Are globalized corporations unamerican?

I love how the Righty Extremist Fascists, such as Tea Party folks

that is typical of the liberal IQ. The Tea Party and America's Founders are/were for very limited government while fascism is 100% about unlimited government
I love how the Righty Extremist Fascists, such as Tea Party folks

that is typical of the liberal IQ. The Tea Party and America's Founders are/were for very limited government while fascism is 100% about unlimited government

They were for slavery too. Thankfully, they added a process by which we are able to PROGRESS beyond their initial fuck ups.
As to the OP, Yes.

tax them as foreign companies and tariff the shit out of their product if their new country of origin doesn't trade on par with what we buy.

that is typical of the liberal IQ. He doesn't know that tarriffs(Hawley Smoot) helped cause the Great Depression and so almost all economists are against them.


back to World Net Daily with ya, silly rabbit. It must suck to know that, no matter how much bullshit you throw out to deflect blame, it's your kind of policies that caused the Great Depression, eh Ace?
I love how the Righty Extremist Fascists, such as Tea Party folks

that is typical of the liberal IQ. The Tea Party and America's Founders are/were for very limited government while fascism is 100% about unlimited government

They were for slavery too.

so the hateful treasonous liberal is relating slavery and limited government,... or he has no idea what he's relating???
I love how the Righty Extremist Fascists, such as Tea Party folks

that is typical of the liberal IQ. The Tea Party and America's Founders are/were for very limited government while fascism is 100% about unlimited government

They were for slavery too.

so the hateful treasonous liberal is relating slavery and limited government,... or he has no idea what he's relating???

1. I'm going to go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt on that first quote and assume that you are just too fucking retarded to figure out how to accurately quote someone since misquoting someone IS a USMB offense that can get you banned for three days.

So, which is it? Do you want to admit that you are simply too fucking retarded to know how to use the quote feature or shall I have your ass kicked off of the forum for three days?

2. No, I'm relating history and the facts thereof. Maybe you were too busy reading the USMB user manual to know better...

As to the OP, Yes.

tax them as foreign companies and tariff the shit out of their product if their new country of origin doesn't trade on par with what we buy.

that is typical of the liberal IQ. He doesn't know that tarriffs(Hawley Smoot) helped cause the Great Depression and so almost all economists are against them.

translation: I lack the IQ or knowledge of economics to respond so I'll pretend I'm above it all and hope no one notices
As to the OP, Yes.

tax them as foreign companies and tariff the shit out of their product if their new country of origin doesn't trade on par with what we buy.

that is typical of the liberal IQ. He doesn't know that tarriffs(Hawley Smoot) helped cause the Great Depression and so almost all economists are against them.

translation: I lack the IQ or knowledge of economics to respond so I'll pretend I'm above it all and hope no one notices

REPEATING yourself now?


Yea, that's probably a safe thing to do instead of having your ass handed to you for three days.


You, sir, have just been PWNT.
As to the OP, Yes.

tax them as foreign companies and tariff the shit out of their product if their new country of origin doesn't trade on par with what we buy.

that is typical of the liberal IQ. He doesn't know that tarriffs(Hawley Smoot) helped cause the Great Depression and so almost all economists are against them.

translation: I lack the IQ or knowledge of economics to respond so I'll pretend I'm above it all and hope no one notices

REPEATING yourself now?


Yea, that's probably a safe thing to do instead of having your ass handed to you for three days.


You, sir, have just been PWNT.

Translation: I'm desperate to change the subject from politics. Whio knew that virtually 100% of economists, even Krugman, are against tarriffs
that is typical of the liberal IQ. He doesn't know that tarriffs(Hawley Smoot) helped cause the Great Depression and so almost all economists are against them.

translation: I lack the IQ or knowledge of economics to respond so I'll pretend I'm above it all and hope no one notices

REPEATING yourself now?


Yea, that's probably a safe thing to do instead of having your ass handed to you for three days.


You, sir, have just been PWNT.

Translation: I'm desperate to change the subject from politics. Whio knew that virtually 100% of economists, even Krugman, are against tarriffs

I'm not the one who finds himself failing so hard that he is forced to repeat himself...

... after failing HARD at the quote feature.
Washington marched more troops on the opposers of the whiskey tax than he commanded in any battle during the revoloutionary war.
Kinda sounds like he believed in centralized govt and taxes to me.

actually when Jefferson saw that, he formed the Republican Party and defeated Washington and his Federalists permanently . Jefferson called it the Second American Revolution because it established that the first Revolution was about freedom from all government, not just the government of England.

That said, even Washington was not for a strong central government, but he was for a central government which he thought the Whiskey Rebellion would have made impossible if not put down. It was put down gently however, some guys were marched to Philadelphia and then released in keeping with the notion of limited government.
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I'm not the one who finds himself failing so hard that he is forced to repeat himself...

... after failing HARD at the quote feature.

please don't change the subject. PLease do same something intelligent in defense of liberalism.
In what way would lower cap gains taxes(BTW individuals with small investments are also subject) result in fewer jobs?

Posted a whole thread on this topic but the two main ones would be that today US investors are generally massively underinvested in foreign markets. Some of that is because of the friction associated with capital gains taxes. Remove those taxes and the likely portfolio shift will be negative for US jobs in the near term. The other is the acquisition rate is affected by capital gains rates. Lower the rate and the ability to acquire and offshore US jobs is easier.

Can you make the distinction between "outsourcing" and "off shoring"? Two are in no way the same.

You are correct I said out-souring and should have said off-shoring. I agree they aren't the same and yes I understand the difference. I assume you do also but for those who don't outsourcing means outside the company but might still be in the US. Off-shoring means moving to generally low cost geographies but they may be in the same company.

Yes. Singapore and China..As a matter of fact, there are many countries where government subsidizes business. Subsidies come right out of the taxpayers. I would imagine that you would support US government subsidies that match other countries.
This would be expensive in financial cost and expensive in the amount of bureaucracy that would accompany such subsidies. Additionally, to those on the political Left, this would be politically unpalatable. That, given the protestations surrounding "corporate welfare".

No I don't support subsidies (except for some fundamental research) because I think they end up going to the most powerful instead of the businesses that would be most deserving.

I think we need another way which is why I would prefer an elimination of corporate income tax and paying for it by raising the capital gains tax to income tax levels and taxing net capital outflows for business. I think this has the best chance of countering subsidies but in a non-governmental directed way.
I mean where do their loyalties lie?
Do they care if America goes down the tubes as long as their profits increase?
Same with those who play the global market.

Does America owe them any breaks or support?

It isn't unamerican at all. In fact you can argue it's very 'american'. The fact that you ask this question suggests you really don't 'get it'. No one owes any business anything other than for whatever service they render to them. Business don't and aren't suppossed to have loyalty to anyone other than their consumers. I think your question really is should the government being trying to find ways to 'stick it' to business' who's products are sold in the U.S. but not made there.
I will stipulate the percentages are correct...
Now, if you really were interested in fair trade with China, you'd be right along side those of us who support our government's long term effort to compel China to allow the Yuan to float on the open market.

Yes China should float the Yuan

However, it is not an economic political strategy for the new international reality. That I haven't seen from either party. The reality is today you don't care where the investor is located.

A US investor (paying US capital gains rates) will still invest in economies where he can get the the best return and corporate income taxes affect that return

A German invester (paying German capital gains rates) will also invest in economies (including ours) where he can get the best return and corporate income taxes affect that return.

Having a low capital gains rate may encourage investors to live here but having a low corporate income tax will encourage investors to invest here. If you want jobs where they invest is what matters not where they live.
I love how the Righty Extremist Fascists, such as Tea Party folks

that is typical of the liberal IQ. The Tea Party and America's Founders are/were for very limited government while fascism is 100% about unlimited government

They were for slavery too.

so the hateful treasonous liberal is relating slavery and limited government,... or he has no idea what he's relating???

George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and the majority of the Founders would tell you that you are talking out of your ass. Liberal? You have no idea of what you are taking about. Yes, so many of the Tea Party are Righty Extremist Religious Fascists.

Sux to be you.
that is typical of the liberal IQ. He doesn't know that tarriffs(Hawley Smoot) helped cause the Great Depression and so almost all economists are against them.

translation: I lack the IQ or knowledge of economics to respond so I'll pretend I'm above it all and hope no one notices

REPEATING yourself now?


Yea, that's probably a safe thing to do instead of having your ass handed to you for three days.


You, sir, have just been PWNT.

Translation: I'm desperate to change the subject from politics. Whio knew that virtually 100% of economists, even Krugman, are against tarriffs

You are just like the guy throwing a gopher ball to the batter and watching it fly over the center field fence, then jumping around with arms in the air, saying, "I just struck him out."

You live in delusional world, kiddo.
George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and the majority of the Founders would tell you that you are talking out of your ass.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to say exactly where I disagee with the founders

Yes, so many of the Tea Party are Righty Extremist Religious Fascists.

actually fascists are for unlimited government while the Tea Party of 1773 and 2010 was/is for very limited government. Sorry
Smoot-Hawley contributed to the Great Depression. It is estimated that the tariffs caused the real economy to contract by 4%. Total contraction during the Great Depression is estimated at 26%.

And it is true, most economists are against tariffs, even Paul Krugman.

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