Are Dems really gonna try to hold on to the Senate using Climate Change as the topic?

Poor people dont care about the planet they inhabit? And this is why no one should care you say?

Did you gloss over this?

Real scientists are saying your AGW Theory is off by at least a whole order of magnitude.

Max Planck Institute For Meteorology: “Prognoses Confirm Model Forecasts” Warming Postponed “Hundreds Of Years”
By P Gosselin on 26. Mai 2013
Now that global temperatures have not risen in 15 years, a number of scientists find themselves having great difficulty coming to terms with that new reality.

- See more at: Max Planck Institute For Meteorology: ?Prognoses Confirm Model Forecasts? Warming Postponed ?Hundreds Of Years?

One guy says its wrong. Well hell...

Your side, the Gods of AGW the IPCC have admitted that there has been no warming in 17 years.

Even the High Priests of AGW admit there has been no warming in 17 years. Deal with it.

As I put up in another thread....

If AGW was real why has the warming trend stalled for the past 17 years? Human populations have exploded, industrialization in third world countries has exploded, why oh why has global warming stalled?

You can't have it both ways. And the Met and the IPCC are AGW idols and they are the ones saying that the warming trend has ended.

Met Office Data Shows Global Warming Standstill As IPCC Confirms Global Temperature Has Stopped Rising

Date: 29/09/13

The global warming ‘pause’ has now lasted for almost 17 years and shows no sign of ending – despite the unexplained failure of climate scientists’ computer models to predict it.

The Mail on Sunday has also learned that because 2013 has been relatively cool, it is very likely that by the end of this year, world average temperatures will have crashed below the ‘90 per cent probability’ range projected by the models.


The graph above covers the period June 1997 to July 2013. It was drawn using the official Met Office ‘HadCRUT4’ monthly data for world average temperatures, and shows the lack of a warming trend.

It updates the chart The Mail on Sunday published a year ago, which first made the pause headline news and forced the IPCC to discuss it.

A footnote in the new report also confirms there has been no statistically significant increase since 1997.

Last night independent climate scientist Nic Lewis – an accredited IPCC reviewer and co-author of peer-reviewed papers – pointed out that taking start years of 2001, 2002 or 2003 would suggest a cooling trend of 0.02-0.05C per decade, though this would not be statistically significant.

Met Office Data Shows Global Warming Standstill As IPCC Confirms Global Temperature Has Stopped Rising | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
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If AGW was real why has the warming trend stalled for the past 17 years?

Because the earth doesnt care about what you think is a long time
thats cool how they threw in the word "crisis" while never showing that scientists dont believe in global warming theory.

They do believe some just say it isnt a crisis. Awesome

There are none so blind as those who will not see

See what? They said that its not a "crisis" they didnt say it was false or made up. Did you read the link or do you think it says something and I missed it? Quote it If I missed something
If AGW was real why has the warming trend stalled for the past 17 years?

Because the earth doesnt care about what you think is a long time

I never stated that this was a long time period. In the history of the planet it is but a blink of an eye.

I am pointing out however that the models used to predict the end of the earth as we know it unless we give the United Nations all our monies to fight an imaginary threat have been incorrect for some time period now.

And the IPCC and the Met Office as well as others have had to admit their dire predictions have not come to pass.
I hope the dimdems make climate change their focus. No WONDER they want minders in newsrooms, and government writers to go over story lines for TV and movies. There is no climate change, but if they can create the idea that there is, it will be just as good as if it really was true.

Are Americans really as stupid as the dimdems think they are?
Did you gloss over this?

Real scientists are saying your AGW Theory is off by at least a whole order of magnitude.

Max Planck Institute For Meteorology: “Prognoses Confirm Model Forecasts” Warming Postponed “Hundreds Of Years”
By P Gosselin on 26. Mai 2013
Now that global temperatures have not risen in 15 years, a number of scientists find themselves having great difficulty coming to terms with that new reality.

- See more at: Max Planck Institute For Meteorology: ?Prognoses Confirm Model Forecasts? Warming Postponed ?Hundreds Of Years?

One guy says its wrong. Well hell...
Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

I suggest you read the comments at the end of the article. A number of people explain why this article is BS.
First off this thread is NOT about climate it's about strategy. This must be a trick. No way they could be that stupid. Most of the people hurting in this country don't give a damn about the climate. People that care are already in the dem camp so what's to gain?

People are losing jobs.
Healthcare costs are skyrocketing.
Employers are cutting hours.
We're in massive debt.
Spending is still out of control.
Welfare handouts are at their highest ever.
We're being overrun on our southern border. Afghanistan is disintegrating before our eyes.

And the dems choose climate change as their hot topic? :eusa_whistle:

Fear not my fellow citizens for was just a practice run for when the Federal Government takes over control of Earth's Climate. Should be lots of fun, especially if you don't mind the atmosphere turning into grape jelly every 30 minutes, just learn how to hold your breath and call a federal "navigator"... :redface:
Earth can wait. I gotta make this money!

Or like Obama playing on a golf course in a deserve climate! Earth can wait, Obama needs to sink this next shot to keep up with his top 1%er billionaire friend! And while he's at it Obama can burn more fuel getting there and back than the average American will over the entire course of their lifetime!

Lets face it CC, Obama cares about the environment as much as you do... It's a talking point, that's all. Someone that cared wouldn't fly jets everywhere to play fucking gold and go on vacation, nor would someone that cares about the environment vote for someone like Obama that does that.
Avory you know everyone so well, its astounding

ly lame

And yet what he just said is entirely true.

Did you vote for Al Gore, the guy who flies all over the world polluting it in his private jet while decrying everyone else's use of fossil fuels?
If AGW was real why has the warming trend stalled for the past 17 years?

Because the earth doesnt care about what you think is a long time
Exactly. Which is why man's influence on climate is passed around as jokes in many circles.

BTW....has anyone ever figured out what temperture the Earth is supposed to be?

You know, like 68 degrees? 65? What is the overall mean temperature we are supposed to shoot for?
Earth can wait. I gotta make this money!

Or like Obama playing on a golf course in a deserve climate! Earth can wait, Obama needs to sink this next shot to keep up with his top 1%er billionaire friend! And while he's at it Obama can burn more fuel getting there and back than the average American will over the entire course of their lifetime!

Lets face it CC, Obama cares about the environment as much as you do... It's a talking point, that's all. Someone that cared wouldn't fly jets everywhere to play fucking gold and go on vacation, nor would someone that cares about the environment vote for someone like Obama that does that.
ON a golf course that uses a million gallons of water a day, right after making a speech about how Californian's should conserve water.

Leadership...Its not just for breakfast.
If AGW was real why has the warming trend stalled for the past 17 years?

Because the earth doesnt care about what you think is a long time
Exactly. Which is why man's influence on climate is passed around as jokes in many circles.

BTW....has anyone ever figured out what temperture the Earth is supposed to be?

You know, like 68 degrees? 65? What is the overall mean temperature we are supposed to shoot for?

People make jokes too? Well toss that science outta here by golly
First off this thread is NOT about climate it's about strategy. This must be a trick. No way they could be that stupid. Most of the people hurting in this country don't give a damn about the climate. People that care are already in the dem camp so what's to gain?

People are losing jobs.
Healthcare costs are skyrocketing.
Employers are cutting hours.
We're in massive debt.
Spending is still out of control.
Welfare handouts are at their highest ever.
We're being overrun on our southern border. Afghanistan is disintegrating before our eyes.

And the dems choose climate change as their hot topic? :eusa_whistle:

with more of America in a deep freeze this year that ever before they better lose the global warming tag
First off this thread is NOT about climate it's about strategy. This must be a trick. No way they could be that stupid. Most of the people hurting in this country don't give a damn about the climate. People that care are already in the dem camp so what's to gain?

People are losing jobs.
Healthcare costs are skyrocketing.
Employers are cutting hours.
We're in massive debt.
Spending is still out of control.
Welfare handouts are at their highest ever.
We're being overrun on our southern border. Afghanistan is disintegrating before our eyes.

And the dems choose climate change as their hot topic? :eusa_whistle:

A Pew research poll showed on it's list of priorities for the president and Congress This year it ranked second to last among 20 issues tested.

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