Are Atheists Delusional?

If you make light, then why do you need to make dark? The void or nothing was always there. All of this has been explained to you, but you are too simple.

You are continuing to make straw man arguments. Why don't you use Satan as a straw man? He fell from heaven like lighting to Earth. You say his name, "god," all the time. You are doing his bidding by questioning God, but never Satan. You are now evidence of Satan. It's no wonder the believers are bored to death of you haha.
God made dark so that that's what the absence of light would be.

So what's cancer the absence of?

Your topics are boring since you are a simpleton. Can we change the subject a bit and I ask you a few questions?

God made hell because of Lucifer's sin. It means he made pain and suffering. This was before he made us. Why is that when everything was going to be perfect? I gave you the answer already.

Why is it that we do anything to avoid pain and suffering?

He also made the ToK. Why did he do that? If I was Adam, then I would have asked God to move the ToK.
God had no intention of having us live in a perfect world.

God made us to be pussies.

When God made the tree of knowledge, your ancestors must have passed on it.
Or pissed on it

I don't think pissing on the ToK is a sin. Passing on it isn't a sin either. If I asked God to move the ToK to somewhere far away may not be a sin either. Why don't you explain to Taz why God made the ToK and put it in the Garden of Eden?
I think it had something to do with Adam wanting a tree house
God made dark so that that's what the absence of light would be.

So what's cancer the absence of?

Your topics are boring since you are a simpleton. Can we change the subject a bit and I ask you a few questions?

God made hell because of Lucifer's sin. It means he made pain and suffering. This was before he made us. Why is that when everything was going to be perfect? I gave you the answer already.

Why is it that we do anything to avoid pain and suffering?

He also made the ToK. Why did he do that? If I was Adam, then I would have asked God to move the ToK.
God had no intention of having us live in a perfect world.

God made us to be pussies.

When God made the tree of knowledge, your ancestors must have passed on it.
Or pissed on it

I don't think pissing on the ToK is a sin. Passing on it isn't a sin either. If I asked God to move the ToK to somewhere far away may not be a sin either. Why don't you explain to Taz why God made the ToK and put it in the Garden of Eden?
I think it had something to do with Adam wanting a tree house

The correct answer is God created the ToK to give Adam and Eve a choice whether to obey or disobey God. Today, we have John 3:16.

I think you would ask God to build you a tree house in the ToK to be closer to temptation.
You mean the book that said there was a world wide flood when there is no such evidence?

The Bible is inerrant while your posts are usually errant.
So what's the flood proof? :popcorn:

We have Berthault's rapid sedimentary layers experiment. We also have Portland cement that hardens under water. Today's population matches that of all the begots from Noah's family. We have flood stories from all around the world. We have the Ark Encounter and creation museum. And more.
Your topics are boring since you are a simpleton. Can we change the subject a bit and I ask you a few questions?

God made hell because of Lucifer's sin. It means he made pain and suffering. This was before he made us. Why is that when everything was going to be perfect? I gave you the answer already.

Why is it that we do anything to avoid pain and suffering?

He also made the ToK. Why did he do that? If I was Adam, then I would have asked God to move the ToK.
God had no intention of having us live in a perfect world.

God made us to be pussies.

When God made the tree of knowledge, your ancestors must have passed on it.
Or pissed on it

I don't think pissing on the ToK is a sin. Passing on it isn't a sin either. If I asked God to move the ToK to somewhere far away may not be a sin either. Why don't you explain to Taz why God made the ToK and put it in the Garden of Eden?
I think it had something to do with Adam wanting a tree house

The correct answer is God created the ToK to give Adam and Eve a choice whether to obey or disobey God. Today, we have John 3:16.

I think you would ask God to build you a tree house in the ToK to be closer to temptation.
I think a treehouse makes more sense
You mean the book that said there was a world wide flood when there is no such evidence?

The Bible is inerrant while your posts are usually errant.
So what's the flood proof? :popcorn:

We have Berthault's rapid sedimentary layers experiment. We also have Portland cement that hardens under water. Today's population matches that of all the begots from Noah's family. We have flood stories from all around the world. We have the Ark Encounter and creation museum. And more.
lol! There's no geologic evidence of a world wide flood. The rest is all smoke and mirrors. Please try again.
God had no intention of having us live in a perfect world.

God made us to be pussies.

When God made the tree of knowledge, your ancestors must have passed on it.
Or pissed on it

I don't think pissing on the ToK is a sin. Passing on it isn't a sin either. If I asked God to move the ToK to somewhere far away may not be a sin either. Why don't you explain to Taz why God made the ToK and put it in the Garden of Eden?
I think it had something to do with Adam wanting a tree house

The correct answer is God created the ToK to give Adam and Eve a choice whether to obey or disobey God. Today, we have John 3:16.

I think you would ask God to build you a tree house in the ToK to be closer to temptation.
I think a treehouse makes more sense
Adam said to himself: enough of all this homo god love. I WANT SOME PUSSY!!

I think a treehouse makes more sense


So you can look at, but not touch, that fruit day and night.
You mean the book that said there was a world wide flood when there is no such evidence?

The Bible is inerrant while your posts are usually errant.
So what's the flood proof? :popcorn:

We have Berthault's rapid sedimentary layers experiment. We also have Portland cement that hardens under water. Today's population matches that of all the begots from Noah's family. We have flood stories from all around the world. We have the Ark Encounter and creation museum. And more.
lol! There's no geologic evidence of a world wide flood. The rest is all smoke and mirrors. Please try again.

You believe in BS lmao. Just go to the Grand Canyon and take the AIG raft trip.

What do you have against it? There are no stories of life popping up from primordial soup. No legends of dinosaurs becoming birds. No world wide stories of apes/chimps becoming human nor walking bipedal. Lucy's, au af, tour didn't even go national. It lost money at the local level and its fossils were send back to Ethiopia to never see the light of day again. I will admit that you are one dumb monkey.
You mean the book that said there was a world wide flood when there is no such evidence?

The Bible is inerrant while your posts are usually errant.
It said there was a Great Flood
It was a lie

How do you know it was a lie? What do you have against it? The evidence is overwhelmingly for it.
Because a cataclysm of that magnitude would leave evidence
Given the numbers of species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects.....
It would be impossible to contain them on an ark and feed and water them for 40 days

The Bible made it up
You mean the book that said there was a world wide flood when there is no such evidence?

The Bible is inerrant while your posts are usually errant.
It said there was a Great Flood
It was a lie

How do you know it was a lie? What do you have against it? The evidence is overwhelmingly for it.

Dear james bond
The evidence you see and cite is based on your terms and understanding.
rightwinger and Taz are not coming from your same background or experiences.
They have to understand things proven from where THEY are each coming from.

When Jesus was dealing with Thomas, he allowed Thomas to examine his
wounds and even handle them himself. He had to see the proof he asked for
and needed. Jesus gave him what he asked. And Thomas used to that to share with others.

In the case of scientific proof that can be replicated and shared with others,
look at my previous post to rightwinger.

What we CAN demonstrate in scientific terms that can be replicated
similar to demonstrating GRAVITY and "how these laws work"
is showing how the laws on FORGIVENESS/UNFORGIVENESS
affect all people. We can either use the laws of forgiveness
in therapy to cure all manner of diseases and ills (including
addictions, abuse, mental and physical sickness, and relationships)
or we can keep suffering under the patterns of UNFORGIVENESS
which we can study also. Scientific studies and stats would show that
* FORGIVENESS correlates with healing diseases, disorders and even relationships
* UNFORGIVENESS correlates with FAILURE to cure these ills and abusive conditions

rightwinger asks for scientific evidence that can be verified.
This approach can actually be replicated.
And the best benefit of it, in applying it, then it would start
curing ills in relationships and society as a side effect.
So everyone wins.
We prove how God's laws work based on forgiveness correlating
with healing, recovery and solving social problems at a higher success rate.
And in the process, we apply this methods to curing diseases,
mental illness and disorders, abuse and addiction, and social ills.

Taz ding are you up for this challenge?
Wouldn't you rather pick something that can be proven
rather than go in circular arguments about using
the Bible to prove itself when science doesn't work that way?
You don't know what I'm doing.

And you don't know what you are talking about.

Homos are sad people? What does that even mean?

Sure I do. It's God's word.

Homos are usually not happy being homos.
Your choice of words give you away.

What's so happy about living in sin? What do my words give away?
So you believe being sexually attracted to the same gender is a sin?

Why don't you answer my question first? What do my words give away? What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
According to Jesus in Matthew 19, there are natural eunuchs that God made. Of course he goes on to say that they shouldn’t marry.

But to my point you are judging them for who they are and not what they might do.

So I doubt you will answer my question.
Sure I do. It's God's word.

Homos are usually not happy being homos.
Your choice of words give you away.

What's so happy about living in sin? What do my words give away?
So you believe being sexually attracted to the same gender is a sin?

Why don't you answer my question first? What do my words give away? What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
According to Jesus in Matthew 19, there are natural eunuchs that God made. Of course he goes on to say that they shouldn’t marry.

But to my point you are judging them for who they are and not what they might do.

So I doubt you will answer my question.

Dear ding some of these eunuchs
can still be healed by natural spiritual healing
based on forgiving and breaking generational curses causing sickness.

Care for the idea of promoting medical research
to prove and develop these methods of natural healing?
This would not only address the Catholic church debts
and damages to help with recovery and prevention of sex abuse
by predatory addicts, but would solve multiple problems in
greater society as well.

See previous posts about using medical studies on healing
with STATISTICAL studies on effective rates of recovery
correlating with degrees of "forgiveness" to
"prove how God's/Universal laws operate" for everyone.
Sure I do. It's God's word.

Homos are usually not happy being homos.
Your choice of words give you away.

What's so happy about living in sin? What do my words give away?
So you believe being sexually attracted to the same gender is a sin?

Why don't you answer my question first? What do my words give away? What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
According to Jesus in Matthew 19, there are natural eunuchs that God made. Of course he goes on to say that they shouldn’t marry.

But to my point you are judging them for who they are and not what they might do.

So I doubt you will answer my question.

You didn't answer my questions nor state your position on homosexuality, but that's just like you.

Eunuchs were born that way which they could not help and those who were made eunuchs. What does that have to do with homosexuals?

The Bible clearly states that homosexual activity is a sin See Genesis 19 1-13; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:26-27: 1 Corinthians 6:9. Why should people who were born either as man or woman be homosexual? It is a choice and a sin. We were made as man or woman. Being attracted to the same gender is temptation. Just take a cold shower lol.

You don't state your position on it and expect me to guess, but you want my positions on it. I think I made it pretty clear. I don't think people who live in sin are that happy.
Your choice of words give you away.

What's so happy about living in sin? What do my words give away?
So you believe being sexually attracted to the same gender is a sin?

Why don't you answer my question first? What do my words give away? What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
According to Jesus in Matthew 19, there are natural eunuchs that God made. Of course he goes on to say that they shouldn’t marry.

But to my point you are judging them for who they are and not what they might do.

So I doubt you will answer my question.

You didn't answer my questions nor state your position on homosexuality, but that's just like you.

Eunuchs were born that way which they could not help and those who were made eunuchs. What does that have to do with homosexuals?

The Bible clearly states that homosexual activity is a sin See Genesis 19 1-13; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:26-27: 1 Corinthians 6:9. Why should people who were born either as man or woman be homosexual? It is a choice and a sin. We were made as man or woman. Being attracted to the same gender is temptation. Just take a cold shower lol.

You don't state your position on it and expect me to guess, but you want my positions on it. I think I made it pretty clear. I don't think people who live in sin are that happy.
God made them gay and then blamed the victims
How do you know it was a lie? What do you have against it? The evidence is overwhelmingly for it.

Because a cataclysm of that magnitude would leave evidence
Given the numbers of species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects.....
It would be impossible to contain them on an ark and feed and water them for 40 days

The Bible made it up

All of the species didn't have to be brought on the Ark. God called them there and he just had the basic species come. They would populate the different species by natural selection.

What you are doing is committing the fallacy of jumping to conclusions -- "Because a cataclysm of that magnitude would leave evidence" and "it would be impossible to contain them on a ark and feed and water them for 40 days," and "The Bible made it up." I gave the Ark Encounter as evidence. It shows how the all the different animals that God called fits on the ark and how it was done. There is also the creation museum.

I can give you more evidence such as marine fossils on top of Mt. Everest, the mid-Atlantic ridge, and 3/4 of the Earth is covered by surface water. No other planet is like it. We also have the fine tuning facts.

If the Bible made it up, then it would have be disproved long ago. Instead, science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book.

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