Are Corporations People ?

I'm taking significant exception to M.Romney's comment that 'Corporations are People!" as I've just seen on CSPAN.

I don't recall any corporations being drafted to serve in Vietnam.

I don't believe that corporations have a right to vote in any civil elections in this country including federal elections.

I'm a little uncertain as to whether 'corporate people' are allowed to bear arms in this country.

May I marry a corporate body, independent of its stated sexual orientation?

Can corporations be deported upon being found to engaged in illegal overseas activities or defrauding the government of this country?

Can a corporation be sentenced to federal or state prison for violating the laws of this country?

For some reason, Mr. Romney is very confused about the nature of people and abstractions about people and should apologize to the people of this country before he is mistaken for another 'silly' Republican who is a token of the corporate citizens he serves.

I suppose that its no wonder that the US now relies on a mercenary armed force (voluntary is a bit of a stretch given the costs and budget requirements, particularly for the Nato generals,etc contributing a couple thousand members combined).

Over half of military support overseas is sub-contracted out to corporations able to deal with the corruption that occurs there. But that's just the military-industrial complex all grown up, despite Eisenhower's warnings so long ago.

Corporations are legal fictions to allow groups of people to avoid individual responsibility for their actions. It seemed like a good idea at the time to encourage business.

They're not "people" however corporations are treated as individual entities for taxation purposes.
Which corporation got the needle for killing over 10,000 people in Bhopal, India?

Substantiate your claims, I don't need to substantiate mine - mine are facts.

What totalitarian Marxist got the needle for murdering 2,000,000 Cambodians in a 4-year span??

What totalitarian Marxist got the needle for murdering 65,000,000 in China over a 25-year span?

What totalitarian Marxist got the needle for murdering 65,000,000 in the USSR over a 12-year span?

You want me to keep going?

What North Vietnamese Marxist dictator regime murdered upwards of 1.3 million people over a span of 40 years??

Wow the evil capitalists eh??
I'm taking significant exception to M.Romney's comment that 'Corporations are People!" as I've just seen on CSPAN.

I don't recall any corporations being drafted to serve in Vietnam.

I don't believe that corporations have a right to vote in any civil elections in this country including federal elections.

I'm a little uncertain as to whether 'corporate people' are allowed to bear arms in this country.

May I marry a corporate body, independent of its stated sexual orientation?

Can corporations be deported upon being found to engaged in illegal overseas activities or defrauding the government of this country?

Can a corporation be sentenced to federal or state prison for violating the laws of this country?

For some reason, Mr. Romney is very confused about the nature of people and abstractions about people and should apologize to the people of this country before he is mistaken for another 'silly' Republican who is a token of the corporate citizens he serves.

I suppose that its no wonder that the US now relies on a mercenary armed force (voluntary is a bit of a stretch given the costs and budget requirements, particularly for the Nato generals,etc contributing a couple thousand members combined).

Over half of military support overseas is sub-contracted out to corporations able to deal with the corruption that occurs there. But that's just the military-industrial complex all grown up, despite Eisenhower's warnings so long ago.

Corporations are legal fictions to allow groups of people to avoid individual responsibility for their actions. It seemed like a good idea at the time to encourage business.

The Shareholders who own them certainly are.

Are Unions people? The Members are.
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Corporations are legal fictions to allow groups of people to avoid individual responsibility for their actions. It seemed like a good idea at the time to encourage business.

With out those so called "legal Fictions" People would not take risks, and start as many Businesses as we do. I know when I had my Roofing Company I incorporated. I would have never even tried it if I could not have. I would have had to risk my home, and everything I had on the chance that it worked out.

The Idea of incorporation is meant to make it easier for a Business to succeed. With a sole proprietorship if the business fails, or you get sued over something. All your personal assets are at risk. How is it you libs can't see that with out the Ability Incorporate, Millions of Businesses would have never been.
I'm taking significant exception to M.Romney's comment that 'Corporations are People!" as I've just seen on CSPAN.

I don't recall any corporations being drafted to serve in Vietnam.

I don't believe that corporations have a right to vote in any civil elections in this country including federal elections.

I'm a little uncertain as to whether 'corporate people' are allowed to bear arms in this country.

May I marry a corporate body, independent of its stated sexual orientation?

Can corporations be deported upon being found to engaged in illegal overseas activities or defrauding the government of this country?

Can a corporation be sentenced to federal or state prison for violating the laws of this country?

For some reason, Mr. Romney is very confused about the nature of people and abstractions about people and should apologize to the people of this country before he is mistaken for another 'silly' Republican who is a token of the corporate citizens he serves.

I suppose that its no wonder that the US now relies on a mercenary armed force (voluntary is a bit of a stretch given the costs and budget requirements, particularly for the Nato generals,etc contributing a couple thousand members combined).

Over half of military support overseas is sub-contracted out to corporations able to deal with the corruption that occurs there. But that's just the military-industrial complex all grown up, despite Eisenhower's warnings so long ago.

Corporations are legal fictions to allow groups of people to avoid individual responsibility for their actions. It seemed like a good idea at the time to encourage business.

Corporations? Are Unions people? Liberal senators Feingold and McCain confused us all with the poorly written "campaign finance bill" that former president Bush signed into law. We have time limits that prevent a bunch of people chipping in their resources to buy air time for a political commercial but we have Soros propaganda network tax exempt and free to try to influence voters right up to election day. The supreme Court ruled that for the purpose of political donations that corporations have the same rights as anyone else so your question is moot.
I'm taking significant exception to M.Romney's comment that 'Corporations are People!" as I've just seen on CSPAN.

I don't recall any corporations being drafted to serve in Vietnam.

I don't believe that corporations have a right to vote in any civil elections in this country including federal elections.

I'm a little uncertain as to whether 'corporate people' are allowed to bear arms in this country.

May I marry a corporate body, independent of its stated sexual orientation?

Can corporations be deported upon being found to engaged in illegal overseas activities or defrauding the government of this country?

Can a corporation be sentenced to federal or state prison for violating the laws of this country?

For some reason, Mr. Romney is very confused about the nature of people and abstractions about people and should apologize to the people of this country before he is mistaken for another 'silly' Republican who is a token of the corporate citizens he serves.

I suppose that its no wonder that the US now relies on a mercenary armed force (voluntary is a bit of a stretch given the costs and budget requirements, particularly for the Nato generals,etc contributing a couple thousand members combined).

Over half of military support overseas is sub-contracted out to corporations able to deal with the corruption that occurs there. But that's just the military-industrial complex all grown up, despite Eisenhower's warnings so long ago.

Corporations are legal fictions to allow groups of people to avoid individual responsibility for their actions. It seemed like a good idea at the time to encourage business.

Corporations are groups of people. Personally, I hate groups, but I do not discriminate against them just because they want to get together and do things. The rest of your post makes as much sense as anyone who has no idea what they are talking about does.
People peaceably assemble under the banner of the legal fiction known as "corporation", the same way they do in gatherings known as "picnics".

Without people, you have neither.

Picnics have rights?
14th Amendment, Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific "persons" are not people, they're "persons".....Big difference.
Corps finally have enough control of the govt that they are edging out of the closet.

And talk about mega obesity, Too big to fail?
They need to be put on a diet.
Here's what's causing the confusion.....per Merriam-Webster:

Definition of CORPORATION
- a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild b : the municipal authorities of a town or city

- a body formed and authorized by law to act as a single person although constituted by one or more persons and legally endowed with various rights and duties including the capacity of succession

- an association of employers and employees in a basic industry or of members of a profession organized as an organ of political representation in a corporative state

It is the second definition that our SCOTUS has taken to the extreme....which now allows a corporation to be recognized outside of the specific boundries of the business it was created to address.

My major problem with the current status of corporations regarding campaign donations is that UNDER THE LAW an individual CEO CANNOT use corporate profits as their personal piggy bank to donate to campaigns.


Under the new SCOTUS ruling, that same CEO ALONG WITH CONSENSUS OF HIS BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND MANAGEMENT can now have the Corporation THEY RUN to do exactly what they as individuals are prohibited to do.

Sounds a bit convoluted, but that's of little concern to those who want to exert as much unequal advantage against opponents as possible. Another thing that I find interesting is the clause where corporate donations to campaigns does NOT have to be identified. So if you are a shareholder in a major corporation, you might want to find out to what cause and to whom Mr. Corporation (he's a person now, you know), is giving YOUR money to.
People peaceably assemble under the banner of the legal fiction known as "corporation", the same way they do in gatherings known as "picnics".

Without people, you have neither.

Picnics have rights?
14th Amendment, Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific "persons" are not people, they're "persons".....Big difference.

What's that have to do with picnics.

In any case..Not every decision handed down from the courts is a good one..

Dred Scott - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Korematsu v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plessy v. Ferguson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here's what's causing the confusion.....per Merriam-Webster:

Definition of CORPORATION
- a group of merchants or traders united in a trade guild b : the municipal authorities of a town or city

- a body formed and authorized by law to act as a single person although constituted by one or more persons and legally endowed with various rights and duties including the capacity of succession

- an association of employers and employees in a basic industry or of members of a profession organized as an organ of political representation in a corporative state

It is the second definition that our SCOTUS has taken to the extreme....which now allows a corporation to be recognized outside of the specific boundries of the business it was created to address.

My major problem with the current status of corporations regarding campaign donations is that UNDER THE LAW an individual CEO CANNOT use corporate profits as their personal piggy bank to donate to campaigns.


Under the new SCOTUS ruling, that same CEO ALONG WITH CONSENSUS OF HIS BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND MANAGEMENT can now have the Corporation THEY RUN to do exactly what they as individuals are prohibited to do.

Sounds a bit convoluted, but that's of little concern to those who want to exert as much unequal advantage against opponents as possible. Another thing that I find interesting is the clause where corporate donations to campaigns does NOT have to be identified. So if you are a shareholder in a major corporation, you might want to find out to what cause and to whom Mr. Corporation (he's a person now, you know), is giving YOUR money to.
There's no confusion, except amongst those who are semantically illiterate.

While the legal fiction known as "corporation" is a 14th Amendment "person" insofar as legal matters are concerned, Romney was pointing out that the corporation doesn't exist without people to make it go.

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