Are gag orders constitutional?

I dont see how.
I could see potential civil problems with them, but not criminal ones.

Ok, so the 1st Amendment protects the right of the people peaceably to assemble.

So, you are good with people peacefully assembling on highways and blocking traffic while they do so?
Can you not be ridiculous?
Physically harming people isnt a right.. Good gawd.

Why did you start this thread again if you are going to be too big of a pussy to have an actual discussion?
Why did you start this thread again if you are going to be too big of a pussy to have an actual discussion?
You are comparing murdering babies to words, you idiot.
No one has a right to kill someone. But maybe the founders should have discussed that, right? to be more clear in their wording, so stupid people wouldnt compare it to words :rofl:
You do not lose your first amendment, you just have it limited for a period of time.

Do you disagree with slander and libel laws? They go against the 1st.

Do you think the freedom to practice your religion should have no limitations?

Where does the constitution give the government the power to do that? To limit our rights when it feels like it?
TNHarley statists will always find an ‘angle’ / work-around to excuse Father Government overreach.
Statists like to think blacktivists are empowered to arbitrarily stay the Constitution at will.

Golfing Gator can one be charged with libel or slander for speech directed at your Father Government?
Since nobody else wants to answer, I will.

Yes, I think they are.

The 6th Amendment protects the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury. The purpose of the Gag Order is to ensure that final part.

The Right to Free Speech is not absolute, if it were we would not have laws against slander and libel. It would not be against the law to be sitting on a plane and say you have a bomb on you. Most people agree with these restrictions.

I would say a gag order during a trial is in the same vein as the restrictions above.
The op requested that you leave your TDS at the door but I sense that you didnt do so

Give us a realistic example of what you and judge are afraid that trump might say
The op requested that you leave your TDS at the door but I sense that you didnt do so

Give us a realistic example of what you and judge are afraid that trump might say
Like all Leftists, Golfing Gator hates when social media and CNN has to compete with others to steer a narrative and or inform Americans.
You are comparing murdering babies to words, you idiot.
No one has a right to kill someone. But maybe the founders should have discussed that, right? to be more clear in their wording, so stupid people wouldnt compare it to words :rofl:

So, still refuse to have an actual discussion.

You are dismissed.
The op requested that you leave your TDS at the door but I sense that you didnt do so

I did do that, I did not bring up Trump at all, or even his cases.

What do you have next?

Give us a realistic example of what you and judge are afraid that trump might say

This thread is not about Trump, it is about the concept of gag orders.

Do you have anything to say in that regard?
Lets ignore the peaches-and-chief for a minute. Lets forget him and his gag orders. This is a general question.
Are gag orders constitutional? How can ones speech be silenced with threat of hefty fines, jail, imprisoned to their home etc for talking about the government?
I know there is a Supreme court case about it, but that doesnt really mean anything in this thread. They also said it was constitutional for the tyrant FDR to imprison citizens simply for their heritage, forcing people to salute the flag was constitutional, and a state saying a black and white person couldnt get married was legal :rolleyes:
Again, please leave trump out of this. I know TDS is a serious mental condition, but damn..
Free Speech isn’t absolute. In this case the safety of court officers and jurors and the protection of the integrity of the jury pool take precedence.
Free Speech isn’t absolute. In this case the safety of court officers and jurors and the protection of the integrity of the jury pool take precedence.

Being in New York real estate and very familiar with mob boss speak, it relates to "will no one rid me of this turbulent priest".

Free Speech isn’t absolute. In this case the safety of court officers and jurors and the protection of the integrity of the jury pool take precedence.
How do words hurt people?

As far as "leave tRump outta this"? Come on. We All know why you're posting this crap.
Excellent. Thank you for explaining.
Im posting this because I question the constitutionality of gag orders. You have TDS, not me. Freak.

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