Are GOPers and righwtingers really conservatives?

the thing that gets me Marc is when a Jerk like Dean will throw a blanket over ALL Conservatives/Republicans only a few on the left call him on Ez or Sallow....the rest of you guys say he is way to Left and kinda out of there but never tell him just let him talk dis-honest Bullshit......and as far as im concerned he is the worst of the lefties here.....Pubis In. and Namvet were the worst on the Right....this guy named Revere seems to be taking their spots.....
Fair enough, let's do this. Going forward you point out when you see it going on. There's no feasible or logical way to backtrack and check who did what and when. However, going forward we can point it out as it goes on.

When you see some "Far Radical Left Wing" posting going on and me supporting it and perhaps say, bashing a rightie for their RW radical extremism while giving a pass to my fellow Leftie's radical positions, please point it out and we'll go from there.

I'll tell you what I've observed though. It seems that many of the Far RWers on this board, don't argue what us Lefties say, but what they have ascribed to our beliefs.

For instance, I'll ask a question in a thread or OP like "Should We Start Testing People's Mental Capacity Before Allowing Them To Own Guns"

And IMMEDIATELY some Far RW radical extremist will chime in something like, "NO! We don't believe in abolishing the 2nd amendment!"

It's like that BS question..."Did you stop beating your wife?" No answer is good, because its based on a false premise...then they argue from their false premise onward, not what we said, but what they want us to have said, or believe we have said for those that are slightly more honest in their debates.

Will you call that out when you see it too?

He's already failed to do that in this thread. I already posted a few for Harry to comment on, and like a True Wingnut, Harry said nothing.
you lying sack of shit i have commented on everything you posted in this thread that was directed at me....but i noticed you have not answered my question i posed to a true Dean wanna be you danced right around it....
the thing that gets me Marc is when a Jerk like Dean will throw a blanket over ALL Conservatives/Republicans only a few on the left call him on Ez or Sallow....the rest of you guys say he is way to Left and kinda out of there but never tell him just let him talk dis-honest Bullshit......and as far as im concerned he is the worst of the lefties here.....Pubis In. and Namvet were the worst on the Right....this guy named Revere seems to be taking their spots.....

Harry is full of shit. In other threads, Harry will say that *I'm* the worst of the lefties, and now he wants to WHINE about how Marc isn't calling out lefties (as if Harry calls out the righties)

True, Harry doesn't call out the right.

well wait a minute said your a you must lean i not call you out?.....
And notice how Harry Dresden, who claims he goes after the righties, doesn't have a word to say about CG's obvious lie. I guess he must be too busy calling out a lefty

thats because Cali HAS gotten on those on the right .....your Dean like demeanor will not let you see that.....anything to your right is bad news and thats what clicks in your head.........try paying attention to the posts Sang instead of just coming in and flinging Shit......i always said you were Deans Left Nut.....but you dont have to prove it every time you post....

I know, I know, Harry

I'm "The Worst of the Lefties" and Dean is "The Worst of the Lefties" and Marc is "The Worst of the Lefties"

That's because you're always so fair :lol:
Marc have i ever said you were the worst of the Lefties?......your problem Sang is your trying hard to displace Dean as the top FAR Left have a long way to go....all you are right now is his Defence Attorney....and your doing a shitty job of it.....and of course as of the post im responding still have not answered the question i asked of you.....come on answer it....lets see how fair you are?....
True conservatives would have *NEVER* gotten us into that situation in Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place, ten years later and many lives lost and what have we really accomplished in the war against terrorism? The only one who benefited were the greedy capitalists who's companies have profited.

Working to eliminate poverty and joblessness is not encouraging "European" style welfare, you're very misinformed about what goes on in Europe, at least they're not dumb enough to waste their taxpayer dollars fighting unprofitable wars, and why should they when they have the United States being their dummy to do it for them?

I don't disagree on Iraq. We should have done it right first time around. But we did not. And we went back. Now we are there. We solve nothing by arguing what we should have done. We have to solve the situation that exists not the one we want to exist.

I now exactly how the welfare system works in the UK. I know that if you don't work, the government pays your rent, gives you benefits (cash) and the rest of the country pays for your medical expenses. If you have children, you get benefits for each child. People who have never worked a day in their lives live a damned sight better that than many people who work every day. I know that, in the UK, there are thousands of families who have never worked, their kids don't work, their grandkids don't work. I know that there are thousands who see work as something that other people do. They don't feel like they have to work. Because the government provides for them. And I know they see nothing wrong with it.

In short, Charlie, if you have a government that hands out constantly, you remove the motivation for people to help themselves. I don't want anyone to starve. Nor to I want them to suffer. But.... if you want an example of what happens with unlimited welfare, look at the UK. People flock to the UK from all over Europe, and the rest of the world... because of it's notoriously lax benefits system. It is only recently that they have realized the mistake they made with an overly generous welfare system. And now, they are using a 'welfare to work' system. And it about time.

Its fiscally irresponsible and hypocritical to criticize spending at home while spending enormous sums of taxpayer dollars on foreign wars and its un-American to let our own citizens have increased poverty and unemployment while spending tax payer dollars abroad to stop poverty and unemployment true conservatives always put America and Americans first.

You think that's what Obama's doing? Putting America and Americans first? Because if you believe that, you are a fool. Obama.... and the rest of the bastards running the party of Kennedy don't give a shit about this country.

I support conservative issues just not the crap that the GOP calls conservative which is just radical rubbish. You are *NOT* a true conservative since you support the Tea Party which is far right.

shut up legion

Monkey troll, go back to boring JPP and give your buttbuddy admins a reach around.

Here's some of that far-left-whackaloon civility they've been preaching about!!!

Way to go Basshole... you pig.
He's already failed to do that in this thread. I already posted a few for Harry to comment on, and like a True Wingnut, Harry said nothing.

I think we should attempt to understand each other's viewpoints and positions vs. bashing them outright.

I've observed that Harry isn't a Wingnut. If we can foster better communication the board will be better off for it.

Otherwise its just us coming to insult the other side for their perceived madness...aka give him a chance.

That is as foolish as Obamas' call to reach across the aisle

There's a word for someone who tries the same thing over and over, always getting the same result, but thinking "This time, it's going to work!"

Harry has had his chance. There are several wingnut posts for him to criticize. Harry has chosen to remain silent
sorry when you or your Mentor enter a thread, it goes from Discussion to what it is now......your my focus now of this Post you still havent answered my question.....What lefties have you called out?.....we know you are Deans Defence Attorney so he is out.....give us a few names .....i gave you 3 mister honest and do likewise....
Good thing leftists don't stereotype......Much. :rolleyes:

Wingnut express POUTRAGE when leftists do what wingnuts do.

And when you point this out, the wingnuts justify their behavior based on what leftists do. Wingnuts won't take responsibility for their behavior. They think their behavior is caused by what a leftist does

You talk like the left has no wingnuts, sonny. :cuckoo:
they have Dean and his Lawyer Sangha....thats enough Dis-honest....the little turdball here, a lying sack of shit.....
True conservatives would have *NEVER* gotten us into that situation in Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place, ten years later and many lives lost and what have we really accomplished in the war against terrorism? The only one who benefited were the greedy capitalists who's companies have profited.

we should be all done in Afghanistan and long gone from there.....and should have never even considered going into Iraq......and the war on "Terrorism" is getting to be as fruitful as the war on "Drugs"......and as always someone is making a buck when people die......
You think that's what Obama's doing? Putting America and Americans first? Because if you believe that, you are a fool. Obama.... and the rest of the bastards running the party of Kennedy don't give a shit about this country.

there are not too many Politicians who put this Country first these days....unless of course something is in it for them....


We have to ignore everything you said before you decided to try and be less of a partisan hack.

We have to ignore the past dishonesty from the Democrats.

But you get to drag up history as a stick to beat the right wing of today.

Really? Does that add up to bullshit or honesty to you? Because, to my math, it adds up to one rule for you and another to those on the opposite side of the political fence.

Shame on you, again, Marc.
I'm repping you simply because I don't want to neg you...for something petty. I'm not saying to ignore the Democrat's sins, I'm simply pointing out the litany of the Republicans. I'm being civil and thoughtful, but I'm not going to let them slide.

BTW, I didn't appreciate you saying shame on me. I did or said nothing shame worthy.

True conservatives wouldn't cut and run from shit that we got ourselves into, because it is morally reprehensible to abandon a country that we fought, without helping them to secure their future. Because we care about human beings - even if they aren't Americans.

True conservatives don't believe that the federal government should be encouraging a 'European' attitude towards welfare. Look at the damage that uncontrolled welfare has done to them. Real conservatives want to find real local solutions to local problems - and helping those less fortunate to stand on their own feet instead of living off the hand outs of others. Where is the self respect in having everything handed to you on a plate? Do you not care enough about people to help them to achieve their own value?

Engage your brain - stop believing the bullshit that the left spin you.
Didn't Sarah Palin cut and run from her position of Governor of Alaska claiming she was under attack by her LW opponents to get anything done?

Nuff said.
Marc having a FAR Right or Left position is not the problem....its what the poster says afterwards.....for instance Dean will make a valid point....and then start spouting his dis-honest bullshit relating to the point he when he says Republicans want to abolish education and just teach Religion......Republicans dont believe in Science.....Republicans want all Gays thrown in sure many of the Christian Right would agree with Dean.... Dean quotes Christian Righties or the Farther Right and then Blankets everyone with their Bullshit.....and then will deny he said it....and will dance around it or dance to another thread.....and on the other side of the coin, Pubes and Namvet were the same way....blaming Liberalism for all the ills of the land....thats why i get on Dean all the time,i can care less if he is a far left person.....i just want him to start admitting that not all Republicans believe the shit he says.....but he did say.....there are no Moderate or Liberal Republicans.....they are all the if Pat Robertson says it.....then they ALL must believe it......
Hmmm...I haven't noticed that from Dean, but then again, that could be due to a wee bit of partisan blinders.

I'll have to keep an eye on my friend and remind him when he's doing it.
You think that's what Obama's doing? Putting America and Americans first? Because if you believe that, you are a fool. Obama.... and the rest of the bastards running the party of Kennedy don't give a shit about this country.


Not counting the image...that was a very harsh thing to say.

What happened to civility?

You wouldn't like it if I, or someone on the Left said such a blanketed statement about the Right.

Isn't this more something to be ashamed of?

Let's get it together CG.

Didn't Sarah Palin cut and run from her position of Governor of Alaska claiming she was under attack by her LW opponents to get anything done?

Nuff said.
yes, she did
and for that reason she lost my support

Glad you're being honest about it.

With that said, now you know at least one of the reasons why many of us on the Left don't like her....we don't like what she stands for. Which is self.
Didn't Sarah Palin cut and run from her position of Governor of Alaska claiming she was under attack by her LW opponents to get anything done?

Nuff said.
yes, she did
and for that reason she lost my support

Glad you're being honest about it.

With that said, now you know at least one of the reasons why many of us on the Left don't like her....we don't like what she stands for. Which is self.
my position on what Palin did is well documented on here, both publicly and privately

but to accuse her of something she had nothing to do with is just as bad as forgiving her for what she did do
I don't agree with every lefty position, but its the people on the right in *THIS* forum who's positions I don't agree with, who could ever agree with far right radicalism?

its funny how we never see you say anything about it.....even the FAR Left Radical positions taken up here......but i agree you always bad mouth the Right....and disagreeing about the Color of Obamas Tie is NOT disagreeing with the Left....

Name some far left radical positions in this forum, LMAO.

anything put forth by Dean....and his attorney Sangha.....
Marc having a FAR Right or Left position is not the problem....its what the poster says afterwards.....for instance Dean will make a valid point....and then start spouting his dis-honest bullshit relating to the point he when he says Republicans want to abolish education and just teach Religion......Republicans dont believe in Science.....Republicans want all Gays thrown in sure many of the Christian Right would agree with Dean.... Dean quotes Christian Righties or the Farther Right and then Blankets everyone with their Bullshit.....and then will deny he said it....and will dance around it or dance to another thread.....and on the other side of the coin, Pubes and Namvet were the same way....blaming Liberalism for all the ills of the land....thats why i get on Dean all the time,i can care less if he is a far left person.....i just want him to start admitting that not all Republicans believe the shit he says.....but he did say.....there are no Moderate or Liberal Republicans.....they are all the if Pat Robertson says it.....then they ALL must believe it......
Hmmm...I haven't noticed that from Dean, but then again, that could be due to a wee bit of partisan blinders.

I'll have to keep an eye on my friend and remind him when he's doing it.

you havent?......Marc,Marc......:lol:.....well many times your not in the threads we are in.....but if you are.....ill let you know.....
Oh, just go join the Democrat Party and be done with it...You can take Jake the Fake and that poseur Colin Powell with ya.

Maybe for every one of you drips that leave, two old schoolers might start supporting the GOP again.

Just like I thought, the GOP are nothing more than radical, fiscally irresponsible capitalists that don't know true conservatism and have become brainwashed by big business and the insanity of the religious radical right who want to dictate people's personal lives through law.

Colin Powell represents true conservatism and balance. Right-of-center is true conservatism, not that far right retardology practiced by the GOP.

You are probably right about the GOP, but judging by your Positions on things, I think it is safe to say you have No idea what True Conservatism is either.

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