Are Biden-supporters not aware that they're paying more for everything?

Research will prove when trump applied the tariffs on China, every one pats more. That's the problem and your man is responsible. Get some facts.

@Colin norris

Two questions:

1. If President Trump's tariffs hurt the consumers so bad, why did the inflation rate fall to such a low level toward the end of his term?

2. If those same tariffs were so bad, why hasn't Fuck Joe Biden removed them?

It’s Official: They’re Biden’s Tariffs Now

@Colin norris

Two questions:

1. If President Trump's tariffs hurt the consumers so bad, why did the inflation rate fall to such a low level toward the end of his term?

2. If those same tariffs were so bad, why hasn't Fuck Joe Biden removed them?

It’s Official: They’re Biden’s Tariffs Now

You need to read this before asking ignorant questions.


Well... The price of black market firearms here in the United States should have dropped now that our current president Old Joe created an oversupply in Afghanistan.


You need to read this before asking ignorant questions.

@Colin norris

Already read that exact same page you linked, and an hour before you posted it. Nothing in that article substantiates anything you're trying to say. The article did, however, present the same point I made:

1. "Paychecks grew faster than inflation."

2. "During Trump’s four years in office, wages went up and inflation remained in check."

3. "The CPI rose an average of 1.9% each year of the Trump presidency (measured as the 12-month change ending each January), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That was about the same as the average under Obama (1.8%)"

4. "The Realtors’ figures reflect raw sales prices without accounting for inflation. But home prices far outstripped inflation during Trump’s tenure."

5. "CPI — The Consumer Price Index rose 7.6% under Trump — continuing a long period of low inflation that appears to be coming to an end under Biden, as supply chain problems and other factors drive up costs."

Now I'll ask you another "ignorant question"...

Exactly what caused the inflation rate to rise from President Trump's decreasing rate of 1.4% by the end of his term, to the current 5.3%,?

And in only 263 days of Joe Biden's term?

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Are Biden-supporters not aware that they're paying more for everything?​

The Bidenite fucktards are barely aware which pair of house shoes are appropriate for a trip to the Dollar Store

Just wait 'til they get there and realize it's now the Dollar-Fifty Store. :laughing0301:
Or are they just not being honest? It's no secret that the cost of living has risen dramatically under the Biden administration. This is not only effecting those who opposed him, but those who voted for him, and the entire country is paying dearly for the Democrat's political irresponsibility. According an Oct. 5 article by RCP, President Trump passed on to the Democrats a stable inflation rate of only 1.4%. After 263 days in office which is today, the inflation rate has risen to a whopping 5.3% and rising, which is the highest rate since the Bush recession.

Biden's Inflationary Policies Will Be Keenly Felt at Christmas | RealClearPolitics

Now when confronted by this fact, most Democrats will say "'s COVID that's causing that." That is not true. If you look at a list of the current inflation rates by country, you will see for instance, that China's inflation rate is sitting at 0.80%, Japan's at -0.40%, the UK at 3.2%, and Italy at 2.6%, all of whom were hit hard by the COVID pandemic.

So why are the costs of goods and services not rising as much for those living in China, Japan, the UK, Italy, and other countries, as they are here in the US?

Two words: Biden voters. If you don't like the fact that you're paying so much more for your food, rent, gasoline, and Christmas presents this year, you know who to buy that big black lump of coal for.

If you can afford it by then.
Biden supporters are aware of what their deranged death cult wants them to be aware of - nothing else.
Or are they just not being honest? It's no secret that the cost of living has risen dramatically under the Biden administration. This is not only effecting those who opposed him, but those who voted for him, and the entire country is paying dearly for the Democrat's political irresponsibility. According an Oct. 5 article by RCP, President Trump passed on to the Democrats a stable inflation rate of only 1.4%. After 263 days in office which is today, the inflation rate has risen to a whopping 5.3% and rising, which is the highest rate since the Bush recession.

Biden's Inflationary Policies Will Be Keenly Felt at Christmas | RealClearPolitics

Now when confronted by this fact, most Democrats will say "'s COVID that's causing that." That is not true. If you look at a list of the current inflation rates by country, you will see for instance, that China's inflation rate is sitting at 0.80%, Japan's at -0.40%, the UK at 3.2%, and Italy at 2.6%, all of whom were hit hard by the COVID pandemic.

So why are the costs of goods and services not rising as much for those living in China, Japan, the UK, Italy, and other countries, as they are here in the US?

Two words: Biden voters. If you don't like the fact that you're paying so much more for your food, rent, gasoline, and Christmas presents this year, you know who to buy that big black lump of coal for.

If you can afford it by then.
They are aware , but in true democrat fashion they will just lie and blame Trump. You know , Russia, Russia, Russia.
So at what point does it get bad enough that they figure it out? When it reaches Jimmy Carter's inflation rate of 14.8%?

Of course, Carter had a major disruption in the oil supply. Not like we're facing that today, because we're an energy-independent net exporter of oil and gas, thanks to President Biden.

Right? :laughing0301:
we WERE energy independent

Biden had to kill that like he wants to kill all unborn babies..
we WERE energy independent

Biden had to kill that like he wants to kill all unborn babies..

That I knew. I was just twisting the knife a little, in my typical asshole fashion. :04:
Biden supporters have been paying inflationary prices since Trump raised tariffs on everything the USA imports.

If you don't like what you're now paying, blame Donald Trump. He's the guy who crashed the economy. Stop blaming the guy who's cleaning up the mess your orange baboon made.
Economically speaking, what policies did Trump pursue that caused the economy to crash? If Biden is cleaning up, he’s going in the wrong direction. Gas was less than $3.00 a gallon under Trump. Under Biden, it’s averaging $3.40 a gallon.
It is their choice to not pass them on. Trump could have done the same but chose to load the consumers with it yet you wonder why everything us more expensive.
Don't blame China, it's trumps fault and no One else. You are protecting that idiot.

You aren't understanding. The tariffs are being eaten by China, they aren't being passed through.

And saving American jobs is worth it regardless; I am willing to pay more for products made in the USA.
@Colin norris

Already read that exact same page you linked, and an hour before you posted it. Nothing in that article substantiates anything you're trying to say. The article did, however, present the same point I made:

1. "Paychecks grew faster than inflation."

2. "During Trump’s four years in office, wages went up and inflation remained in check."

3. "The CPI rose an average of 1.9% each year of the Trump presidency (measured as the 12-month change ending each January), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That was about the same as the average under Obama (1.8%)"

4. "The Realtors’ figures reflect raw sales prices without accounting for inflation. But home prices far outstripped inflation during Trump’s tenure."

5. "CPI — The Consumer Price Index rose 7.6% under Trump — continuing a long period of low inflation that appears to be coming to an end under Biden, as supply chain problems and other factors drive up costs."

Now I'll ask you another "ignorant question"...

Exactly what caused the inflation rate to rise from President Trump's decreasing rate of 1.4% by the end of his term, to the current 5.3%,?

And in only 263 days of Joe Biden's term?

You aren't understanding. The tariffs are being eaten by China, they aren't being passed through.

And saving American jobs is worth it regardless; I am willing to pay more for products made in the USA.

It's you who don't understand. What China does is their business.

You had your chance buy American made products but bought Chinese on price alone. Now you're screaching irrelevant crap about how they absorb American tariffs. It's irrelevant you fool.
Why didn't trump absorb you through the government?
Because he didn't give a rat's about you. The whole thing was grandstanding about the balance of trade and appeasing the China haters like you.
It was always destined back fire because he didn't think it through.

You voted for the bloody idiot. Pay the price fool.
More racism from racist al.
I guarantee you the inner cities will get worse and worse. The ghettos are kept in a perpetual loop with the government feeding tubes of resources, the private side doing the same and even shamed for no reason to feed the poverty with tubes of resources. Everything that the government gets involved in with projects outside the ghettos must include payoffs to the ghettos. The ghettos are like the mafia chiefs who wet their beaks for keeping the areas not protected but with them under more control. Somehow, taxpayers and consumers pay a minimum of ten per cent or more in their total wages and wealth to keep this going. And this is before taxes start tamping up.

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