Are conservative values dying? If so, why?

Apparently, it remains a mystery.

That is sad too because it would likely be the most hypocritical list ever fielded.

bullshit....lefties are the hypocrits...they proclaim free speech and religious freedom and Constitutional rights while undermining same...

to name a few conservative values...

protect our Constitution Liberals wrote the Constitution
protect free speech and religion and property Liberals wrote the Bill of Rights
protection of individual rights Liberals wrote the Bill of Rights
protection of innocent Life so do Liberals
preservation of traditional marriage and values for our children Liberals protect children from ALL marriages
fiscal sanity Liberals support fiscal sanity in BOTH taxes and spending
free market Liberals support

wrongwinger.. continuing his crap thinking if he repeats crap long enough, people will think it is true

The truth will set you free brother...

Liberals are responsible for every major initiative in this country (Constitution, abolition, Civil Rights, Womans Rights, gay rights, environmental protection)

ALL were opposed by Conservatives
Apparently, it remains a mystery.

That is sad too because it would likely be the most hypocritical list ever fielded.

bullshit....lefties are the hypocrits...they proclaim free speech and religious freedom and Constitutional rights while undermining same...

to name a few conservative values...

protect our Constitution--Bush did no such thing.
protect free speech and religion and property--Wayne LaPierre apparently doesn't think much of the 1st amendment
protection of individual rights--Unless it's to reproductive choice I guess
protection of innocent Life--Yes, even if it kills the mother
preservation of traditional marriage and values for our children--That much is true
fiscal sanity--Spending as much as the next 10-14 countries combined on Defense is "sanity"

Like shooting fish in a barrel
to name a few conservative values...

protect our Constitution
protect free speech and religion and property
protection of individual rights
protection of innocent Life
preservation of traditional marriage and values for our children
fiscal sanity
free market

ScreamingEagle said that these are "conservative values:"

protect our Constitution
Like our democracy, you mean? The one that your Supreme Court justices sold to the highest bidder? Republicans shit on the constitution at every opportunity. They hate democracy.

protect free speech and religion and property
Really? How busily are you fuckers "protecting" the Muslim faith? Or the rights of atheists? How many union rallies do the police bust up every year? Fuck you for saying that.

protection of individual rights
Like reproductive rights? Or contraception? Or the right to unionize? Right.

protection of innocent Life
This obviously doesn't include Iraqi or Salvadoran civilians.

preservation of traditional marriage and values for our children
"Preservation of values?" You use that in a definition of values? C'mon, try harder. Also, this one conflicts with "protection of individual rights" because you hate gays, and it also conflicts with "protecting religion" because it doesn't allow for Mormon polygamy.

fiscal sanity
There is no evidence of this whatsoever; Ronald Reagan ushered in the modern era of mega-deficits, and you fuckers have never seen a defense spending proposal you opposed. You also spent 8,000 American lives in two unfunded wars.

free market
What in the fuck have you done to support a "free market?" You guys have always supported big businesses, and they are the greatest impediment to free markets.

That is sad too because it would likely be the most hypocritical list ever fielded.

bullshit....lefties are the hypocrits...they proclaim free speech and religious freedom and Constitutional rights while undermining same...

to name a few conservative values...

protect our Constitution Liberals wrote the Constitution yes YESTERDAY'S liberals...not you guys
protect free speech and religion and property Liberals wrote the Bill of Rights see above
protection of individual rights Liberals wrote the Bill of Rights see above
protection of innocent Life so do Liberals except innocent unborn babies
preservation of traditional marriage and values for our children Liberals protect children from ALL marriages commie liberals want to end the family unit by first destroying marriage
fiscal sanity Liberals support fiscal sanity in BOTH taxes and spending LOL
free market Liberals supportlike Red China does...

your (and other answers here) are not interesting....just the same ole lefty liberals are duplicitous and deceitful and win the blue ribbon for being world class HYPOCRITS...
They died and went extremism a long time ago.

Why do you think people are now leaning left?
Because they don't want to lean extremist tea party right.

The truth will set you free brother...

Then why do you incessantly lie? You enjoy being a slave.

Liberals are responsible for every major initiative in this country (Constitution, abolition, Civil Rights, Womans Rights, gay rights, environmental protection)

You forgot to add that they created the heavens and the Earth.

Of course, you're not a "liberal" or anything close. You are a leftist and favor totalitarianism.

Let's take a look at the "liberals" that you claim kinship to;

The guy who wrote the Bill of Rights.

{Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
James Madison }

Hmmm, doesn't sound much like you leftists..

(Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.
James Madison )

Not exactly Barack fucking Obama, was he?

{I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials.
George Mason }

Just a tad different than the demagoguery we get from Dianne Feinstein...

{It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Samuel Adams }

Hmmm, again not quit consistent with leftist dogma...

{Since he is of no use anymore, there is no gain if he lives and no loss if he dies.
Pol Pot }

Finally, someone consistent to the positions you stake out...

ALL were opposed by Conservatives

Lying is what leftists do best.
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bullshit....lefties are the hypocrits...they proclaim free speech and religious freedom and Constitutional rights while undermining same...

to name a few conservative values...

protect our Constitution Liberals wrote the Constitution yes YESTERDAY'S liberals...not you guys
protect free speech and religion and property Liberals wrote the Bill of Rights see above
protection of individual rights Liberals wrote the Bill of Rights see above
protection of innocent Life so do Liberals except innocent unborn babies
preservation of traditional marriage and values for our children Liberals protect children from ALL marriages commie liberals want to end the family unit by first destroying marriage
fiscal sanity Liberals support fiscal sanity in BOTH taxes and spending LOL
free market Liberals supportlike Red China does...

your (and other answers here) are not interesting....just the same ole lefty liberals are duplicitous and deceitful and win the blue ribbon for being world class HYPOCRITS...

Righties force kids to get circumcised, when the kid is in excruciating pain and is not in a state to say yes or no.

Righties force kids to go to church and practice a religion that they have no interest in, without of the freedom of choosing what religion (or if they are religious)

Righties teach their kids to hate others for who they are and will shun and/or punish them for being different.

Righties support putting guns into the hands of mentally unstable people who will go on shooting sprees, killing a bunch of people/kids.

Righties support the political party that has been branded as racist angry old men who only care about money.

Righties support labeling this country as a Christian nation, thus effectively taking away freedom of religion for ANYONE and thurning this nation into the exact opposite of what it was founded for.

Righties support fighting in wars that we don't belong in and invading foreign countries.

Righties support paying as little taxes as possible, even if it means increasing the deficit.

Righties support spreading hate, ignorance, and intolerance towards anyone who is not one of them.

Shall I go on?
Righties force kids to get circumcised, when the kid is in excruciating pain and is not in a state to say yes or no.

What the fuck are you yapping about, retard?

Righties force kids to go to church and practice a religion that they have no interest in, without of the freedom of choosing what religion (or if they are religious)


Again retard, would you mandate that children be raised in a strict Atheist environment?

(You know, because you Khmer Rouge types are such proponents of the 1st amendment...)

Righties teach their kids to hate others for who they are and will shun and/or punish them for being different.

The way you teach others to hate any who fail to faithfully recite leftist dogma?

Righties support putting guns into the hands of mentally unstable people who will go on shooting sprees, killing a bunch of people/kids.

Like Chris Dorner? Oh wait, he was a leftist, just like you.

Righties support the political party that has been branded as racist angry old men who only care about money.

Branded "racist" by the party of Slavery, the party of the KKK, the party of Jim Crow, and the party which now preaches hatred of white people.

The party of scumbags - the democrats.

Righties support labeling this country as a Christian nation, thus effectively taking away freedom of religion for ANYONE and thurning this nation into the exact opposite of what it was founded for.

So, as long as children are raised Muslim, you'll rescind your earlier prohibition of religion? Oh an, you don't mind if they cut the clits off of girls, because, well they hate America too!

Righties support fighting in wars that we don't belong in and invading foreign countries.

Righties like Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid?

Righties support paying as little taxes as possible, even if it means increasing the deficit.

Hollywood Supported Obama, Gets Rewarded With Tax Breaks - Godfather Politics


Righties support spreading hate, ignorance, and intolerance towards anyone who is not one of them.

Kind of like you're doing here, Adolf?

Shall I go on?

Depends, what time is your medication due?

your (and other answers here) are not interesting....just the same ole lefty liberals are duplicitous and deceitful and win the blue ribbon for being world class HYPOCRITS...

Righties force kids to get circumcised, when the kid is in excruciating pain and is not in a state to say yes or no.

Righties force kids to go to church and practice a religion that they have no interest in, without of the freedom of choosing what religion (or if they are religious)

Righties teach their kids to hate others for who they are and will shun and/or punish them for being different.

Righties support putting guns into the hands of mentally unstable people who will go on shooting sprees, killing a bunch of people/kids.

Righties support the political party that has been branded as racist angry old men who only care about money.

Righties support labeling this country as a Christian nation, thus effectively taking away freedom of religion for ANYONE and thurning this nation into the exact opposite of what it was founded for.

Righties support fighting in wars that we don't belong in and invading foreign countries.

Righties support paying as little taxes as possible, even if it means increasing the deficit.

Righties support spreading hate, ignorance, and intolerance towards anyone who is not one of them.

Shall I go on?

Your last paragraph perfectly described your entire post. Ignorance and intolerance indeed.
If you're born in the USA, you were born on 2nd base to use a baseball metaphor. You were born well ahead of others being born in Chile, Botswana, etc...

What I see as the difference between most Conservatives and many liberals is...

that Conservatives grow up thinking they either hit a double or were somehow robbed of a triple by a blown call by the umpire.

Liberals on the other hand recognize that they were more blessed than others but don't think anyone should get to third base until we're all ready to move at one time in some sort of mass exodus. Many are also unaware of whether to run toward third or first.

And if you think I am not living and working to give MY OFFSPRING an advantage, you are sadly mistaken.. and I will fight if you think you are entitled to the advantages I am working for to provide to my kids

Everyone has their FREEDOMS ensured... not what they get, how they perform, how they get placed because of what they do, etc...

Yes and hopefully your kids will be born between 2nd and 3rd or maybe on 3rd base or, like Mitt Romney was, 60 feet down the thrid base line. Hopefully your kids will know that they are there because of your sacrifices and not because it was their birthright and that some are still "stuck" on 2nd base; that they'll never characterize themselves as being poor because they had to "sell stock to survive".

And hopefully you'll tell them that they're blessed because we do live in a nation of laws that prevents inalienable rights from being taken away from you.

As was I... collecting cans for meat money, working from age 14 as a paperboy and starting at 16, 39 hours a week (legally was not allowed to work 40)...

It is amazing that you seem to bitch about birthright.. but have no problems when others seem to think they are owed entitlements like they are a birthright
wrongwinger.. continuing his crap thinking if he repeats crap long enough, people will think it is true

The truth will set you free brother...

Liberals are responsible for every major initiative in this country (Constitution, abolition, Civil Rights, Womans Rights, gay rights, environmental protection)

ALL were opposed by Conservatives

Absolute hogwash....

Delusional you are, indeed

your (and other answers here) are not interesting....just the same ole lefty liberals are duplicitous and deceitful and win the blue ribbon for being world class HYPOCRITS...

Righties force kids to get circumcised, when the kid is in excruciating pain and is not in a state to say yes or no.
THIS is what you want to argue about....? not about KILLING BABIES...?

Righties force kids to go to church and practice a religion that they have no interest in, without of the freedom of choosing what religion (or if they are religious) what? parents have the RIGHT to teach their own children their religion before the commies come to teach them that the STATE is their living god...

Righties teach their kids to hate others for who they are and will shun and/or punish them for being different. you feel picked on? It is within parents' fucking RIGHTS to believe what they want and teach their kids what they believe....

Righties support putting guns into the hands of mentally unstable people who will go on shooting sprees, killing a bunch of people/kids.
No we don't.....we think all mental lefties should not own a gun....

Righties support the political party that has been branded as racist angry old men who only care about money.
the real racist pushers are lefties like you....

Righties support labeling this country as a Christian nation, thus effectively taking away freedom of religion for ANYONE and thurning this nation into the exact opposite of what it was founded for.
for a leftie who supports suppression of Christian religion but not Muslim religion i think you are hypocritical 'tard...

Righties support fighting in wars that we don't belong in and invading foreign countries.
better than a leftie prez that allows our own to be killed...

Righties support paying as little taxes as possible, even if it means increasing the deficit.
better than supporting a leftie prez who has wildly increased the deficit....and who wants to lay on more and more taxes which will only depress the economy further...

Righties support spreading hate, ignorance, and intolerance towards anyone who is not one of them.
are you feeling the burn....?

Shall I go on?
no....your arguments are too stupid....
Righties force kids to get circumcised, when the kid is in excruciating pain and is not in a state to say yes or no.

I wasn't aware of this. Do you have a link to an article or something that shows conclusively that all right wingers force their children to be circumcised?

Righties force kids to go to church and practice a religion that they have no interest in, without of the freedom of choosing what religion (or if they are religious)

Both my parents consider themselves conservatives and we never went to church. I still don't and don't plan on taking my kids to church.

Righties teach their kids to hate others for who they are and will shun and/or punish them for being different.

So basically they're nazis indocrinated to hate, and if necessary, kill black people and gays? Interesting.

Righties support putting guns into the hands of mentally unstable people who will go on shooting sprees, killing a bunch of people/kids.

Strange. I've seen the crazy right wingers here advocating institutionalizing the mentally unstable which is universally opposed by the crazy lefties. Which is it?

Righties support the political party that has been branded as racist angry old men who only care about money.

Branded as such by whom? Themselves?

Righties support labeling this country as a Christian nation, thus effectively taking away freedom of religion for ANYONE and thurning this nation into the exact opposite of what it was founded for.

Was the country not founded on Christian values? Does it not say "in god we trust" on our currency? Does it not say "inalienable rights endowed by our creator" in constitution?

Righties support fighting in wars that we don't belong in and invading foreign countries.

I know! Righty Barack Obama won't get us out of Afghanistan and keeps killing Americans without due process by way of drone.

Righties support paying as little taxes as possible, even if it means increasing the deficit.

Yep. I've heard nothing but righties talking about how they love seeing the deficit skyrocket. You're totally right.

Righties support spreading hate, ignorance, and intolerance towards anyone who is not one of them.

Yes. They do it using their bible, which preaches love and tolerance because every righty is a christian.

If nothing else, you're consistent in your arguments. I applaud your effort.
Righties force kids to get circumcised, when the kid is in excruciating pain and is not in a state to say yes or no.

Righties force kids to go to church and practice a religion that they have no interest in, without of the freedom of choosing what religion (or if they are religious)

Righties teach their kids to hate others for who they are and will shun and/or punish them for being different.

Righties support putting guns into the hands of mentally unstable people who will go on shooting sprees, killing a bunch of people/kids.

Righties support the political party that has been branded as racist angry old men who only care about money.

Righties support labeling this country as a Christian nation, thus effectively taking away freedom of religion for ANYONE and thurning this nation into the exact opposite of what it was founded for.

Righties support fighting in wars that we don't belong in and invading foreign countries.

Righties support paying as little taxes as possible, even if it means increasing the deficit.

Righties support spreading hate, ignorance, and intolerance towards anyone who is not one of them.

Shall I go on?

Lefties force women to get abortions even when they don't want them leading many women to live the rest of their life with regret, which leads to drugs problems and often suicide.

Lefties force their children to take science even when they'd rather read, or something like that. They tell their children that the earth is going to be set ablaze unless other people stop driving their cars, leading young children to grow up in fear of the world around them.

Lefties teach their children to hate people who want to be left alone. That it's not enough to bug them or patronize them for wanting to be left alone, that they should be punished. They need to have their money and personal items taken away. The more misery they endure, the better.

Lefties support the rule of an iron fist government. You must eat this, not this. You must do this at this time, and if you don't, you should be and will be punished. Individuality is not important and should be looked down upon. Lefties teach their kids that they don't matter, only the collective, and they they exist to make sure the collective has everything they want.

Lefties support a party bent on total government control of every aspect of American people's lives.

Lefties brand this nation "everyone's" nation. It doesn't matter if you pay taxes or not, this is your nation. Because once we get past all the trivial things like religion, we're all just small, replaceable parts of the collective.

Lefties support the rape and pillage of the nation by anyone who would care to. We must dismantle our defense and let anyone and everyone take from this nation what they want, because they deserve it. It's this nation's fault that people are hungry and that people are sick. Therefore, this country deserves it's comeuppance.

Lefties don't support the idea of taxes, they support total confiscation of everything, because it's a lot of easier for the all-knowing government to tell me people how to live their lives since they are smarter and wiser than the small pieces that make up the collective.

Lefties hate straight people. Being straight is a traditional value and straight people simply can't evolve to the point where they realize that being straight is passe and primitive.

Lefties support the rape, torture and murder of anyone that isn't willing to shut up, give up their entire life to the government and become part of the collective.

If you deny any of this, you're simply denying reality.


This is fun!
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I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

We gave our country away is what happened. The country's population is bigger and dumber than ever. Liberals have fucked up everything they've gotten their hands into for decades: Education, the Justice system, health care, private industry, fiscal policy, foreign name it.

The US is a sinking ship, flooded by masses of idiots who just want to plunder it before it finally dies. That's why you'll only see more and more people pandering for Obama handouts as time goes on, right up until the bow breaks and the government is just totally bankrupt.
We gave our country away is what happened. The country's population is bigger and dumber than ever. Liberals have fucked up everything they've gotten their hands into for decades: Education, the Justice system, health care, private industry, fiscal policy, foreign name it.

Now that i've taken my refrain from reality with my post a few above this one, i'll disagree. Liberals all are about emotion and feeling good. Righting perceived wrongs, etc etc. I think most liberals have good intentions, they just aren't all that good at determining long-term ramifications of their good intentions.

The US is a sinking ship, flooded by masses of idiots who just want to plunder it before it finally dies. That's why you'll only see more and more people pandering for Obama handouts as time goes on, right up until the bow breaks and the government is just totally bankrupt.

I think plenty of people have an exact opposite view. I think a lot of people that leach off others do so because they've never been taught to do anything different, or rather, have been taught that it's ok to do. A lot of people out there think that the U.S. is some eternally rich and privileged entity, and because of that, not only can the U.S. afford to give them everything they need in perpetuity, they should give them everything in interest of "fairness."

This is what Gramps is referring to. What made this country great were the Americans that worked their asses off and sacrificed to build lives for themselves and their children. What's causing the decline of the U.S. are Americans that are becoming ever more dependent, lazy and stupid. It's not the republicans' fault, the democrats' fault, the gays' fault, the Christians' fault... it's the American peoples' fault.
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