Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Unless it's by artificial means, they aren't gays. They're bi-sexuals. truly have no understanding of human sexuality do you? I could have sex with a man every day for the rest of my life...and I still would not be bisexual, only gay.

In word you'd be a lesbian, in practice a bisexual.

You truly are kinda dense.

You also have no understanding of human sexuality. Let me think the guys that fuck other guys in prison are gay don't you?

You're not just dense, you're actually stupid in the literal sense of the word.

In prison or out, they are gay or bisexual.

Doesn't take rocket surgery to figure that out.

Now for your example

Any lesbian (coughs) that has sex with men every day are:

A. Bisexual

B. A hooker

C. Being held hostage and forced to have sex daily. (If it's ISIS and you see a video camera being brought in, you will not worry about the sex tomorrow)

D. A bisexual hooker being held hostage and forced to have sex with a man daily.

Pick one

Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs? truly have no understanding of human sexuality do you? I could have sex with a man every day for the rest of my life...and I still would not be bisexual, only gay.

In word you'd be a lesbian, in practice a bisexual.

You truly are kinda dense.

You also have no understanding of human sexuality. Let me think the guys that fuck other guys in prison are gay don't you?

You're not just dense, you're actually stupid in the literal sense of the word.

In prison or out, they are gay or bisexual.

Doesn't take rocket surgery to figure that out.

Now for your example

Any lesbian (coughs) that has sex with men every day are:

A. Bisexual

B. A hooker

C. Being held hostage and forced to have sex daily. (If it's ISIS and you see a video camera being brought in, you will not worry about the sex tomorrow)

D. A bisexual hooker being held hostage and forced to have sex with a man daily.

Pick one

Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.
In word you'd be a lesbian, in practice a bisexual.

You truly are kinda dense.

You also have no understanding of human sexuality. Let me think the guys that fuck other guys in prison are gay don't you?

You're not just dense, you're actually stupid in the literal sense of the word.

In prison or out, they are gay or bisexual.

Doesn't take rocket surgery to figure that out.

Now for your example

Any lesbian (coughs) that has sex with men every day are:

A. Bisexual

B. A hooker

C. Being held hostage and forced to have sex daily. (If it's ISIS and you see a video camera being brought in, you will not worry about the sex tomorrow)

D. A bisexual hooker being held hostage and forced to have sex with a man daily.

Pick one

Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.

You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......

You also have no understanding of human sexuality. Let me think the guys that fuck other guys in prison are gay don't you?

You're not just dense, you're actually stupid in the literal sense of the word.

In prison or out, they are gay or bisexual.

Doesn't take rocket surgery to figure that out.

Now for your example

Any lesbian (coughs) that has sex with men every day are:

A. Bisexual

B. A hooker

C. Being held hostage and forced to have sex daily. (If it's ISIS and you see a video camera being brought in, you will not worry about the sex tomorrow)

D. A bisexual hooker being held hostage and forced to have sex with a man daily.

Pick one

Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.

You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......


No I'm simply fascinated by your deep understanding of bisexuality and lesbians, and want to know more.
Not a single major medical or psychological association agrees with you. The APA, AMA AAP, all agree that children do just fine in same sex households AND they ALL support adoption by gays.

But the premise for all those studies comes from an organization that was taken over politically and substituted an agenda in place of science.

Let's listen to what a past president has to say about the veracity of today's APA and the AMA AAP etc. that all take their walking orders from the gay-dominated APA:

Nicholas A. Cummings 6:14 p.m. EDT July 30, 2013
..The Southern Poverty Law Center has done amazing service for our nation in fighting prejudice. But it has gone astray in its recent New Jersey lawsuit charging JONAH, formerly Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing, a group that offers to help gay people change their orientation, with committing consumer fraud. The sweeping allegation that such treatment must be a fraud because homosexual orientation can't be changed is damaging. The lawsuit is the opening salvo of a wave of activism intended to discredit therapy offered in 70 clinics across 20 states, according to the SPLC.
When I was chief psychologist for Kaiser Permanente from 1959 to 1979, San Francisco's gay and lesbian population burgeoned. I personally saw more than 2,000 patients with same-sex attraction, and my staff saw thousands more. We worked hard to develop approaches to meeting the needs of these patients....

...the role of psychotherapy in sexual orientation change efforts has been politicized. Gay and lesbian rights activists appear to be convincing the public that homosexuality is one identical inherited characteristic. To my dismay, some in the organized mental health community seem to agree, including the American Psychological Association, though I don't believe that view is supported by scientific evidence.
Gays and lesbians have the right to be affirmed in their homosexuality. That's why, as a member of the APA Council of Representatives in 1975, I sponsored the resolution by which the APA stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder and, in 1976, the resolution, which passed the council unanimously, that gays and lesbians should not be discriminated against in the workplace.
But contending that all same-sex attraction is immutable is a distortion of reality. Attempting to characterize all sexual reorientation therapy as "unethical" violates patient choice and gives an outside party a veto over patients' goals for their own treatment. A political agenda shouldn't prevent gays and lesbians who desire to change from making their own decisions...
...Whatever the situation at an individual clinic, accusing professionals from across the country who provide treatment for fully informed persons seeking to change their sexual orientation of perpetrating a fraud serves only to stigmatize the professional and shame the patient.
Nicholas Cummings was president of the American Psychological Association (1979-80). Sexual reorientation therapy not unethical Column

What type of entity would deny or retool science to suit an agenda...& seek to limit the personal autonomy of its membership? Oh, that would be a cult...
Last edited:
In prison or out, they are gay or bisexual.

Doesn't take rocket surgery to figure that out.

Now for your example

Any lesbian (coughs) that has sex with men every day are:

A. Bisexual

B. A hooker

C. Being held hostage and forced to have sex daily. (If it's ISIS and you see a video camera being brought in, you will not worry about the sex tomorrow)

D. A bisexual hooker being held hostage and forced to have sex with a man daily.

Pick one

Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.

You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......


No I'm simply fascinated by your deep understanding of bisexuality and lesbians, and want to know more.

Happy fer ya. Really I am

Lemme guess, your favorite sport is dodgeball?
Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.

You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......


No I'm simply fascinated by your deep understanding of bisexuality and lesbians, and want to know more.

Happy fer ya. Really I am

Lemme guess, your favorite sport is dodgeball?
outing fools, actually.
I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.

You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......


No I'm simply fascinated by your deep understanding of bisexuality and lesbians, and want to know more.

Happy fer ya. Really I am

Lemme guess, your favorite sport is dodgeball?
outing fools, actually.

You don't have to go far huh? Gotta mirror in the bathroom. Good place to start
Pure bullshit. Wiv
So you've got nothing. Well, I should have guessed. Since you have nothing of substance to say, this discussion is over.
It was never a conversation, I am simply pointing out your misunderstanding and ignorance.

You think that historically marriage was the equivalent of slavery,

you have taken this thread so far from the op the only thing left is to point towards your post, and state the fact....


Women used to be considered no more than property in a marriage. Is that akin to slavery or isn't it?
Thus one of the main original reasons for marriage. In fact, the whole tradition of the father walking the bride down the aisle and handing her off to the husband started as a transfer of property.
So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.

You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......


No I'm simply fascinated by your deep understanding of bisexuality and lesbians, and want to know more.

Happy fer ya. Really I am

Lemme guess, your favorite sport is dodgeball?
outing fools, actually.

You don't have to go far huh? Gotta mirror in the bathroom. Good place to start
Don't even have to go that far. Now tell me more about these virgin lesbians. I must say that I've yet to encounter one. They sound fascinating.
You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......


No I'm simply fascinated by your deep understanding of bisexuality and lesbians, and want to know more.

Happy fer ya. Really I am

Lemme guess, your favorite sport is dodgeball?
outing fools, actually.

You don't have to go far huh? Gotta mirror in the bathroom. Good place to start
Don't even have to go that far. Now tell me more about these virgin lesbians. I must say that I've yet to encounter one. They sound fascinating.

Whoa lil fella, you come up with some fascinating discussion points (whether they have anything to do with the discussion or not)

Proceed my furry friend.
I apologize for not being clear. What I wrote was about how laws SHOULD be. Those economic benefits to marriage should not exist for couples without kids, for after all, marriage is about love. Society doesn't benefit when you love your spouse. Society benefits when you sacrifice and raise kids.

And gays, who can and do have children, get the goodies too, right?

Unless it's by artificial means, they aren't gays. They're bi-sexuals. truly have no understanding of human sexuality do you? I could have sex with a man every day for the rest of my life...and I still would not be bisexual, only gay.

A true homosexual male can't have sex with a woman. You understand the mechanics, I imagine.

I understand the "mechanics" just fine. That you think it's all "mechanics" is what makes you so ignorant.

Whether it's all mechanics isn't the issue. The fact is that the mechanics make it impossible for a true homosexual to have sex with a woman.
Pure bullshit. Wiv
So you've got nothing. Well, I should have guessed. Since you have nothing of substance to say, this discussion is over.
There was never discussion, you pontified.

Bullshit means the discussion is over, idiot. Bullshit means that what you posted is so far removed from reality as well as from the premise of the thread that the only thing left is to point that out by simply stating, bullshit.

ShackledNation, your posts are all bullshit, they are simple rubbish.

There is no response other than to call, bullshit, when someone just posts a litany of false premises.

children, they have no voice within ShackledNation 's ignorance

You speak of which you know nothing. truly have no understanding of human sexuality do you? I could have sex with a man every day for the rest of my life...and I still would not be bisexual, only gay.

In word you'd be a lesbian, in practice a bisexual.

You truly are kinda dense.

You also have no understanding of human sexuality. Let me think the guys that fuck other guys in prison are gay don't you?

You're not just dense, you're actually stupid in the literal sense of the word.

In prison or out, they are gay or bisexual.

Doesn't take rocket surgery to figure that out.

Now for your example

Any lesbian (coughs) that has sex with men every day are:

A. Bisexual

B. A hooker

C. Being held hostage and forced to have sex daily. (If it's ISIS and you see a video camera being brought in, you will not worry about the sex tomorrow)

D. A bisexual hooker being held hostage and forced to have sex with a man daily.

Pick one

Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

You may understand the technical difference in terms but you don't understand sexuality.

You think the act of sex defines the person. I'm sad for you.
In prison or out, they are gay or bisexual.

Doesn't take rocket surgery to figure that out.

Now for your example

Any lesbian (coughs) that has sex with men every day are:

A. Bisexual

B. A hooker

C. Being held hostage and forced to have sex daily. (If it's ISIS and you see a video camera being brought in, you will not worry about the sex tomorrow)

D. A bisexual hooker being held hostage and forced to have sex with a man daily.

Pick one

Your ignorance is truly astounding. I pity you that you can't separate sex from sexuality.

I'm smart enough to know the difference between a lesbo and a bisexual.

What you got against bisexuals? Aren't they part of the LGBTQ LMNOPs?

So you're well acquainted with women who have sex with one or more other women but who've never had sex with a male. Fascinating. Tell me more.

You have trouble with simple concepts aye?

Here's one a fuzzy lil fella like you will prolly be able to follow......


No I'm simply fascinated by your deep understanding of bisexuality and lesbians, and want to know more.
As do I.
And gays, who can and do have children, get the goodies too, right?

Unless it's by artificial means, they aren't gays. They're bi-sexuals. truly have no understanding of human sexuality do you? I could have sex with a man every day for the rest of my life...and I still would not be bisexual, only gay.

A true homosexual male can't have sex with a woman. You understand the mechanics, I imagine.

I understand the "mechanics" just fine. That you think it's all "mechanics" is what makes you so ignorant.

Whether it's all mechanics isn't the issue. The fact is that the mechanics make it impossible for a true homosexual to have sex with a woman.

No it doesn't and you're a fool to think it does.
Unless it's by artificial means, they aren't gays. They're bi-sexuals. truly have no understanding of human sexuality do you? I could have sex with a man every day for the rest of my life...and I still would not be bisexual, only gay.

A true homosexual male can't have sex with a woman. You understand the mechanics, I imagine.

I understand the "mechanics" just fine. That you think it's all "mechanics" is what makes you so ignorant.

Whether it's all mechanics isn't the issue. The fact is that the mechanics make it impossible for a true homosexual to have sex with a woman.

No it doesn't and you're a fool to think it does.

Since you insist on debating the issue, we'll have to get down to the nitty gritty. How does a homosexual have sex with a woman if he can't get an erection?
Pure bullshit. Wiv
So you've got nothing. Well, I should have guessed. Since you have nothing of substance to say, this discussion is over.
There was never discussion, you pontified.

Bullshit means the discussion is over, idiot. Bullshit means that what you posted is so far removed from reality as well as from the premise of the thread that the only thing left is to point that out by simply stating, bullshit.

ShackledNation, your posts are all bullshit, they are simple rubbish.

There is no response other than to call, bullshit, when someone just posts a litany of false premises.

children, they have no voice within ShackledNation 's ignorance

You speak of which you know nothing.

^^^pure projection*^^^

Every one if your "arguments" has crumbled like a cookie.

You think gays are icky and shouldn't have children. You lose. truly have no understanding of human sexuality do you? I could have sex with a man every day for the rest of my life...and I still would not be bisexual, only gay.

A true homosexual male can't have sex with a woman. You understand the mechanics, I imagine.

I understand the "mechanics" just fine. That you think it's all "mechanics" is what makes you so ignorant.

Whether it's all mechanics isn't the issue. The fact is that the mechanics make it impossible for a true homosexual to have sex with a woman.

No it doesn't and you're a fool to think it does.

Since you insist on debating the issue, we'll have to get down to the nitty gritty. How does a homosexual have sex with a woman if he can't get an erection?

He can get one....he just has to think of someone else when he's doing it.

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