Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?


Nope, it's what you do to a cockroach.
How is it meaningless? Asians tend to earn more money than whites. This contradicts your assertion that whites are above Asians. There are plenty of websites that document the higher earning power of Asians. I choose the first one I could find.

Also, an Asian can be an Arab or an Afghan. If Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese were singled out, I am confident that their average family earning would be even higher.

The success of Orientals in the United State proves that non whites can thrive here. All it takes is hard work, no felony convictions, and plenty of IQ power.

Most of these Orientals are poor when they move here. In one or two generations most earn more than most whites.
Oh, I think they'd understand it perfectly well, which is why you'd get that well-deserved curb stomping if you ever said this shit out loud.

Your nonsense was debunked and rejected by every institute of higher learning out there. Critical scrutiny happened and Murray was debunked as a crank.
They have never heard of The Bell Curve. I doubt any of them can read above a sixth grade level. The Bell Curve, which I of course have read, would be rough going for them.

Denouncing is not the same as disproving. There are only two areas where I disagree with The Bell Curve. First, Charles Murray and Richard Hernstein claim that even for low wage unskilled jobs people with higher IQ's are more productive. I suspect that intelligent people in low wage unskilled jobs who lacked an obvious path up and out would resent the fact that they wee where they were, and that this would effect the way they behaved toward their bosses, their co workers, and the customers of their company. In other words, they would be over qualified.

Second, Murray and Herrnstein claim that the result of an IQ test is the single best way to determine who is the best job candidate. I think knowledge of the job is also important.
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How is it meaningless? Asians tend to earn more money than whites. This contradicts your assertion that whites are above Asians. There are plenty of websites that document the higher earning power of Asians. I choose the first one I could find.

Also, an Asian can be an Arab or an Afghan. If Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese were singled out, I am confident that their average family earning would be even higher.

The success of Orientals in the United State proves that non whites can thrive here. All it takes is hard work, no felony convictions, and plenty of IQ power.

Most of these Orientals are poor when they move here. In one or two generations most earn more than most whites.
"Oriental" describes carpets. People from Asia are Asian.
My Great Grandma was a Native American who lived with a dirt poor farmer in Missouri.

Culture is a result of society. We have a tiered society

WASPs on top.
White Ethnics
Native Americans.
And where would you place the Jews, whom you disdain? You know….the bright, hard-working, motivated people who came To this country as poor immigrants fleeing persecution, and whose children became well-educated and successful?
No, but I talked to those who did. I also talked to those who did it full time.
My aunt, may she RIP, taught in a school that was 95% black, and she was the only white teacher. The crime was rampant, the kids were obnoxious and threatening, and the black teachers ostracized “whitey.” A bigger group of racists you’d never want to see. She ate lunch alone, and not by choice.

Finally, she quit and got her life back.
"Oriental" describes carpets. People from Asia are Asian.
Asia is a huge continent. Asians can be Caucasians or Mongoloids. I use the word "Oriental" for China and nations that learned civilization from China. These are Korea, Japan, and Vietnam.
The web address for the following website was given to me by Jared Taylor. It explains racial differences in average income and achievement. Professor J. Philippe Rushton spoke at six American Renaissance Conferences.

RACE, INTELLIGENCE, AND THE BRAIN: THE ERRORS AND OMISSIONS OF THE ‘REVISED’ EDITION OF S. J. GOULD’S THE MISMEASURE OF MAN (1996)J. Philippe Rushton Department of Psychology, University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada(Received 8 October 1996)

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of socialstratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacksas well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those withlow IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency. The average IQ for African-Americans wasfound to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictiveand are biased in favor of North Europeans...

[Richard] Lynn (199 1, 1996) showed that, on average, Orientals score higher on tests of mental ability than do Whites, both within the U.S.A. and in Asia, whereas Africans and Caribbeans score lower. Oriental populations in East Asia and North America typically have mean IQs falling between 101 to 111. White populations in Europe. South Africa, Australasia, and North America have mean IQs of from 85 to 115, with an overall mean of 100. Black populations living south of the Sahara, in the Caribbean, in Britain, and in North America, average IQs of from 70 to 90.

How is it meaningless? Asians tend to earn more money than whites. This contradicts your assertion that whites are above Asians. There are plenty of websites that document the higher earning power of Asians. I choose the first one I could find.

Uh, a few problems with that.

First, Asians in Asia are actually pretty fucking poor. No East Asian country has anywhere near the standard of living of the US.
Second- Asians who are here (while this is poverty in certain communities) had the resources and affluence to get here to start with. So they were born on third base and thought they hit a triple.

Also, an Asian can be an Arab or an Afghan. If Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and Vietnamese were singled out, I am confident that their average family earning would be even higher.

Not really. The people who actually skew that number are Indians, who tend to be Doctors, IT Specialists, and business owners. If you factored them out, the number would probably be lower.

The success of Orientals in the United State proves that non whites can thrive here. All it takes is hard work, no felony convictions, and plenty of IQ power.

When were Asians, slaves?
When were they redlined so they couldn't move into certain neighborhoods?
When were they lynched?
When did they encounter Debt Peonage?
When were laws passed to keep them from marrying white folks?
When did they establish Sundown Laws to keep Asian people out of certain towns?
When were they segregated for generations into inferior schools, neighborhoods, etc.
When did they encounter things like literacy tests and poll taxes to keep them from voting?

You see where I am going here?

Most of these Orientals are poor when they move here. In one or two generations most earn more than most whites.

No, they aren't. Most of them are fairly affluent professionals.

They have never heard of The Bell Curve. I doubt any of them can read above a sixth grade level. The Bell Curve, which I of course have read, would be rough going for them.

Well, it would be rough going because it's such intellectual garbage that wouldn't be accepted on any campus today.

Denouncing is not the same as disproving. There are only two areas where I disagree with The Bell Curve. First, Charles Murray and Richard Hernstein claim that even for low wage unskilled jobs people with higher IQ's are more productive. I suspect that intelligent people in low wage unskilled jobs who lacked an obvious path up and out would resent the fact that they wee where they were, and that this would effect the way they behaved toward their bosses, their co workers, and the customers of their company. In other words, they would be over qualified.

A few problems with this.
First, the data was biased by their racism and is over 50 years old.
Second, MOST people resent their bosses. This was Dilbert's whole schtick before he drank the Orange Kool-Aid.

Second, Murray and Herrnstein claim that the result of an IQ test is the single best way to determine who is the best job candidate. I think knowledge of the job is also important.

Real-world.. the more you talk, I wonder if you ever worked in it.
Most bosses are bosses because of the old boy network. I've been working for 32 years since I left the army, I think I've had only about two bosses I really respected. I've had a couple of complete fucking idiots.

The only thing a hire proves is who hired the best resume writer. I will freely admit that I have contributed to this problem; I've had more than a few customers I thought were idiots but polished up their resumes and inflicted them on unsuspecting employers.

Interviewing has become a joke. It's often done by a committee with standard questions.

References are a joke. Do you think they will give you the name of someone who wouldn't say nice stuff about you? Meanwhile, background checks are often meaningless, all a former employer will say is that you used to work there.
Uh, a few problems with that.

First, Asians in Asia are actually pretty fucking poor. No East Asian country has anywhere near the standard of living of the US.
Second- Asians who are here (while this is poverty in certain communities) had the resources and affluence to get here to start with. So they were born on third base and thought they hit a triple.

According to Salary Explorer, the median salary in Taiwan is 1,380,000 TWD (USD 44,961) per year. It means that one-half of the Taiwanese earning population earns less than the median income while the other half earns more.

In comparison to the surrounding countries, South Korea’s average salary of KRW 47,145,828 is higher than the average salary in both Japan and China:

  • The median household income (PPP) in Japan was $45,601 in 2021
  • Median household income (PPP) of Japan increased by 1.3% from the previous year in 2021
  • Between 2010 to 2021, the median household income (PPP) in Japan was highest in 2021 at $45,601 and was lowest in 2010 at $38,485
When were Asians, slaves?
When were they redlined so they couldn't move into certain neighborhoods?
When were they lynched?
When did they encounter Debt Peonage?
When were laws passed to keep them from marrying white folks?
When did they establish Sundown Laws to keep Asian people out of certain towns?
When were they segregated for generations into inferior schools, neighborhoods, etc.
When did they encounter things like literacy tests and poll taxes to keep them from voting?
What happened to Negroes in the past does not explain their average IQ's now, and their current rates of crime and illegitimacy. Nor can it be said that that the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty passed during the 1960's has raised their average IQ's, while lowering their rates of crime and illegitimacy.

Non cosmetic racial differences have been caused by evolving for thousands of year in response to different population pressures. Cold climates select genetically for intelligence and monogamy. Civilizations select genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.
Well, it would be rough going because it's such intellectual garbage that wouldn't be accepted on any campus today.

A few problems with this.
First, the data was biased by their racism and is over 50 years old.
Scientific truth is not established by popularity but by research and data.

These are the basic assertions of The Bell Curve: intelligence is the single most important factor in achieving academic and economic success; intelligence is primarily established genetically; the races differ significantly in average intrinsic intelligence.

Since 1994 no scientific evidence has come forward to discredit any of these assertions.

Since 1994 gene alleles have been discovered that determine intelligence.


MIT Technology Review
Scientists have linked hundreds of genes to intelligence. One psychologist says it’s time to test school kids.
April 2, 2018

For decades genetic researchers have sought the hereditary factors behind intelligence, with little luck. But now gene studies have finally gotten big enough—and hence powerful enough—to zero in on genetic differences linked to IQ.

A year ago, no gene had ever been tied to performance on an IQ test. Since then, more than 500 have, thanks to gene studies involving more than 200,000 test takers. Results from an experiment correlating one million people’s DNA with their academic success are due at any time.
Most bosses are bosses because of the old boy network. I've been working for 32 years since I left the army, I think I've had only about two bosses I really respected. I've had a couple of complete fucking idiots.

The only thing a hire proves is who hired the best resume writer. I will freely admit that I have contributed to this problem; I've had more than a few customers I thought were idiots but polished up their resumes and inflicted them on unsuspecting employers.

Interviewing has become a joke. It's often done by a committee with standard questions.

References are a joke. Do you think they will give you the name of someone who wouldn't say nice stuff about you? Meanwhile, background checks are often meaningless, all a former employer will say is that you used to work there.
You exaggerate, but thee is some truth to what you say. This is the reason why mental aptitude tests should be part of the hiring and promoting process.

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