Are conservatives “special snowflakes” when it comes to discourse they don't like?

Who's more tolerant of dissenting views: liberals or conservatives?

You hear it all the time from conservatives: The left must remember to tolerate dissenting opinions. But if you’ve followed the news cycle recently, you may have noticed that it hasn’t been the left imposing social penalties on its members for expressing controversial opinions recently. It’s been the right.

Tomi Lahren formerly of The Blaze, who was once hailed as the second coming of Ann Coulter, is now fighting to retain control of her Facebook page after being unceremoniously dropped for daring to express a pro-choice opinion. Meanwhile Milo Yiannopoulos formerly of Breitbart — whom the right once claimed to venerate because of his willingness to flout the taboos of discourse — was toppled last month when it was discovered he had once seemingly condoned ephebophilia.

So what gives? Why are members of the left regularly denounced as “special snowflakes” when the right just took down two of its highest profile pundits for daring to stray from the ideological reservation?

“Both ends of the political spectrum can be vociferous defenders of speech with which they agree, but are sorely tested when speech offends them,” said Ken Paulson — president of the First Amendment Center and dean of Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Mass Communication, as well as former editor-in-chief of USA Today. “America became a great country in large part because everyone could share an opinion, and over time, the best ideas forged our nation. Today everyone is free to speak, but where’s the value if no one is willing to listen?”

“The First Amendment protects insightful ideas, but also stupid, insensitive, hateful and deeply offensive speech,”Paulson added in an email. “There’s no cherry-picking the right to speak.”

David Hudson, a law professor at Vanderbilt University, echoed Paulson’s views.

“I call it the dissonance between the ideal and the real,” Hudson told Salon in an email. “The ideal is that we support free speech; we tolerate and even encourage opposing viewpoints. The real is that we despise contrary viewpoints and take measures to silence them; we fail to adhere to the essence of the First Amendment — our blueprint for personal liberty.”

“Liberals and conservatives both suppress speech,” Hudson concluded. “Neither side has a monopoly on it. Censorship is as common an impulse as sex. What we need is a greater commitment all across the political spectrum to accept and listen to speech that we don’t like.”


Rest of article here: Free speech vs. safe spaces: Are conservatives “special snowflakes” when it comes to discourse they don’t like?

Based on what I've seen on this forum since signing up, conservatives BY FAR are the ones who are the most likely to suppress discourse that they don't like. There isn't a safe space cozy enough for the conservatives on this forum, that's for sure.

Beck is a dick for doing that to Tomi I said it on the thread we had on it which you didn't participate or even know about what happened until you got talking points from the democrat underground


RWs don't allow dissent or protest though. Anytime people protest, RWNJs want to see them jailed, at the least. Some here have called for them to be attacked, even killed.

Many here had to be taught that there's a difference between constitutionally protected protest and rioting.

I despise kkk-type garbage, Westboro, etc but I would never want to see them silenced. That doesn't mean what I have said many times- the world would be a much better place without them.

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Conservatives have nothing comparable to the liberal demand for safe spaces furnished with coloring books and puppies.



Warm and fuzzy to RWNJs is lying about and/or American journalism or just attacking the US in any way and usually with no reason. It's taking rights away from other Americans for no other reason than being OFFENDED. Watching children suffer from hunger is always a big hit, as is fantasizing about torture of helpless people.

RWNJs lie more now that they see trump long every day. Some RWNJs lie about their credentials in order to cover up their deep seated insecurities and enormous failures. Like saying they have two doctorates, one in medicine, the other in law, when in fact, their real job is quite menial and requires nothing more than a warm body. A sober, warm body. To quote trump, "sad".

RWNJs are jealous of everyone. Their hatred of, and constant attacks on people of color, the elderly, the poor, women, gay, children, vets, LGBQ is directly attributed to their own lack of accomplishment.

It's amazing but they probably do believe workers from Mexico really are taking their jobs!

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I want you to know, right now. I have never been a doctor nor have I ever claimed to be a doctor. I was a lawyer for over 30 years when,my absolute hatred of humanity and those such as yourself forced me to close my doors. I trained as a dog groomer where I did not have to deal with people at all. I left customer service to my husband. Now that he is passed I am back in the legal profession, again as a researcher where I do not have to deal with people such as yourself.

Does that clear up your masturbatory fantasies. Stop making up lies. The truth is so much more fruitful and sstisfying.
Who's more tolerant of dissenting views: liberals or conservatives?

You hear it all the time from conservatives: The left must remember to tolerate dissenting opinions. But if you’ve followed the news cycle recently, you may have noticed that it hasn’t been the left imposing social penalties on its members for expressing controversial opinions recently. It’s been the right.

Tomi Lahren formerly of The Blaze, who was once hailed as the second coming of Ann Coulter, is now fighting to retain control of her Facebook page after being unceremoniously dropped for daring to express a pro-choice opinion. Meanwhile Milo Yiannopoulos formerly of Breitbart — whom the right once claimed to venerate because of his willingness to flout the taboos of discourse — was toppled last month when it was discovered he had once seemingly condoned ephebophilia.

So what gives? Why are members of the left regularly denounced as “special snowflakes” when the right just took down two of its highest profile pundits for daring to stray from the ideological reservation?

“Both ends of the political spectrum can be vociferous defenders of speech with which they agree, but are sorely tested when speech offends them,” said Ken Paulson — president of the First Amendment Center and dean of Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Mass Communication, as well as former editor-in-chief of USA Today. “America became a great country in large part because everyone could share an opinion, and over time, the best ideas forged our nation. Today everyone is free to speak, but where’s the value if no one is willing to listen?”

“The First Amendment protects insightful ideas, but also stupid, insensitive, hateful and deeply offensive speech,”Paulson added in an email. “There’s no cherry-picking the right to speak.”

David Hudson, a law professor at Vanderbilt University, echoed Paulson’s views.

“I call it the dissonance between the ideal and the real,” Hudson told Salon in an email. “The ideal is that we support free speech; we tolerate and even encourage opposing viewpoints. The real is that we despise contrary viewpoints and take measures to silence them; we fail to adhere to the essence of the First Amendment — our blueprint for personal liberty.”

“Liberals and conservatives both suppress speech,” Hudson concluded. “Neither side has a monopoly on it. Censorship is as common an impulse as sex. What we need is a greater commitment all across the political spectrum to accept and listen to speech that we don’t like.”


Rest of article here: Free speech vs. safe spaces: Are conservatives “special snowflakes” when it comes to discourse they don’t like?

Based on what I've seen on this forum since signing up, conservatives BY FAR are the ones who are the most likely to suppress discourse that they don't like. There isn't a safe space cozy enough for the conservatives on this forum, that's for sure.
Could be but at least our type of discourse doesn't end in rioting, looting and burning shit to the ground. Oh and the drama queen antics.
With all the LIBERAL SCHOOLS running off conservative speakers & even rioting to prevent their speech, this thread seems to have been created by a COMPLETELY BLIND RETARD
Conservatives are cold hearted but when you figure out a way to present your facts to them very few will explode in anger.
Liberals are just plain out and out phucking morons.
Beck is a dick for doing that to Tomi I said it on the thread we had on it which you didn't participate or even know about what happened until you got talking points from the democrat underground


proof positive that you're a sheep and going on marching orders from the democrat underground..

You are no where in this thread. ...

Tomi Lahren kicked off the Blaze

Who gives a shit? What fucking non-point do you think you're making by pointing out that I didn't post in some thread? Hey -- dipshit -- I can't post in EVERY THREAD on this forum. Go back to your booze, you drunk.
Who's more tolerant of dissenting views: liberals or conservatives?

You hear it all the time from conservatives: The left must remember to tolerate dissenting opinions. But if you’ve followed the news cycle recently, you may have noticed that it hasn’t been the left imposing social penalties on its members for expressing controversial opinions recently. It’s been the right.

Tomi Lahren formerly of The Blaze, who was once hailed as the second coming of Ann Coulter, is now fighting to retain control of her Facebook page after being unceremoniously dropped for daring to express a pro-choice opinion. Meanwhile Milo Yiannopoulos formerly of Breitbart — whom the right once claimed to venerate because of his willingness to flout the taboos of discourse — was toppled last month when it was discovered he had once seemingly condoned ephebophilia.

So what gives? Why are members of the left regularly denounced as “special snowflakes” when the right just took down two of its highest profile pundits for daring to stray from the ideological reservation?

“Both ends of the political spectrum can be vociferous defenders of speech with which they agree, but are sorely tested when speech offends them,” said Ken Paulson — president of the First Amendment Center and dean of Middle Tennessee State University’s College of Mass Communication, as well as former editor-in-chief of USA Today. “America became a great country in large part because everyone could share an opinion, and over time, the best ideas forged our nation. Today everyone is free to speak, but where’s the value if no one is willing to listen?”

“The First Amendment protects insightful ideas, but also stupid, insensitive, hateful and deeply offensive speech,”Paulson added in an email. “There’s no cherry-picking the right to speak.”

David Hudson, a law professor at Vanderbilt University, echoed Paulson’s views.

“I call it the dissonance between the ideal and the real,” Hudson told Salon in an email. “The ideal is that we support free speech; we tolerate and even encourage opposing viewpoints. The real is that we despise contrary viewpoints and take measures to silence them; we fail to adhere to the essence of the First Amendment — our blueprint for personal liberty.”

“Liberals and conservatives both suppress speech,” Hudson concluded. “Neither side has a monopoly on it. Censorship is as common an impulse as sex. What we need is a greater commitment all across the political spectrum to accept and listen to speech that we don’t like.”


Rest of article here: Free speech vs. safe spaces: Are conservatives “special snowflakes” when it comes to discourse they don’t like?

Based on what I've seen on this forum since signing up, conservatives BY FAR are the ones who are the most likely to suppress discourse that they don't like. There isn't a safe space cozy enough for the conservatives on this forum, that's for sure.

So how many fires have conservatives set on college campuses, put people in the hospital or blocked highways to stop someone from speaking? False equivalences seem to be a specialty of you regressives.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
USMB Rightwingers only like their own freedom of speech. I mean these are people who whine about the very existence of gay people. They never matured past junior high is the problem.

When is the last time rightwing college students rioted and thus successfully stopped a lefty from speaking?
You're one of the biggest whiners about gay people huh?

I don't care what those college kids did, but sure they were being jackasses. They don't represent liberalism.

Why do you imagine that they do not represent liberalism?
Because they are young and naive. Once they become adults in the real world, they'll see their hypocrisy.

Hypocrites don't become less hypocritical as they age, they become MORE set in their ways.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.

Does the fact that you need to lie to defend your side, set off ANY little bells inside your head?
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.

Does the fact that you need to lie to defend your side, set off ANY little bells inside your head?
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Do you always wear alternate reality goggles?
Sure we mock you, call you names, laugh at your expense, bitch about your asinine antics, BUT


The left (being you) do everything they can to STOP THE RIGHTS ABILITY TO EXERCISE FREE SPEECH. From mass protests. To shouting down speakers. To attacking the audience of conservative speakers. To full fledged rioting.

There is no comparison about which side can't handle the opinions of others.

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