Care.
Your arguments would be more impressive is there was somewhere a method that worked. Nothing does. The only thing that does work is punishment. When more people are put into prison for longer sentences the crime rate goes down.
What I have to say would be over their heads.

Nevertheless, it is characteristic of you that you rely on force to defend your opinions. You know they cannot stand critical scrutiny. I know my opinions can stand critical scrutiny. I suspect that you are privately aware that what I say is true.

Oh, I think they'd understand it perfectly well, which is why you'd get that well-deserved curb stomping if you ever said this shit out loud.

Your nonsense was debunked and rejected by every institute of higher learning out there. Critical scrutiny happened and Murray was debunked as a crank.
in courts they call what you just cited as evidence as "CIRCUMSTANTIAL" Nope---
the human brain is the human brain------across the BOARD (to wit--the planet) Uhm--
you are touching on my field
Many efforts have been made to turn stupid dangerous people into intelligent safe people. Nothing has ever worked.

I tell you what. Spend several years as a substitute teacher in a black majority public school. Tell me about your experiences.
Your arguments would be more impressive is there was somewhere a method that worked. Nothing does. The only thing that does work is punishment. When more people are put into prison for longer sentences the crime rate goes down.

Worked just fine in Europe, where they have quite a few minorities. The current PM of the UK is a minority.

The Prison-Industrial Complex is a failure. The crime rates only went down because the Baby Boomers aged out of the "Dumb-ass" age.
in courts they call what you just cited as evidence as "CIRCUMSTANTIAL" Nope---
the human brain is the human brain------across the BOARD (to wit--the planet) Uhm--
you are touching on my field
OY!!! Joe gave me a thmbs up------I am about to DIE!!! Sorry Joe----while
I reject the DNA explanation------SORRY JOE-----there are cultural issues. "CULTURE"
is a remarkable force. Your Great Grandma has a huge impact on your life which is
hard to escape. Read Erich Fromm and Eric Erickson
Many efforts have been made to turn stupid dangerous people into intelligent safe people. Nothing has ever worked.

I tell you what. Spend several years as a substitute teacher in a black majority public school. Tell me about your experiences.
neuroscience and hours and hours in the jail for the "criminally insane"-----and the brig for
the frightened liars
Oh, I think they'd understand it perfectly well, which is why you'd get that well-deserved curb stomping if you ever said this shit out loud.

Your nonsense was debunked and rejected by every institute of higher learning out there. Critical scrutiny happened and Murray was debunked as a crank.
Curb stomping is the only way you have to defend what you pretend to believe.

How was Charles Murray debunked? Where is there evidence that a child who scores poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven can be turned into a brilliant student? Denouncing someone does not disprove him. Usually it is done because he cannot be disproved.

Those who claim that affirmative action is necessary to achieve diversity clandestinely acknowledge that most Negroes are incapable of performing as well as whites and Orientals.
Many efforts have been made to turn stupid dangerous people into intelligent safe people. Nothing has ever worked.

I tell you what. Spend several years as a substitute teacher in a black majority public school. Tell me about your experiences.
Oh---I should add I did a little sub teaching too---GRUELING ---a very little but enough
to destroy childish optimism
OY!!! Joe gave me a thmbs up------I am about to DIE!!! Sorry Joe----while
I reject the DNA explanation------SORRY JOE-----there are cultural issues. "CULTURE"
is a remarkable force. Your Great Grandma has a huge impact on your life which is
hard to escape. Read Erich Fromm and Eric Erickson

My Great Grandma was a Native American who lived with a dirt poor farmer in Missouri.

Culture is a result of society. We have a tiered society

WASPs on top.
White Ethnics
Native Americans.
Curb stomping is the only way you have to defend what you pretend to believe.

How was Charles Murray debunked? Where is there evidence that a child who scores poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven can be turned into a brilliant student? Denouncing someone does not disprove him. Usually it is done because he cannot be disproved.

Those who claim that affirmative action is necessary to achieve diversity clandestinely acknowledge that most Negroes are incapable of performing as well as whites and Orientals.
not true----potential is the same for every little one who comes reluctantly into
the world-----but then the influence of the poor baby's culture does its DESTRUCTION
My Great Grandma was a Native American who lived with a dirt poor farmer in Missouri.

Culture is a result of society. We have a tiered society

WASPs on top.
White Ethnics
Native Americans.
too simplistic JOE
......r the illegitimate children of unmarried welfare and violent street criminals cannot be educated, and will always be unemployable.

I have been told that by those who tried to educate them.....
Bullshit. You are lying your ass off to promote your agenda.
Curb stomping is the only way you have to defend what you pretend to believe.

No, I just don't think you can engage racists and turn them into decent people.
Nope, we need to hunt them down and ruin their fucking lives, like they did to Scott Adams.

How was Charles Murray debunked? Where is there evidence that a child who scores poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven can be turned into a brilliant student? Denouncing someone does not disprove him. Usually it is done because he cannot be disproved.

When I was very young, some social worker told my mom I had a learning disability.
Instead, I ended up frequently on the honor roll, was the first member of my family to graduate college, and was a non-commissioned officer in the United States Army.

The problem with IQ tests at early ages that they are kind of meaningless. We all know the kid who was the dumb jock who is now the CEO, and we all know the supposedly bright kid who turned out to be... mediocre.

Those who claim that affirmative action is necessary to achieve diversity clandestinely acknowledge that most Negroes are incapable of performing as well as whites and Orientals.

Modern people don't use terms like "Oriental".
It's hard to think that you admire Asians and then continue to use an outdated term to describe them.

We don't need Affirmative Action because blacks are dumber. We need it because white privilege perpetuates itself.

In my storied post- military career* I've encountered TWO affirmative Action hires who didn't deserve the jobs they had. One was female, one was black and female. the white female failed miserably at her job. Only got it because a previous female supervisor had filed an EEOC complaint against the Jew who ran the branch (in to the ground, eventually.)

The black lady who got it was awful, but I blame management for not managing her as much as I do her for not working.

On the other hand, I've worked for way too many people who had no business being in their positions, but got them because of a Good Old Boy system of white privilege. Related to the boss, drinking buddies with the boss, or sleeping with the boss. The problem is you want to eliminate one without eliminating the other.

Now, the reason why I specify my post-military career is because the military was actually a TRUE meritocracy. It doesn't matter what color you are, if you work hard and are good at your job, you get recognized and promoted, and that's the way it should be.
My Great Grandma was a Native American who lived with a dirt poor farmer in Missouri.

Culture is a result of society. We have a tiered society

WASPs on top.
White Ethnics
Native Americans.
Peter G. Peterson Foundation,
NOVEMBER 9, 2022


In 2021, median household income varied considerably by race and ethnicity​

The first row is for 2020. The second row is for 2021
White, not Hispanic$78,912$77,999

No, I just don't think you can engage racists and turn them into decent people.
Nope, we need to hunt them down and ruin their fucking lives, like they did to Scott Adams.
Hunting people down and ruining their lives is your response to arguments you cannot refute.
Peter G. Peterson Foundation,
NOVEMBER 9, 2022


In 2021, median household income varied considerably by race and ethnicity​


Hunting people down and ruining their lives is your response to arguments you cannot refute.

Nope, it's what you do to a cockroach.

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