Are conservatives “special snowflakes” when it comes to discourse they don't like?

'Are conservatives “special snowflakes”...?


Again, 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are thin-skinned, easily offended, and who can not embrace reality...who can't come up with ideas / words of their own so they rely on parroting what they hear / are told... the OP, starting a new thread to try to describe Conservatives by using a term for Democrats... :p
My term for you is "Right Wing Fuck Hole Pussy":321: Fits you so Perfectly
Just look at how conservatives whine and howl when anyone marches in the street or is loud at a protest. Cons just go find your safe space in your parents basement and pull the blanky over your head.

You special snowflakes cower at the drop of a hat.
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting

Conservatives have an inborn need to control other people. And when these derps gain power in a state or on a federal level they use the power to control and usurp Constitutional law.

Republicans don't want ANYONE speaking ill of their dear leader or their brainless schemes. Bush Jr. did his best to isolate and shut up protesters as well. This also fits in with the Republican efforts to stop as many people from voting as possible.

Freedom of speech and the right to vote. Both of these things are dangerous to the Republican cause.

Indeed. They are extremely authoritarian when it comes to speech, while they're constantly whining that their right to free speech is being "oppressed." There is no reasoning with these people. They're nuts.

^^^^ spoken like a true Snowflake bedwetter.

We want an open honest debate, you nuts just don't understand that when you are proven wrong you should walk away, instead you blame the loss on

Racism, sexism or whatever ism that suits your fancy.

"Open debate" is the absolute LAST thing your side wants, that's for damn sure. Just take a look at any thread posted here on this forum. What you want is propaganda, bullshit, fake news, dogma, and demagoguery.

That's a laugh. The left always runs away from debate with their tails between they're legs whining about one "ism" or another.
'Are conservatives “special snowflakes”...?


Again, 'Snowflake' is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are thin-skinned, easily offended, and who can not embrace reality...who can't come up with ideas / words of their own so they rely on parroting what they hear / are told... the OP, starting a new thread to try to describe Conservatives by using a term for Democrats... :p

Bed wetters is also an appropriate description as well.
It is hilarious to watch snowflakes reduced to childish, sour-grapes, sore-loser, butt-hurt loser pathetic threads like this after over 1,000 political positions lost in 8 years and 2 back-to-back historic, record-setting losses.

It's even funnier than watching Chucky Shumer BEG the GOP to let him pick their USS Justice.


Poor snowflakes. It's going to be a long 4 - 8 years. :p
Bed wetters is also an appropriate description as well.
Trump Rube ..Pussy is one of my faves for Fuck Holes like you all that worship an Orange POS No one can deny you Rubes love to dish it out but then start crying about "open debate" Fuck off weaklings
No, Trump won because Snowflakes became self-appointed rulers who ran the worst candidate in US history...


The worst Candidate in US History Received nearly 3 million more votes than the Orange Anus Rube Funky Hole ...never forget you are a Rube and a Fuck hole
Bed wetters is also an appropriate description as well.
Trump Rube ..Pussy is one of my faves for Fuck Holes like you all that worship an Orange POS No one can deny you Rubes love to dish it out but then start crying about "open debate" Fuck off weaklings

Lol, hemroid rage?

Still waiting for the proof of Trump collusion with the Russians. Been, what, 8 months you bed wetting snowflakes been whining about it?

Still nothing?

It's what bed wetters do.
Are you F'ing kidding? It is not even close. Conservatives didn't like, but we accepted the results of the Obama elections. We didn't protest like spoiled kids against he election results. You morons did it with Bush and now you are doing it with Trump.

Name the last college speaker or any speaker shut down by conservatives? Heck a conservative speaker gets assault on colleges.

The tea party was civil and obtained permits. The occupy movement, BLM and all liberal movements do not obtain permits, block street and highways and always end in violence and vandalism!

You have to be mentally disable to not see this!

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No, Trump won because Snowflakes became self-appointed rulers who ran the worst candidate in US history...


The worst Candidate in US History Received nearly 3 million more votes than the Orange Anus Rube Funky Hole ...never forget you are a Rube and a Fuck hole

Must have been a horrible candidate if she thinks that how we elect a President.

My sympathies
Still waiting for the proof of Trump collusion with the Russians. Been, what?, 8 months you bed wetting snowflakes been whining about it.


Rube Fuck Holes like you never ask "How come Trump who is President cannot come up with any proof "Obama Tapped".."...The Reason for that is that you "Clean debate" advocates are in reality Weak Trump Pussy bait
Still waiting for the proof of Trump collusion with the Russians. Been, what?, 8 months you bed wetting snowflakes been whining about it.


Rube Fuck Holes like you never ask "How come Trump who is President cannot come up with any proof "Obama Tapped".."...The Reason for that is that you "Clean debate" advocates are in reality Weak Trump Pussy bait

8 months of accusations about Trumps collusion with the Russians and still....


Get your ass up and change those sheets. They're smelling up the whole trailer
Are you F'ing kidding? It is not even close. Conservatives didn't like, but we accepted the results of the Obama elections.

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Boy the Rube Pussy Keeps showing up eh Fuck off Rube

Obama won the popular vote by 10 million the first time and five million the second....Trump lost the popular vote by 2.1 percent nearly 3 million votes

it's plausible Trump incited violence, federal judge rules in OK'ing ...
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Lawsuit Accusing Trump Of Inciting Rally Violence Gets Green Light ...
Judge to Trump: No free speech protection for lawsuit over rally ...
Judge Rules Lawsuit Against Trump Can Proceed Because Inciting ...
A judge rules Trump may have incited violence … and Trump again ...

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