Are Cheerios and Quaker Oats save to eat?

Quaker Oaks?
Yeah, I don't eat trees.
Problem solved.

It takes a special kind of lazy to not properly edit a title before posting.
I prefer hot oatmeal instead of cereal. Either with blue berries or banana slices.
lol now you're really delusional, thinking you have more credibility than the WSJ.
Instead of bitching, show me a link that contradicts it. One poster tried and he just proved the OP.
Horses eat a lot of oats. I would hope that Bob Baffert and others who own expensive equines will spend a little bit more and feed them the organic oats. Would seem to be prudent to protect your investment.
Fixed it for ya!
Well, I don't eat the oats either.
They taste like shit without a cup of sugar poured over them. Same for the Cheerios.

Just as soon eat a nice box of shredded cardboard.
Well, I don't eat the oats either.
They taste like shit without a cup of sugar poured over them. Same for the Cheerios.

Just as soon eat a nice box of shredded cardboard.
I agree with you, My kid however gobbles down Quaker Oats as do millions of other children. I’m putting a stop to that based on this news.
So, you are in favor of food companies selling you and your family food products tainted by potential poison without your knowledge.

That sounds about right.
I really don't care what you eat....You can starve to death of your fears for all I care.
So you agree with me?

Well, it depends whether the pesticide is present. If it is, it is not healthy and may be harmful. If not, it is healthy.
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If people are frightened about Quaker Oats, they should just switch to Great Value Oats.

Pesticide free and save money to boot.

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