Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

Hey, what happened to that guy? I think he disappeared into obscurity.
Scott Adams destroyed his career by making a few public criticisms of Negroes. His comments could have been better worded, but I miss his cartoon strip. Newspaper editors tripped over each other to prove how woke they were by cancelling his cartoon strip.

I had always seen Dilbert's author as representing a kind of leftism that could have resonated among college educated professionals. The targets of his humor were not big government, high taxes, and lazy civil servants, but imperious bosses in the private sector, alienating working environments in the private sector, and overpaid CEO's and high executives.

When he began to direct his satire at affirmative action in hiring decisions the knives came out for him.

Dilbert 2.jpeg
he problem there wasn't the deficit, it was that resources were not being dedicated to fix problems.
The problems included the deficit, caused by Republican tax cuts for the rich, and the liberal beliefe that social reform and social welfare spending can solve problems caused by inadequate gene alleles.

Liberal failures during the 1960's to enable most Negroes to perform and behave as well as most whites let to the Nixon administration, and the prolonging of a war the United States had already lost and did not deserve to win. Those liberal failures also led to the tax revolt, the Voodoo Economics of the Reagan administration and the growth of the national debt.
That said, we can try to fix the dangerous part by addressing the racial and economic inequities in this society.
We already tried that at enormous expense. It did not work.


The Heritage Foundation, The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure, Sep 23, 2014

This year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson's launch of the War on Poverty. In January 1964, Johnson declared "unconditional war on poverty in America." Since then, the taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson's war. Adjusted for inflation, that's three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution...

(That figure doesn't include Social Security or Medicare.)

The problems included the deficit, caused by Republican tax cuts for the rich, and the liberal beliefe that social reform and social welfare spending can solve problems caused by inadequate gene alleles.

Liberal failures during the 1960's to enable most Negroes to perform and behave as well as most whites let to the Nixon administration, and the prolonging of a war the United States had already lost and did not deserve to win. Those liberal failures also led to the tax revolt, the Voodoo Economics of the Reagan administration and the growth of the national debt.
"inadequate gene alleles" --<<<< try not to use words that you do not understand
Sure they did...
Read up on the Weather Underground or the SLA- mostly white people who committed far worse than looting a few stores.
Like what?

Black ghetto rioters do look only a few stores. They loot and burn many stores. The Weathermen never did anything like that.
Scott Adams destroyed his career by making a few public criticisms of Negroes. His comments could have been better worded, but I miss his cartoon strip. Newspaper editors tripped over each other to prove how woke they were by cancelling his cartoon strip.

I don't miss his cartoon strip even a little.

Here's how you can tell the guy was already a has-been... every cartoon commenting on it has Dilbert in it the way he was drawn in 2014. After 2014, they got rid of the suits and ties and replaced them with polo shirts and lanyards (to reflect the current office culture.)

So he said something really stupid to get some attention, and lo and behold, the few papers still carrying his strip cut him loose.

I had always seen Dilbert's author as representing a kind of leftism that could have resonated among college educated professionals. The targets of his humor were not big government, high taxes, and lazy civil servants, but imperious bosses in the private sector, alienating working environments in the private sector, and overpaid CEO's and high executives.

The problem was he was a strip of white grievance. True, the Pointy Haired Boss was an idiot. But Dilbert is kind of a mediocrity, Wally is a complete slacker, and Alice never got much recognition because she was a woman. Asok (the Indian Intern) is frequently the butt of jokes.

When he began to direct his satire at affirmative action in hiring decisions the knives came out for him.
As they should have.
simple population genetics. Just which ALLELES have you determined are
responsible for negative social issues in the populations of the United States

Gene alleles that influence intelligence have been found. I look forward to the discovery of alleles that influence criminal and sexual behavior. I am confident that it will be found that alleles that influence intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy are more likely to be found in some races than in other races.

Then the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Jensen will have been proved.
Like what?

Black ghetto rioters do look only a few stores. They loot and burn many stores. The Weathermen never did anything like that.

No, they planted bombs, they assassinated people, they kidnapped people, and the vast majority of them were treated pretty lightly by the law because - wait for it - they were white.

The Heritage Foundation, The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure, Sep 23, 2014

Funny, the only 50 years of failure I see is in "Let's stop doing social services and give the money to rich people so they can trickled down on us."


We already tried that at enormous expense. It did not work.
No, we didn't. That's the problem. The Japanese, the Europeans, heck, even the CHINESE have invested heavily in education, and they are beating the pants off of us right now.

Of course, money isn't the only problem... the fact that people like Lisa558 , Unkotare and SweetSue92 are representative of the kinds of people who get employed in the education establishment probably has a lot to do with it.
I don't miss his cartoon strip even a little.

Here's how you can tell the guy was already a has-been... every cartoon commenting on it has Dilbert in it the way he was drawn in 2014. After 2014, they got rid of the suits and ties and replaced them with polo shirts and lanyards (to reflect the current office culture.)

So he said something really stupid to get some attention, and lo and behold, the few papers still carrying his strip cut him loose.

The problem was he was a strip of white grievance. True, the Pointy Haired Boss was an idiot. But Dilbert is kind of a mediocrity, Wally is a complete slacker, and Alice never got much recognition because she was a woman. Asok (the Indian Intern) is frequently the butt of jokes.

As they should have.
I want no restrictions on the propagation of facts and ideas, because I am confident that my opinions will prevail in an environment that welcomes facts, civility, and rationality.
Like what?

Black ghetto rioters do look only a few stores. They loot and burn many stores. The Weathermen never did anything like that.
I support equal justice for comparable crimes. Looting and destruction of
private property is just as serious as breaking into the Capitol building.
Assault is assault. Differential treatment of crimes against persons or property
based on race is RACISM.......however the WEATHERMEN and THE SDS got away
with far too much back in the day----uhm ----late 60s thru 70s (by memory)
Gene alleles that influence intelligence have been found. I look forward to the discovery of alleles that influence criminal and sexual behavior. I am confident that it will be found that alleles that influence intelligence, obedience to the law, and monogamy are more likely to be found in some races than in other races.

Then the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Jensen will have been proved.
the "BELL CURVE" schmucks did pseudo science. Go right ahead---ID the SMART ALLELES
No, we didn't. That's the problem. The Japanese, the Europeans, heck, even the CHINESE have invested heavily in education, and they are beating the pants off of us right now.
The Japanese, the Europeans, and the Chinese have good human material to invest on.

With too few exceptions to matter the illegitimate children of unmarried welfare and violent street criminals cannot be educated, and will always be unemployable.

I have been told that by those who tried to educate them. Their stories confirm what I have read by Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen and J. Philippe Rushton.
I want no restrictions on the propagation of facts and ideas, because I am confident that my opinions will prevail in an environment that welcomes facts, civility, and rationality.

Awesome, dude, I think you need to come down to the west side of Chicago and tell all the homeboys about how they are all illegitimate sons of welfare mothers who won't amount to anything because of their inferior alleles...

I'm sure your opinions will do about as well as your teeth.
the "BELL CURVE" schmucks did pseudo science. Go right ahead---ID the SMART ALLELES
The validity of The Bell Curve is even more obvious now than when the book was published. Gene alleles are being discovered that will prove the assertions of Charles Murray and Professor Richard Herrnstein conclusively. The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind are also impressive evidence of assertions in The Bell Curve.
The validity of The Bell Curve is even more obvious now than when the book was published. Gene alleles are being discovered that will prove the assertions of Charles Murray and Professor Richard Herrnstein conclusively. The failure of Head Start and No Child Left Behind are also impressive evidence of assertions in The Bell Curve.

Those things failed because they were never tried.

NCLB was never more than a slogan.

Head Start spends less per child than Day Care.

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