Are conservative values dying? If so, why?

Frankly, looking at this board, there were very few arguments FOR Romney and mostly against Obama. And that was the problem. No one could give you a good reason to vote for Romney.

There were plenty of good reasons to vote for Romney in comparison to Obama. Of course, lefties will disagree with them unequivocally because Romney is not a democrat.

I saw Romney as another Country Club Republican. Just more government of, by, and for the rich with little or nothing to appeal to the working class. When he started his tough talk re Iran, it completely turned me off on him. We're dealing with enough crap already - no need for any more.
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

IF you make that much money, no wonder you're a right-winger. Just close enough to be in "the club" of movers and shakers, but not truly wealthy. Not even rich. But, by God, those Republicans will make you rich, right?
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

I suppose Obama could leave out the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan like Bush did. Rightist math is awesome too.
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

That would be more than tripling the debt, not cutting it.

What Obama did was take a deficit of $1.9T (FY2009, which operated under Bush's budget for the first half of the fiscal year) ... and reduce it to $1.3T. A reduction of 32%.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

And there’s your mistake.

Self-reliance and having options are values not unique to conservatives; those are values shared by all Americans, from one side of the political spectrum to the other.

The only difference is how to realized those goals, and who is allowed to realize them.
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

How can you make $200,000 living in a trailer and selling aluminum cans you scrounged?
Frankly, looking at this board, there were very few arguments FOR Romney and mostly against Obama. And that was the problem. No one could give you a good reason to vote for Romney.

There were plenty of good reasons to vote for Romney in comparison to Obama. Of course, lefties will disagree with them unequivocally because Romney is not a democrat.

Meh, I voted for the Republican in every election from 1980 to 2008.

I didn't vote for Romney because I don't trust the Mormon Church. Never have, never will.

But you see where you automatically went. "In comparison to Obama".

No argument FOR Romney on his own merits.

You are right, they bought into Obama's fantasy instead.
A long fantasy of 4 years of "I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term"
A fantasy that will destroy this nation.
Romney's fantasy was to lower the deficit.
Better fantasy as it would have become reality within 2 minutes on the job.
Obama has no intention of doing anything to fight waste in government.

And you really think Romney does?

Based on what?

The fact he put a lot of working people out of good paying jobs to make a quick buck?
You're missing the point; those on the left and right are not going to change their minds on much of anything. It's those of us in the middle who generally determine elections and the direction that politics take. The majority of those in the middle didn't buy into Romney's fantasy. While most in the middle may not have been thrilled voting for Obama, they did it because the alternative seemed too close to lunacy.

You are right, they bought into Obama's fantasy instead.
A long fantasy of 4 years of "I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term"
A fantasy that will destroy this nation.
Romney's fantasy was to lower the deficit.
Better fantasy as it would have become reality within 2 minutes on the job.
Obama has no intention of doing anything to fight waste in government.

Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

He did not cut it at all.
The deficit has grown faster under him that any time in history.
The government IS STILL GROWING at a clip of about 4-5% a year.
Cut that growth to between 1-2% government growth a year and then we have a chance in the future.
News flash: He DID raise the taxes on the wealthy. That bill passed.
And you did not know that and want more. Amazing.
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

IF you make that much money, no wonder you're a right-winger. Just close enough to be in "the club" of movers and shakers, but not truly wealthy. Not even rich. But, by God, those Republicans will make you rich, right?

His point went 20 feet over your head.
Not surprised, you are a liberal. Liberals do not understand basic economics.
You are too busy spending other people's $$$.
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

That would be more than tripling the debt, not cutting it.

What Obama did was take a deficit of $1.9T (FY2009, which operated under Bush's budget for the first half of the fiscal year) ... and reduce it to $1.3T. A reduction of 32%.

The final spending bills were signed into the budget in March of 2009 BY OBAMA. They were approved by the House in June 2008 but it was OBAMA who signed an additional 490 billion into debt, not Bush.
Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

That would be more than tripling the debt, not cutting it.

What Obama did was take a deficit of $1.9T (FY2009, which operated under Bush's budget for the first half of the fiscal year) ... and reduce it to $1.3T. A reduction of 32%.

The final spending bills were signed into the budget in March of 2009 BY OBAMA. They were approved by the House in June 2008 but it was OBAMA who signed an additional 490 billion into debt, not Bush.
That would be the 1st half of FY2009 that I mentioned, when we were still operating under the continuing resolution Bush signed in September of 2008.
conservatives want less gov't in peoples lives yet
a) they believe they have the right to tell a homosexual they shouldnt marry each other
b) are incredibly interested in controlling what women do with their bodies
c) if you are getting some form of assistance you are a leech...what business is it of theirs?

Seem like a giant case of hypocrites who stand soley in the corner of the wealthy?. Why do conservatives take such an interest in those who are uber wealthy over those who simply work hard for a living? What do conservatives have against those hard working middle class people besides EVERYTHING? The party needs a overhaul. I understand the fiscal conservative mindset but all the other social stuff is so overblown by a bunch of hypocritical holier than are thou over the top prunes
You are right, they bought into Obama's fantasy instead.
A long fantasy of 4 years of "I will cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term"
A fantasy that will destroy this nation.
Romney's fantasy was to lower the deficit.
Better fantasy as it would have become reality within 2 minutes on the job.
Obama has no intention of doing anything to fight waste in government.

Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

He did not cut it at all.
The deficit has grown faster under him that any time in history.
The government IS STILL GROWING at a clip of about 4-5% a year.
Cut that growth to between 1-2% government growth a year and then we have a chance in the future.
News flash: He DID raise the taxes on the wealthy. That bill passed.
And you did not know that and want more. Amazing.

Obama did cut the deficit every year

There is a difference between the national debt and the national deficit. Obama never said he would cut the debt in half. Our economy could not handle it. He did say he would cut the deficit which is the annual difference between what you take in and what you spend. Obama did that

The tax increase was not passed until second term
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

Two years ago I made $200,000 and spent $300,000.

Last year I made $225,000 and spent $550,000.

I cut the deficit by a third.

Leftist math is awesome.

You failed math didn't you?
Obama didnt cut the deficit in half, he only cut it by a third. If he had been allowed to raise taxes on the wealthy, he would have cut it in half

He did not cut it at all.
The deficit has grown faster under him that any time in history.
The government IS STILL GROWING at a clip of about 4-5% a year.
Cut that growth to between 1-2% government growth a year and then we have a chance in the future.
News flash: He DID raise the taxes on the wealthy. That bill passed.
And you did not know that and want more. Amazing.

Obama did cut the deficit every year

There is a difference between the national debt and the national deficit. Obama never said he would cut the debt in half. Our economy could not handle it. He did say he would cut the deficit which is the annual difference between what you take in and what you spend. Obama did that

The tax increase was not passed until second term

And ABSOLUTE LIE.. the deficit has RAISED EVERY YEAR with Obama in office
He did not cut it at all.
The deficit has grown faster under him that any time in history.
The government IS STILL GROWING at a clip of about 4-5% a year.
Cut that growth to between 1-2% government growth a year and then we have a chance in the future.
News flash: He DID raise the taxes on the wealthy. That bill passed.
And you did not know that and want more. Amazing.

Obama did cut the deficit every year

There is a difference between the national debt and the national deficit. Obama never said he would cut the debt in half. Our economy could not handle it. He did say he would cut the deficit which is the annual difference between what you take in and what you spend. Obama did that

The tax increase was not passed until second term

And ABSOLUTE LIE.. the deficit has RAISED EVERY YEAR with Obama in office

Plese learn the difference between debt and deficit

Debt has increased, annual deficit has decreased

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