Are Atheists Delusional?

As for your last point, you are putting words in my mouth. What a liar.
I did not put words into your mouth. You did it all on your own. I merely pointed it out.

so just to bug your butt buddy

Homos are people who have made a choice to sin

he made himself homo.

Homos are sad people.

Homos are usually not happy being homos.

Homos are an abomination

You can take this rebuke one of two ways. You can thank me for pointing out your sin or you can attack me for doing it. Just ask yourself first if you are want to become what you hate. Do unto others and all that.

You were doing better at Jesus haha. Now, you're quote mining and taking things out of context; it's setting up a bigoted straw man.

Instead, you are avoiding the issue of stating your position on homosexuality. That's another fallacy. Do you have a homosexual agenda? Are you gay?

My position on homosexuality isn’t a secret. I've never hid my position. I have commented on it quite a few times.

Homosexuality is the sexual attraction to the same sex. I have heard that one in ten are sexually attracted to the same gender. I don’t know if that is true but it should be obvious that nature has selected one man and one woman as the standard. As such homosexuality is the exception and the deviation from the standard.

Should we ostracize or insult them for it? No. We shouldn’t. We should do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Does that mean we should be silent with our belief that it is not in society’s best interest to promote homosexual marriage? No. Growth filled communities explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth.

Is it a sin to be a homosexual? No. It’s not. In fact, any promiscuity is technically a sin. Sin is anything which distances us from God. So if your relationship is a manifestation of love rather than lust then there is no distancing from God.

Are lustful homosexual sins any worse in God’s eye than lustful heterosexual sex? No. I don’t think so. Sin is sin. It all distances one from God. The problem with making homosexual sex more than it is is that it can serve as a way to make our sins seem less than what they are. It’s that whole log in your eye thingee.

It should be obvious that some people are born gay. It should also be obvious that some become gay. That’s pretty much what Jesus was saying in Matthew 19. I know this because he is discussing men who are not suited to marry a woman. The first group are born that way. The second group were made that way by men. And the last group took a vow to forsake women.

So why would anyone be rude to one of God’s creatures when they have done you no harm?

So I can disagree what we should accept as a standard in our society without being a dick about it.
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The Bible states homosexuality and adultery, two examples of ungodly sexual relationships, are abominations in front of God.

Jesus said otherwise.

Dear james bond and ding

1. I can agree with ding that the point of Jesus coming to fulfill the laws
is NOT to abolish them but for us to follow them naturally by free will not by force of punishment
and to GO AND SIN NO MORE. It is neither to CONDEMN or JUDGE PEOPLE
but we are supposed to JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT.

John 7:24 King James Version (KJV)
24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

2. As for homosexuality, it is not in the Ten Commandmants directly
but would already be PRECLUDED by following the two commandments against
A. ADULTERY - where even unnatural lust in the heart is already committing adultery
Jesus in Matthew 5:28:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Thou shall not covet your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbor).

Again, the point of Jesus was for us as believers to embrace and embody the laws of God
by conscience, so we follow by free will and reason
for the LOVE of God's truth and Justice incarnated in Jesus
and not longer rely on fear of judgment and punishment.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:17
RE: Homosexuality/being homosexual "in and of itself" is not a sin
If I was coming from james bond 's line of thinking,
this is where I think you would lose me. ^

I think it would help to emphasize that the condition of homosexuality
DOES indicate the manifestation of a PAST sin even if it isn't from the person directly.

This is like saying the condition of alcoholic tendency and addiction
is not the sin in itself, but that unnatural addiction is a form of unnatural
lust or coveting that is the manifestation of a "sinful condition."

I agree with you ding that approaching it NONJUDGMENTALLY this way
is more effective when the PURPOSE is to get someone help with their addictive condition.

However, to excuse the addiction as something someone was born with
where this DOESN'T motivate them to get help for it becomes detrimental.

This is where Christians run into issues with the duty that compels them to share
spiritual healing help that can remove, cure and heal the root causes of addictions
and unnatural cravings or coveting.

I agree with both you and james bond that we should neither be "judgmental"
and reject or denigrate people facing such adverse conditions, nor deny the
problems but should be inclined to encourage people to get help to free themselves from
unnatural conditions and conflicts, to improve their situations and their relationships.

The Bible states homosexuality and adultery, two examples of ungodly sexual relationships, are abominations in front of God.

Jesus said otherwise.

emilynghiem said:
Dear james bond and ding

1. I can agree with ding that the point of Jesus coming to fulfill the laws
is NOT to abolish them but for us to follow them naturally by free will not by force of punishment
and to GO AND SIN NO MORE. It is neither to CONDEMN or JUDGE PEOPLE
but we are supposed to JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT.

John 7:24 King James Version (KJV)
24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

2. As for homosexuality, it is not in the Ten Commandmants directly
but would already be PRECLUDED by following the two commandments against
A. ADULTERY - where even unnatural lust in the heart is already committing adultery
Jesus in Matthew 5:28:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Thou shall not covet your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbor).

Again, the point of Jesus was for us as believers to embrace and embody the laws of God
by conscience, so we follow by free will and reason
for the LOVE of God's truth and Justice incarnated in Jesus
and not longer rely on fear of judgment and punishment.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:17
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Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given ... The one who can accept this should accept it.”

would that be him speaking for himself - or in sympathy ... surly the latter.
What he is saying is that people who have a preference for an outcome are not apt to hear anything counter to that outcome.
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

When the radical American Left removes God from the minds of the young, along with all ancient foundations or Right and Wrong, they can replace that "God space" with anything they choose, up to and including the belief its normal and fine to murder children.

What do you envision your "God" as?

I may be wrong, but I think I remember you professing yourself to be a "christian." Do you KNOW God exists, or dont you? Do you believe Jesus, or do you think HE was delusional?
Delusional? Maybe, maybe not.

Intellectually dishonest and disingenuous? The vast majority of them.

Give me the Nietzsches and the Stalins of the world every day over the likes of Dawkins. At least their pathological nihilism and sociopathic disregard for the lives of others (in the case of Stalin) was truly consonant with their atheist worldview.

Modern day atheists want to attribute meaning and value to human relationships without questioning how their worldview negates such thoughts. A bunch of pansies is who/what these people are.
As for your last point, you are putting words in my mouth. What a liar.
I did not put words into your mouth. You did it all on your own. I merely pointed it out.

so just to bug your butt buddy

Homos are people who have made a choice to sin

he made himself homo.

Homos are sad people.

Homos are usually not happy being homos.

Homos are an abomination

You can take this rebuke one of two ways. You can thank me for pointing out your sin or you can attack me for doing it. Just ask yourself first if you are want to become what you hate. Do unto others and all that.

You were doing better at Jesus haha. Now, you're quote mining and taking things out of context; it's setting up a bigoted straw man.

Instead, you are avoiding the issue of stating your position on homosexuality. That's another fallacy. Do you have a homosexual agenda? Are you gay?
The quotes were yours. I did not take them out of context. Those quotes show a willful disregard for your fellow human beings. Those quotes show your bias. You are not objective.
God made them gay and then blamed the victims

God didn't make anybody gay. He made man, woman, and heterosexuality, i.e. sexual reproduction. Homosexuality is due to Adam's sin. It's a choice people make. If you think, they are born that way, then you believe in lies.

^ james bond ^
Yes, you are essentially saying the same thing or referring to the same
The SIN of the past generations is REVISITED on future generations.
This is called GENERATIONAL sins or curses.

This can be manifested in terms of homosexuality
and now transgender identity.

The causes may be more IN THE WOMB and not so much in the genetics.
The Bible refers to BOTH eunuchs born FROM THEIR MOTHERS' WOMBS
and those MADE BY MAN

Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who were born that way …
For there are eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb:
and there are eunuchs, which were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, which made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake.

What you are saying when you refer to sins of ADAM
is still by GOD'S LAWS.

Whatever we don't forgive can't be healed so the past
patterns REPEAT.

Yes, it is a choice to forgive.
But if people don't know where these patterns come from
and don't think the conditions can be changed,
then they don't think they have a choice.

I positive ding was using Matthew 19:12 to argue that "eunuchs who were born that way" referred to the argument some gay groups use that Jesus was referring to homosexuals as "born that way.". Of course, we know that God didn't create homosexuals, but ding is pretty adamant that he created him from his interpretation of Jesus..
The quotes were yours. I did not take them out of context. Those quotes show a willful disregard for your fellow human beings. Those quotes show your bias. You are not objective.

Haha. Sure you did. Why didn't you leave in the other parts where I said them? Anyway, I'll assume you are gay and Catholic, and that is your position on the matter. Pope Francis is your friend. The arguments you use are those based on from gay groups. You do the same to me with your the broad generalizations you make. All I did was go by what the Bible states regarding God's objective moral values. You go by gay human arguments.
As for your last point, you are putting words in my mouth. What a liar.
I did not put words into your mouth. You did it all on your own. I merely pointed it out.

so just to bug your butt buddy

Homos are people who have made a choice to sin

he made himself homo.

Homos are sad people.

Homos are usually not happy being homos.

Homos are an abomination

You can take this rebuke one of two ways. You can thank me for pointing out your sin or you can attack me for doing it. Just ask yourself first if you are want to become what you hate. Do unto others and all that.

You were doing better at Jesus haha. Now, you're quote mining and taking things out of context; it's setting up a bigoted straw man.

Instead, you are avoiding the issue of stating your position on homosexuality. That's another fallacy. Do you have a homosexual agenda? Are you gay?

My position on homosexuality isn’t a secret. I've never hid my position. I have commented on it quite a few times.

Homosexuality is the sexual attraction to the same sex. I have heard that one in ten are sexually attracted to the same gender. I don’t know if that is true but it should be obvious that nature has selected one man and one woman as the standard. As such homosexuality is the exception and the deviation from the standard.

Should we ostracize or insult them for it? No. We shouldn’t. We should do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Does that mean we should be silent with our belief that it is not in society’s best interest to promote homosexual marriage? No. Growth filled communities explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth.

Is it a sin to be a homosexual? No. It’s not. In fact, any promiscuity is technically a sin. Sin is anything which distances us from God. So if your relationship is a manifestation of love rather than lust then there is no distancing from God.

Are lustful homosexual sins any worse in God’s eye than lustful heterosexual sex? No. I don’t think so. Sin is sin. It all distances one from God. The problem with making homosexual sex more than it is is that it can serve as a way to make our sins seem less than what they are. It’s that whole log in your eye thingee.

It should be obvious that some people are born gay. It should also be obvious that some become gay. That’s pretty much what Jesus was saying in Matthew 19. I know this because he is discussing men who are not suited to marry a woman. The first group are born that way. The second group were made that way by men. And the last group took a vow to forsake women.

So why would anyone be rude to one of God’s creatures when they have done you no harm?

So I can disagree what we should accept as a standard in our society without being a dick about it.

As you stated, homosexuality is the attraction for the same sex but that is not the standard. God did not create homosexuals. It means that it is a sexual deviation and a choice made by that person. It isn't based on someone being born that way or else you would have what the cause is. Moreover, eunuchs are not considered to be in sin. It isn't the same as your eunuch argument where they are born that way.

Now, is there a fix for homosexuality as a choice. It may be difficult, but if a person is willing to repent, i.e. change his thinking on the matter and wants to change his behavior, then he or she can do it. I am not saying this is easy by any means since the sexual attraction for the same sex has become ingrained and reinforced, but it is possible. The natural desires should be still there as long as there are not other health issues.
The quotes were yours. I did not take them out of context. Those quotes show a willful disregard for your fellow human beings. Those quotes show your bias. You are not objective.

Haha. Sure you did. Why didn't you leave in the other parts where I said them? Anyway, I'll assume you are gay and Catholic, and that is your position on the matter. Pope Francis is your friend. The arguments you use are those based on from gay groups. You do the same to me with your the broad generalizations you make. All I did was go by what the Bible states regarding God's objective moral values. You go by gay human arguments.
There is no context that would make your slurs justified. My obligation has been satisfied.

You are free to believe anything you want about me. It doesn't harm me one bit.
As for your last point, you are putting words in my mouth. What a liar.
I did not put words into your mouth. You did it all on your own. I merely pointed it out.

so just to bug your butt buddy

Homos are people who have made a choice to sin

he made himself homo.

Homos are sad people.

Homos are usually not happy being homos.

Homos are an abomination

You can take this rebuke one of two ways. You can thank me for pointing out your sin or you can attack me for doing it. Just ask yourself first if you are want to become what you hate. Do unto others and all that.

You were doing better at Jesus haha. Now, you're quote mining and taking things out of context; it's setting up a bigoted straw man.

Instead, you are avoiding the issue of stating your position on homosexuality. That's another fallacy. Do you have a homosexual agenda? Are you gay?

My position on homosexuality isn’t a secret. I've never hid my position. I have commented on it quite a few times.

Homosexuality is the sexual attraction to the same sex. I have heard that one in ten are sexually attracted to the same gender. I don’t know if that is true but it should be obvious that nature has selected one man and one woman as the standard. As such homosexuality is the exception and the deviation from the standard.

Should we ostracize or insult them for it? No. We shouldn’t. We should do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Does that mean we should be silent with our belief that it is not in society’s best interest to promote homosexual marriage? No. Growth filled communities explore all sides of an issue to arrive at objective truth.

Is it a sin to be a homosexual? No. It’s not. In fact, any promiscuity is technically a sin. Sin is anything which distances us from God. So if your relationship is a manifestation of love rather than lust then there is no distancing from God.

Are lustful homosexual sins any worse in God’s eye than lustful heterosexual sex? No. I don’t think so. Sin is sin. It all distances one from God. The problem with making homosexual sex more than it is is that it can serve as a way to make our sins seem less than what they are. It’s that whole log in your eye thingee.

It should be obvious that some people are born gay. It should also be obvious that some become gay. That’s pretty much what Jesus was saying in Matthew 19. I know this because he is discussing men who are not suited to marry a woman. The first group are born that way. The second group were made that way by men. And the last group took a vow to forsake women.

So why would anyone be rude to one of God’s creatures when they have done you no harm?

So I can disagree what we should accept as a standard in our society without being a dick about it.

As you stated, homosexuality is the attraction for the same sex but that is not the standard. God did not create homosexuals. It means that it is a sexual deviation and a choice made by that person. It isn't based on someone being born that way or else you would have what the cause is. Moreover, eunuchs are not considered to be in sin. It isn't the same as your eunuch argument where they are born that way.

Now, is there a fix for homosexuality as a choice. It may be difficult, but if a person is willing to repent, i.e. change his thinking on the matter and wants to change his behavior, then he or she can do it. I am not saying this is easy by any means since the sexual attraction for the same sex has become ingrained and reinforced, but it is possible. The natural desires should be still there as long as there are not other health issues.
Jesus said some were created that way. My own eyes and ears tell me some were created that way. But not all of them were.
God made them gay and then blamed the victims

God didn't make anybody gay. He made man, woman, and heterosexuality, i.e. sexual reproduction. Homosexuality is due to Adam's sin. It's a choice people make. If you think, they are born that way, then you believe in lies.
Why are dogs gay?

You mean the book that said there was a world wide flood when there is no such evidence?

The Bible is inerrant while your posts are usually errant.
So what's the flood proof? :popcorn:

We have Berthault's rapid sedimentary layers experiment. We also have Portland cement that hardens under water. Today's population matches that of all the begots from Noah's family. We have flood stories from all around the world. We have the Ark Encounter and creation museum. And more.
lol! There's no geologic evidence of a world wide flood. The rest is all smoke and mirrors. Please try again.

You believe in BS lmao. Just go to the Grand Canyon and take the AIG raft trip.

What do you have against it? There are no stories of life popping up from primordial soup. No legends of dinosaurs becoming birds. No world wide stories of apes/chimps becoming human nor walking bipedal. Lucy's, au af, tour didn't even go national. It lost money at the local level and its fossils were send back to Ethiopia to never see the light of day again. I will admit that you are one dumb monkey.
The Grand Canyon was formed over millions of years. No real scientist would say that it's from one event like a flood.

We don't need stories or legends, we need scientific proof, which you don't have.

Evolution is a fact and I can prove it for you if you wish.
The quotes were yours. I did not take them out of context. Those quotes show a willful disregard for your fellow human beings. Those quotes show your bias. You are not objective.

Haha. Sure you did. Why didn't you leave in the other parts where I said them? Anyway, I'll assume you are gay and Catholic, and that is your position on the matter. Pope Francis is your friend. The arguments you use are those based on from gay groups. You do the same to me with your the broad generalizations you make. All I did was go by what the Bible states regarding God's objective moral values. You go by gay human arguments.
There is no context that would make your slurs justified. My obligation has been satisfied.

You are free to believe anything you want about me. It doesn't harm me one bit.

I said homosexuality was an abomination, but all sin is an abomination. What I mean is that homosexuality isn't worse than adultery, for example.

You assumed I was a bigot, so that's where you being gay came from. I can paint with a wide stereotype or generalization brush, too. You used the arguments gays use.

Do you believe that homosexuality is not a sin? Actually, I had to check what Pope Francis said and I believe he still considers homosexuality as a sin, but he doesn't come out and say that. It's that the gays and liberal media have portrayed him to say that it is not a sin. That said, I think he's walking a fine line on the subject. The Catholic church is solidly against gay marriage and considers homosexuality is a sin. I could be wrong, but for now, am going with that.
The Grand Canyon was formed over millions of years. No real scientist would say that it's from one event like a flood.

We don't need stories or legends, we need scientific proof, which you don't have.

Evolution is a fact and I can prove it for you if you wish.

Hahahahahahaha. You have no evidence to back up what you claim. Like I said, you are a simpleton. Are you gay? Why did Satan make you gay? At least, it doesn't take millions of years for that haha.
The Bible states homosexuality and adultery, two examples of ungodly sexual relationships, are abominations in front of God.

Jesus said otherwise.

Dear james bond and ding

1. I can agree with ding that the point of Jesus coming to fulfill the laws
is NOT to abolish them but for us to follow them naturally by free will not by force of punishment
and to GO AND SIN NO MORE. It is neither to CONDEMN or JUDGE PEOPLE
but we are supposed to JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT.

John 7:24 King James Version (KJV)
24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

2. As for homosexuality, it is not in the Ten Commandmants directly
but would already be PRECLUDED by following the two commandments against
A. ADULTERY - where even unnatural lust in the heart is already committing adultery
Jesus in Matthew 5:28:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Thou shall not covet your neighbor's wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbor).

Again, the point of Jesus was for us as believers to embrace and embody the laws of God
by conscience, so we follow by free will and reason
for the LOVE of God's truth and Justice incarnated in Jesus
and not longer rely on fear of judgment and punishment.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
John 3:17

I posted to ding that homosexuality is an abomination, but all sin is an abomination including adultery. It isn't that it's worse than other sins. What's difficult for Catholics is that Pope Francis gets painted by the liberal media to say things that he didn't actually say. I think he's walking a fine line with gay marriage and homosexuality. That said, I think the Catholic church has come out strongly against gay marriage and homosexuality, i.e. still treats it as a sin.
The quotes were yours. I did not take them out of context. Those quotes show a willful disregard for your fellow human beings. Those quotes show your bias. You are not objective.

Haha. Sure you did. Why didn't you leave in the other parts where I said them? Anyway, I'll assume you are gay and Catholic, and that is your position on the matter. Pope Francis is your friend. The arguments you use are those based on from gay groups. You do the same to me with your the broad generalizations you make. All I did was go by what the Bible states regarding God's objective moral values. You go by gay human arguments.
There is no context that would make your slurs justified. My obligation has been satisfied.

You are free to believe anything you want about me. It doesn't harm me one bit.

I said homosexuality was an abomination, but all sin is an abomination. What I mean is that homosexuality isn't worse than adultery, for example.

You assumed I was a bigot, so that's where you being gay came from. I can paint with a wide stereotype or generalization brush, too. You used the arguments gays use.

Do you believe that homosexuality is not a sin? Actually, I had to check what Pope Francis said and I believe he still considers homosexuality as a sin, but he doesn't come out and say that. It's that the gays and liberal media have portrayed him to say that it is not a sin. That said, I think he's walking a fine line on the subject. The Catholic church is solidly against gay marriage and considers homosexuality is a sin. I could be wrong, but for now, am going with that.
Being attracted to the same gender is not a sin. Acting on it if it distances you from God is.

I am repeating myself.

Your quotes spoke for themselves.

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