Are Democrats racist for treating White Voters as their enemy?

Democrats are racist and antisemitic and overtly so.
Most of these attacks on Jews aren't by Democrats.
List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia

Omar and Tlaib are Democrats
They are antisemites. How many did they kill?

You don’t have to kill to be one. Why the sock account?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.
Typical Nazi who thinks Democrats are out to get his white people.
Typical racist demagogue dumb liberal bigot who thinks that white voters are a problem.
Many Democrats are white.
If the Democrats keep up their relentless hate mongering there will be few white Democrat voters.
If stupid and psychotic white people weren't the only white people allowed to have a voice in society there would be like 100 white Democrats in the entire country.
Why is it all the smart white people who run society tend to hate Trump?
Democrats are racist and antisemitic and overtly so.
Most of these attacks on Jews aren't by Democrats.
List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia

Omar and Tlaib are Democrats
They are antisemites. How many did they kill?

You don’t have to kill to be one. Why the sock account?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.

"some"? ZERO Democrats attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem.
The republicans seem to think that they deserve my vote because I am a white middle-class person. But look at their shitty platform and policies. Why would I want to be party to that crap? I don't support monkeys like trump and pigpence. Moreover, as a woman, I would never support their misogynist ways and religious-cult antics. I have to look out for my up-and-coming sisters. We only have two viable political parties in the U.S., and the republicans chose to represent only a minority of us, giving me no choice but to support Democratic candidates. The republicans made their own bed. Now they have to lie in it.
The republicans seem to think that they deserve my vote because I am a white middle-class person. But look at their shitty platform and policies. Why would I want to be party to that crap? I don't support monkeys like trump and pigpence. Moreover, as a woman, I would never support their misogynist ways and religious-cult antics. I have to look out for my up-and-coming sisters. We only have two viable political parties in the U.S., and the republicans chose to represent only a minority of us, giving me no choice but to support Democratic candidates. The republicans made their own bed. Now they have to lie in it.

I am a registered democrat since age 21 (LONG LONG ago) I voted republican only once in my life. When and if "my party" straightens up, I will vote democrat
AGAIN. "shitty platform" ?? who? misogynist? who? religious cult? which one? who made what bed? which democratic candidate is all that SUPPORTABLE
The republicans seem to think that they deserve my vote because I am a white middle-class person. But look at their shitty platform and policies. Why would I want to be party to that crap? I don't support monkeys like trump and pigpence. Moreover, as a woman, I would never support their misogynist ways and religious-cult antics. I have to look out for my up-and-coming sisters. We only have two viable political parties in the U.S., and the republicans chose to represent only a minority of us, giving me no choice but to support Democratic candidates. The republicans made their own bed. Now they have to lie in it.

What do the democrats have to offer white women other than comforting lies? How is that any different from what a religious cult offers?
Democrats are racist and antisemitic and overtly so.
Most of these attacks on Jews aren't by Democrats.
List of attacks on Jewish institutions in the United States - Wikipedia

Omar and Tlaib are Democrats
They are antisemites. How many did they kill?

You don’t have to kill to be one. Why the sock account?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.
Its good to be first among equals.
I do believe there is racism within the democrat party...many in the party's hierarchy dislike white middle America and blame them for everything...Obama said in 2012 that they were not interested in the white suburban voter...

But what it also means is they are stupid...dividing America into racial segments is dump...this is not going to work for them but they can't help themselves...they do it out of anger...anger clouds the mind and blinds the eyes and silences the ears....
and they are going to lose big in 2020 !! independents and moderate dems are either going to stay home or vote for Trump !
The republicans seem to think that they deserve my vote because I am a white middle-class person. But look at their shitty platform and policies. Why would I want to be party to that crap? I don't support monkeys like trump and pigpence. Moreover, as a woman, I would never support their misogynist ways and religious-cult antics. I have to look out for my up-and-coming sisters. We only have two viable political parties in the U.S., and the republicans chose to represent only a minority of us, giving me no choice but to support Democratic candidates. The republicans made their own bed. Now they have to lie in it.

I am a registered democrat since age 21 (LONG LONG ago) I voted republican only once in my life. When and if "my party" straightens up, I will vote democrat
AGAIN. "shitty platform" ?? who? misogynist? who? religious cult? which one? who made what bed? which democratic candidate is all that SUPPORTABLE

You are a fool. the republicans have run on a platform that is racist and misogynist. They have embraced the phony "Christian" cults. Don't you know what happened to Title X under the cults, operating against women? The devoss trying to shield rapists? The forced births with no plan to take care of the babies? Didn't you hear frankie graham, a cult leader, declaring that Islam is not a religion and Mayor Pete has to "repent"? I will not go into environmental problems, the state of our relations with other countries, our people suffering right now, here, in our coal fields, the kids in cages separated from their parents. I could go on. The republicans are responsible. They are now a party of cheap trash.
" To Much To Ridicule "

* Common Goofiness *

If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
Leviticus is a city state law from torahnism that would only apply within israel .

The mosaic law has zero to do with the gospel and zero to do with expectations for legal policy outside of israel .

* Delusional *

Women who believe in having control over their own bodies.
The constitutional basis of roe v wade is established day by day through insights provided by this pro-choice republican .

The left may have money and motivation to ensure that abortion is legal , but the left believes that artistic passion is an equal substitute for intelligence .

The progressives are idiots and the democratic party keeps promoting them over democratic moderates who appropriately described progressive policies as fantasy .

The moderate democrats deride the assault posture of the progressive coots on fossil fuels as alienating to the millions who earn their living from it , or whose future depends on it , or who have spent their entire lives in it .

The progressive democrats are promoting an anti-racist racist pogrom with a persistent mantra of " sack whitey " .
This NPR story about Houston's demographic changes beautifully illustrates how the Democratic Party regards white people to be the problem in America. The Democrat “big tent” is actually highly racist. The Racist Democratic Party is on a mission to make white voters the minority ASAP. Will the last white Democrat Voter please turn-off the lights when you leave.

They are assholes for supporting the Squad.
" To Much To Ridicule "

* Common Goofiness *

If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
Leviticus is a city state law from torahnism that would only apply within israel .

The mosaic law has zero to do with the gospel and zero to do with expectations for legal policy outside of israel .

* Delusional *

Women who believe in having control over their own bodies.
The constitutional basis of roe v wade is established day by day through insights provided by this pro-choice republican .

The left may have money and motivation to ensure that abortion is legal , but the left believes that artistic passion is an equal substitute for intelligence .

The progressives are idiots and the democratic party keeps promoting them over democratic moderates who appropriately described progressive policies as fantasy .

The moderate democrats deride the assault posture of the progressive coots on fossil fuels as alienating to the millions who earn their living from it , or whose future depends on it , or who have spent their entire lives in it .

The progressive democrats are promoting an anti-racist racist pogrom with a persistent mantra of " sack whitey " .
A couple of reasons why you edited my post.

First, this part:

According to Republicans, they are the "wrong kind" of whites.

Republicans hate white gays more than they hate African Americans, Hispanics and Muslims put together.

Republicans hate atheists even though the GOP has warped Christianity completely out of recognition.

Not something you could argue with. Republicans have a very long history of wanting gays dead or jailed or jailed first.

You also don't explain why the GOP is so close to all white, they felt comfortable saying good bye to the one African American Republican in the house and the one African American Republican in the Senate.

And finally, you said:

The moderate democrats deride the assault posture of the progressive coots on fossil fuels as alienating to the millions who earn their living from it , or whose future depends on it , or who have spent their entire lives in it .

If climate change isn't halted, there is no future. Not for anyone. Your rant is proof if your insane disdain for science and the scientific mind.

I can't argue with you because there is nothing there of substance to argue against. Propaganda is NOT substance.
" Apply When Political Policies Are Lame "

* The Answer Is Nothing *

Who did the Holocaust, Nazi?

What does a National Socialist German Workers' Party ( nazi ) have to do with anything in the us ?

Godwin's law - Wikipedia
Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1";[2][3] that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds, the point at which effectively the discussion or thread often ends.
The republicans seem to think that they deserve my vote because I am a white middle-class person. But look at their shitty platform and policies. Why would I want to be party to that crap? I don't support monkeys like trump and pigpence. Moreover, as a woman, I would never support their misogynist ways and religious-cult antics. I have to look out for my up-and-coming sisters. We only have two viable political parties in the U.S., and the republicans chose to represent only a minority of us, giving me no choice but to support Democratic candidates. The republicans made their own bed. Now they have to lie in it.
The empirical evidence that the Dems are the problem is the fact that whenever and wherever they run the government they drive-out the vital middle class taxpayers and turn our cities into dangerous ghettos. A strong prosperous middle class is vital for America. Left Wing economics enslaves and destroys the the middle class. On moral issues the Left wants an amoral culture and they loath mainstream society. Wise people from across generations and cultures determined a long time ago that amoral people self-destruct and amoral cultures self destruct. Republican Voters are the vital middle class that makes America prosperous. The Democrats are the bottom half of society that causes about 95% of our problems.
" Digression In Pieces "

* Philosophical And Religious Neophytes *

A couple of reasons why you edited my post.
Your quote was done so that you now know religious assertions of the left are incorrect and dogma .

* Making Shit Up *

First, this part:
According to Republicans, they are the "wrong kind" of whites.
Republicans hate white gays more than they hate African Americans, Hispanics and Muslims put together.
Republicans hate atheists even though the GOP has warped Christianity completely out of recognition.

Not something you could argue with. Republicans have a very long history of wanting gays dead or jailed or jailed first.
You also don't explain why the GOP is so close to all white, they felt comfortable saying good bye to the one African American Republican in the house and the one African American Republican in the Senate.
Try inspecting further than the party chatter points promoted by the demon rats - Black conservatism in the United States - Wikipedia .

The republican party is about creating a means so that individuals may succeed greatly , while the democratic party is about creating a means so that individuals may succeed poorly .

The democrats keep promoting an over inundation of more and more and more and more social dependents who , by majority , end up being black or brown , which the anti-racist racist egalitarian progressives leverage as a false accusation that black or brown are unwelcome and excluded by republicans .

The democrat agenda for pandering to the fictional ishmaelism i slam psychosis can go fuck itself !

Numbers translate into votes and into political policy , and fictional ishmaelism lauds democracy for its tyranny by majority , while it covertly derides individual liberty ( except for its demented version of it ) and non violence principles ( see Hisbah - Wikipedia ) , with evidence by 1400 years of homicide by doctrine to prove it .

How Are Democrat Candidates Squared With LGBT And Palestinian Authority ?

* Blaming The True Cause *

And finally, you said:
The moderate democrats deride the assault posture of the progressive coots on fossil fuels as alienating to the millions who earn their living from it , or whose future depends on it , or who have spent their entire lives in it .
If climate change isn't halted, there is no future. Not for anyone. Your rant is proof if your insane disdain for science and the scientific mind.
I can't argue with you because there is nothing there of substance to argue against. Propaganda is NOT substance.
I am so tired of listening to the global warming progressives tax campaign against the evil anti-fossil fuel industry , all while they ignore the number one reason for global warming as they describe it - AN OVER BURGEONING HUMAN GLOBAL POPULATION - and yet the demon rats ignore it because it conflicts with the secular humanism and efforts to inundate the west with first come first served immigrants , already over represented numerically ( global ) , to create the dream of a socialist state .

Al Gore Volunteers To End Global Warming By Diving Into A Volcano To Make It Erupt
Last edited:
They are antisemites. How many did they kill?

You don’t have to kill to be one. Why the sock account?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.

"some"? ZERO Democrats attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem.
There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.
Omar and Tlaib are Democrats
They are antisemites. How many did they kill?

You don’t have to kill to be one. Why the sock account?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.

"some"? ZERO Democrats attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem.
There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.

So that excuses the ones on the Left who support BDS, which if passed basically ends Israel? Stop it.
They are antisemites. How many did they kill?

You don’t have to kill to be one. Why the sock account?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.

"some"? ZERO Democrats attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem.
There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.

So that excuses the ones on the Left who support BDS, which if passed basically ends Israel? Stop it.
I believe the United States should pay Israel more for its long history of antisemitism. Most Democrats don't support BDS. Most people who shoot up Synagogues do support Trump.
You don’t have to kill to be one. Why the sock account?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.

"some"? ZERO Democrats attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem.
There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.

So that excuses the ones on the Left who support BDS, which if passed basically ends Israel? Stop it.
I believe the United States should pay Israel more for its long history of antisemitism. Most Democrats don't support BDS. Most people who shoot up Synagogues do support Trump.

That is crazy there are 100x more BDS supporters than insane shooters. Do you agree or disagree that if BDS is implemented then Israel ceases to exit?
The right wing has killed more Jews. Democrats have some antisemites. The worst ones are Trump supporters.

"some"? ZERO Democrats attended the Embassy opening in Jerusalem.
There are antisemites on both sides. The Democrat antisemites don't mass murder Jews. Trump supporters are more vicious antisemites.

So that excuses the ones on the Left who support BDS, which if passed basically ends Israel? Stop it.
I believe the United States should pay Israel more for its long history of antisemitism. Most Democrats don't support BDS. Most people who shoot up Synagogues do support Trump.

That is crazy there are 100x more BDS supporters than insane shooters. Do you agree or disagree that if BDS is implemented then Israel ceases to exit?
The biggest antisemites on USMB seem to be Nazis. Impuretrash, Sobieski, Penelope, LaDairis, LaDexter. Juice. Penelope is the only one that appears to be a Democrat. Penelope repeats Nazi propaganda downplaying the Holocaust. Saying Jews started with the Nazis.

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