Are Atheists Delusional?

but that doesnt explain how the ones that exist happened,,,and what about the fossil grave yards that can only be explained by a world wide flood,,,and coal is another form of fossils that can only be explained by the same flood
Actually fossil grave yards NOT be explained by a world wide flood and coal is another form of fossils that can NOT be explained by the same flood. Actually coal is proof there was no world-wide flood. I'd explain but I'm still working on my time machine. I wonder what I'll find when I go to Israel 2000 years ago...
The bible tells us that we were created in god's image, which begs the question: Does god have a penis, belly button, and nipples? Why?
Was he transracial? Obviously, according to some, things dont evolve. Like melatonin

Neanderthals existed prior to modern man, so, god created Neanderthals in his own image. That, being the case, could explain why we have not heard from god in so long. Maybe he is extinct.
How many individual animals do you think ever lived? So yes, they are rare. You yourself said it took a special set of circumstances to create a fossil.

but that doesnt explain how the ones that exist happened,,,and what about the fossil grave yards that can only be explained by a world wide flood,,,and coal is another form of fossils that can only be explained by the same flood

So the fact that it takes a special set of circumstances to make a fossil doesn't explain how fossils happen? Really?

The groupings of fossils are easily explained by a flood. But that does not mean it was a flood that covered the entire planet.

thats not what I said,,,
evolution teachs that a fish and other animals died and laid on the surface without rotting or being eaten for millions of yrs while being cover,,,sorry it doesnt work that way

and it doesnt mean it wasnt

No, it doesn't mean it wasn't. But if you want The Flood to be how all fossils were formed, then there would only be one layer. Multiple local floods is a better answers, since they fossil record shows progression.
not true,,,the flood would have caused a multi layer scenario where the lowest forms like fish would be buried the lowest with amphibians being above them due to mobility followed by reptiles that couldnt move so fast and followed by mammals because they most likely could have avoided the rising water for a time until they ran out of land

again get a bottle and some sand and soil add water and observe

No. In a flood the heaviest things settle first.
I think creation is just as possible as the big bang and evolution.
I dont think a man made god created our reality but something could have.
I hope i live long enough to find out the truth.
Although the fossil record is pretty convincing..
Also, does evolution rule out creation? I dont think it does. It might contradict a few verses but the bible is full of contradictions, so that wouldnt be a big deal.
the fossil record is a fraud unless you think an animal can die and lay uneaten or unrotted for millions of yrs while being covered with dirt

and the other problem with it is they age the fossils by the rocks its in and they age the rocks by the fossils in it,,,
thats circular reasoning

to make a fossil it takes a rapid covering to preserve the integrity of the subject

and the geo column can be replicated with a 2 liter bottle, sand dirt and water in a matter of minutes

The overwhelming number of animals dies and dissolve away to nothing. Fossils are rare examples, given the number of things that must happen to preserve the specimen. Bones are certainly easier, since the calcium does not dissolve as quickly as the flesh.
The bible tells us that we were created in god's image, which begs the question: Does god have a penis, belly button, and nipples? Why?
Was he transracial? Obviously, according to some, things dont evolve. Like melatonin

Neanderthals existed prior to modern man, so, god created Neanderthals in his own image. That, being the case, could explain why we have not heard from god in so long. Maybe he is extinct.
Cognitive dissonance has become the defining characteristic of leftist atheist scum.
Native global flood stories are documented as history or legend in almost every region on earth. Old world missionaries reported their amazement at finding remote tribes already possessing legends with tremendous similarities to the Bible's accounts of the worldwide flood. H.S. Bellamy in Moons, Myths and Men estimates that altogether there are over 500 Flood legends worldwide. Ancient civilizations such as (China, Babylonia, Wales, Russia, India, America, Hawaii, Scandinavia, Sumatra, Peru, and Polynesia) all have their own versions of a giant flood.

- as history or legend in almost every region on earth ...

there would be no record of the travails of noah's flood as everyone was killed but the few survivors - that did not travel the planet to bear witness to the event ... your summation is in error.

and modern science is starting to think we are all from 2 people

that is correct - the metaphysical prototype is completed before the physical transfer from parent to offspring occurs creating the new entity is a single reproductive cycle.
you know nothing about story telling in ancient times,,,they didnt have TV's or theater so what do you think those storys were about???
you know nothing about story telling in ancient times,,,they didnt have TV's or theater so what do you think those storys were about???

there could not be legends passed down as there were no survivors to pass the information down ... or to give the proper explanation of what occurred.
but there were survivors,,,8 to be exact
but there were survivors,,,8 to be exact

are you implying those 8 are responsible for what you referred to as world wide accounts - the answer is no.

the 4th century biblical accounting for the event is a forgery that is not to say the true statement by the Almighty is not accurate and is the foundation for their prescription as the true religion of Antiquity.
but that doesnt explain how the ones that exist happened,,,and what about the fossil grave yards that can only be explained by a world wide flood,,,and coal is another form of fossils that can only be explained by the same flood

So the fact that it takes a special set of circumstances to make a fossil doesn't explain how fossils happen? Really?

The groupings of fossils are easily explained by a flood. But that does not mean it was a flood that covered the entire planet.

thats not what I said,,,
evolution teachs that a fish and other animals died and laid on the surface without rotting or being eaten for millions of yrs while being cover,,,sorry it doesnt work that way

and it doesnt mean it wasnt

No, it doesn't mean it wasn't. But if you want The Flood to be how all fossils were formed, then there would only be one layer. Multiple local floods is a better answers, since they fossil record shows progression.
not true,,,the flood would have caused a multi layer scenario where the lowest forms like fish would be buried the lowest with amphibians being above them due to mobility followed by reptiles that couldnt move so fast and followed by mammals because they most likely could have avoided the rising water for a time until they ran out of land

again get a bottle and some sand and soil add water and observe

No. In a flood the heaviest things settle first.

who said settled???

I said buried,,and the first to get buried would have been the lowest and deadest,,,the bigger ones could have avoided the flood waters for a time by moving to higher ground,,which also explains the fossil grave yards
You might be surprised to find that knowledge has advanced since 1850.
thats part of the problem,,,in 1850 it waas based on a hatred of god from those like darwin and lyle to name a few,,,and several of them have admitted to lying
Darwin didnt hate god.
Good gawd man, do you have any fucking clue about any of this shit?

your asshole is showing,,,and yes he did
No the fuck he didnt. Again, either you are a liar or ignorant.
Quit peeping on me in the shower, faggot.

thats why he got on a boat instead of going into the clergy like he intended,,
Darwin considered evolution a law of nature designed by god. try again homie
thats part of the problem,,,in 1850 it waas based on a hatred of god from those like darwin and lyle to name a few,,,and several of them have admitted to lying
Darwin didnt hate god.
Good gawd man, do you have any fucking clue about any of this shit?

your asshole is showing,,,and yes he did
No the fuck he didnt. Again, either you are a liar or ignorant.
Quit peeping on me in the shower, faggot.

thats why he got on a boat instead of going into the clergy like he intended,,
Darwin considered evolution a law of nature designed by god. try again homie
link please
So the fact that it takes a special set of circumstances to make a fossil doesn't explain how fossils happen? Really?

The groupings of fossils are easily explained by a flood. But that does not mean it was a flood that covered the entire planet.

thats not what I said,,,
evolution teachs that a fish and other animals died and laid on the surface without rotting or being eaten for millions of yrs while being cover,,,sorry it doesnt work that way

and it doesnt mean it wasnt

No, it doesn't mean it wasn't. But if you want The Flood to be how all fossils were formed, then there would only be one layer. Multiple local floods is a better answers, since they fossil record shows progression.
not true,,,the flood would have caused a multi layer scenario where the lowest forms like fish would be buried the lowest with amphibians being above them due to mobility followed by reptiles that couldnt move so fast and followed by mammals because they most likely could have avoided the rising water for a time until they ran out of land

again get a bottle and some sand and soil add water and observe

No. In a flood the heaviest things settle first.

who said settled???

I said buried,,and the first to get buried would have been the lowest and deadest,,,the bigger ones could have avoided the flood waters for a time by moving to higher ground,,which also explains the fossil grave yards

Dead animals typically float. But heavier items settle first. Meaning the silt would cover them first.

You have no evidence to suggest it was one flood instead of numerous localized floods.
Darwin was obviously wrong. Just reading all the posts from people swearing by the accuracy of Noah's Ark stories is enough to demonstrate that those most fit to survive are still surrounded by people as dumb as rocks.
thats not what I said,,,
evolution teachs that a fish and other animals died and laid on the surface without rotting or being eaten for millions of yrs while being cover,,,sorry it doesnt work that way

and it doesnt mean it wasnt

No, it doesn't mean it wasn't. But if you want The Flood to be how all fossils were formed, then there would only be one layer. Multiple local floods is a better answers, since they fossil record shows progression.
not true,,,the flood would have caused a multi layer scenario where the lowest forms like fish would be buried the lowest with amphibians being above them due to mobility followed by reptiles that couldnt move so fast and followed by mammals because they most likely could have avoided the rising water for a time until they ran out of land

again get a bottle and some sand and soil add water and observe

No. In a flood the heaviest things settle first.

who said settled???

I said buried,,and the first to get buried would have been the lowest and deadest,,,the bigger ones could have avoided the flood waters for a time by moving to higher ground,,which also explains the fossil grave yards

Dead animals typically float. But heavier items settle first. Meaning the silt would cover them first.

You have no evidence to suggest it was one flood instead of numerous localized floods.

a fossil requires it be buried , so what floats on top is irrelevant

and the heavier ones dont get buried if they go to higher ground to avoid getting buried early on, where as the smaller ones cant run as fast and get caught up in the first deluge of flooding,,,the fish even sooner,,might explain why they are on the bottom

and you have no proof it was several floods, and based on the link for coal posted earlier the majority of land was flat swampy areas and that would make it tough for a localized flood

remember it took months for it to happen
The bible tells us that we were created in god's image, which begs the question: Does god have a penis, belly button, and nipples? Why?
Was he transracial? Obviously, according to some, things dont evolve. Like melatonin

Neanderthals existed prior to modern man, so, god created Neanderthals in his own image. That, being the case, could explain why we have not heard from god in so long. Maybe he is extinct.
there is no proof of that
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

They took God out of science? Wow, it looks like it’s not the atheists who are delusional.

They took God out of science? Thank God!
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

When the radical American Left removes God from the minds of the young, along with all ancient foundations or Right and Wrong, they can replace that "God space" with anything they choose, up to and including the belief its normal and fine to murder children.

Yeah, it has always been subversive. And you just brought up one example, but there are tons of things they aim to destroy. Reminds me of the 45 communist goals, written decades ago, that we can clearly see have come to pass in today's world.
The bible tells us that we were created in god's image, which begs the question: Does god have a penis, belly button, and nipples? Why?
Was he transracial? Obviously, according to some, things dont evolve. Like melatonin

Neanderthals existed prior to modern man, so, god created Neanderthals in his own image. That, being the case, could explain why we have not heard from god in so long. Maybe he is extinct.
there is no proof of that

...and I have no proof that pigs can't fly, either....
No, it doesn't mean it wasn't. But if you want The Flood to be how all fossils were formed, then there would only be one layer. Multiple local floods is a better answers, since they fossil record shows progression.
not true,,,the flood would have caused a multi layer scenario where the lowest forms like fish would be buried the lowest with amphibians being above them due to mobility followed by reptiles that couldnt move so fast and followed by mammals because they most likely could have avoided the rising water for a time until they ran out of land

again get a bottle and some sand and soil add water and observe

No. In a flood the heaviest things settle first.

who said settled???

I said buried,,and the first to get buried would have been the lowest and deadest,,,the bigger ones could have avoided the flood waters for a time by moving to higher ground,,which also explains the fossil grave yards

Dead animals typically float. But heavier items settle first. Meaning the silt would cover them first.

You have no evidence to suggest it was one flood instead of numerous localized floods.

a fossil requires it be buried , so what floats on top is irrelevant

and the heavier ones dont get buried if they go to higher ground to avoid getting buried early on, where as the smaller ones cant run as fast and get caught up in the first deluge of flooding,,,the fish even sooner,,might explain why they are on the bottom

and you have no proof it was several floods, and based on the link for coal posted earlier the majority of land was flat swampy areas and that would make it tough for a localized flood

remember it took months for it to happen

The fish would be less effected by flooding. Small reptiles and amphibians would be more likely to ride out the flood on debris. Larger animals might move faster, if there was someplace to move to. The flooding would not be even, but would follow the contours of the ground.

And, per the link posted before, higher ground might not have existed.
No, it doesn't mean it wasn't. But if you want The Flood to be how all fossils were formed, then there would only be one layer. Multiple local floods is a better answers, since they fossil record shows progression.
not true,,,the flood would have caused a multi layer scenario where the lowest forms like fish would be buried the lowest with amphibians being above them due to mobility followed by reptiles that couldnt move so fast and followed by mammals because they most likely could have avoided the rising water for a time until they ran out of land

again get a bottle and some sand and soil add water and observe

No. In a flood the heaviest things settle first.

who said settled???

I said buried,,and the first to get buried would have been the lowest and deadest,,,the bigger ones could have avoided the flood waters for a time by moving to higher ground,,which also explains the fossil grave yards

Dead animals typically float. But heavier items settle first. Meaning the silt would cover them first.

You have no evidence to suggest it was one flood instead of numerous localized floods.

a fossil requires it be buried , so what floats on top is irrelevant

and the heavier ones dont get buried if they go to higher ground to avoid getting buried early on, where as the smaller ones cant run as fast and get caught up in the first deluge of flooding,,,the fish even sooner,,might explain why they are on the bottom

and you have no proof it was several floods, and based on the link for coal posted earlier the majority of land was flat swampy areas and that would make it tough for a localized flood

remember it took months for it to happen

What took months to happen?
The bible tells us that we were created in god's image, which begs the question: Does god have a penis, belly button, and nipples? Why?
Was he transracial? Obviously, according to some, things dont evolve. Like melatonin

Neanderthals existed prior to modern man, so, god created Neanderthals in his own image. That, being the case, could explain why we have not heard from god in so long. Maybe he is extinct.
there is no proof of that

Once again, you require proof but offer none.
The bible tells us that we were created in god's image, which begs the question: Does god have a penis, belly button, and nipples? Why?
Was he transracial? Obviously, according to some, things dont evolve. Like melatonin

Neanderthals existed prior to modern man, so, god created Neanderthals in his own image. That, being the case, could explain why we have not heard from god in so long. Maybe he is extinct.
there is no proof of that

...and I have no proof that pigs can't fly, either....
I do,,,

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