Are Democrats racist for treating White Voters as their enemy?

"some"? ZERO Democrats attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem.
There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.

So that excuses the ones on the Left who support BDS, which if passed basically ends Israel? Stop it.
I believe the United States should pay Israel more for its long history of antisemitism. Most Democrats don't support BDS. Most people who shoot up Synagogues do support Trump.

That is crazy there are 100x more BDS supporters than insane shooters. Do you agree or disagree that if BDS is implemented then Israel ceases to exit?
The biggest antisemites on USMB seem to be Nazis. Impuretrash, Sobieski, Penelope, LaDairis, LaDexter. Juice. Penelope is the only one that appears to be a Democrat. Penelope epeats Nazi propaganda downplaying the Holocaust. Saying Jews started with the Nazis.

Sobieski is a pseudo Dem too. Loves Omar. The rest I attack worse than I attack you. JoeB is another Democrat who is hugely anti Jew. As is pfTinmore.
There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.

So that excuses the ones on the Left who support BDS, which if passed basically ends Israel? Stop it.
I believe the United States should pay Israel more for its long history of antisemitism. Most Democrats don't support BDS. Most people who shoot up Synagogues do support Trump.

That is crazy there are 100x more BDS supporters than insane shooters. Do you agree or disagree that if BDS is implemented then Israel ceases to exit?
The biggest antisemites on USMB seem to be Nazis. Impuretrash, Sobieski, Penelope, LaDairis, LaDexter. Juice. Penelope is the only one that appears to be a Democrat. Penelope epeats Nazi propaganda downplaying the Holocaust. Saying Jews started with the Nazis.

Sobieski is a pseudo Dem too. Loves Omar. The rest I attack worse than I attack you. JoeB is another Democrat who is hugely anti Jew. As is pfTinmore.
I don't know this forum well. Sobieski sure seems like a hardcore antisemitic Nazi. PfTimore seems like a Palestinian antisemite.
So that excuses the ones on the Left who support BDS, which if passed basically ends Israel? Stop it.
I believe the United States should pay Israel more for its long history of antisemitism. Most Democrats don't support BDS. Most people who shoot up Synagogues do support Trump.

That is crazy there are 100x more BDS supporters than insane shooters. Do you agree or disagree that if BDS is implemented then Israel ceases to exit?
The biggest antisemites on USMB seem to be Nazis. Impuretrash, Sobieski, Penelope, LaDairis, LaDexter. Juice. Penelope is the only one that appears to be a Democrat. Penelope epeats Nazi propaganda downplaying the Holocaust. Saying Jews started with the Nazis.

Sobieski is a pseudo Dem too. Loves Omar. The rest I attack worse than I attack you. JoeB is another Democrat who is hugely anti Jew. As is pfTinmore.
I don't know this forum well. Sobieski sure seems like a hardcore antisemitic Nazi. PfTimore seems like a Palestinian antisemite.

Jfranco is a NY Liberal and hates Jews as is right winger...oxymoron as he is a left winger from Buffalo and also is pro BDS. As is Deanrd. A lot of Leftists who support BDS, which we agree means the end of Israel.
I believe the United States should pay Israel more for its long history of antisemitism. Most Democrats don't support BDS. Most people who shoot up Synagogues do support Trump.

That is crazy there are 100x more BDS supporters than insane shooters. Do you agree or disagree that if BDS is implemented then Israel ceases to exit?
The biggest antisemites on USMB seem to be Nazis. Impuretrash, Sobieski, Penelope, LaDairis, LaDexter. Juice. Penelope is the only one that appears to be a Democrat. Penelope epeats Nazi propaganda downplaying the Holocaust. Saying Jews started with the Nazis.

Sobieski is a pseudo Dem too. Loves Omar. The rest I attack worse than I attack you. JoeB is another Democrat who is hugely anti Jew. As is pfTinmore.
I don't know this forum well. Sobieski sure seems like a hardcore antisemitic Nazi. PfTimore seems like a Palestinian antisemite.

Jfranco is a NY Liberal and hates Jews as is right winger...oxymoron as he is a left winger from Buffalo and also is pro BDS. As is Deanrd. A lot of Leftists who support BDS, which we agree means the end of Israel.
I said there are Democrat antisemites. But usually the worst antisemites are Nazis. I just found another thread filled with antisemitic Nazis. Looks like LaRams, Capri, Odium are also antisemitic Trump supporters.
This NPR story about Houston's demographic changes beautifully illustrates how the Democratic Party regards white people to be the problem in America. The Democrat “big tent” is actually highly racist. The Racist Democratic Party is on a mission to make white voters the minority ASAP. Will the last white Democrat Voter please turn-off the lights when you leave.
.....without a doubt-NPR is anti-white and they get federally funding !!!!
That is crazy there are 100x more BDS supporters than insane shooters. Do you agree or disagree that if BDS is implemented then Israel ceases to exit?
The biggest antisemites on USMB seem to be Nazis. Impuretrash, Sobieski, Penelope, LaDairis, LaDexter. Juice. Penelope is the only one that appears to be a Democrat. Penelope epeats Nazi propaganda downplaying the Holocaust. Saying Jews started with the Nazis.

Sobieski is a pseudo Dem too. Loves Omar. The rest I attack worse than I attack you. JoeB is another Democrat who is hugely anti Jew. As is pfTinmore.
I don't know this forum well. Sobieski sure seems like a hardcore antisemitic Nazi. PfTimore seems like a Palestinian antisemite.

Jfranco is a NY Liberal and hates Jews as is right winger...oxymoron as he is a left winger from Buffalo and also is pro BDS. As is Deanrd. A lot of Leftists who support BDS, which we agree means the end of Israel.
I said there are Democrat antisemites. But usually the worst antisemites are Nazis. I just found another thread filled with antisemitic Nazis. Looks like LaRams, Capri, Odium are also antisemitic Trump supporters.

LA Rams is a Democrat. Don’t know Capri. Odium is filth and yes a Trump supporter.
The biggest antisemites on USMB seem to be Nazis. Impuretrash, Sobieski, Penelope, LaDairis, LaDexter. Juice. Penelope is the only one that appears to be a Democrat. Penelope epeats Nazi propaganda downplaying the Holocaust. Saying Jews started with the Nazis.

Sobieski is a pseudo Dem too. Loves Omar. The rest I attack worse than I attack you. JoeB is another Democrat who is hugely anti Jew. As is pfTinmore.
I don't know this forum well. Sobieski sure seems like a hardcore antisemitic Nazi. PfTimore seems like a Palestinian antisemite.

Jfranco is a NY Liberal and hates Jews as is right winger...oxymoron as he is a left winger from Buffalo and also is pro BDS. As is Deanrd. A lot of Leftists who support BDS, which we agree means the end of Israel.
I said there are Democrat antisemites. But usually the worst antisemites are Nazis. I just found another thread filled with antisemitic Nazis. Looks like LaRams, Capri, Odium are also antisemitic Trump supporters.

LA Rams is a Democrat. Don’t know Capri. Odium is filth and yes a Trump supporter.
This poll shows Democrats care more about antisemitism than Republicans.Anti-Semitism: Republicans vs. Democrats
Sobieski is a pseudo Dem too. Loves Omar. The rest I attack worse than I attack you. JoeB is another Democrat who is hugely anti Jew. As is pfTinmore.
I don't know this forum well. Sobieski sure seems like a hardcore antisemitic Nazi. PfTimore seems like a Palestinian antisemite.

Jfranco is a NY Liberal and hates Jews as is right winger...oxymoron as he is a left winger from Buffalo and also is pro BDS. As is Deanrd. A lot of Leftists who support BDS, which we agree means the end of Israel.
I said there are Democrat antisemites. But usually the worst antisemites are Nazis. I just found another thread filled with antisemitic Nazis. Looks like LaRams, Capri, Odium are also antisemitic Trump supporters.

LA Rams is a Democrat. Don’t know Capri. Odium is filth and yes a Trump supporter.
This poll shows Democrats care more about antisemitism than Republicans.Anti-Semitism: Republicans vs. Democrats

Then explain why not one attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem and why all of BDS crap comes from the Left?
I don't know this forum well. Sobieski sure seems like a hardcore antisemitic Nazi. PfTimore seems like a Palestinian antisemite.

Jfranco is a NY Liberal and hates Jews as is right winger...oxymoron as he is a left winger from Buffalo and also is pro BDS. As is Deanrd. A lot of Leftists who support BDS, which we agree means the end of Israel.
I said there are Democrat antisemites. But usually the worst antisemites are Nazis. I just found another thread filled with antisemitic Nazis. Looks like LaRams, Capri, Odium are also antisemitic Trump supporters.

LA Rams is a Democrat. Don’t know Capri. Odium is filth and yes a Trump supporter.
This poll shows Democrats care more about antisemitism than Republicans.Anti-Semitism: Republicans vs. Democrats

Then explain why not one attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem and why all of BDS crap comes from the Left?
Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. I didn't say everything the Democrats did was perfect. Democrats are far better than Trump.
Jfranco is a NY Liberal and hates Jews as is right winger...oxymoron as he is a left winger from Buffalo and also is pro BDS. As is Deanrd. A lot of Leftists who support BDS, which we agree means the end of Israel.
I said there are Democrat antisemites. But usually the worst antisemites are Nazis. I just found another thread filled with antisemitic Nazis. Looks like LaRams, Capri, Odium are also antisemitic Trump supporters.

LA Rams is a Democrat. Don’t know Capri. Odium is filth and yes a Trump supporter.
This poll shows Democrats care more about antisemitism than Republicans.Anti-Semitism: Republicans vs. Democrats

Then explain why not one attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem and why all of BDS crap comes from the Left?
Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. I didn't say everything the Democrats did was perfect. Democrats are far better than Trump.

Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and doesn’t support BDS like the Democrats do. Do you agree that BDS would be the end of Israel?
I said there are Democrat antisemites. But usually the worst antisemites are Nazis. I just found another thread filled with antisemitic Nazis. Looks like LaRams, Capri, Odium are also antisemitic Trump supporters.

LA Rams is a Democrat. Don’t know Capri. Odium is filth and yes a Trump supporter.
This poll shows Democrats care more about antisemitism than Republicans.Anti-Semitism: Republicans vs. Democrats

Then explain why not one attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem and why all of BDS crap comes from the Left?
Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. I didn't say everything the Democrats did was perfect. Democrats are far better than Trump.

Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and doesn’t support BDS like the Democrats do. Do you agree that BDS would be the end of Israel?
Israel will survive. But BDS will hurt Israel.
Typical Nazi who thinks Democrats are out to get his white people.
Typical racist demagogue dumb liberal bigot who thinks that white voters are a problem.
Many Democrats are white.
And many more white people are former Democrats.

White Democrats are nothing more than useful idiots for the endless racists who now dominate the Democratic party.
Democrats help to end racism.Here's a hint. Democrats don't shoot up synagogues, black churches, and Mexicans at Walmart.

Nor do they run over innocent people with their cars at "Unite The Right Rallies".
Typical Nazi who thinks Democrats are out to get his white people.
Typical racist demagogue dumb liberal bigot who thinks that white voters are a problem.
Many Democrats are white.
And many more white people are former Democrats.

White Democrats are nothing more than useful idiots for the endless racists who now dominate the Democratic party.
Democrats help to end racism.Here's a hint. Democrats don't shoot up synagogues, black churches, and Mexicans at Walmart.

Nor do they run over innocent people with their cars at "Unite The Right Rallies".
Illegal Aliens kill about 4500 people per year in America.
Republicans are against crime, including mass shooters and white racist hate crimes.
Democrats register criminals to vote, including white supremacist criminals.
" Dealing In Obfuscation And Make Believe "

* Matters Of Historical Perspective *

There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.
The left holds its hand out for contributions from a slush funds for propaganda to facilitate the pretentious supremacy for arab cultural hegemony , along with its sectarian , supremacist , bigoted , intolerant fictional ishmaelism that includes tenets and edicts of creed that it maintains against non violence principles and against individual liberty .

Numbers translate into votes and into political policy and those vying to establish social and political controls for fictional ishmaelism through immigration are directed by doctrine to emigrate with a tenet of creed to proselytize and to literally manifest its edict for Hisbah - Wikipedia " over all religion " .

In other respects , those seeking to establish torahnism are supported by those supporting qurayshism .
LA Rams is a Democrat. Don’t know Capri. Odium is filth and yes a Trump supporter.
This poll shows Democrats care more about antisemitism than Republicans.Anti-Semitism: Republicans vs. Democrats

Then explain why not one attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem and why all of BDS crap comes from the Left?
Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. I didn't say everything the Democrats did was perfect. Democrats are far better than Trump.

Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and doesn’t support BDS like the Democrats do. Do you agree that BDS would be the end of Israel?
Israel will survive. But BDS will hurt Israel.

How would they survive with boycott, divestment and sanctions? They would be destroyed.
The republicans seem to think that they deserve my vote because I am a white middle-class person. But look at their shitty platform and policies. Why would I want to be party to that crap? I don't support monkeys like trump and pigpence. Moreover, as a woman, I would never support their misogynist ways and religious-cult antics. I have to look out for my up-and-coming sisters. We only have two viable political parties in the U.S., and the republicans chose to represent only a minority of us, giving me no choice but to support Democratic candidates. The republicans made their own bed. Now they have to lie in it.
You are too stupid to be a Republican.

As is the case with a lot of Democrats, especially white ones.

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