Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation?

To what degree are children a part of the gay-marriage conversation?

  • They are THE concern of marriage. Marriage was mainly created for their benefit after all.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Part of the conversation for sure. But in the end the adult civil rights trump them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Somewhat part of the conversation, but only a secondary role.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Marriage is for and about adults. Kids will accept what they have to.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Kids are the central focus of marriage. Society subsidizes marriage. I have absolutely zero interest in subsidizing someone's marriage just because they love someone. Love is a personal matter, but social support involves an obligation.

As for pulling kids from homes, we've already gone too far on that front - child social service agents are often causing more family damage than they prevent. Normal parents are better than homosexual parents.

Your bigotry is showing. Perhaps you should tuck it back in.


conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
Using precision in language is not an expression of bigotry.
Left handed people are not normal. Blue eyed people are not normal. You have something against them adopting?
Are left-handed people pushing a thought-control agenda? Are they policing people's behaviors and punishing transgressors?

Left-handedness is about 10X more common than homosexuality.

There's now a Left-Hander's Day, celebrated August 13, and it is meant to make people aware of the hardships and unique characteristics of lefties in a righty world.

Sounds like an agenda to me.

Read more. It's good stuff:

56 Facts about Left-Handedness Left-Handed People
AmericanFirst flounders and the bounders away.

The social cons and far right are losing this contest hands down and know it.
If it's about the kids, same-sex marriage should be encouraged just as much as opposite-sex marriage. All valid studies show that children with same-sex parents fare better or worse than their peers raised by opposite-sex parents.

Children of same-sex couples are happier and healthier than peers research shows - The Washington Post
Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents Gays Lesbians Same-Sex Marriage Advantages of Gay Parenting Gay Adoption
New Study Confirms Same-Sex Couples Make Great Parents ThinkProgress

But, of course, having children or planing to have children--or even being able to have children--is not a prerequisite for obtaining a marriage license in a single state.
If the love for the child begins in the womb, then why do parents take home the switched baby? Don't they immediately recognize that they DON'T love this baby?

Part of the love is the investment into making someone that is part of yourself, part of a person you love.

The love is in the potential. As far as the actual identity of the child, that has yet to be molded and shaped (presumably by you, the parent). But no, the cold truth is that one infant is much like another. So, no, we don't automatically recognize our babies by the overwhelming love for their physical being.

On the other hand, it's a wonderful thing that adoptive parents and adopted children can love without the biological connection. I wonder about your analogy in that framework. If the adoptive parents meet the baby once and then get another baby later, will they go to great lengths to get the promised baby?
Are left-handed people pushing a thought-control agenda? Are they policing people's behaviors and punishing transgressors?

Left-handedness is about 10X more common than homosexuality.

There's now a Left-Hander's Day, celebrated August 13, and it is meant to make people aware of the hardships and unique characteristics of lefties in a righty world.

Sounds like an agenda to me.

Read more. It's good stuff:

56 Facts about Left-Handedness Left-Handed People

St. Patrick's Day occurs every March 17th. That doesn't mean that the Irish are launching a thought control agenda.
If the love for the child begins in the womb, then why do parents take home the switched baby? Don't they immediately recognize that they DON'T love this baby?

Part of the love is the investment into making someone that is part of yourself, part of a person you love.

The love is in the potential. As far as the actual identity of the child, that has yet to be molded and shaped (presumably by you, the parent). But no, the cold truth is that one infant is much like another. So, no, we don't automatically recognize our babies by the overwhelming love for their physical being.

So why all the lawsuits regarding switched babies? Presumably the parents believe that they, and the children, were harmed in some fashion. How were they harmed?
St. Patrick's Day occurs every March 17th. That doesn't mean that the Irish are launching a thought control agenda.

But once upon a time, they might have been. Back when there were regularly signs that said, "Irish need not apply."

Do you know that once upon a time, children were not allowed to use their dominant left hand when learning to write? Something changed that.

Sounds like an agenda to me.
Kids are the central focus of marriage. Society subsidizes marriage. I have absolutely zero interest in subsidizing someone's marriage just because they love someone. Love is a personal matter, but social support involves an obligation.

As for pulling kids from homes, we've already gone too far on that front - child social service agents are often causing more family damage than they prevent. Normal parents are better than homosexual parents.

Your bigotry is showing. Perhaps you should tuck it back in.

According to libturds, stating facts is "bigotry" and "hate."

Homosexuals are abnormal, according to the definition of the term. Sorry if that sucks for you.
So why all the lawsuits regarding switched babies? Presumably the parents believe that they, and the children, were harmed in some fashion. How were they harmed?

Besides from the negligence of the hospital, who was supposed to "label" the baby correctly and send it home with its mother?

Trust was broken.
St. Patrick's Day occurs every March 17th. That doesn't mean that the Irish are launching a thought control agenda.

But once upon a time, they might have been. Back when there were regularly signs that said, "Irish need not apply."

Do you know that once upon a time, children were not allowed to use their dominant left hand when learning to write? Something changed that.

Sounds like an agenda to me.

That's because being left handed was a severe handicap. Perhaps the cure was misguided, but malice towards the left-handed wasn't the motivation. We also used to put leaches on people who were ill.
That's because being left handed was a severe handicap. Perhaps the cure was misguided, but malice towards the left-handed wasn't the motivation. We also used to put leaches on people who were ill.

How was it a handicap?

Unless you mean being considered a sign of the devil is a "handicap."
So why all the lawsuits regarding switched babies? Presumably the parents believe that they, and the children, were harmed in some fashion. How were they harmed?

Besides from the negligence of the hospital, who was supposed to "label" the baby correctly and send it home with its mother?

Trust was broken.

Wrong. The reason is the fact that people want a baby who shares their genes. Passing on your genes is a biological imperative. There isn't any other human behavior more fundamental than that.
St. Patrick's Day occurs every March 17th. That doesn't mean that the Irish are launching a thought control agenda.

But once upon a time, they might have been. Back when there were regularly signs that said, "Irish need not apply."

Do you know that once upon a time, children were not allowed to use their dominant left hand when learning to write? Something changed that.

Sounds like an agenda to me.

It wasn't an agenda. It was an issue of how a leftie dealt with his parents. Homosexuals can tailor their relationship with their own parents as they best see fit, same too with their friends. Forcing me to comply, often under penalty of law, makes me their enemy. If left-handers forced me to comply with their agenda, and used law-fare to do so, they'd be my enemy too,.
Are left-handed people pushing a thought-control agenda? Are they policing people's behaviors and punishing transgressors?

Left-handedness is about 10X more common than homosexuality.

There's now a Left-Hander's Day, celebrated August 13, and it is meant to make people aware of the hardships and unique characteristics of lefties in a righty world.

Sounds like an agenda to me.

Read more. It's good stuff:

56 Facts about Left-Handedness Left-Handed People

St. Patrick's Day occurs every March 17th. That doesn't mean that the Irish are launching a thought control agenda.
You haven't been assimulated by Guinness yet, I see.
St. Patrick's Day occurs every March 17th. That doesn't mean that the Irish are launching a thought control agenda.

But once upon a time, they might have been. Back when there were regularly signs that said, "Irish need not apply."

Do you know that once upon a time, children were not allowed to use their dominant left hand when learning to write? Something changed that.

Sounds like an agenda to me.
So we should continue to prohibit children from using their dominant left hand, because some agenda informed us that left-handedness is actually perfectly fine? What are you even trying to say?
That's because being left handed was a severe handicap. Perhaps the cure was misguided, but malice towards the left-handed wasn't the motivation. We also used to put leaches on people who were ill.

How was it a handicap?

Unless you mean being considered a sign of the devil is a "handicap."

Everything in this world is made for right-handed people. Golf clubs, baseball gloves, guns, cars, etc. It was more-so in the past than it is now.
St. Patrick's Day occurs every March 17th. That doesn't mean that the Irish are launching a thought control agenda.

But once upon a time, they might have been. Back when there were regularly signs that said, "Irish need not apply."

Do you know that once upon a time, children were not allowed to use their dominant left hand when learning to write? Something changed that.

Sounds like an agenda to me.

It wasn't an agenda. It was an issue of how a leftie dealt with his parents. Homosexuals can tailor their relationship with their own parents as they best see fit, same too with their friends. Forcing me to comply, often under penalty of law, makes me their enemy. If left-handers forced me to comply with their agenda, and used law-fare to do so, they'd be my enemy too,.
Right handed people used to make left-handed people comply or be punished....under shady religious grounds too.

But let me add to your analogy. Are right-handed people trying to keep left-handed people from legally marrying? No? What do you think left-handed people would do, if the right-handed majority was telling them that they were perverted and they should not be allowed legal marriage? Do you think left-handed people would just be quiet...or would they have an "agenda" too?
So why all the lawsuits regarding switched babies? Presumably the parents believe that they, and the children, were harmed in some fashion. How were they harmed?

Besides from the negligence of the hospital, who was supposed to "label" the baby correctly and send it home with its mother?

Trust was broken.

That's a new one. Congratulations. I've seen people twist this way and that in order to avoid stating the obvious, but I can't recall anyone claiming that hospital were sued solely for clerical errors they made.
So we should continue to prohibit children from using their dominant left hand, because some agenda informed us that left-handedness is actually perfectly fine? What are you even trying to say?

That the agenda to normalize the perfectly normal orientation of homosexuality is very similar to the agenda to normalize the perfectly normal orientation of left-handedness.

Only many, many people still hate and fear homosexuality, while being fine with left-handedness.

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