Are GOPers and righwtingers really conservatives?

Funny...I don't like McCain, but he voted the right way that time...or at least he voted his conscience. The country was on the edge of collapse.

What's amazing is you think the country was on the verge of collapse and that throwing money at the problem somehow brought it back. Yet we've changed nothing else. If anything we are spending more than ever.
What 4321 just said is spot on. I have seen people JUMP to the defense of liberals in general when they get criticized in ANY way, but then promptly deny that they "are" liberals.

I have conservative views on most things. But I am not overly religious and I qualify a few of my beliefs and views in a way that makes certain arch "social" conservatives claim that I am not a "true" conservative. Obviously, all this means is that I don't pass THEIR respective litmus tests.

There's one chump in particular, here, who insists that I am not a conservative, but a "neo-con" even though the chump has zero ability (or willingness) to define that term. He's not only wrong, but he's adamant about it. :cuckoo: :lol:

Labels are often misleading and subject to intentional abuse.

But in the grand scheme of things, if a person believes that the government has an obligation to provide for our needs like a parent taking care of helpless kids, and that the government has some justified claim of right to take from the wealth producers to distribute wealth amongst the less affluent to meet such "parental" duties, then that person tends to be a liberal. Socialist? Progressive? Leftist? Communist? Fuck the labels. We know for sure that such a person is not a conservative.

Those of us who object to the notion that the government's role is properly found along such lines tend to be Conservatives. Righties. Fuck the label. Such people are not "liberals."

Whatever you say. Still Bass remains an Ass. ;)

We are always free to disagree. But let's get one thing clear. In the nearly tragic event that anything I have ever said about the Basshole is subject to any confusion or doubt, let me now seek to clarify it all: I am in FULL agreement with all who maintain that the Basshole is an asshole.

He's a racist piece of stupid shit.
I love the wingnuts, who love to toss around labels like "socialist", "communist", "statist", etc are now bemoaning the fact that people are labelling them

It's almost as funny as Palin, who acccused Dems of wanting her child dead, claiming blood libel.
I love the wingnuts, who love to toss around labels like "socialist", "communist", "statist", etc are now bemoaning the fact that people are labelling them

It's almost as funny as Palin, who acccused Dems of wanting her child dead, claiming blood libel.

As always, your spin is dishonest, sangha.

Feel free to apply labels. Have a blast.

Just realize that nobody with a functioning brain cell places much stock in the labels YOU apply.

By the way, Gov. Palin was right. She was the subject of a blood libel. Not the old standard anti-Semitic blood libel, but A blood libel all the same.
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I love the wingnuts, who love to toss around labels like "socialist", "communist", "statist", etc are now bemoaning the fact that people are labelling them

It's almost as funny as Palin, who acccused Dems of wanting her child dead, claiming blood libel.

Exactly who is bemoaning that people label us? Im pointing out what people call us is irrelevant so im bemoaning that people label me? You're argument has no basis in fact.

In fact, this whole thread is a result of Bass, a lefty, complaining about being labeled. (Hence why I made the point why labels are really meaningless).

Doesnt mean there arent conservative or liberal or socialist positions. Just that we shouldnt limit ourselves to what the labels say.

I dont really care what you call yourself. If you are going to support more government control in my life and the life of my fellow americans than I am going to oppose you until your ideas are defeated.
I love the wingnuts, who love to toss around labels like "socialist", "communist", "statist", etc are now bemoaning the fact that people are labelling them

It's almost as funny as Palin, who acccused Dems of wanting her child dead, claiming blood libel.

Exactly who is bemoaning that people label us? Im pointing out what people call us is irrelevant so im bemoaning that people label me? You're argument has no basis in fact.

In fact, this whole thread is a result of Bass, a lefty, complaining about being labeled. (Hence why I made the point why labels are really meaningless).

Doesnt mean there arent conservative or liberal or socialist positions. Just that we shouldnt limit ourselves to what the labels say.

I dont really care what you call yourself. If you are going to support more government control in my life and the life of my fellow americans than I am going to oppose you until your ideas are defeated.

I am not a lefty, don't hurl that insult again, you GOP fake conservatives label anything not far right as left, very stupid.
We have similar views in everything except:

-I don't care if sodomites get married either, but I don't support at the same time, neither do I support homosexuality being promoted.

-I'm pro-taking care of *ALL* Americans first before taking care of foreigners

- I'm against abortions except in the case when the health of the mother is at risk.

-I'm against America meddling the affairs of countries just so we can take over and control these countries and their resources, which really means I'm against 21st century neocolonialism.

-I'm against unrestricted, unregulated capitalism which creates a bigger gulf between haves and have nots.

-I'm for education overhaul and believe more emphasis needs to be placed upon reading, writing and mathematics because without those three no one can learn anything.

- I'm anti death penalty since the justice systems disproportionately sentences minorities to death more than whites

-I'm for government health care for those who can't afford the more expensive insurance and or only as a voluntary option and I do not believe health care companies should refuse people with pre-existing conditions, nor do I believe insurance companies have the right to selective pick and chose what they want to cover just so they can save money.

- I'm against the war on drugs as it currently is being "fought" because it put nearly an entire generation of black men in prison and broke up families all for naught because the strategy has been ineffective.

-I believe in tax cuts and tax breaks for small businesses and for people who want to start small businesses and none for big businesses like Walmart who wipe out the livelihoods small businesses which have served communities for years. Such small businesses make small and middle sized communities self sufficient and less dependent on federal aid.

I'm against letting foreign products flood the market and believe American good should be the predominant product in stores.

In other words, you arent conservative. Thank you.

my positions are conservative and thats where I draw the line between GOP/Republitard fake conservatives and true conservatives. GOPers are willing to risk being fiscally irresponsible in the short term to have get rich, they promote nothing label that benefits the country in the long run and they love to spend, spend, spend, just not domestically, they like throwing away American cash to benefit the handful of rich American companies.
i cant see what everyone see's in her.....i thought McCain lost the Election when he picked her.....
what lost it for McCain was the financial meltdown and his "suspending" his campaign to deal with it
...then voting along with the rest of the lemmings, just like *I* knew he would.

Then there was the whole refusing to do what it took to win after that thing.

McCain's a war hero... and a crap politician. Palin does not have the saving grace of being a war here.... she's just a crap politician.

I have this theory about politicians. I don't want them to vote their conscience... I want them to vote the conscience of those who elected them as their 'vote'. To me, any politician that 'votes their conscience' is not doing their job. Their job is to represent those who sent them to Washington, not themselves. That's probably just me.
I love the wingnuts, who love to toss around labels like "socialist", "communist", "statist", etc are now bemoaning the fact that people are labelling them

you carry a pretty big label gun yourself Sang.......and you do label things wrongly.....hey just saying.....
I don't care what Palin did or did not do. I am not a Palin supporter. Personally, I wouldn't elect her as dog catcher. That's how independent I am. I support the TEA Parties... but not Palin. What a rebel!!!

In my opinion, neither part deserves the support of any thinking individual.

OK, I take your word for it. However, you do seem to have defended Palin every time you and/or others have perceived her to be attacked.

I don't see how, if a person would't give another the responsibility of cleaning up dog poop, how they could even feign defense of that person at any time.

Anyway, looks like the good news is that many people, even on the Right, are all in agreement that the woman is nothing more than a joke.
When I hear someone talk about right or left, I know they don't know what they're talking about. This goes for Rush Limbaugh as well as Tom Hartman and Mike Malloy and their sort too.

Our radio talk show hosts apparently never set foot in a a Political Science classroom. The Republican party is the Liberal party and the Democrats are the the party of Marxists/Crooks.

The root word of the word Liberal is "Liberty". The Democratic party is all about removing liberty, Democrats are control freaks who would control every facet of our lives if given the opportunity. They are the counter revolution to the American revolution.

The term conservatives applies mainly to religious nuts, like the Taliban and some American Christians. Sufis, Quakers, the Amish, and Hassidic Jews also fall into the category of conservatives.

It just pisses me off when people use terms out of a Political Science text book and screw up the criteria for the definition.

Libertarian is just some made up bullshit term.

I hope that helps you out.
I don't care what Palin did or did not do. I am not a Palin supporter. Personally, I wouldn't elect her as dog catcher. That's how independent I am. I support the TEA Parties... but not Palin. What a rebel!!!

In my opinion, neither part deserves the support of any thinking individual.

I don't see how, if a person would't give another the responsibility of cleaning up dog poop, how they could even feign defense of that person at any time.

I could. It's because CG is a rabid liar.
I don't care what Palin did or did not do. I am not a Palin supporter. Personally, I wouldn't elect her as dog catcher. That's how independent I am. I support the TEA Parties... but not Palin. What a rebel!!!

In my opinion, neither part deserves the support of any thinking individual.

I don't see how, if a person would't give another the responsibility of cleaning up dog poop, how they could even feign defense of that person at any time.

I could. It's because CG is a rabid liar.

Or it could simply be that she doesn't like seeing people lied about and slandered, even if she doesn't like that person.

You know, what decent and considerate people would do.
I don't see how, if a person would't give another the responsibility of cleaning up dog poop, how they could even feign defense of that person at any time.

I could. It's because CG is a rabid liar.

Or it could simply be that she doesn't like seeing people lied about and slandered, even if she doesn't like that person.

You know, what decent and considerate people would do.

No, it couldnt be that

People who "don't care" about Palin , don't care is she's slandered
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In America there is this peculiar phenomenon - the farther one leans to the "right" on the political spectrum, the more its considered "a badge of honor."

Conservatives are also in the habit of "disowning" anybody who is positioned left of them on the spectrum - but rarely criticize those located even farther on the right.

Therefore, you can never hold a Republican administration responsible for its shortcomings because "right-wingers" will always argue that it was never conservative enough to give their principles a true test in the real world.

Liberals, by American standards, would be considered "conservatives" in virtually every other modern democratic country in the world.

What the "Holy Grail" of American conservativism looks like is anybody's guess, but I have it on good authority that its located somewhere in Montana!
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In America there is this peculiar phenomenon - the farther one leans to the "right" on the political spectrum, the more its considered "a badge of honor."

Conservatives are also in the habit of "disowning" anybody who is positioned left of them on the spectrum - but rarely criticize those located even farther on the right.

Therefore, you can never hold a Republican administration responsible for its shortcomings because "right-wingers" will always argue that it was never conservative enough to give their principles a true test in the real world.

Liberals, by American standards, would be considered "conservatives" in virtually every other modern democratic country in the world.

What the "Holy Grail" of American conservativism looks like is anybody's guess, but I have it on good authority that its located somewhere in Montana!

Pfft. Lieberman knows that liberal Democratics are the ones who cannot abide dissent.

The DU bans you for giving voice to ANY belief other than the permitted orthodoxy.

Adherence to THE political orthodoxy is a hallmark of many libs.

Conservatives come to their own conclusions on many issues, with a fairly wide spectrum of alternative conclusions at that. What conservatives generally have in common is a belief that the government is not THE answer to most of our social issues/problems; and that there are very few legitimate areas where government should be permitted to interfere with personal liberties.

Unlike the wacky views of many left wing libbies, however, conservatives also seem to generally be able to accept the proposition that WITHIN the bounds set out for it, some governmental actions are perfectly valid, even if they do impact on personal liberty interests to some extent.
I don't care what Palin did or did not do. I am not a Palin supporter. Personally, I wouldn't elect her as dog catcher. That's how independent I am. I support the TEA Parties... but not Palin. What a rebel!!!

In my opinion, neither part deserves the support of any thinking individual.

OK, I take your word for it. However, you do seem to have defended Palin every time you and/or others have perceived her to be attacked.

I don't see how, if a person would't give another the responsibility of cleaning up dog poop, how they could even feign defense of that person at any time.

Anyway, looks like the good news is that many people, even on the Right, are all in agreement that the woman is nothing more than a joke.
Yes, many people on the right cannot abide by Palin's utter failure to finish the term that she swore she would complete. There are the fringe and minority that would see her run but most do not want that to happen. The issues here is that the left is continually placing her on some pedestal and fervently knocking here down for no apparent reason and using that to paint the entire party with a wide Palin brush. The fact that she even makes news at all anymore is beyond me. The ONLY reason that she maintains her position is because the left continually sprays their bullshit about her. If not for that, she would fade to obscurity. I find it even more odd because Palin getting the party ticket for the presidency would be a HUGE gift to the left, wrapped and a bow placed on top too. There is no better way to assure whatever asshat runs on the other side will be elected. Those of us over here defend her on certain issues because it is utter bullshit that she is attacked the way she is and because of that brush that the left is using to paint all conservatives with.

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