Are Corporations People ?

Considering that the majority of progressives are government er taxpayer dependents, the notion that businesses are treated as individuals for tax purposes is alien to them because they don't pay taxes and have no idea why a perfectly good profitable business isn't excessively being taxed in this crisis to support them for nothing.
Substantiate your claims, I don't need to substantiate mine - mine are facts.

What totalitarian Marxist got the needle for murdering 2,000,000 Cambodians in a 4-year span??

What totalitarian Marxist got the needle for murdering 65,000,000 in China over a 25-year span?

What totalitarian Marxist got the needle for murdering 65,000,000 in the USSR over a 12-year span?

You want me to keep going?

What North Vietnamese Marxist dictator regime murdered upwards of 1.3 million people over a span of 40 years??

Wow the evil capitalists eh??

Who said we supported that either? Nice strawman there Nick.

The dumb motherfuckers that sell Marxist literature at progressive events, the dickheads progressives who walk around in their Che Guevara t-shirts... The morons that keep the "little red book" in their back pocket, the labor unions that run around spewing shit out the naked communist, the fucking progressives that implement authoritarian and collectivist ideas in a individualist nation.

Progressives are either one of two things - Marxists or stupid.

I don't know who you hang out with, but I've never seen any of those thing save the Guevara shrts..and they are usually young punks that don't know what the fuck they are saying anyway.
Considering that the majority of progressives are government er taxpayer dependents, the notion that businesses are treated as individuals for tax purposes is alien to them because they don't pay taxes and have no idea why a perfectly good profitable business isn't excessively being taxed in this crisis to support them for nothing.

What a bunch of shit. you love to make shit up, don't you? Repeat it enough times and hope it becomes "truth"?

AM Radio has taught you well.
Are corporations people on taxes?
If so why cannot I take expenses to work as a deduction. Gas driving to and from work, clothes, my education, etc. Corporation takes all these deductions including their half of my SS contributions which I cannot deduct my half.
I also have never seen a corporation in prison for crimes.
And they have even less birth certificates than Obama does.

You can deduct gasoline for driving to and from work, and everything else. If you did you would probably end up with less that the standard deduction, which is why most people do not bother to itemize, not to mention all the extra hassle involved in keeping all the receipts and the paperwork.

Anything else?
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BTW... if Corporations are people, shouldn't the ones that are supporting, expanding and strengthening a Communist government be tried for treason?
Corporate personhood should be reverted back to pre 1886 law. At this point, there was limited liability, but corporations could only be chartered for a specific span of time and for a specific purpose. Lawyers made a mess out of it as usual. To argue that corporations should have the same "rights" as an actual person made the original intent of the Fourteenth Amendment a joke.
Corporate personhood should be reverted back to pre 1886 law. At this point, there was limited liability, but corporations could only be chartered for a specific span of time and for a specific purpose. Lawyers made a mess out of it as usual. To argue that corporations should have the same "rights" as an actual person made the original intent of the Fourteenth Amendment a joke.
The 14th Amendment itself is a joke.

Repeal that monstrosity and the rest just goes away.
The dumb motherfuckers that sell Marxist literature at progressive events, the dickheads progressives who walk around in their Che Guevara t-shirts... The morons that keep the "little red book" in their back pocket, the labor unions that run around spewing shit out the naked communist, the fucking progressives that implement authoritarian and collectivist ideas in a individualist nation.

Progressives are either one of two things - Marxists or stupid.

I don't know who you hang out with, but I've never seen any of those thing save the Guevara shrts..and they are usually young punks that don't know what the fuck they are saying anyway.

Another thing about progressives is that they are all liars. They believe lying for the cause is a virtue.
I'll tell you what Bripat and oddball... I don't give a shit what you think of me.

When have I ever endorsed Communism? When have I ever endorsed anything but a Capitalist system with socialist safety nets? oh... that's right, NEVER.

I am not the radical here.... You dumb fucks are. It's in every post you make, every sentence you spew. you are true believers... Shiite Republicans. AM radio and FoxNews gave you your own version of Sharia law and you are too dumb to realize it.
I thought Romney was trying to say that corporations are made up of people, just like the gov't. People work there, people invest their money in corps, when you denigrate a corp you are really denigrating the people who run it, no? Same as the gov't, if you denigrate Congress you're really pissed at the people in Congress.

That I think was Romney's point, my Lord is it really worth arguing over?
I thought Romney was trying to say that corporations are made up of people, just like the gov't. People work there, people invest their money in corps, when you denigrate a corp you are really denigrating the people who run it, no? Same as the gov't, if you denigrate Congress you're really pissed at the people in Congress.

That I think was Romney's point, my Lord is it really worth arguing over?

Evidently it is worth "arguing over" if people incorrectly interperate Romney's statement. In recent history, we've seen corporations downsize, outsource and hide assets in off shore accounts when relieved of government oversite and given tax breaks and loopholes. Mind you, the people who are the corporations labor sure as hell don't get a say in how the corporation operates...nor do they see the lion's share of the largesse that a corporation produces. Treating a piece of paper likes it's a living, breathing citizen/human being is totally absurd, because a corporation is a BUSINESS, NOT A PERSON. PERIOD....YOU DON'T TRADE PEOPLE ON WALL ST. OR THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE, BUT YOU SURE AS HELL CAN TRADE A CORPORATION'S STOCK!

The sheer stupidity in trying to convince people that this 2 + 2=5 ideology is sound would be dismissed if the conservative shills on the SCOTUS had not overstepped their boundries in the Citizens United ruling. God help us all.

Ron Paul makes sense once again.

Obviously they’re not. People are individuals, they’re not groups and they’re not companies. Individuals have rights, they’re not collective. You can’t duck that. So individuals should be responsible for corporations, but they shouldn’t be a new creature, so to speak. Rights and obligations should be always back to the individual.
I believe corporations are like unions, churches, and synagogues in that they are shields behind which people can hide from litigation. Corporations are "entities"; they are not referred to as he or she but as it. We do not refer to people as "it". Business men and women need shields to protect them from their victims - be they other companies, corporations, partnerships or the general public. The United States, its 50 states, president, members of congress and supreme court justices are protected by "sovereign immunity" which basically means they cannot be sued in their official capacity. People who form corporations do so for the same reason, protection. Imagine, if "we the people" could sue corrupt politicians for their misdeeds! Imagine, if greedy corporations bent on poisoning or endangering the lives of citizens could have their owners sued or brought up on criminal charges. If you or I tried to poison someone, we would be on trial for murder; if a corporation tries to poison hundreds of thousands by contaminating water, through fracking, for example; they get a slap on the wrist. Why be a person when you can be an entity? Is there anything better than sovereign immunity?
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Considering that the majority of progressives are government er taxpayer dependents, the notion that businesses are treated as individuals for tax purposes is alien to them because they don't pay taxes and have no idea why a perfectly good profitable business isn't excessively being taxed in this crisis to support them for nothing.

Stereotypes and over generalizations make for extremely poor arguments.

Corporate personhood should be reverted back to pre 1886 law. At this point, there was limited liability, but corporations could only be chartered for a specific span of time and for a specific purpose. Lawyers made a mess out of it as usual. To argue that corporations should have the same "rights" as an actual person made the original intent of the Fourteenth Amendment a joke.
The 14th Amendment itself is a joke.

Repeal that monstrosity and the rest just goes away.

Yes, rights for minorities- what a monstrosity! :lol:

The problem is not with the 14th Amendment. The problem exists because lawyers, being the scum that they usually are, used the 14th Amendment to further corporate interests. What is most disturbing is that the courts actually allowed it.
A bandwagon for the OWS crowd to jump onto...
L.A. calls for end to 'corporate personhood'
December 6, 2011 | At a packed City Council meeting that included remarks from a man in a top hat with fake money tucked in the pocket of his suit, Los Angeles lawmakers Tuesday called for more regulations on how much corporations can spend on political campaigns.
The vote in support of state and federal legislation that would end so-called "corporate personhood” is largely symbolic. But activist Mary Beth Fielder, who spoke in favor of the resolution, called it “a symbol that’s going to be heard around the world.” The council resolution includes support for a constitutional amendment that would assert that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights, and that spending money is not a form of free speech. City Council President Eric Garcetti, the resolution's sponsor, said such actios are necessary because “big special interest money” is behind much of the gridlock in Washington.

He blamed a 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission, which rolled back legal restrictions on corporate spending on the grounds that political speech by a business entity should receive the same 1st Amendment protections that people do. It allows corporations and other groups to spend unlimited money on behalf of candidates, although limits on how much they can contribute directly to candidates remain. “The flood of money since Citizens United is literally drowning out our voices,” said Garcetti, who is running for mayor in 2013. “If we’re going to be moving forward in this country, we need less special interest money in the political process.”

Councilman Richard Alarcon, who also supported the resolution, said corporations are “trying to take over every aspect of our lives.” “Corporations are at the wheel of America,” Alarcon said. “And they are driving us to destruction.” Corporations, of course, are frequent contributors in Los Angeles elections, and each of the council members who spoke in favor of the resolution have been the beneficiaries of such spending. Since 2007, for example, Alarcon has received nearly $5,000 in campaign donations from three corporations and their political action committees: Clear Channel, Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures.

Around 100 people showed up to support the resolution, including members of Occupy L.A. There was only one dissenter, a man dressed in jest like the mogul from Monopoly. He was there to represent the wealthy, he said, before pleading with the council: "Please don't vote for this." For the record, 3:36 p.m. Dec. 7: A previous version of this post referred to Mary Beth Fielder, who spoke in favor of the resolution, as an anti-corporate activist. Fielder says she is not anti-corporate, simply against corporations having undue influence in politics.

I wonder why people have such little interest in this topic. Without corporate personhood, many of our worst problems in this nation would be solved.
For purposes of the court, corporations are fictitious persons having all the rights, responsibilities and privileges afforded to other court proceedings.

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