Are conservative values dying? If so, why?

This thing got stupid really fast.



what's wrong with values....?

Nothing's wrong with "values" per se . . . it's just so over-used by Republicans when they have no answers to specific policy issues. And Republicans include some of the most hateful, bigotted, resentful, fear-mongering, and xenophobic people out there. So this whole "values" rhetoric thing by Republicans is nonsensical, and nobody buys it anymore.
This thing got stupid really fast.



what's wrong with values....?

Nothing's wrong with "values" per se . . . it's just so over-used by Republicans when they have no answers to specific policy issues. And Republicans include some of the most hateful, bigotted, resentful, fear-mongering, and xenophobic people out there. So this whole "values" rhetoric thing by Republicans is nonsensical, and nobody buys it anymore.

idiot liberals don't buy into real values anymore.....they've bought into relativism....if it feels good, do it......and feelings can be fleeting.....which explains why Seawitch and other libs have "tons" of values....:lol:
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Nothing. I have tons.Most liberals do.


And what "values" do you have?

This should be rich..

Okay, here's a short list (not in order) for a short break:

* Human & Civil Rights
* Tolerance
* Fairness
* Justice
* Free and Fair Elections
* Sustainability
* Truth
* Family
* Country

That'll have to do for now.
Okay, here's a short list (not in order) for a short break:

* Human & Civil Rights

Demonstrably false. You along with other leftists here actively work to revoke civil rights. You attack speech, religion, assembly, and self-defense on a regular basis.

* Tolerance

Meaningless monkey shit.

You demand that Terrorists and bestiality be embraced, while you attack those that dare shop at Walmart or attend a Christian church. You damn those who oppose higher taxes as "racists" and flame any opponent to your party.

* Fairness

Fairness? ROFL

* Justice

Justice absent the rule of law....

* Free and Fair Elections

As long as illegal aliens are invited and unions can dictate the vote to their members...

* Sustainability

Such as adding $6 trillion in debt in 4 years..

Don't lie.

* Family
* Country

That'll have to do for now.

I suppose so.
Fairness, truth and justice are all subjective depending on the persons point of view. Those are not values, they are opinions.
I disagree. fairness truth and justice are all absolutes. It's either the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. Right or wrong. That's all fairness justice and truth are. And they should not be applied for political gains. To do so means that such an application is not fair, just or true.

They are the base metal of human values, not a mere matter of personal opinion.
Fairness, truth and justice are all subjective depending on the persons point of view. Those are not values, they are opinions.
I disagree. fairness truth and justice are all absolutes. It's either the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. Right or wrong. That's all fairness justice and truth are. And they should not be applied for political gains. To do so means that such an application is not fair, just or true.

They are the base metal of human values, not a mere matter of personal opinion.

Well progressives consider taxing someone more because they are sucessful fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider speech codes on campuses fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider restrictive gun control laws both fair and a form of justice. libertarians do not.
Fairness, truth and justice are all subjective depending on the persons point of view. Those are not values, they are opinions.
I disagree. fairness truth and justice are all absolutes. It's either the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. Right or wrong. That's all fairness justice and truth are. And they should not be applied for political gains. To do so means that such an application is not fair, just or true.

They are the base metal of human values, not a mere matter of personal opinion.

Well progressives consider taxing someone more because they are sucessful fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider speech codes on campuses fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider restrictive gun control laws both fair and a form of justice. libertarians do not.

Like I said it's all subjective. Very rarely is it simply black and wgite
Fairness, truth and justice are all subjective depending on the persons point of view. Those are not values, they are opinions.
I disagree. fairness truth and justice are all absolutes. It's either the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. Right or wrong. That's all fairness justice and truth are. And they should not be applied for political gains. To do so means that such an application is not fair, just or true.

They are the base metal of human values, not a mere matter of personal opinion.

Well progressives consider taxing someone more because they are sucessful fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider speech codes on campuses fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider restrictive gun control laws both fair and a form of justice. libertarians do not.
Because taxing everyone at the same rate is unfair to those least able to afford it. And check your history, unless you think that students at UC Berkley were all reactionary Libertarians or McCarthyesque Conservatives, it's interesting to see who fought for free speech on campuses.

And gun laws is a tar baby not worth grabbing tonight, unless you think that there should be no gun laws at all, in which case you would be too dangerous to voice an opinion.
I disagree. fairness truth and justice are all absolutes. It's either the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. Right or wrong. That's all fairness justice and truth are. And they should not be applied for political gains. To do so means that such an application is not fair, just or true.

They are the base metal of human values, not a mere matter of personal opinion.

Well progressives consider taxing someone more because they are sucessful fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider speech codes on campuses fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider restrictive gun control laws both fair and a form of justice. libertarians do not.
Because taxing everyone at the same rate is unfair to those least able to afford it. And check your history, unless you think that students at UC Berkley were all reactionary Libertarians or McCarthyesque Conservatives, it's interesting to see who fought for free speech on campuses.

And gun laws is a tar baby not worth grabbing tonight, unless you think that there should be no gun laws at all, in which case you would be too dangerous to voice an opinion.

You spoke in absolutes, that "fair" "justice" and "truth" are black/white, right/wrong.

its YOUR opinion that people more well off should burden more (or at this point all) of the tax burden. There are 10's of millions of people that disagree with you.

Today progressives see a persons FEEWINGS as more important than free speech, and codify it in the name of "justice" and fairness" Again, there is a large percentage of the country than finds that a travisty of justice, and unfair.

Yeah, guns are probably not a good place to go, it gets nasty on that topic.
I disagree. fairness truth and justice are all absolutes. It's either the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do. Right or wrong. That's all fairness justice and truth are. And they should not be applied for political gains. To do so means that such an application is not fair, just or true.

They are the base metal of human values, not a mere matter of personal opinion.

Well progressives consider taxing someone more because they are sucessful fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider speech codes on campuses fair, libertarians do not.

progressives consider restrictive gun control laws both fair and a form of justice. libertarians do not.
Because taxing everyone at the same rate is unfair to those least able to afford it. And check your history, unless you think that students at UC Berkley were all reactionary Libertarians or McCarthyesque Conservatives, it's interesting to see who fought for free speech on campuses.

And gun laws is a tar baby not worth grabbing tonight, unless you think that there should be no gun laws at all, in which case you would be too dangerous to voice an opinion.

Property taxes and sales taxes are at the same rate.
A gallon of milk and a loaf of bread is at the same rate.
They already get free health care, free housing, free food and free everything else and now you want a lower tax rate?
No wonder this country is going down the tubes.
Those are individual attacks on, well, stupid people.

You prove my point.

Enemies of the party are slandered and libeled incessantly by the party press, with mindless sycophants like you repeating the mantra.

You implied that all liberals think all conservatives are stupid. Your links don't support that.

I stated directly that leftists label all conservatives as stupid, and the demagogues of the press launch attacks on them. This is a fact.
A broad bush stroke like that is never factual.
You prove my point.

Enemies of the party are slandered and libeled incessantly by the party press, with mindless sycophants like you repeating the mantra.

No, people like Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman who continunually say stupid things get ridiculed for saying stupid things.

I stated directly that leftists label all conservatives as stupid, and the demagogues of the press launch attacks on them. This is a fact.

As already pointed out, blanket statements like yours are almost never factual. You stated your opinion, not a fact.
This is the "message" part I was talking about.

I don't think or feel that way. The tax cuts were across the board cuts yet they are SUCCESSFULLY labeled cuts for the rich.

And I'd like this discussion to be broad rather than degrade to an argument over one talking point.

Well, that's part of the problem. Just WHAT are you talking about when you refer to "conservative values?" Because most of us share "values." The political parties simply provide different ways of achieving them.

Is freedom a value? If so, why do conservatives support massive prison sentences for nearly any crime? That's completely anti-freedom.

Is liberty a value? If so, why do conservatives oppose individuality and liberal approaches to birth control and abortion? That makes no sense.

Is fiscal conservativism a value? If so, why do you guys always want to spend to great excess on "national defense?" That's crazy.

I just don't buy into this whole "conservative values" thing because I have no idea what you mean. You guys certainly don't practice it except when it suits you.

You might be better off to talk about REAL policies for a change, instead of hiding behind this "values" crapola.

For the THIRD time now. Im not talking about politics in general. Im talking about the shift in our population from right leaning (conservative) to left leaning (progressive)

You know, less about individual accountabiliry and more about collectivism.

Is it because fewer and fewer Americans put in a real hard days work now as opposed to generations past? Even in prison tough manual labor was part of my daily routine. So many people now just sit behind a computer screen or register or phone and after 30 or 40 years think someone else owes them something for all their "hard work"

People today are working as hard as they ever have. For the most part, they haven't seen any rise in their standard of living for over 30 years. On the other hand, the wealthiest Americans have seen their wealth skyrocket.

The only thing "Conservatives" value is money. The rest is just window dressing.

I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

You were in prison? I visited my stepfather's son there once. He was in for attempted murder.

This is hilarious. My stepfather's son stayed with us while he was on trial. He was in his early 20's and I was around 17. He kept saying, "Why can't you be more like my son?" He was blinded by the love of a father for his son, I get it, but after awhile, it got tiresome hearing that constantly. Finally, I told him, "Do you ever tell your son he should be more like me?" He scoffed, "Why on earth would I tell him something like that?" voice dripping with derision. I said, "He is on trial for attempted murder. He never finished high school. My last report card, I got one B in gym and the rest A's. I have friends, none of which have been arrested for drugs or charged with any crime. I plan on joining the military (which I did). Seems some parents would like a son like that.

If he said anything, I couldn't tell what it was. It sounded more like he was being strangled, his face turning all red as he walked away. And never again after did he tell me I should be more like his son. But don't worry, his son got out and it only took a few years.

What were you in for and did you make restitution to your victims?

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