Are Atheists Delusional?

The word "theory" is in every science or biology text book. And it is, hands down, the best scientific explanation for the diversity of species. If you want to teach creationism, open a private school. Public schools are bound by the 1st amendment.
no its not,,,as I have proven endlessly today

but that doesnt mean they can teach outright lies

They are not teaching outright lies.
I posted them,,,

Lucy? Taking a partial skeleton and using what we know of human & animal anatomy to determine it is a new hominid? Not a lie.

Nebraska Man? The scientists didn't make the lies, the media and writers did.

The Grand Canyon? That is hilarious.

No, they are not teaching lies.


and how did the media create nebraska man??? that was done by scientist

and I didnt say the grand canyon was a lie,,,just a wrong asumption

and what about the gil slits??? the man that claimed it admitted he made it up??? that is still taught

and if you watch the video there are several others backed up by proof

Pharyngeal slits (gill slits) develop on the embryo of every vertebrate. If you think they are gills, that is on you. But slits to develop on the embryos.

Lucy is still the first specimen of Australopithecus. Numerous others have been found.

The writer and an artist produced the articles and drawings. The scientists did not.
The word "theory" is in every science or biology text book. And it is, hands down, the best scientific explanation for the diversity of species. If you want to teach creationism, open a private school. Public schools are bound by the 1st amendment.
no its not,,,as I have proven endlessly today

but that doesnt mean they can teach outright lies

They are not teaching outright lies.
I posted them,,,

One thing you neglected to mention when you talked about Lucy. There have been other Australopithecus skeletons found. Enough that there is more than a complete skeleton. And it has shown that the original suppositions made by Donaldson were accurate. The skeletons found later were pretty much what he said they would be. And the fossilized footprints found (of several Australopithecus) showed they walked upright in a very human fashion.

other monkeys walk upright,,,doesnt mean they or lucy gave birth to a human

No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
I think the posts in this thread have shown who is delusional.

I will leave you to your silly ramblings.
no its not,,,as I have proven endlessly today

but that doesnt mean they can teach outright lies

They are not teaching outright lies.
I posted them,,,

One thing you neglected to mention when you talked about Lucy. There have been other Australopithecus skeletons found. Enough that there is more than a complete skeleton. And it has shown that the original suppositions made by Donaldson were accurate. The skeletons found later were pretty much what he said they would be. And the fossilized footprints found (of several Australopithecus) showed they walked upright in a very human fashion.

other monkeys walk upright,,,doesnt mean they or lucy gave birth to a human

No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one
Besides God, the only supernatural part is described in the Book of Genesis.
You should read the rest of the Bible. There is plenty of walking on water, miraculous healing, and rising from the death. I never saw any of those in my life.

I once knew a guy, a Jesuit priest, who had been decomposing in a tomb for almost 70 years walk right out of it and started dancing around as if he was young again once his eyes were opened to the fact that he had been deceived into dealing in death for almost his entire life.

If thats doesn't qualify as a miracle of a corpse coming to life again exactly like the ones described in the gospels, then I'll be a monkeys uncle.

I think the posts in this thread have shown who is delusional.

I will leave you to your silly ramblings.
i'd bail if I were you too,,,not much of substance on your part and since you refuse the read or watch the proof I post whats the use

you are the creator of your own ignorance
I think the posts in this thread have shown who is delusional.

I will leave you to your silly ramblings.
i'd bail if I were you too,,,not much of substance on your part and since you refuse the read or watch the proof I post whats the use

you are the creator of your own ignorance
Do you believe that Jesus was God? One third of a trinity?
no its not,,,as I have proven endlessly today

but that doesnt mean they can teach outright lies

They are not teaching outright lies.
I posted them,,,

Lucy? Taking a partial skeleton and using what we know of human & animal anatomy to determine it is a new hominid? Not a lie.

Nebraska Man? The scientists didn't make the lies, the media and writers did.

The Grand Canyon? That is hilarious.

No, they are not teaching lies.


and how did the media create nebraska man??? that was done by scientist

and I didnt say the grand canyon was a lie,,,just a wrong asumption

and what about the gil slits??? the man that claimed it admitted he made it up??? that is still taught

and if you watch the video there are several others backed up by proof

Pharyngeal slits (gill slits) develop on the embryo of every vertebrate. If you think they are gills, that is on you. But slits to develop on the embryos.

Lucy is still the first specimen of Australopithecus. Numerous others have been found.

The writer and an artist produced the articles and drawings. The scientists did not.
no theyre not as stated by the guy that first claimed it

but that doesnt mean lucy or her off spring became human

thats complete bullshit that you just made up
no its not,,,as I have proven endlessly today

but that doesnt mean they can teach outright lies

They are not teaching outright lies.
I posted them,,,

Lucy? Taking a partial skeleton and using what we know of human & animal anatomy to determine it is a new hominid? Not a lie.

Nebraska Man? The scientists didn't make the lies, the media and writers did.

The Grand Canyon? That is hilarious.

No, they are not teaching lies.


and how did the media create nebraska man??? that was done by scientist

and I didnt say the grand canyon was a lie,,,just a wrong asumption

and what about the gil slits??? the man that claimed it admitted he made it up??? that is still taught

and if you watch the video there are several others backed up by proof

Pharyngeal slits (gill slits) develop on the embryo of every vertebrate. If you think they are gills, that is on you. But slits to develop on the embryos.

Lucy is still the first specimen of Australopithecus. Numerous others have been found.

The writer and an artist produced the articles and drawings. The scientists did not.

I think the posts in this thread have shown who is delusional.

I will leave you to your silly ramblings.
i'd bail if I were you too,,,not much of substance on your part and since you refuse the read or watch the proof I post whats the use

you are the creator of your own ignorance
Do you believe that Jesus was God? One third of a trinity?
off topic
Not its spot on topic. You are trying to convince people that you are rational, not delusional, remember?
They are not teaching outright lies.
I posted them,,,

One thing you neglected to mention when you talked about Lucy. There have been other Australopithecus skeletons found. Enough that there is more than a complete skeleton. And it has shown that the original suppositions made by Donaldson were accurate. The skeletons found later were pretty much what he said they would be. And the fossilized footprints found (of several Australopithecus) showed they walked upright in a very human fashion.

other monkeys walk upright,,,doesnt mean they or lucy gave birth to a human

No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one

Google there is no first human. Watch the explanation and report back that you grasp how long evolution takes to go from Lucy to modern day humans.

Let me ask you this. Do you truly believe in Adam and Eve? Then there kids had sex with each other? See your explanation is utter bullshit.

If anything you would say god pooped men and women plural into existence all at once. That would make much more sense. Instead you are forced to defend the undefendable.
I think the posts in this thread have shown who is delusional.

I will leave you to your silly ramblings.
They wonder why we are obsessed with this subject. It’s fascinating you can lay it all out for them and they willfully continue to defend nonsense and even suggest they’re winning the debate. They just don’t want to get it.

But after awhile it gets frustrating you keep having to repeat and they never answer your questions.

I think you said all that should need to be said.
I posted them,,,

One thing you neglected to mention when you talked about Lucy. There have been other Australopithecus skeletons found. Enough that there is more than a complete skeleton. And it has shown that the original suppositions made by Donaldson were accurate. The skeletons found later were pretty much what he said they would be. And the fossilized footprints found (of several Australopithecus) showed they walked upright in a very human fashion.

other monkeys walk upright,,,doesnt mean they or lucy gave birth to a human

No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one

Google there is no first human. Watch the explanation and report back that you grasp how long evolution takes to go from Lucy to modern day humans.

Let me ask you this. Do you truly believe in Adam and Eve? Then there kids had sex with each other? See your explanation is utter bullshit.

If anything you would say god pooped men and women plural into existence all at once. That would make much more sense. Instead you are forced to defend the undefendable.
it took so long we cant even see it,,,

stay on topic
I think the posts in this thread have shown who is delusional.

I will leave you to your silly ramblings.
i'd bail if I were you too,,,not much of substance on your part and since you refuse the read or watch the proof I post whats the use

you are the creator of your own ignorance
Do you believe that Jesus was God? One third of a trinity?
off topic
Not its spot on topic. You are trying to convince people that you are rational, not delusional, remember?
NOOOO its about evolution and atheist,,,
One thing you neglected to mention when you talked about Lucy. There have been other Australopithecus skeletons found. Enough that there is more than a complete skeleton. And it has shown that the original suppositions made by Donaldson were accurate. The skeletons found later were pretty much what he said they would be. And the fossilized footprints found (of several Australopithecus) showed they walked upright in a very human fashion.

other monkeys walk upright,,,doesnt mean they or lucy gave birth to a human

No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one

Google there is no first human. Watch the explanation and report back that you grasp how long evolution takes to go from Lucy to modern day humans.

Let me ask you this. Do you truly believe in Adam and Eve? Then there kids had sex with each other? See your explanation is utter bullshit.

If anything you would say god pooped men and women plural into existence all at once. That would make much more sense. Instead you are forced to defend the undefendable.
it took so long we cant even see it,,,

stay on topic
That atheists are delusional? We are not.

Did you google and watch there is no first human? If you don’t get it let me know I’ll try to explain.

Let me blow your mind. Do you know you and a lizard have a common ancestor?
other monkeys walk upright,,,doesnt mean they or lucy gave birth to a human

No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one

Google there is no first human. Watch the explanation and report back that you grasp how long evolution takes to go from Lucy to modern day humans.

Let me ask you this. Do you truly believe in Adam and Eve? Then there kids had sex with each other? See your explanation is utter bullshit.

If anything you would say god pooped men and women plural into existence all at once. That would make much more sense. Instead you are forced to defend the undefendable.
it took so long we cant even see it,,,

stay on topic
That atheists are delusional? We are not.

Did you google and watch there is no first human? If you don’t get it let me know I’ll try to explain.

Let me blow your mind. Do you know you and a lizard have a common ancestor?

so all humans just appeared one day???
I dont think so,,and thats not what evolution teachs
No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one

Google there is no first human. Watch the explanation and report back that you grasp how long evolution takes to go from Lucy to modern day humans.

Let me ask you this. Do you truly believe in Adam and Eve? Then there kids had sex with each other? See your explanation is utter bullshit.

If anything you would say god pooped men and women plural into existence all at once. That would make much more sense. Instead you are forced to defend the undefendable.
it took so long we cant even see it,,,

stay on topic
That atheists are delusional? We are not.

Did you google and watch there is no first human? If you don’t get it let me know I’ll try to explain.

Let me blow your mind. Do you know you and a lizard have a common ancestor?

so all humans just appeared one day???
I dont think so,,and thats not what evolution teachs

And you believe that 2 of every animal on earth was put on a boat that was 510 feet by 85 feet by 51 feet? Really?

There are an estimated 6.5 million species of land animals. So 13 million animals on a 510 foot boat? For 40 days?

That is clearly delusional.
No one said Lucy gave birth to a human. She may be an ancestor. If you are going to pretend you know this topic, please get your facts straight. And while other apes walk upright, they do not walk like humans. And their footprints show this. The fossilized prints of ones like Lucy are not the footprints of monkeys.
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one

Google there is no first human. Watch the explanation and report back that you grasp how long evolution takes to go from Lucy to modern day humans.

Let me ask you this. Do you truly believe in Adam and Eve? Then there kids had sex with each other? See your explanation is utter bullshit.

If anything you would say god pooped men and women plural into existence all at once. That would make much more sense. Instead you are forced to defend the undefendable.
it took so long we cant even see it,,,

stay on topic
That atheists are delusional? We are not.

Did you google and watch there is no first human? If you don’t get it let me know I’ll try to explain.

Let me blow your mind. Do you know you and a lizard have a common ancestor?

so all humans just appeared one day???
I dont think so,,and thats not what evolution teachs
Also not what I said. We evolved from a sub species before us. Barely distinguishable from modern human. Over hundreds of generations you barely know the differences but they are there.

I wonder what we will evolve into
if shes an ancestor at some point a monkey had to give birth to a human,,,or it magically turned into one

Google there is no first human. Watch the explanation and report back that you grasp how long evolution takes to go from Lucy to modern day humans.

Let me ask you this. Do you truly believe in Adam and Eve? Then there kids had sex with each other? See your explanation is utter bullshit.

If anything you would say god pooped men and women plural into existence all at once. That would make much more sense. Instead you are forced to defend the undefendable.
it took so long we cant even see it,,,

stay on topic
That atheists are delusional? We are not.

Did you google and watch there is no first human? If you don’t get it let me know I’ll try to explain.

Let me blow your mind. Do you know you and a lizard have a common ancestor?

so all humans just appeared one day???
I dont think so,,and thats not what evolution teachs

And you believe that 2 of every animal on earth was put on a boat that was 510 feet by 85 feet by 51 feet? Really?

There are an estimated 6.5 million species of land animals. So 13 million animals on a 510 foot boat? For 40 days?

That is clearly delusional.
if you'd check my sources you'd know thats not what I said

its your choice to be a ignorant bigot

and thats what the ark story claims,,again check my links,,there are a little over 400 kinds of animals

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