Are conservatives “special snowflakes” when it comes to discourse they don't like?

Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Crazy talk.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.

^^^^ spoken like a true Snowflake bedwetter.

We want an open honest debate, you nuts just don't understand that when you are proven wrong you should walk away, instead you blame the loss on

Racism, sexism or whatever ism that suits your fancy.
Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.
They always have a "Con Fake " Reason why they act the way they do...with voter suppression its "Protect the Integrity of the vote"

The most Monstrous con is the War on Drugs has been going on for Decades and "Beauregard" Sessions means to continue the oppression...
Nixon's Drug War, An Excuse To Lock Up Blacks And Protesters ..
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.
I see your crazy as ever, that would be the liberals who have the need to control people and their absolute lust for power..
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.

This coming from the party of wishing the fairness doctrine would come back?

Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.

^^^^ spoken like a true Snowflake bedwetter.

We want an open honest debate, you nuts just don't understand that when you are proven wrong you should walk away, instead you blame the loss on

Racism, sexism or whatever ism that suits your fancy.

Pops you are a good example of a conservative special snowflake. You've been conditioned to reject certain words as if rejecting them does anything. If you're being a racist then when you are called out on it don't whine about it, just suck it up and admit it. Your denial and subsequent whining and flailing of arms only betrays you as a snowflake.

Can't take the heat when its shoved back down your throat then go play in the kiddie pool with the rest of the conservative snowflakes.

Or go find your safe zone, the one Republicans create where guns are not permitted because they are afraid of their own base.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.

^^^^ spoken like a true Snowflake bedwetter.

We want an open honest debate, you nuts just don't understand that when you are proven wrong you should walk away, instead you blame the loss on

Racism, sexism or whatever ism that suits your fancy.

Pops you are a good example of a conservative special snowflake. You've been conditioned to reject certain words as if rejecting them does anything. If you're being a racist then when you are called out on it don't whine about it, just suck it up and admit it. Your denial and subsequent whining and flailing of arms only betrays you as a snowflake.

Can't take the heat when its shoved back down your throat then go play in the kiddie pool with the rest of the conservative snowflakes.

Or go find your safe zone, the one Republicans create where guns are not permitted because they are afraid of their own base.

I've never run from name calling. Especially from the left. It is afterall, all you got.

It's providing proof of your assertions that is always lacking.
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.

^^^^ spoken like a true Snowflake bedwetter.

We want an open honest debate, you nuts just don't understand that when you are proven wrong you should walk away, instead you blame the loss on

Racism, sexism or whatever ism that suits your fancy.

Pops you are a good example of a conservative special snowflake. You've been conditioned to reject certain words as if rejecting them does anything. If you're being a racist then when you are called out on it don't whine about it, just suck it up and admit it. Your denial and subsequent whining and flailing of arms only betrays you as a snowflake.

Can't take the heat when its shoved back down your throat then go play in the kiddie pool with the rest of the conservative snowflakes.

Or go find your safe zone, the one Republicans create where guns are not permitted because they are afraid of their own base.

You live in your own fantasy world don't ya?

Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.

^^^^ spoken like a true Snowflake bedwetter.

We want an open honest debate, you nuts just don't understand that when you are proven wrong you should walk away, instead you blame the loss on

Racism, sexism or whatever ism that suits your fancy.

"Open debate" is the absolute LAST thing your side wants, that's for damn sure. Just take a look at any thread posted here on this forum. What you want is propaganda, bullshit, fake news, dogma, and demagoguery.
It's providing proof of your assertions that is always lacking.
The assertion Hillary is crooked totally unproven...MEANWHILE The Orange Baboon Anus is proven a Fraud artist and had to pay $25 million to his victims and a million to the Government for BEING CROOKED


E mail

Fuck off Wing Nuts :321:
Can't take the heat when its shoved back down your throat then go play in the kiddie pool with the rest of the conservative snowflakes.

Or go find your safe zone, the one Republicans create where guns are not permitted because they are afraid of their own base.
Those Right wing Pieces of shit are pure ass PUSSY...they love to gay bait and feminize liberals but the Rube Pussy Cannot handle aggressive Liberals without breaking down crying and whining about "Open Debate...they love it though when the Shit Gibbon Orange anus makes Fun of the Disabled...they Love that Macho Alpha stuff LOL
Can't take the heat when its shoved back down your throat then go play in the kiddie pool with the rest of the conservative snowflakes.

Or go find your safe zone, the one Republicans create where guns are not permitted because they are afraid of their own base.
Those Right wing Pieces of shit are pure ass PUSSY...they love to gay bait and feminize liberals but the Rube Pussy Cannot handle aggressive Liberals without breaking down crying and whining about "Open Debate...they love it though when the Shit Gibbon Orange anus makes Fun of the Disabled...they Love that Macho Alpha stuff LOL

Damn, you ok son?
Or go find your safe zone, the one Republicans create where guns are not permitted because they are afraid of their own base
Those Right wing Pieces of shit are pure ass PUSSY...they love to gay bait and feminize liberals but the Rube Pussy Cannot handle aggressive Liberals without breaking down crying and whining about "Open Debate...they love it though when the Shit Gibbon Orange anus makes Fun of the Disabled...they Love that Macho Alpha stuff LOL
Damn, you ok son?

Speaking of Pure Pussy types.....there is one....they love what the Orange anus delivers to others but they whine so much when they get delivered on..

'Are conservatives “special snowflakes”...?


Again, 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are thin-skinned, easily offended, and who can not embrace reality...who can't come up with ideas / words of their own so they rely on parroting what they hear / are told... the OP, starting a new thread to try to describe Conservatives by using a term for Democrats... :p

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