Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
In spite of various bogus studies to the contrary, there is still not enough history of gay parenting to draw any valid conclusions about the long-term affect of same-sex parenting. Most rational people would incline that a "normal" household is preferable, but one can always point out examples to the contrary. Kid better off with a couple of "loving" dykes or a couple of hetero-alcoholic abusers?

Unfortunately, The Government can do very little to "ensure" a beneficial and nurturing home for children, at any stage of life. Any crack-whore (or whatever the contemporary equivalent is) can pop out kids to her heart's content and those kids are generally condemned to a life of misery and deprivation, regardless of anything within Government's power.

Although I personally support "gay marriage," it will be a litmus test for the members of the USSC. There is no rational argument that can even be made in support of a "Constitutional right" to marry someone of the same gender. At BEST, they can say that every State and the Feds must recognize the legal marriages of other states - and they have already said this in at least one case challenging DOMA. But can there be any doubt whatsoever that four of the black-robed bastards will find such a right?

No. They will find that right - perhaps hidden for 225+ years amongst the emanations and penumbras, like the so-called "right of privacy" was.
"Penumbras"...shadows... haven't heard that expression for awhile.

The issue of children's civil rights as they relate to the best atmosphere in marriage where children dwell...where states want to incentivize for children to dwell...that will be found to be the jurisdiction of each sovereign state's discreet community.

In the end it will come down to the kids. And on that note, don't forget to go to the next gay pride parade near you to see what they're proud of doing soberly in front of them on main street [to get a preveiw of what's acceptable for them to do in front of them behind closed doors...]
Kids have more rights than that, they have the right to know how they are, where they came from, who their ancestors are, and as much as possible to be raised by their parents (genetic parents.)

The aspirations of parents to have children shouldn't permit parents to violate the human rights of children. We've lost sight of this core truth but other societies have not.

I take it you are against closed adoptions.
So you do realize yo

Then there's the whole issue of how gays the majority of the time role-play "man/woman" when they are in pairs. It's undeniable and a household word "butch/femme". It applies to either male-male or female-female gays. The child then learns that in no way shape or form is "daddy mom" or "mommy dad" able to produce a child with real mommy mom or daddy dad. Then the confusion settles in. Just add adolescence and the top will pop off the steam kettle. I predict more drug addiction, runaways and worse in homes from gays than heteros. Just by virtue of the fact that dysfunctional lying and deception always render out poorly when a child transitions from the "golden years" of blissful ignorance to the hard years of reality in adolescence. It's weird and the kids will fully realize this by the time they're 10. By the time they're 18 they will be a mess. And that's in the best of conditions otherwise.

I've seen it multiple times. Remember, I lived around the Bay Area California.

I don't think you give kids near enough credit. They are able to understand, when presented in an age-appropriate way, concepts of adoption and biological vs. functional parents.

Besides that, what "dysfunctional lying and deception" are you talking about?
Kids are the central focus of marriage. Society subsidizes marriage. I have absolutely zero interest in subsidizing someone's marriage just because they love someone. Love is a personal matter, but social support involves an obligation.

As for pulling kids from homes, we've already gone too far on that front - child social service agents are often causing more family damage than they prevent. Normal parents are better than homosexual parents.

Your bigotry is showing. Perhaps you should tuck it back in.
Kids have more rights than that, they have the right to know how they are, where they came from, who their ancestors are, and as much as possible to be raised by their parents (genetic parents.)

The aspirations of parents to have children shouldn't permit parents to violate the human rights of children. We've lost sight of this core truth but other societies have not.

I take it you are against closed adoptions.

They're a violation of the child's human rights and now the State is actively working to protect the convenience of the birth parents at the expense of the child's fundamental right to know WHO he is. It's very difficult to justify parental convenience being bought at such a high price.

Some kids turn out fine, so closed adoptions are a moot issue in their case. The problem is we, all involved, can't know beforehand how the child is going to be affected.
They're a violation of the child's human rights and now the State is actively working to protect the convenience of the birth parents at the expense of the child's fundamental right to know WHO he is. It's very difficult to justify parental convenience being bought at such a high price.

Some kids turn out fine, so closed adoptions are a moot issue in their case. The problem is we, all involved, can't know beforehand how the child is going to be affected.

I don't necessarily consider my biology to be the main component of WHO I am.
Kids are the central focus of marriage. Society subsidizes marriage. I have absolutely zero interest in subsidizing someone's marriage just because they love someone. Love is a personal matter, but social support involves an obligation.

As for pulling kids from homes, we've already gone too far on that front - child social service agents are often causing more family damage than they prevent. Normal parents are better than homosexual parents.

Your bigotry is showing. Perhaps you should tuck it back in.


conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Using precision in language is not an expression of bigotry.
They're a violation of the child's human rights and now the State is actively working to protect the convenience of the birth parents at the expense of the child's fundamental right to know WHO he is. It's very difficult to justify parental convenience being bought at such a high price.

Some kids turn out fine, so closed adoptions are a moot issue in their case. The problem is we, all involved, can't know beforehand how the child is going to be affected.

I don't necessarily consider my biology to be the main component of WHO I am.

All behaviors are significantly heritable. Environment plays a role in developing who we are but genes also play a role.

Secondly, like a fish in water, those who are raised with full exposure to the environment created by their natural parents don't often realize the full extent of what they're experiencing.

Are you implying that the IVF children and adopted children are not experiencing legitimate angst and trauma from being cut off from knowing their heritage, from knowing where their behavior comes from, from being de-linked from the long chain on ancestors who preceded them?

Look at the long, hard and emotionally draining battle that many adoptees have waged to overturn closed adoptions simply so that they can find their birth parents. To me, it seems obvious that this issue means a lot to these people.

Look at the grandmothers of the Stolen Babies in Argentina - they've been battling for decades to find their stolen grandchildren.

Look at the battles of the parents who come home with a switched baby. What does it matter, right? They have a baby. Why cause all that ruckus because babies were switched at the hospital?
Kids are the central focus of marriage. Society subsidizes marriage. I have absolutely zero interest in subsidizing someone's marriage just because they love someone. Love is a personal matter, but social support involves an obligation.

As for pulling kids from homes, we've already gone too far on that front - child social service agents are often causing more family damage than they prevent. Normal parents are better than homosexual parents.

Your bigotry is showing. Perhaps you should tuck it back in.


conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Using precision in language is not an expression of bigotry.

Either don't know what the term "better" means or .. you don't know what bigotry means. You pick.

conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Using precision in language is not an expression of bigotry.

So, the opposite is abnormal, unnatural, irregular.

Would you like to be known as an abnormal, unnatural, or irregular parent?

Words also often have value ingrained along with meaning.

conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Using precision in language is not an expression of bigotry.

So, the opposite is abnormal, unnatural, irregular.

Would you like to be known as an abnormal, unnatural, or irregular parent?

It's homosexuals who've launched a jihad to normalize homosexuality. I'm reacting to thought control, to language policing. I find these very offensive measures. It's not the homosexuality at issue, it's the imposition of positions, attitudes and language that is bothersome. People like you playing censor or scold is the heart of the problem.
All behaviors are significantly heritable. Environment plays a role in developing who we are but genes also play a role.

Secondly, like a fish in water, those who are raised with full exposure to the environment created by their natural parents don't often realize the full extent of what they're experiencing.

Are you implying that the IVF children and adopted children are not experiencing legitimate angst and trauma from being cut off from knowing their heritage, from knowing where their behavior comes from, from being de-linked from the long chain on ancestors who preceded them?

Look at the long, hard and emotionally draining battle that many adoptees have waged to overturn closed adoptions simply so that they can find their birth parents. To me, it seems obvious that this issue means a lot to these people.

Look at the grandmothers of the Stolen Babies in Argentina - they've been battling for decades to find their stolen grandchildren.

Look at the battles of the parents who come home with a switched baby. What does it matter, right? They have a baby. Why cause all that ruckus because babies were switched at the hospital?

Some adopted children suffer severe identity crisis. Some don't bother at all. I know that the drive to know oneself is strong, but not everyone considers their biology their identity. I think the viewpoint has to do with the nurturance between their birth and coming of the common age of identity crisis.

Your analogy of switched babies is weak. Parents are invested in their children, as soon as they are born. I was unable to spend my child's first few hours of life with her, and I hated it. She, on the other hand, wasn't bothered in the least. Of course the parents of switched babies feel the trauma.
All behaviors are significantly heritable. Environment plays a role in developing who we are but genes also play a role.

Secondly, like a fish in water, those who are raised with full exposure to the environment created by their natural parents don't often realize the full extent of what they're experiencing.

Are you implying that the IVF children and adopted children are not experiencing legitimate angst and trauma from being cut off from knowing their heritage, from knowing where their behavior comes from, from being de-linked from the long chain on ancestors who preceded them?

Look at the long, hard and emotionally draining battle that many adoptees have waged to overturn closed adoptions simply so that they can find their birth parents. To me, it seems obvious that this issue means a lot to these people.

Look at the grandmothers of the Stolen Babies in Argentina - they've been battling for decades to find their stolen grandchildren.

Look at the battles of the parents who come home with a switched baby. What does it matter, right? They have a baby. Why cause all that ruckus because babies were switched at the hospital?

Some adopted children suffer severe identity crisis. Some don't bother at all. I know that the drive to know oneself is strong, but not everyone considers their biology their identity. I think the viewpoint has to do with the nurturance between their birth and coming of the common age of identity crisis.

Your analogy of switched babies is weak. Parents are invested in their children, as soon as they are born. I was unable to spend my child's first few hours of life with her, and I hated it. She, on the other hand, wasn't bothered in the least. Of course the parents of switched babies feel the trauma.

Why do the parents feel trauma? They have a baby, it's just not their natural baby. So why all the fuss? What does genetics matter? They can raise the switched baby as though it were their own. What's so important about the genetic heritage of the baby?
It's homosexuals who've launched a jihad to normalize homosexuality. I'm reacting to thought control, to language policing. I find these very offensive measures. It's not the homosexuality at issue, it's the imposition of positions, attitudes and language that is bothersome. People like you playing censor or scold is the heart of the problem.

It is normal. About as normal, and as common, as left-handedness.

Coincidentally, I doubt many lefties would like to be known as unnatural, or abnormal. Of course, it might be a step up from the historical view that they are possessed by Satan. :evil:
It's homosexuals who've launched a jihad to normalize homosexuality. I'm reacting to thought control, to language policing. I find these very offensive measures. It's not the homosexuality at issue, it's the imposition of positions, attitudes and language that is bothersome. People like you playing censor or scold is the heart of the problem.

It is normal. About as normal, and as common, as left-handedness.

Coincidentally, I doubt many lefties would like to be known as unnatural, or abnormal. Of course, it might be a step up from the historical view that they are possessed by Satan. :evil:

Are left-handed people pushing a thought-control agenda? Are they policing people's behaviors and punishing transgressors?

Left-handedness is about 10X more common than homosexuality.
Why do the parents feel trauma? They have a baby, it's just not their natural baby. So why all the fuss? What does genetics matter? They can raise the switched baby as though it were their own. What's so important about the genetic heritage of the baby?

Because the love for the child begins when the child was in the womb.

You conflate the feelings of a parent for their baby with the searching of an adolescent for their identity.
Why do the parents feel trauma? They have a baby, it's just not their natural baby. So why all the fuss? What does genetics matter? They can raise the switched baby as though it were their own. What's so important about the genetic heritage of the baby?

Because the love for the child begins when the child was in the womb.

You conflate the feelings of a parent for their baby with the searching of an adolescent for their identity.

If the love for the child begins in the womb, then why do parents take home the switched baby? Don't they immediately recognize that they DON'T love this baby?

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